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What's your favorite song?

To sing along to your favorite song

or just say hello to friends you have
to use your voice.
But what exactly is a voice and
where does it come from?
Just like a guitar or violin uses
vibrating, or quickly moving, strings to make music,
humans use vibrating body parts to make sounds. Your
entire body is your instrument and understanding how
it operates can help you become a good singer.

Have fun singing!

Singing & Learning Styles

Singing is a music activity that

engages your eyes, ears and body
in learning.
With your eyes reading music
notes and music sheets, and
looking at instructions, you
learn visually.
With your ears listening to
your voice and the voice of
others, sounds coming from
the instruments in the
background music, and
listen to instructions, you
learn auditorily.
Using your mouth, lips, vocal
cords, lungs and diaphragm
altogether to make beautiful
singing, you learn kinesthetically.
Singing & Multiple Intelligences
Singing develops many intelligences:
• Musical
• bodily-kinesthetic
• Linguistic
• Intrapersonal;
• and interpersonal.
Singing makes you "music smart" as
you show better sensitivity to sounds,
rhythms, tones, and music.
Singing helps you become "body-smart" as
you use your mouth and body to do
movements and expression while singing.
You become "word smart" as you
sing words and express meaning
through songs.
Singing also helps you become “self-smart”
when you express yourself and your moods in
the songs that you sing.
When you sing for others or with
others, you become "people-smart“!
Music is made up of high and low sounds.

High sounds are produced when objects vibrates fast.

Chirping of birds, the whistle, or the sound of the flute are
examples of high sounds.

Low sounds, on the other hand, are produced when objects

vibrate slowly.
Growling bear, the bassoon, and the bass drum are examples
of low sounds.
High sounds are produced when objects vibrates fast.

Chirping of birds


Low sounds, on the other hand, are produced when
objects vibrate slowly.
Growling bear


bass drum

Pitch tells us how HIGH or LOW the sound is.

We can identify the pitch of the sound by placing
the notes on these musical lines we call the Staff.

“Activity video of the song Po at Opo”

Deadline: September 14, 2023

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