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Year 8
Civics & Citizenship

NAME ______________________________________________

Humanities and Social Science
Civics and Citizenship (Politics & Law)
Year 8, Term 4, 2023

Democracy and Law in Action

The Year 8 curriculum provides a study of the key features of Australia’s law-making
process in Parliaments and Courts. Students examine the parliamentary legislative
process and how its features shape Australia’s democracy. They also look at common law
system and study the function of various courts in the Western Australian court hierarchy.

Suggested Lesson Outline

Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
1 Pupil Free Day Introduction to Civics Rights and How are rights
KW and Citizenship responsibilities of an protected in Australia?
Australian Citizen

2 What is Racism? Racial Discrimination Act Impact of Racism in Recap of Referendum

MC Australia Double Majority

3 Watch documentary: Watch documentary: Watch documentary: Australia’s

MC The Final Quarter The Final Quarter The Final Quarter Representative

4 Law making in Who is involved in the Who is involved in the Case Study:
LP Parliament legislative process? legislative process? Marriage Equality Bill

Bill of Rights Law Making in Law Making in Law Making in

5 Parliament Parliament Parliament Source
LP Analysis

6 Revision Assessment Task 7: Watch Movie: Watch Movie:

LP Cognitive Test Legally Blonde 1 Legally Blonde 1
(Education Perfect)

7 HASS Deep Dive HASS Deep Dive HASS Deep Dive HASS Deep Dive

Create your own Create your own Create your own Create your own
8 HASSOPOLY boardgame HASSOPOLY boardgame HASSOPOLY boardgame HASSOPOLY boardgame
GK&GS or HASS themed or HASS themed or HASS themed or HASS themed
Christmas activities Christmas activities Christmas activities Christmas activities


The key teaching and learning objectives are:

Topic 1: Rights and Freedoms

Objective Covered Confidence Rating I CAN
in class (Red/Amber/Green)
Describe the terms rights and freedoms
Rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens

Explain that rights are protected by the Constitution and by

the Australian legislation

Racism and the Racial Discrimination Act

Racism during Covid

Explore case study in Australian of person who was subjected

to racism - Adam Goodes

Topic 2: Participating in Australian Democracy/ Legislative Process

Objective Covered Confidence Rating I CAN
in class (Red/Amber/Gree
(tick) n)
Identify the terms; bicameral, federal parliament, electorate,
House of Representatives and Senate.
Explain the structure and role of the House of Representatives

Explain the structure and role of the Senate

Identify the terms ‘Bill’, ‘Statute Law’, government bill and

Private member bill

Outline the legislative process - how does a bill become a law?

Discuss the roles of various politicians in the legislative process

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