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Step of Qualitative Research

Chris Schroeder

American College of Education

RES 6033

Dr. Lundry

November 15, 2023


Step of Qualitative Research

When reviewing the Module 1 Learning Objects page's Qualitative Research Paper

Outline to start the qualitative research. This provided a critical basis for building a

comprehensive and well-structured research study. The plan helped to focus on research goals,

methodology, data collecting, and analysis. Using this structured framework, the plan was to

ensure systematic research progress and define future study phases. The Qualitative study Paper

Outline helped organize and rationalizes the study.

Next was the implementation process where a questionnaire protocol in the second part

of our qualitative research endeavor was formulated. Five carefully selected individuals were

selected for their unique educational viewpoints in this stage. The importance in the selection

process was to sought nuanced and relevant data from their views, experiences, and perspectives

to enrich our study. By choosing participants from varied academic roles and backgrounds, the

plan was to grasp their ideas from several angles (Cypress, 2019). This methodological step

helped achieve the goal of a complete and nuanced examination of educational dynamics.

Moving to step three of the qualitative research techniques, was focused on data

collection for the paper. Instruments and procedures were carefully considered at this level.

Google Forms was used for data gathering due to its user-friendliness and responsiveness to

participant preferences. To maintain a uniform and systematic approach, the distributed

questions using Canvas email, which our participants were familiar with (Rashid et al., 2019).

This channel provided each participant with a personalized Google Form link for easy

completion from anywhere with an internet connection. This deliberate use of Google Forms and

Canvas email allowed a smooth and uniform data collection procedure and prioritized participant

convenience, improving our study methodology.


The data was collected online using Google Forms. Time was carefully allocated to

provide participants time for thoughtful responses and ensure speedy study progress. The

specific number of days was around 5 days, but it was carefully determined to accommodate

participants' different schedules and responsibilities and encourage careful consideration of their

responses (Mellis & Bickel, 2020). This method prioritized data quality and efficiency within the

study's timetable to promote meaningful interaction and maintain research momentum.

Ethics were crucial in the research design, demonstrating a dedication to good behavior.

According to the Belmont Report's respect, beneficence, and justice values, it was important to

use pseudonyms to protect participant anonymity. Prioritizing participant well-being and

autonomy, this purposeful technique ensured secrecy and anonymity. Beneficence guided the

efforts to reduce identity disclosure risks, maximizing benefits and minimizing harm (Rashid et

al., 2019). To achieve fairness and prevent disproportionate exposure or exploitation,

pseudonyms were used. Throughout the research, the was to emphasize fairness and impartiality.

Using pseudonyms shows our commitment to study integrity and participant trust and respect.

In our final data collection step, participants completed Google Form surveys. This

submission method promotes efficiency and data standardization. This was sent to participants to

one platform to ensure response format consistency and a well-organized dataset. This

methodical approach supported our qualitative research study's analysis and interpretation

(Mellis & Bickel, 2020). Standardized data collection enhances reliability and comparability,

allowing data insights and inferences. The goal was to utilize methodological rigor to improve

our study findings' analytical reliability and validity.

Finally, the data collection process is well-orchestrated from the research paper outline to

the Data Collection section creation. The integrity and efficacy depend on each phase from

questionnaire protocol implementation to ethical consideration. Strategic internet dissemination

and a participant response deadline simplify and speed up research. Pseudonyms demonstrate the

ethical studies. These elements provide a solid framework for collecting rich qualitative data

from our carefully selected participants and preparing for rigorous analysis and interpretation

later in our research study.



Cypress, B. S. (2019). Qualitative Research. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 38(5), 264–


Mellis, A. M., & Bickel, W. K. (2020). Mechanical Turk Data Collection in Addiction Research:

Utility, Concerns and Best Practices. Addiction, 115(10).

Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case Study method:

a step-by-step Guide for Business Researchers. International Journal of Qualitative

Methods, 18(18), 1–13. Sagepub.

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