Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

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Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Agus Atid Widodo

NIM : 049342237


Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the letter
numbered 1-3.

1. Opening letter bagian salam (greeting).

2. Opening letter bagian perkenalan (introduction).
3. Closing letter.


Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter

1. Thank u The Right is Thank you

2. Of 4 july The Right is on 4 July ...
3. I look forward to receive your order The Right is I look forward to receiving your order.


You ordered some cookies online and received an expired one. Please write a body letter
Please write a body letter in approximately 100-200 words that explains your disappointment
and you are asking for a refund/exchange

Dear Seller,

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I ordered 5 boxes of fever reducing medicine from your online shop on Monday 30 October
2023 and paid for it on the same day. This is my first time buying from your online shop. I know
that your shop is quite famous and has a high rating. But when the medicine arrived today, I
was very disappointed because the medicine had actually expired. The expiration date is clearly
printed on every packaging box and bottle sticker, namely December 24 2022. I don't
understand how a well-known shop like yours can send expired products. I don't think you did it
on purpose, but I'm quite disappointed by this carelessness. I want to change these medications
immediately. If you cannot send me a replacement, please immediately arrange a refund of the
money I paid. I hope I will receive your reply as soon as possible.


Agus Atid


You initiate a fundraising event after a natural disaster and there is one person who donated a
large amount of money. Write a thank you email about the donation in approximately 50-100

From : webmaster@unicef.com

To : rheny02_flo@gmail.com

Subject : Thank you for donating

rheny02_flo Thank you for donating. I, Agus, as Manager of the United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), would like to thank you for the assistance in the form of
donations that you have given us. Your donation means a lot to the community, especially
children affected by natural disasters. Hopefully what you give will be useful and you will always
be in good health and under God's protection.

Thank you Greetings,

UNICEF Manager

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