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It is what the person wants to purchase from a

specific product, taking into account its price,
financial capabilities, location, tastes and habits.
Synonymous : worth

Document that sets out the financial
situation of the company during a specific
Synonymous : general balance
The balance of these ten years is not so

Financial institution that acts as an
intermediary between people or entities with
excess cash to deposit or lend, and those
that have financing needs.
Synonymous : Banking
The firm is a leader in investment banking.

It is a financial entity or company that
executes purchase and sale orders.
Synonymous : Intermediary
The broker is officially registered and
Element necessary to satisfy a need or carry out
a defined activity and generate an economic
benefit or particular profit.
Synonymous : net worth
Open a business without capital or with very little

A document issued by a depository financial
institution based on a checking account agreement
with a customer, showing the name and address of
the institution and the account number.
Synonymous : Receipt
I went to the bank to cash a check and the manager
told me that he needed the dry seal

It is a legal act and corresponding contract by
which one party grants another the temporary
use of a certain amount of money in exchange
for interest remuneration.
Synonymous : loan
Each credit is unique and can only be used once

Currency of another country, both in physical
form and in the form of deposit, in a financial
institution other than ours.
Synonymous : Foreing currency
Shares may be registered and issued in any
Payment obligation that a person or
organization has towards a third party.
Synonymous : Loan
The accumulation of appropriations can lead
to an excessive debt.

Portion of a company's profits or reserves
that is distributed to shareholders at a
specific time as compensation for their
Synonymous : Revenue
The transfer of a bill is the same payment of

The consumption of some resource that
causes the loss to increase or the benefit to
decrease, and therefore produces a
decrease in net worth.
Synonymous : Pay
What is the list of operating expenses of a

They represent any amount of money that
becomes part of a person's economy.
Synonymous : Revenue
This is calculated by deducting financial
costs from financial income.

Notable rise in the price level and, therefore,

decrease in the purchasing power of money,
with unfavorable effects on the economy of
a country.
Synonymous : Increase
These austerity measures will affect a
population as they are affected by inflation,
the fall in industrial production and the
Contract by which an insurance entity is
responsible for damage that occurs to the
property or insured persons, in exchange for
the payment of an amount freely established by
the parties as a premium.
Synonymous : Infallible
These austerity measures will affect a
population as they are affected by inflation, the
fall in industrial production and the increase in
the unemployment rate.

Price of money or amount paid by someone
who requests to temporarily have an amount
of money as credit.
Synonymous : Revenue
The interest rate rose immediately after the
Council's decisionincrease in the
unemployment rate.

Purchase of capital goods or services to
produce consumer goods or other capital
goods. It is a disbursement intended to
increase production, and therefore, it is
opposed to consumption
Synonymous : Heritage
To create a company you need a large
It is the set of financial assets that belong to
a person or an institution, whether a
company or a fund.
Synonymous : Investment capital
The CAPM is a model for calculating the
price of an asset and liability or an
investment portfolio.

Contract by which one party gives money,
property, or other material assets to the
other, in exchange for future payments of
Synonymous : Financing
The loan only prevents unamortized debts
from continuing to exist.

Difference between the price paid for the
initial investment and the price obtained
when it is sold.
Synonymous : Low

It is the difference between the price paid as
an initial investment and the price obtained
when selling.
Synonymous : Utility
It is the financial record that a company
makes about its employees' salaries,
bonuses and deductions.
Synonymous : Salary

It is the benefit, utility or result obtained from
a process, whether it is a legal, commercial,
technical or any other type of process.
Synonymous : Productivity
Having greater work performance generates
greater profit

It is the benefit, utility or result obtained from
a process, whether it is a legal, commercial,
technical or any other type of process.
Synonymous : Productivity
In order for profits to be more profitable in

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