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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good Morning ladies and gentleman

my name is Irsyad

and I am Jessica

It is a awesome and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this morning
on Wednesday, 15th of November 2023 in our big event: “Language Festival Explore the
world through international languages ”.

First of all, let us say Thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercy, guidance,
happiness, and healthy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles
until now.

Praise and salutation upon to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, the last messenger, the best
figure of this universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah Era to Lightening

In this lovely moment, I would like to say welcome to all teachers of SMP TISA ISLAMIC
SCHOOL and of course all of my beloved friends.

On this special morning we have several agendas, So allow me to read several sequences
of our agenda are :

1. The first is opening

2. The second is Reciting Holy Quran
3. The third is Singing Indonesia Raya
4. The fourth is The speech from Mr Teguh as chairman of the English Coordinator
5. The fifth is The speech from Ustadz Tajudin as Arabic teacher
6. The sixth is the speech from Mr Meidin Latief as the head master of SMP tisa Islamic
7. The seventh is the speeches by the student grade 7,8 and 9
8. The eighth is announcement of English Competition
9. The ninth is the closing and prayer

Reading The agendas:

1. Well, to take advantage of the quality of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting
“Basmalah” together.
2. Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an by student of grade 8 who
3. Will be recited by Andhika ( Time is yours )
4. Thanks to Andhika, Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah SWT Always
gives us his Guidance and help. Amen.
5. The third agenda is Singing the National Song “Indonesia Raya” who will be led by
our student Syifa. The time is yours..
6. The fourth agenda is speech as The English coordinator, and now I would like to

Mr Teguh please welcome …

(Thank you very much to Mr. Tri for the speech)

7. The fifth is The speech from Ustadz Tajudin as Arabic teacher ( time is yours )
8. The next is the speech from Mr Meidin Latief as the head master of SMP tisa Islamic
School ( time is yours )
9. Thank you very much to our teacher who was gives us knowledge, May it will be
useful us in our daily life. Amen.

Now, the next agenda is Speeches and it will be delivered by the students of grade 7 ,8 and 9
Please welcome Abbas , Tavan and Syakira ( Time is yours )

Thank you very much to Abbas , Tavan and Syakira for the speech, may it useful especially
for all of us.

Thank you very much to our teacher who was gives us religious lecture knowledge, May it
will be useful us in our daily life. Amen.

.The next is announcement of English Competition will be deliverd by Ms Rida Time is yours

The last agenda and as the closing agenda is closing and prayer. To close the program, Let’s
recite “Hamdalah”

Finally, from the deep of our heart we do an apologize for our mistakes while in presenting
this event. Thank you very much for your attention and…

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honourable Principal, Respected Teachers, and My Dear Fellow Mates – Warm Greetings to
all of you!
First of all, I would like to thank each one of you for gathering here on our event that is “
language Festival this morning.. I am really surprised and feel honoured at the same for the
fact that I have been given this opportunity to deliver the speech as the delegates of the
student of grade 8
But before that I would like to ask you “ why is learning another language is important ?

In today's globalized world, being able to speak a foreign language has become more
important than ever before. With businesses expanding across borders and international travel
becoming more accessible, the ability to communicate with people from different cultures
and backgrounds has become a key skill for success. why it should be a priority for

Improved Communication

The most obvious benefit of learning a foreign language is the ability to communicate with
people from different countries

Furthermore, studies have shown that learning a foreign language can improve your
communication skills in your native language. By learning a new language, you become more
aware of sentence structure, grammar rules, and vocabulary, which can enhance your writing
and speaking abilities in your own language.

Improved Cognitive Function

Learning a foreign language has been shown to have cognitive benefits as well. Studies have
shown that bilingual individuals have better cognitive function, including improved memory,
attention, and problem-solving abilities. Learning a new language also requires focus and
discipline, which can improve your overall mental agility.

In conclusion, learning a foreign language has become a critical skill in today's

globalized world. It can improve communication, increase career opportunities,
promote cultural understanding, and even enhance cognitive function. If you are a
professional looking to advance your career or simply want to broaden your
horizons, consider learning a new language. It may be one of the best investments
you can make in yourself.

that's all for my speech I hope we've all learned something new from it and enjoyed it thank
you very much for your attention

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