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4th JUNIORS Test.



My Blog
Axel: Hey Laura! Did you look at my blog last night?
Laura: Unfortunately no. I had lots of things to
do. While I was doing my homework, my
cousin visited us. It was eight o’clock and after
that I couldn’t even finish my homework.
Axel: Oh! Poor you! What did you do with her?
Laura: Well. We didn’t stay at home. We went to the park near our house. While
we were going to the park, we saw Michael on the way. He joined us and we
chatted for an hour there.
Axel: Sounds nice. So are you ready for Mrs. Sabina’s class?
Laura: Not at all. What about you? I bet you finished yours last night.
Axel: Well, I didn’t study all night. I was watching TV at eight o’clock. Then I
started writing my new blog post.
Laura: Cool! What about the homework then?
Axel: Well, My plan was to watch some TV then do the homework. After the
phone call at eight, I changed my mind and logged in to my blog.
Laura: Who called you?
Axel: Mark. I was just watching Jeopardy on TV when he called me. He
called me to say that homework was postponed to next week.
Laura: Really? Great! In the park, I was really worried about my homework. I
can finish it now. So while we were chatting in the park, you were posting on
your blog. What’s your new post about? Axel: It’s about the coolest inventions
in the history.
Laura: Sounds interesting. I’ll definitely read it. I have to go now. Bye.
Axel: Bye.

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.

1. Laura finished her homework before she met Michael.

2. Axel started watching TV before eight o’clock.

3. Laura and her cousin met Michael when they got to the park.

4. Axel didn’t finish his homework when Mark phoned him.

5. Axel was on his blog last night and Laura was in the park at the same time.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.

Interested – excited – worried – surprised –– tired – bored

1. He travels a lot and he tells great stories. He is a very __________________ person.

2. We’re going on holiday tomorrow. I’m really ______________.
3. I didn’t expect to get a good mark. I was very _______________.
4. I’m very ______________ because I can’t find my passport anywhere.
5. The race was completely ____________. I run for 3 hours.
6. The movie was not good. I was completely _____________ so I decided to go home.

Circle the correct words.

I had a dream last night. In the dream, I was on a boat and I fell hot, so I jumped
along/ into the water. I saw an island, so I started swimming to it. When I arrived, I
climbed out of/ into the river and sat down under a tree. Then I saw a plane in the
sky. A man jumped under/ out of it with a parachute. The man parachuted slowly
down/ under and when I saw his face, I recognized my brother Tim. I ran and there
was my brother. I asked for his parachute but he ran away from / out of me.

Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I __________________________ (not –make) my dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

2. Joe and Sam __________________________ (use) the wrong program in IT yesterday.
3. Who was that guy you _________________________ (dance) with at the party?
4. Paula_________________________ (not –come) home when she saw an accident.
5. My father_________________________ (live) in Dublin where he met my mother.
6. He________________________ (open) the box when he cut his finger.
7. This time last week, we _________________________ (not-visit) my grandmother.
8. I ________________________ (sit) at the back of the classroom so I couldn’t see the
9. Andrew _________________________ (insert) a photo into his document when the
teacher stopped the class.
10. I_________________________ (start) to do my homework when my friend sent me a

Choose the correct options.

1. I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song.
2. When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’, I still tried / was still trying to finish the last
3. I feel really silly! While I danced / was dancing, I fell / was falling and broke / was
breaking my elbow.
4. Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for
5. I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there
was a virus.
6. Ron found / was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed /
was surfing the internet.
7. My mum had / was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled / was spilling
her cup of coffee on the keyboard.
8. When you saw / were seeing me yesterday, I didn’t go / wasn’t going to school, I went /
was going to the doctor’s – I felt terrible.
9. How many pictures did you take / were you taking while you travelled / were travelling
around Ireland?
10. Why did you chat / were you chatting to Philip while I tried / was trying to tell you
something really important?


Write an email to a friend about an imaginary or a real accident and include:

 Paragraph 1: time, place, people, weather, your feeling.

 Paragraph 2: what happened, how and why
 Paragraph 3: what happened in the end, your feelings.

Use past simple and past continuous and the adjectives that you studied.


Dear … :

You won´t believe what happened to me yesterday…

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