Maths For Grade 5 Note

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Grade- 5
Teachers Note

Edited by: - Haile Simachew

August, 2023
Addis Ababa Ethiopia

UNIT -1..........................................................................................................................................................1
1. MEASURMENT OF AREA AND VOLUME.......................................................................................1
1.1. Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period)...................................................................................1
1.2. Measuring of surface area by square of centimeter, meter and hectare (5 period).............................2
1.3. Measuring volume by cubic centimeter meter and litter (5period)................................................3
1.4. Convert the units of area and volume to other units (8 periods).........................................................3
UNIT- 2..........................................................................................................................................................6
2. FRACTIONS (22 periods).....................................................................................................................6
2.1. Types OF Fractions (10 period)..........................................................................................................6
2.2. Fundamental properties of fraction:....................................................................................................7
2.3. Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.........................................................................7
2.4. Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers:........................................................................7
2.5. Operations on Fractions (12 periods)..................................................................................................8
2.6. Multiplication and Division of fraction............................................................................................11
a. Multiplication of fractions................................................................................................................11
b. Division of fractions.........................................................................................................................11
3. DECIMALS (12 periods).....................................................................................................................14
3.1. Operations on Decimals(12period)...................................................................................................14
3.1.1 Addition and subtraction of decimals.......................................................................................14
3.1.2 Subtraction of Decimals..............................................................................................................14
3.1.3. Multiplication of decimals.........................................................................................................15
3.1.4. Division of Decimals...............................................................................................................16
UNIT -4........................................................................................................................................................18
4. Percentage (20 periods)........................................................................................................................18
4.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................18
4.2. Conversion of fraction in to percentage (5 periods).........................................................................18
4.3. Conversion of percentage in to fraction (3 periods).......................................................................19
4.4. Calculating the percentage (7 period)...............................................................................................20
4.5. Application of percentage in calculation(5period)............................................................................21
4.5.1. Simple Interest...........................................................................................................................22
UNIT -5........................................................................................................................................................25
5. Working with variable (13 periods).....................................................................................................25

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5.1. Algebraic Terms and Expressions (7 period)...................................................................................25

5.2. Equations (6 period)..........................................................................................................................29
UNIT -6........................................................................................................................................................32
6. DATA HANDLING (12 periods).........................................................................................................32
6.1. Further on construction and Interpretation of bar graphs (2 periods)...............................................32
6.2. The Average of Numbers (6period)..................................................................................................32
6.3. Properties of average (4 period)........................................................................................................34
UNIT -7........................................................................................................................................................36
7.1. classifications of solid figures (5periods).........................................................................................36
7.2 DEFINITION OF PRISM, PRYMID AND SPHERE (5 periods).....................................................37
UNIT -8........................................................................................................................................................39
8. Angles and their measurement (20 periods)........................................................................................39
8.1 Lines (4 period)..................................................................................................................................39
8.1.1. constructions of intersecting and parallel lines..........................................................................39
8.2. Angles and measurement of angles(3periods)..................................................................................39
8.2.1. Bisecting an Angle.....................................................................................................................40
8.3. Lines of symmetry (2 period)...........................................................................................................40
8.4. The perimeter and Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period).......................................................40
8.4.1. Perimeter of a rectangle.............................................................................................................40
8.4.2. The perimeter of square.............................................................................................................41
8.5 Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period).......................................................................................41
8.5.1. Area of a square.........................................................................................................................42

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Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Find out the area and volume of object.
 Identify the unit of area and volume of object
 Define measurement, area, volume
 Solve word problems involving measurement, area, volume
1.1. Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period)
Area is the number of square units needed to cover a surface.
The area of a geometric figure is the number of square units needed to cover the surface within
the figure.
Area of a square
The area of square is the square of the length of one of its sides. That is A= s2
A Square is a quadrilateral in which all four sides are equal.
A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which pairs of opposite sides are equal.
Area of a rectangle
The area of a rectangle is the product of its length(L) and width(w) that is A=L× w
Exercise 1.1
1.find the area of each figures
a. b. 3cm
4cm 6cm


C. d. 6cm

E. 6cm f. 3cm
2. Find the area each of the following rectangle with given below

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a. L=10cm and W=7cm b. L=5cm and W=8cm

c. L=12cm and W=12cm d. L= 3cm and W=6cm
3. Find the area of square use the given each length of side
a.11cm b. 12cm
c.9cm d. 14cm
Challenging problem
4. A rectangular ground is 120 m long and 65m wide. A cyclist goes around it 4 times. What
distance does he cover?
5. Semira wants to cover her strawberry garden with nylon net to keep the birds from eating the
strawberries. The garden is 12.5 meter long and 4 meter wide. How much net does she need to
cover her garden?
6. Semira wants to cover her strawberry garden with hylon net to keep the birds from eating the
strawberries. The garden is 12.5 meter long and 4 meter wide. How much net does she need to
cover her garden?
1.2. Measuring of surface area by square of centimeter, meter and hectare (5
Some units of area are:
The square kilometer (km2),
Square meter (m2),
Square centimeter (cm2) ,
Square millimeter (mm 2)
And hectares NOTE
NOTE: 1 m =1 mx1 m =100cmx 100cm
The relation- ship between measures of length =10000cm2
1 kilometer= 1000 meter 1hectar =100mx100m
1 meter =100 centimeter =10000m2
1 centimeter=10 millimeter 1 cm =1cmx1cm

 1meter =1000 millimeter =10m.mx10m.m

=100m . m2
Example.1 converts each of the following unit of length to another unit.
a. 2om to cm b. 3.5km to m
c. 1400m.m to m d. 500 cm to m
a. 20m =20x100cm Because 1m=100cm
b. 3.5 km =3.5x 1000m Because 1km=1000m
c. 1400m.m= 1400÷ 1000 m Because 1m=1000m.m
d. 500m =500÷ 100 m because 1m=100cm

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1.3. Measuring volume by cubic centimeter meter and litter (5period)

We can refer to the idea of size to solid figures (three dimensional figures). For example, when
we compare the sizes of two boxes, we decide which box has more space inside it.
The size of a solid figure is called its volume.
Cube is the best unit to use in measuring volumes of solid figures
A solid figure is measured with a cubic unit (a solid figure in in the shape of a cube)
The standard unit of volume used in the metric system is the cubic meter.
The volume of cube=1unit×1unit×1unit
=1cubic unit
figure cube 1unit
Some measures volumes are
 cubic kilometer(km3 )
 cubic meter (m3 )
 cubic centimeter (c m 3)
 Cubic millimeter (m m3)
 Liter (L)

1.4. Convert the units of area and volume to other units (8 periods)
Note Example.
1 km =1000 hectare IF the area of rectangle is 2m2 ,then what is the area of rectangle
1 km2 =1000000 m2 a. In Square centimeter (cm2) ,
1 hectare =10000 m2 b. In Square millimeter (mm 2)
1 m2 = 10000cm2 Solution:
1 m =1000000 mm
2 a. 2m2=2x10000cm2 =20000cm2
b. 2 m2=2x1000000 mm2 =2000000cm2

1 m3=100000 cm3 Example.

1 cm3 =1000 mm3 Convert each of the following unit of volume to the other unit?
1 hectare =10000 m3 a. 3cm3 to mm3 b.4 m3 to cm3
1 k m3 = 100000000m3
1 m3=1000 L a. 3cm3 =3x1000 mm3 b.4 m3 =4x100000000cm3
1ml= 1 m3
=3000 mm3 =40000000cm3
1L =1000 C m3
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1.Find the area of the rectangle with a length of 4cm and a width of 6cm.
2. Find the area each of the following rectangle with given below
a. L=12cm and W=6cm
b. L=3cm and W=8cm
c. L=10cm and W=13cm
d. L= 8cm and W=9cm
3. Find the area of square use the given each length of side
a.10cm b. 14cm
c.8cm d. 7cm
4. A rectangular ground is 140 m long and 42 m wide. A cyclist goes around it 4 times. What
distance does he cover?
5.IF the area of rectangle is 5 m2 ,then what is the area of rectangle

a. In Square centimeter (cm2) ,

b. In Square millimeter (mm 2)

6.Convert each of the following unit of volume to the other unit?
a. 6 cm3 to mm3 b.12 m3 to cm3
7.find the area of each square and rectangle
a. 5cm b. 2cm
5cm 6cm


C. 4cm
4cm d.7cm

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Challenging problem
8 Find the area of the rectangle with a length of 9cm and a width of 16cm.
9. Find the area each of the following rectangle with given below
a. L=23cm and W=16cm
b. L=13cm and W=8cm
10. Find the area of square use the given each length of side
a.13cm b. 24cm
11 A rectangular ground is 14 m long and 24 m wide. A cyclist goes around it 3 times. What
distance does he cover?

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2. FRACTIONS (22 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Define fraction
 Identify types of fractions
 Perform four basic operation involving fraction
 Solve word problems involving fraction
2.1. Types OF Fractions (10 period)
Remember that a fraction is a number (usually written as , where a and b are whole numbers
and b is not 0) equal to the quotient of a and b or a divided by b.
In the fraction , the numerator is a’ and the denominator is b’
Fractions are used in everyday life.
For example: con you find what fraction of a week 4 days is:
4 days = week
Based on the numerator and denominator, you can classify a given fraction in to two types.
There are:
a) Proper fraction
b) Improper fraction
A proper fraction has a value less than one; its numerator is smaller than its denominator.
Example 1
1 3 2 4 17
, , , , are some examples of proper fractions.
2 5 13 7 23
.If the numerator of a fraction is greater than or equal to its denominator, and then the fraction
is an improper fraction.
3 3 12 5 7
, , , , are some examples of improper fractions.
2 1 7 3 2
If an improper fraction is expressed as a whole number and proper fraction, then it is called
Mixed number.
Example 1
1 3 2 4 1
1 ,2 , 1 , 3 , 2 are some examples of mixed numbers:
Activity 52.1 13 7 3
1. Determine the numerator and denominator of each the following fraction.
1 3
a. b.
4 2

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3 11 a
c. d. e.
5 13 b
2. Give examples of your own for proper fraction, improper fraction and mixed numbers.
3. Change these improper fractions to mixed numbers.
3 12 13
a. b. c,
2 5 2
13 12 5 7
c c . d . ,e.
4 7 3 2

4. Change these mixed numbers to improper fractions

1 1
a. 1 b. 2
2 4
3 9
c. 3 d. 1
10 100
Definition 2.1: Fractions that represent the same point on the number line are called
Equivalent fraction.
1 2 3 5 9
Example. , , , and are equivalent fraction.
2 4 6 10 18

2.2. Fundamental properties of fraction:

a a a k a a k
For any fraction if k is any number other than zero. = x .Therefore, And x are
b b b k b b k
equivalent fraction.
a c
NOTE: Two fractions and , b, d≠ 0 are equivalent if and only if a × d =b× c
b d
2.3. Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions
Step 1. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by the whole number.
Step 2. Add the product from step 1 to the numerator of the old fraction.
Step 3. Place the total from step 2 over the denominator of the old fraction to get the improper
Express each mixed number as improper fraction.
1 1 3
a.1 b. 2 c. 5
3 4 10
1 (1 x 3)+1 4
a.1 = =
3 3 3
1 ( 4 x 2)+1 9
b. 2 = =
4 4 4
3 5 x 10+3 53
c. 5 = =
10 10 10

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2.4. Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers:

Step 1. Divide the numerator of the improper fraction by the denominator.
Step 2. The remainder is placed over the old denominator as the proper fraction of the mixed
Convert each improper fraction to a mixed number in simplest form.
13 8 25
a. b. c.
6 3 10
13 1
a. = 2
6 6
8 2
b. =2
3 3
25 5
c. =2
10 10
Exercise 2.1
1. Classify the given fraction as proper or improper.
1 7
a. b.
2 4
13 5
c. d.
26 1
9 0
e. f.
9 5
2 9
g. h.
11 2
2.Write the fraction as a mixed number.
21 12
a. b.
10 5
29 59
c. d.
6 9
49 11
e. f.
18 2
23 13
g. h.
4 6
35 39
i. j.
10 8
3. Write the mixed number as an improper fraction.
1 2
a. 3 b. 1
10 5
9 1
c.2 d. 3
6 10
9 1
e. 1 f. 5
10 2

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3 3
g. 2 h. 4
4 6
5 9
i. 2 j. 3
10 8
Challenging problem
4. A person slept for 7 hours. What fraction of the day (24 hours) is that?
5. A woman has worked for 5 hours. If her work day is 8 hours long, what fraction of the day has
she worked?
2.5. Operations on Fractions (12 periods)
2.2.1 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest form.
2 3 4 5
a. + b. −
7 7 9 9
6 3 7 5
c. + d. +
12 12 13 13
8 3 12 2
e. − d. +
10 10 17 17
To add (subtract) fractions with the same denominators, add (subtract) the numerators.
a c a+c
That is + = and
b b b
a c a−c
− ¿
b b b
Example 1
Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest form.
2 3
a. +
5 5
6 4
b. −
7 7
6 4
c. +
10 10

2 3 2+ 3 5
a. + = = =1
5 5 5 5
6 4 6−4 2
b. − = =
7 7 7 7
6 4 6+ 4 10
c. + = = =1
10 10 10 10
To find the sum or difference of two fractions with different denominators, if b are two
fractions (where b,d≠ 0),then

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a c axd + cxb ad +bc

1. + = =
b d bxd dxb bd
a c axd −cxb ad−bc
2. − = =
b d bxd dxb bd
Example. Add or subtract. Then write each sum in simplest form.
2 3
a. +
5 4
5 1
b. −
6 2
1 2
c. 2 +3
3 5
1 2
d.1 +2
2 3
2 3 2x 4 3 x 5
a. + = +
5 4 5x 4 4 x5
8 15
= +
20 20
5 1 5 x2 1x 6
b. − = −
6 2 6 x2 2x 6
10 6
= −
12 12
4 1
= =
12 3
1 2 1 2
c. 2 +3 = 2+ +3+
3 5 3 5
6+1 15+2
= +
3 5
7 17
= +
3 5
7 x 5 17 x 3
= +
3x 5 5 x 3
35 51
= +
15 15
35+51 86
= =
15 15
1 2 1 2 3 8
d. 1 +2 =1+ +2+ = +
2 3 2 3 2 3

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9 16
= +
6 6
Exercise 2.2
1. Add. Then write each sum in simplest form.
4 1 2 1
a. + b. +
5 4 3 2
1 2 1 2
c. 2 +3 d.1 +2
4 3 2 3

2 3 5 1 2
e. + f. + +1
5 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
g. 2 +3 h.1 +2
3 5 5 3
2 3 5 1 2
i. + j. + +
7 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
k. 1 +3 l.2 +1
3 5 2 3
2. Subtract. Then write each sum in simplest form.
2 1 2 1
a. − b. −
5 4 3 2
1 2 1 2
c. 3 −2 d.5 −2
4 3 6 3

2 1 5 1 2
e. − f. − -1
5 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
g. 2 −1 h.3 −2
7 5 5 3
5 3 5 1 2
i. − j. + -
6 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
k. 2 −1 l.2 −1
6 5 5 3
3. Find the simplified value
4 1 2
a. + -
5 4 3
1 2 2
b. + +2
4 3 3
2 3 5 1
c. + - +
5 4 6 2
1 2 1
d. + -
3 5 5
2 3 5
e. + -
7 4 6

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2 1 3
f. − +
3 4 5
3 1
4. What must be added to to get ?
10 2
3 1
5. What must be subtracted to to get ?
10 2
1 1
6. A bottle contains 1 litters of water. If liters of water are used up from the bottle, how
2 4
much water is left in it?
2.6. Multiplication and Division of fraction
a. Multiplication of fractions
The product of two fractions is a fraction whose numerator is the product of numerators of the
given fractions and whose denominator is the product of their denominators.
a c axc
In symbols, x =
b d bxd
Example 1
Multiply. Write each product in simplest form.
2 5 2 7 2
a. x b. x c.4 x 9
3 7 9 2 3
2 5 2x 5 10
a. x = =
3 7 3x 7 21
2 7 2x 7 7
b. . x = =
9 2 9 x2 9
2 4 x 3+2
c.4 x 9 =
3 3
12+ 2
Note: Multiplying Mixed Numbers: To Multiply mixed numbers, rename each mixed number as
an improper fraction. Then multiply the fractions.
Example 1
Multiply. Write each product in simplest form.
1 1
a.4 x 1
2 3
1 1 9 4 36
a. 4 x 1 = x = =6
2 3 2 3 6
b. Division of fractions
Reciprocal: The product of a number and its reciprocal is 1.
a a b
That is, for all fractions , where a,b ≠ 0 x =1.
b b a

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Division of fractions and Mixed numbers: To divide by a fraction multiply by its reciprocal.
a c a d
That is, ÷ = x where b, c and d≠ 0
b d b c
Example 2
Divide. Write each product in simplest form.
2 3
a. ÷
5 5
1 3
b. ÷
3 2
2 1
c.1 ÷1
3 2
2 3 2 5 2 x 5 10 2
a. ÷ = x = = =
5 5 5 3 5 x 3 15 3
1 3 1 2 2
b. ÷ = x =
3 2 3 3 9
2 1 (3 x 1)+2 ( 2 x 1 )+ 1
c.1 ÷1 = ÷
3 2 3 2
5 3 5 2 10
= ÷ = x =
3 2 3 3 9
Exercise 2.3
1. Multiply. Then write each product in simplest form.
2 1 2 1
a. x b. x
5 4 3 4
1 2 1 2
c. 2 x 3 d.1 x 2
4 3 2 3
2 3 5 1 2
e. x f. x x1
5 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
g. 2 x 3 h.1 x 2
3 5 5 3
2 3 5 1 2
i. x j. x x
7 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
k. 1 x 3 l.2 x 1
3 5 2 3
2. Divide. Then write each quotient in simplest form.
2 1 2 1
a. ÷ b. ÷
5 4 3 2
1 2 1 2
c. 3 ÷ 2 d.5 ÷ 2
4 3 6 3
2 1 5 2
e. ÷ f. ÷ 1
5 4 6 3
1 2 1 2
g. 2 ÷ 1 h.3 ÷ 2
7 5 5 3

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5 3 5 1 2
i. ÷ j. ÷ ÷
6 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
k. 2 ÷ 1 l.2 ÷1
6 5 5 3
1 1
3. Find the value of a. of 100 b. of 98
4 7
1 2 5 2
c. of 64 d. of 80 e. of 12 f. of 120
2 5 6 3
Challenging problem
1 2 3 4 5 98 99
4. Find the product x x x x x … … .. x x
2 3 4 5 6 99 100
5. Name the reciprocal of each number:
1 3
a. b.
4 2
3 11
c.2 d.
5 13

1.Write each improper fraction as a mixed number.
11 22
a. =………….. b. =…………….
9 7
17 12
c. =…………..d. =¿……………
6 5
2. Write each numbers as an improper fraction.
2 2
a.3 =… b.1 =…
5 3
1 1
c. 3 =… d.5 =…
4 6
2 5
e.3 =… f.2 =…
7 11
1 1
g. 2 =… h.3 =…
8 5
3. Add or Subtract.
2 1 2 1
a. + b. −
5 4 3 4
1 2 1 2
c. 2 +3 d.1 +2
4 3 2 3
2 1 5 1 2
e. − f. + +1
5 4 6 2 3

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1 2 1 2
g. 2 +3 h.1 +2
3 5 5 3
6 3 5 1 2
i. − j. + +
7 4 6 2 3
1 2 1 2
k. 1 +3 l.2 −1
3 5 2 3

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3. DECIMALS (12 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Define decimals
 Perform four basic operation involving decimals
 Solve word problems involving fraction
3.1. Operations on Decimals(12period)
3.1.1 Addition and subtraction of decimals
Adding decimals is like adding whole numbers. Make sure that you line up the decimal points
before you add or subtract.
Adding Decimals steps
1. Line up the decimal’s points.
2. Write zeros so that both numbers have the same number of decimal places.
3. Add.
Example 1
Add 12.5 and 27.21
First line up the decimal points you can write a zero so that (12.5=12.50) each added has the
number of decimal places.
Therefore 12.5+27.21=39.71
Example 2
A school paid birr 234.50 for new jackets and birr 175.35 for new shirts. What is the total cost?
Solution. 234.50
+175.35 Therefore, total cost=birr 409.85
Example 3
Find the sum of 12.041, 26.706 and 321.24
3.1.2 Subtraction of Decimals
Subtraction of decimals can also be done in the same way as you did in case of whole numbers,
only keep in mind the following steps:
Subtracting Decimals

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1. Line up the decimal points.

2. Write zeros so that both numbers have the same number of decimal places.
3. Subtract as with whole numbers.
Example 1
1.Subtract 0.3 from 1.53
Solution. 1.53 make sure to place the decimal point correctly (0.3=0.30)
- -o.30 =1.23
2. Subtract 41.32 from 543.431
Solution: 543.431 (41.32=41.320)
3. The weights of one bag of rice and one bag of wheat are 52.05kg and 63.375kg respectively.
Which bag is heavier and by how much?
This implies that the bag containing wheat is heavier. And the difference is given as
63.375 -52.050 = 11.325
Thus, the bag containing wheat is heavier than the bag containing rice by 11.325kg.
1. Add a, 3.21 and 4.015
b,0.04 , 2.132 and 4.013
c, 25.002, 40.115 and 13.101
d, 10.134, 9.021 and 120.412
a. 3.21 from 5.623
b. 7.341 from 18.451
c. 4.3 from 17.591
d. 12.53 from 20. 639
Challenging problem
3. Last year 2.15 million people visited a park. This year 3.26 million visited.
How many more people visited the park this year?
4. An office building is 125.3m high. The building next to it is 40.45m higher than that. How
high is the second building?
5. A rope is 80m long. Three pieces of length 13.25m, 21.4m, 18.3m are cut off. How much rope
is left?
3.1.3. Multiplication of decimals
The multiplication of decimals is similar to the multiplication of whole number except for the
additional step of placing the decimal in the answer (product). The product will have the same
number of decimal places as the sum of the number of decimals in the factors.

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Example 3c: Multiply

a. 0.13 Two decimal places b. 1.4 one decimal places
x2 x0.3 One decimal places
=0.26 Two decimal places =0.42 Two decimal places
c. 2.37 Two decimal places
x 0.8 One decimal places
= 1.896 Three decimal places
The following example illustrates short cut steps to solve multiplication problems involving
multiples of 10(10,100,1000,10000, etc.) study the shift in decimal point.
2.43x10=24.3 (1 decimal place to the right)
2.43x100=243 (2 decimal places to the right)
2.43 x1000= 2430 (3 decimal places to the right)
Exercise 3d
1. Multiply
a. 0.12x3 b. 0.17x4
c. 3.4x8 d. 8.3x1.4
e. 7.6x5.6 f. 4.25x2.3
g. 1.23x4.8 h. 5.31x2.3
2. The cost per hour to rent a medium-size car is birr 36.75. What is the charge to rent this car
for 9 hours?
3.1.4. Division of Decimals
If the divisor in your decimal division problem is a whole number, first place the decimal point
in the dividend. Then divide as usual. If the divisor has a decimal point, complete the steps that
Step 1. Make the divisor a whole number by moving the decimal point to the right.
Step 2. Move the decimal point in the dividend to the right the same number of places that you
moved the decimal point in the divisor (step 1).If there are not enough places, add zeros to the
right of the dividend.
Step 3. Divide as usual.
Example 1.Divide
8 10 80
a. 8÷0.5 = x = =16
0.5 10 5
27 10 270
b. 27÷ 0.9= x = =30
0.9 10 9
0.36 100 36
c. 0.36÷0.04= x = =9
0.04 100 4
15.6 15.6 100 1560
d. = x = =120
0.13 0.13 100 13
The following example discusses dividing decimals by powers of ten. Study the shift in decimal
a. 3.87÷10=0.387 (1 decimal place to the left)

August 24, 2023 18


b. 3.87 ÷100=0.0387 (2 decimal place to the left)

c. 3.87÷1000=0.00387 (3 decimal place to the left)
d. 3.87÷ 10000=0.000387(4 decimal place to the left)
1. Write each fraction as a decimal number.
11 22
a. b.
9 7
17 12
c. d.
6 5
2. Write each number as decimal number.
2 2
a.3 b.1
5 3
1 1
c. 3 d.5
4 6
2 5
e.3 f.2
7 11
1 1
g. 2 h.3
8 5
3.Add or Subtract.
a.0.42+1.72 b.5.07+1.63
c. 2 .53−1.43 d.1 .56−0.31
e.6.42−3.12 f.1.42+3.21+1.83
g. 2.73+3.72 h.1 .75+2.71
i.6.52−3.11 j.5.41+2.71+0.12

August 24, 2023 19



4. Percentage (20 periods)

Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Define percentage
 Perform four basic operation involving percentage
 Solve word problems involving percentage

4.1. Introduction
A percent is a quotient that compares a number to 100. In symbols: =n %
The symbol % means percent or per hundred or for every hundred.
4.2. Conversion of fraction in to percentage (5 periods)
Conversion of fraction into percentage:
Step 1. Multiply both numerator and denominator by 100.
Step 2. Convert ¿ % symbol.
Step 3. Simplify the fractional part if required.
1. Express each fraction as a percentage.
a. =47 %
b . A student answered 43 out of 100=43%
1 1
c. 9 per hundred=9 %
2 2
d. one per hundred=
2. Express each fraction as a percentage.
4 3
a. b.
5 8
6 2
c. d. e. 0.5
17 5
4 4 100
a. = x … ………………………. step 1
5 5 100
4 x 100 1
=( )x ………………………….…step 2
5 100
4 x 100
=( )% ………………………………. step 3

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=80 %
3 3 100
b. = x … …………………………. step 1
8 8 100
3 x 100 1
=( )x ………………………………step 2
8 100
3 x 100
=( )% …………………………..……..step 3
=37.5 %
6 6 100
c. = x … ……………………….step 1
17 17 100
6 x 100 1
=( )x ……………………………step 2
17 100
6 x 100
=( )% ………………………..……..step 3
=35 %
2 2 100
d. ¿ x … ……………………….step 1
5 5 100
2 x 100 1
=( )x ………………… ………step 2
5 100
2 x 100
=( )% ……………………..step 3
=40 %
5 5 100
e. 0.5¿ = x … … …………………….step 1
10 10 100
5 x 100 1
=( )x …………………step 2
10 100
5 x 100
=( )% ……………………..step 3
= 50 %
Exercise 4a
1. Express each fraction as a percentage.
a. b . A student answered 73 out of 100
c. 12 d. three per hundred
2. Express each fraction as a percentage.
3 5
a. b.
5 7
8 9
c. d.
15 10
e. 0.6

August 24, 2023 21


4.3. Conversion of percentage in to fraction (3 periods)

To write a percentage as a fraction, write a fraction with a denominator of 100. Then write the
fraction in simplest form.
Express each percentage as a fraction and decimal
a. 20 %
b. 45%
c. 18 %
20 1 45 9
a.20 %= = =0.20=0.2 b. 45% = = =0.45
100 5 100 20
18 2 56 56 1 56 14
c. 2 3 =18 ÷ 10 = ÷100 = x = =
18 %= 3 3 3 100 300 75
3 100
Exercise 4b
1. Express each percentage as fraction.
a. 30%
b. 60%
c. 24%
d. 84%
e. 45%
4.4. Calculating the percentage (7 period)
Percentage is part of the base number (or part of the whole) which means one number gives
some part or some percent of another which denotes the whole. In short the part is some percent
of whole.
In general, problems involving percentage are solved in terms of the basic equation which is
given by the formula:
Since a percent is a ratio of number of parts to 100, we can use this fact to rewrite the formula
above as follows:

Percentage= Rate x Whole

i.e. p= RXB but R=r% (whre r is the rate number)

Calculate the percentage of each of the following.
a. 80% of Birr 260
b. 30% of Birr 540
c. 20% of 720 Litters
d.60% of 320 Litters

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e.12% of 180 Birr

a. P=BXR d. P=BXR
80 60
P=260x P=320x
100 100
=Birr 208
b. P=BXR = 192 Litter
30 e. P=BXR
=Birr 162 12
c. P=BXR 100
20 = Birr 21.6
the Percent (Rate)
In general, problems involving percent (rate) are solved by using the basic formula which is
given below.
Percentage P P
Percent= or R¿ r= x 100 %
Base B B

1. Calculate the percent in each of the following.
a. 400gm to 2kg b. 30 minute to 1hr
c. birr0.75 to birr 500 d. 72cm to 60m

Solution: c. birr 0.75 to birr 500

a. 400gm to 2kg p
p r= X100%
r= X100% B
B 0.75
400 = x 100 %
= x 100 % 500
2000 =0.15%
=20% d. 72cm to 60m
b. 30 minutes to 1hr p
p r= X100%
r= X100% B
B 72
30 = x 100 %
= x 100 =50%
Exercise 4c 6000
1. Calculate the percentage of each of the following.
a. 20% of Birr 360
b. 40% of Birr 640
c. 60% of 120 Litters

August 24, 2023 23


d.15% of 200 Litters

e.75% of 840 Birr
2.Calculate the percent in each of the following.
a. 300gm to 2kg
b. 40 minute to 2hr
c. birr 0.25 to birr 10
d. 120cm to 20m

4.5. Application of percentage in calculation(5period)

The concept of percentage is important for its represents a convenient way of expressing a
certain types of information and it is used in solving many types of real life problems.
1.Factory has 1200 workers of which 720 are male and the rest are female. What percent of
workers are female?
There are 1200 workers in a factory.
Thus, male workers + female workers=total workers
720 + female workers=1200
Female workers=1200-720
r= X100%
= x 100 %
Therefore, the female workers are 40% of the total workers.
2.A student scored 32 out of 50 in mathematics final exam. What is the student’s score in
B=50 P=32 r=?
r= X100%
= x 100 %
Therefore, a student score 64 out of 100
4.5.1. Simple Interest
When money is lent, particularly for business, the borrower is expected to pay for the use of
money. Charge the amount money borrowed is called the principal and the charge made for the
use of the money is called interest.

August 24, 2023 24


The interest paid on the original principal only during the whole interest periods is called simple
interest. Simple interest can be expressed in terms of the basic interest formula as follows:
Interest=principal x Rate x Time
That is I=PRT where I=amount of interest
P =principle
R=rate per period
T=time (in years)

If Birr 1200 is invested at 10% simple interest per annum, then what is the amount after 5 years?
Solution: p=Birr 1200
T=5 years
=1200x10% x5
Thus, Amount (A)= principal +Interest
= 1200+600
=Birr 1800
Exercise 4d
1. In a group of tourists 24 are from U.S.A, 34 are from Japan, 54 are from Germany and 48 are
from South Africa. What percentages of the group are from Japan?
2.A student scored 16 out of 25 in mathematics test. What is the student’s score in percent?
3. Tolla sold 24 oranges. If these are 18% of her total oranges, how many oranges are not sold?
4. In a class where the number of girls is 44 % of the total number, there are 36 boys How many
students are there in the class?
5.The price of a machine is Birr 300 plus 15% VAT. How much is the VAT?
6.Find the simple interest on Birr 7000 at 12% rate for 3 years?
Challenging problem
7. In a class where the number of girls is 44 % of the total number, there are 36 boys How many
students are there in the class?
1. Express each fraction as a percentage.
4 5 10
a. b. c.
5 12 25
d. e. 0.5
2. Express each percentage as fraction.
a. 40%

August 24, 2023 25


b. 20%
c. 36%
d. 44%
e. 75%
3. Calculate the percentage of each of the following.
a. 30% of Birr 560
b. 50% of Birr 940
c. 60% of 720 Litters
d.75% of 800 Litters
e.25% of 240 Birr
4.Calculate the percent in each of the following.
a. 200gm to 1kg
b. 20 minutes to 1hr
c. birr 0.25 to birr 500
d. 150cm to 30m

Challenging problem
5. In a group of tourists 34 are from U.S.A, 44 are from Japan, 64 are from Germany and 18 are
from South Africa. What percentages of the group are from Japan?
6.A student scored 12 out of 36 in mathematics test. What is the student’s score in percent?
7. Tolla sold 24 oranges. If these are 18% of her total oranges, how many oranges are not sold?
8. In a class where the number of girls is 36% of the total number, there are 48 boys How many
students are there in the class?
9.The price of a machine is Birr 3000 plus 15% VAT. How much is the VAT?
10.Find the simple interest on Birr 3000 at 15% rate for 4 years?

August 24, 2023 26


5. Working with variable (13 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Define the terms of variables
 Identify the terms of variables
 Solve word problems involving working with variables
5.1. Algebraic Terms and Expressions (7 period)
This section introduces some basic concepts and expressions used in algebra.
Solving real-world problems is an important part of algebra, so you will be introduced with
algebraic terms and mathematical expressions that often arise in applications.
Probably the greatest difference between arithmetic and algebraic is the use of variables in
 An algebraic expression is a mathematical expression which consists of variables and
numbers, often with operation signs and grouping symbols
 Algebraic expressions such as 3x ,4xy ,3 x 2 ,are called terms.
 A term is an indicated product and may have any number of factors.
 A constant (a number),a variable or product of a number and variable is called a term.
 According to the number of terms algebraic expression are classified as monomials, binomials,
 When an algebraic expression contains a single term, it is called monomial. 3,4x,3 x 2 ,xyz, are
examples of monomials
 When an algebraic expression contains a two terms, it is called binomial 2x+5,3x-5,2x+y,xy-3,
2 3
4 x +2 y are examples of binomials

Identify the algebraic expression and classify them as monomial and binomial
a. x+2y b. 3xy c. 5xyz d. 4x-1 e. xy
a. x+2y is binomial b.3xy is monomial
c. 5xyz is monomial d. 4x-1 binomial
e. monomial
You can act as a translator in mathematics, interpreting words and ideas and translating them into
mathematical expressions. Study the following

August 24, 2023 27



Mathematical statements algebraic expression

Three less than a number x-3
A number increased by 10 y+10
One third of a number
Twice a number 2y
The sun of two numbers x+y
Twice a number decreased by five 2x-5
The quotient of a number and 8
Study the following chart which shows common phrases that usually indicate the four operations.
Operation Phrases Mathematics statement
Addition(+) Added to 4 added to a number X+4
Sum of Sum of a number and 30 N+30
Plus 81 plus some number 81+x
More than Birr 7 more than the amount made
yesterday X+7
Increased by Take’s original guess increased by 15
Subtraction(-) Subtracted from 5 subtracted from number x-5
Difference of The difference of two number
Minus A team of size(s),minus 2 x-y
less than 23 less than the club scores s-2
decreased by Almaz test score, decreased c-23
By 2 t-2
Multiplication(x Multiplied by The number of student multiply by 6 Nx6
) Product of The product of two number
Times 8 times your ages y.x
Twice of Twice your ages 8.x
Half of Half of bereket salar 2y
Division(÷) Divided by A number divided by 4 x÷4
Quotient of The quotient of x and 5 x÷5
Divided into
Ratio of
Terms having all of their literal factors (or variables) the same are called like terms or similar
term. Terms which have only some or none of their literal factors (or variables) as common
factors are called unlike terms.
Like terms are terms whose variables and exponents of variables are exactly the same but
differ only in their numerical coefficients.
Terms that are not like terms are called un like terms.
In the product of a number and variable, the factor which is a numerical constant of a term is
August 24, 2023 28
called a numerical coefficient.

Example. In each of the following expression, determine the numerical coefficient.

a. 15b b. 28 x 2 y 2 c. ab d. –x
a. The numerical coefficient of 15b is 15.
b. The numerical coefficient of 28 x 2 y 2 is 28
−1 −1
c. The numerical coefficient of ab is
4 4
d. The numerical coefficient of –x is -1
a. 2x and 3x are like terms.
b. 4x and are like terms.
c. 2x and 5y are un like terms.
Identify the like terms
a c b
3a, 2b, 7c,5b, , , , 11a
3 4 2
1. 3a , ,11 a are like terms.
2. 5b,2b, are another like terms.
3. 7c, are third group of like terms.
Evaluate each expression for the given values.
a, x+y for x=12 and y=38
b, 8ab for a=2 and b=3
c, 3a-b+15 for a=10 and b=3
d, 5x+6y for x=12 and y=11
e, 2 for x=9 and y=6
a, x+y =12+38 b, 8ab=8.2.3
=50 =16.3=48
C, 3a-b+15= 3(10)-3+15 d,5x+6y=5(12)+6(11)= 60+66=126

August 24, 2023 29


4x 4 (81) 324
e, 4 ¿¿ = = =3
3(36) 108
Rules of Addition
In adding algebraic expression,
1, you add like terms.
2, While adding like terms only the numerical coefficients are added.
3, addition of ax and bx is given by ax+bx =(a+b)x.
4, In case of unlike terms, it will remain same, cannot be simplified further.

a. 8x, 3x, 5x b. 2ab, 4ab ,7ab
c, 4y, 7x, 2y, 3x d, 10 x 2 , 5 y 2 , 3 x 2 , 4 y 2
e, 6c,4d
a. 8x+3x+ 5x = (8+3+5)x =16x
b. 2ab+4ab +7ab= ( 2+ 4+7)ab
c. 4y+7x+2y+3x = (4y+2y)+(7x+3x)… terms are separated.
d. 10 x +5 y +3 x + 4 y 2= ( 10 x 2+3 x 2 ¿+( 4 y 2 +5 y 2)
2 2 2

=(10+3 ¿ x 2)+(4 +5 ¿ y 2)
=13 x 2+ 9 y 2
e, 6c+4d=6c+4d it cannot add because unlike term

Rules for subtraction:

While you do the subtraction of algebraic expression,
1, subtract a term from a like term
2, find the difference between their numerical coefficients
3, symbolically, subtraction of bx from ax is given by ax-bx =(a-b)x
For example
7x-3x = (7-3)x=4x
4, you cannot simplify, while you subtract a term from its unlike term.
a. 4x from 9x b. 7y from 13y c. 10c from 17c
solution a, 9x-4x =(9-4)x=5x
b, 13y-7y= (13-7)y=6y
c, 17c-10c= (17-10)c=7c
To simplify an algebraic expression containing like and unlike terms, the following steps
are to be followed:
1, Group the like terms
2, Find the sum or difference of the coefficients of the like terms in each group. August 24, 2023 30

a. 8c+5b+9+3c-2b-7
b. 15x +9y -3x+4y+6x-y+1
solution: a, 8c+5b+9+3c-2b-7
b. 15x +9y -3x+4y+6x-y+1=18x+12y+1
1. Evaluate
a. 4x for x=3
x+ y
b. for x=12 and y=6
c. for r=14 and t=6
d . 8x-1 for x=2
2 x +3 y
e. for x=3 and y=2
f. for x=16 and y=2
x+ y
g. for x=15 and y=12
h. for m=6 and q=18
2 2
m −n
i. for m=6 and n=3
2. Identify the like terms
a. 3x, 2y, x
b.7u, 3u2 , 5u , 4u2
3. If x=6, y=3 and z=2, find the value of
a. x÷y+xy b. x 2+ y 2+ z 2 c. xy÷z-yz
x+ y+ z
d. e. x 2−xy + z
4. Add the monomials
a. 2x,3x,6x,x b. 2 y 2 , 7 y 2 , 9 y 2
c. 3xy,7xy, 5xy d. 5b, 5b, 3b, 8b
5. Subtract a. 2x from 10x b. 3y from 15y c. 20z from 31z
6. Simplify a. 4x+y+6z-x+2y-3z

August 24, 2023 31


b. 8r+2q+3t-7r-q-2t
c. 10t- 4t+8q+2r-3q+5r
5.2. Equations (6 period)
An equation is a mathematical statement in which two algebraic expressions are joined by
equality sign. Therefore, an equation must contain an equal sign.=.
Consider the following statements:
a. A number added to 4 is equal to 13.
b. 5 subtracted from a number is equal to 24.
c. 3 times a number is 21.
d. A number divided by 7 gives 2.
e. product of a number with itself is 36.

Now taking the unknown number on consideration as x, you can write the above statements as:
a. x+4=13
b. x-5=24
c. 3x=21
d. =2
e. x 2=36
1. Write the equation for each of the following.
a. A number plus four is nine.
b. A number decreased by three is sixteen.
c. The product of a number and six equals 48.
d. The quotient of a number and three is 6.
2. Solve the following
a. x+8=10 c. 10m=130
b. y-2=7 d. =8
Challenging problem
3. Five is subtracted from a number. If the difference is seven, what was the original number?
4.If the cost of 5kg of sugar is Birr 25 then what is the cost of 1kg of sugar?

August 24, 2023 32


x− y
1. Evaluate a. 6x for x=2 b. for x=18 and y=6
c. for r=16 and t=2 d . 8x-1 for x=8
2 x +3 y x
e. for x=3 and y=2 f. for x=24 and y=3
3 y
x+ y 9m
g. for x=25 and y=20 h. for m=6 and q=18
5 q
2 2
m −n
i. for m=6 and n=3
2. Identify the like terms
a. 3x, 2y, x b.7u, 3u2 , 5u , 4u2
3. If x=12, y=3 and z=7, find the value of
a. x÷y+xy b. x 2+ y 2+ z 2 c. xy÷z-yz
x+ y+ z
d. e. x 2−xy + z
4. Add the monomials
a. 2x,3x,6x,x b. 2 y 2 , 7 y 2 , 9 y 2
c. 3xy,7xy, 5xy d. 5b, 5b, 3b, 8b
5. Subtract a. 2x from 14x b. 6y from 15y c. 20z from 31z
6. Simplify a. 4x+y+6z-x+2y-3z
b. 8r+2q+3t-7r-q-2t
c. 10t- 4t+8q+2r-3q+5r
7. Write the equation for each of the following.
a. A number plus two is nine.
b. A number increased by three is sixteen.
c. The product of a number and six equals 64.
d. The quotient of a number and three is18.
8. Solve the following
a. x-18=22 c. 8m=240
b. y-3=7 d. =12
Challenging problem

August 24, 2023 33


9. Five is subtracted from a number. If the difference is ten, what was the original number?
10.If the cost of 3kg of sugar is 15 Birr then what is the cost of 1kg of sugar?

6. DATA HANDLING (12 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Find out the averages of the data
 Define data handling and averages
 Solve word problems involving data handling
6.1. Further on construction and Interpretation of bar graphs (2 periods)
Data handling deals with collecting, organizing, and summarizing numerical facts.
A bar graph is pictorial representation of numerical data by a number of bars of uniform width
erected vertically (or horizontally) with equal spacing between the bars.
Bar graphs are used to compare numbers. The bar graph below shows the amount of money six
children have. Bar graphs can be vertical or horizontal.
Note whenever you draw a bar graph you must have: a title labels on the horizontal and vertical
axes to show what they represent.
6.2. The Average of Numbers (6period)
The average is found by adding the values of the average of data and dividing by the total
Total number of value
number of values. Average=
number values
The average of numbers is the sum of the values, divided by the total number of values.
Example 2 Find the average number of student score in mathematics 72, 40,48,24,60 and 56
The total number of students= 72+40+48+24+60+56 =300
Total number of value
number values
Average =300/6=50
Exercise 6.1
1. The age of 10 students in class were recorded as follows.12,13,12,13,12,12,10, ,14,10,16,
organize this information in a table showing ages and number of students. Find the average age
of the students
Number of Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Alex 8 7 6 9
Merima 9 5 7 8
Bosena 10 8 7 5
Kelifa 6 5 6 7

August 24, 2023 34


Mihiretu 4 4 5 6
Dejene 6 8 9 9
Use the above table of datas to answer each of the following questions.
a. What is Alex’s average test score?
b. What is Mihret’s average test score?
c.What is Merima’s average test score?
d.What is Bosena’s average test score?
e.What is Kelifa’s average test score?
f. What is the average test score of students in test 1?
g. What is the average test score of students in test 4?
h. What is the average test score of students in test 3?
3. What should be the value of x if the average of the numbers 2,4,6,5,and x is 10?
4. This table shows the rainfall at a certain town from January to August.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Rain fall 10 15 5 10 20 20 15 10
What was the average rain fall?
Average is the sum of all values divided by the number of values.
Total ∑ of quantities
Average =
Number of quantities
Example1 calculate the average mark of 10 students.
Total ∑ of quantities
Solution: Average =
Number of quantities
8+7+ 4+ 9+2+1+9+2+2 50
= = =5
10 10
Therefore, the average mark of the students is 5.
Example2 Find the average of 10, 12, 35, and 23
10+12+35+23 80
Average= = =20
4 4
Example3 If the average of 7 numbers is 32 what is the sum the numbers?
Average=32 and total number of quantities=7
Total ∑ of quantities
Average =
Number of quantities
Total sum =Average x number of quantities =32x7 =224
Therefore, the sum of the numbers is 224.

August 24, 2023 35


Example 4 If the average of 10 numbers is 75 what is the sum the numbers?

Average=74 and total number of quantities=10
Total ∑ of quantities
Average =
Number of quantities
Total sum =Average x number of quantities
=75x10 =750
Therefore, the sum of the numbers is 750.
Exercise 6.2
1. Calculate the average mark of 12 students.
2. Find the average of 10, 4, 13, 5, 12, 8, 15,and 23
3. If the average of 6 numbers is 54 what is the sum the numbers?
4. If the average of 12 numbers is 100,What is the sum the numbers?
5. If 25,30,35,40,50,55,60 and 29 are marks of 8 subjects of one student
a. what is the sum of marks of the student?
b. what is his average mark?

6.3. Properties of average (4 period)

1. Adding the same number on each item
If we add the same number on the given numbers, then the new average will be the old average
plus the added number.
This implies if the average of the numbers a, b, c and d is m after adding the same number k on
each numbers that is a+k, b+k ,c+k and d+k we will have new average is m+k
2. Subtracting the same number on each item
If we subtract the same number from the given numbers, then the new average will be the old
average minus the subtracted number.
This implies if the average of the numbers a, b, c and d is n after Subtracting the same number h
on each numbers that is a-h, b-h ,c-h and d-h we will have new average is n-h
Example1 Take 1,2,3, 4 and 5
1+ 2+ 3+4 +5 15
The average is = =3
5 5
Now add 4 on each number that is
1+4,2+4,3+4,4+4,5+4 =5,6,7,8,and9
Now the new average of the numbers

August 24, 2023 36


5+6+7+ 8+9 35
= =7
5 5
Look our old average is 3 but our new average is 7 that mean our old average is increased by 4
Therefore new mean = old mean plus =3+4=7
Example2 Take 1,2,3, 4 and 5
1+ 2+ 3+4 +5 15
The average is = =3
5 5
Now subtract 1 on each number that is
1-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,5-1 =0,1,2,3,and 4
Now the new average of the numbers
0+1+2+3+ 4 10
= =2
5 5
Look our old average is 3 but our new average is 2 that mean our old average is decreased by 1
Therefore new mean =3-1 =2
Exercise 6.3
1.Take the marks of 5 students given below
68,79,84, 88,92
a. find the average mark
b. Add 6 on each marks
c. find the average mark after adding 6 on each mark
2.Take numbers 5,10,15 and 20.
a. Find their average
b. Subtract 3 from each numbers
c. find the average mark after subtract 3 from each mark
3. Take the marks of 8 students given below
68, 89, 84, 88,92,61,76,72
a. find the average mark
b. Add 5 on each marks
c. find the average mark after adding 5 on each mark
4.Take numbers 25,40,15, 20 and 50.
a. Find their average
b. Subtract 10 from each numbers

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c. finds the average mark after subtract 10 from each mark

SOLID FIGURES (10 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Find out the area and volume of object .
 Identify the unit of area and volume of object
 Define measurement ,area, volume
 Solve word problems involving measurement, area, volume
7.1. classifications of solid figures (5periods)
Solid figures are three dimensional figures (length, width and height)
It has awn a model
 It has thickness
Solid figures includes
a. prism
b. cone
c. cylinder
d. pyramid
e. sphere
a. prism

b. Cylinder

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c) sphere d. cube


Definition: A prism is a solid figure that has two parallel and congruent bases.
Depending on the shape of its base a prism can own names
 If the base of the prism is triangle then the prism is called Triangular prism.
If the base of the prism is rectangular then the prism is called Rectangular prism.
If the base of the prism is square then the prism is called square prism or cube.


Rectangular prism square prism (cube)

2. Pyramid
A pyramid is a solid figure that is formed by line segments joining every point on the sides and
every interior points of a polygonal region with a point outside of the plane of the polygon.
The shape of the base determines the name of the pyramid.
Triangular pyramid, Quadrilateral, pyramid Pentagonal pyramid
Definition: A sphere is a closed surface, all points of which are equidistance from a point called
the center.

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Solid figures are three dimensional figures (length, width and height)
It has awn a model
 It has thickness
A solid figure includes prism, cone, cylinder, pyramid and sphere
A pyramid is a solid figure that is formed by line segments joining every point on the sides and
every interior points of a polygonal region with a point outside of the plane of the polygon.
The shape of the base determines the name of the pyramid.
 Triangular pyramid
 Quadrilateral pyramid
 Pentagonal pyramid

A sphere is a closed surface, all points of which are equidistance from a point called the center

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8. Angles and their measurement (20 periods)
Unit objectives: After completing this unit students will be able to:
 Find out the angles of object.
 Identify the unit of area and volume of object
 Define lines, measurement
 Solve word problems involving angles and measurements
8.1 Lines (4 period)
Here you will study about construction of intersecting and parallel lines, bisecting a given line
segment, and construction of perpendicular line to a given line.
An important topic in geometry is construction. You will a ruler, a pair of compasses and a sharp
pencil. It is very important that you use a hard pencil, with a sharp point; otherwise, you will not
be able to be sure that lines cross accurately, and this can affect the lengths you measure.
8.1.1. constructions of intersecting and parallel lines
Remember that a plane is an infinite flat surface. A line is series of points that extends in two
opposite directions without end.
Lines in a plane tha6t never meet are called parallel lines.
____________________________ Parallel lines
Lines that intersect to form a right angle (90 0) are called perpendicular lines.
Intersecting lines have exactly one common point.
A line segment is formed by two end points and all the points between them.

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8.2. Angles and measurement of angles(3periods)

In this sub-unit you will learn about angles, classification of angles, measurement of angles and
bisecting angles.
The sides of a wedge look like two lines that meet in a point called the vertex.
When two segments or rays have a common end point, they form an angle. The point where they
meet is called the vertex of the angle.
The most common unit used in measuring angles is degree.
An angle is not measured by the length of its sides. You can use a protractor to measure angles.
Definition: An Acute angle is an angle whose measure is between0 0∧900 .
Example a. 47 0 b .78 0 c . 820 d . 210

Definition: A right angle is an angle whose measure exactly 90 0.

Definition: An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 90 0.but less than 1800.
Example: a. 98 0 b. 1230 .c .1560. d.1790.
Definition: A straight angle is an angle whose measure is 1800 .
Note : An angle on a straight line is a straight angle.
Definition: A reflex angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 1800 but less than 3600 .
Example: a.1870 b . 2800 c.2400 d.3500
Exercise 8.1
1. Classify angles having each measure as acute, right , obtuse, straight, or reflex.
a .170 b.180 c .183 0 d .3200 e .180 0
f. 2830 g . 800 h . 1500 i .1900
2 An angle measures 90.5 it an obtuse angle or a right angle?
3. Use a protractor to draw angles having the following measure.
a .17 b.1820 c .83 0 d .3400 e .180 0
f. 2230 g .120 0 h . 1500 i .90 0
4. Through what angle does the minute hand of a clock turn in 5 minute?
8.2.1. Bisecting an Angle
Definition: If angle A has the same measure as angle B, then angle A is congruent to angle B .
In symbols: If m(<A)=m(<B) ,then <A<B

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8.3. Lines of symmetry (2 period)

Figure that matches exactly when folded in half have a line of symmetry. The figures can have
folded in more than one way to show symmetry.
Each fold line is called a line of symmetry.

8.4. The perimeter and Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period)

The perimeter (p) of any closed figure is the distance around the figure.
8.4.1. Perimeter of a rectangle
The perimeter of a rectangle is two times the length (L) plus two times the width(w). that is
P=2L+2W =2(L+W) L

W w
Example1 Find the perimeter of rectangle which is 20cm by 5cm?
Solution p=2(L+W) , L=20cm and W=5cm
=2(25cm =50cm
8.4.2. The perimeter of square
An easy way to find the perimeter of a square is to multiply the length of one side by 4.
You can use this formula because each side of a square has the same length.
Perimeter =4xlength of one side(s)
P=4s s

S s

1.Find the perimeter of square whose sides measure 23 cm.
P=4s= 4x23cm =92cm.
2.find the perimeter of rectangle and square of below figure 3cm

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3cm b.
5cm 5cm
a. p=4s=4x3cm=12cm b. p=2(L+W)=2x5cm+2x3cm=10cm+6cm=16cm

8.5 Areas of squares and Rectangles (6 period)

Area is the number of square units needed to cover a surface.

The area of a geometric figure is the number of square units needed to cover the surface
within the figure.
8.5.1. Area of a square
The area of square is the square of the length of one of its sides.
That is A= s2
 A Square is a quadrilateral in which all four sides are equal.
 A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which pairs of opposite sides are equal.
Area of a rectangle
The area of a rectangle is the product of its length(L) and width(w).
That is A=LXW
Example 1
Find the area of the square with length of side is 4cm.
A= s2
The area of the square is 16cm2
Example 2
Find the area of the rectangle with a length of 7cm and a width of 5cm.
The area of the rectangle is 35 square cm
Example 3
Semira wants to cover her strawberry garden with hylon net to keep the birds from eating the
strawberries.The garden is 12.5 meter long and 4 meter wide. How much net does she need to
cover her garden?

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A=12.5CM X4CM…..Replace L with12.5 and W with 4
Samira needs 50 square meter of nylon net.

Exercise 8.1
1.find the perimeter and area of each figures
a. b. 3cm
4cm 6cm


C. d. 6cm

E. 2cm f. 3cm

2. Find the perimeter and area each of the following rectangle with given below
a. L=10cm and W=7cm b. L=5cm and W=8cm

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c. L=12cm and W=12cm d. L= 3cm and W=6cm

3. Find the perimeter and area of square use the given each length of side
a.11cm b. 12cm
c.9cm d. 14cm
challenged problem
4. A rectangular ground is 12 m long and 15m wide. A cyclist goes around it 6times. What
distance does he cover?
Some units of area are:
The square kilometer (km2),
Square meter (m2),
Square centimeter (cm2) ,
Square millimeter (mm 2)
And hectares
NOTE: The relation- ship between measures of length
1 kilometer= 1000 meter
1 meter =100 centimeter
1 centimeter=10 millimeter
 1meter =1000 millimeter
Example.1 converts each of the following unit of length to another unit.
a. 2om to cm b. 3.5km to m
c. 1400m.m to m d. 500 cm to m
a. 20m =20x100cm
Because 1m=100cm
b. 3.5 km =3.5x 1000m
Because 1km=1000m
c. 1400m.m= 1400÷ 1000 m
Because 1m=1000m.m
d. 500m =500÷ 100 m
because 1m=100cm
1 m =1 mx1 m =100cmx 100cm
1hectar =100mx100m
1 cm2=1cmx1cm
=100m . m2

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8.6 Measuring volume of prism(5period)

We can refer to the idea of size to solid figures (three dimensional figures). For example, when
we compare the sizes of two boxes we decide which box has more space inside it.
The size of a solid figure is called its volume.
Cube is the best unit to use in measuring volumes of solid figures
A solid figure is measured with a cubic unit (a solid figure in in the shape of a cube)
The standard unit of volume used in the metric system is the cubic meter.
The volume of cube=1unit×1unit×1unit
=1cubic unit

Some measures volumes are
cubic kilometer(km3 )
∙ cubic meter (m3 )
∙ cubic centimeter (c m 3)
∙ cubic millimeter (m m3)
∙ liitre (L)
The units of area and volume to other units
Note 1 km2=1000 hectare
1 km2 =1000000 m2
1 hectare =10000 m2
1 m2 = 10000cm2,
2 2
1 m =1000000 mm

IF the area of rectangle is 2m2 ,then what is the area of rectangle
a. In Square centimeter (cm2) ,
b. In Square millimeter (mm 2)
a. 2m2=2x10000cm2 =20000cm2
b. 2 m2=2x1000000 mm2=2000000cm2
Note: 1 m3=100000 cm3
1 cm3 =1000 mm3
1 hectare =10000 m3
1 k m3 = 100000000m3

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1 m3=1000 L
1ml= 1 m3
1L =1000 C m3
NOTE 1 m3 =1mx1mx1m=100cmx100cmx100cm =10000000c m3
Convert each of the following unit of volume to the other unit?
a. 3cm3 to mm3 b.4 m3 to cm3
a. 3cm3 =3x1000 mm3 b.4 m3 =4x100000000cm3
=3000 mm3 =40000000cm3

1. Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle with a length of 5cm and a width of 8cm.
2. Find the perimeter and area each of the following rectangle with given below
a. L=2cm and W=8cm
b. L=3cm and W=8cm
c. L=12cm and W=13cm
d. L= 8cm and W=9cm
3. Find the perimeter and area of square use the given each length of side
b. 14cm
d. 7cm
4. A rectangular ground is 12 m long and 20 m wide. A cyclist goes around it 5 times. What
distance does he cover?
5.IF the area of rectangle is 6 m2 ,then what is the area of rectangle
a. In Square centimeter (cm2) ,
b. In Square millimeter (mm 2)
6.find the perimeter and area of each square and rectangle
a. b. 2cm
4cm 6cm


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C. d.4cm
5cm 4cm

Challenging problem
7. A rectangular ground is 16 m long and 28 m wide. A cyclist goes around it 7 times. What
distance does he cover?

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