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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Strategies for Teaching



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the principle of good teaching based on the educational philosophy of John Dewey, basic
principles of successful teaching at any academic level by Olsen, et al. and the principles of humanistic

b. Apply the importance of being humanistic in teaching.

c. Appreciate the importance of the principle of good teaching based on the educational philosophy of
John Dewey.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Principle of Good Teaching based on the Educational Philosophy of John
Dewey; Basic principles of Successful Teaching at any Academic Level by Olsen, et al. and The
Principles of Human Teaching



A. Preparation:

Greet the students and ask them to sit properly.

B. Motivation

The students will find a pair and the teacher will give them a paper. Each pair will have to stand
inside the paper to win. The first three pairs that will be eliminated will answer the teacher’s question.

C. Lesson Proper

Discuss the Teaching is good when it is based on the psychology of learning, a synthesis of John
Dewey’s thoughts on education, Dewey’s education theories, Dewey’s thought on education aims, Dewey’s
thought on correlative aspects of education, and Dewey’s thoughts on the curriculum, basic principles of
successful teaching, principles of humanistic teaching.

D. Activity

The teacher will group her students into three. The first group will make a slogan about empathic
understanding, second group is about respect or non-possessive warmth and the last group is about
genuineness and explain it to the class.

E. Generalization

What is the importance of the philosophy of John Dewey in education?

Why is it important that we study those principle?

F. Evaluation

Identify what is being asked.

1-3. Enumerate the three Dewey’s thoughts on the curriculum.

4. Education makes possible continuance/ renewal of social life.

5. Who proposed the basic principles of successful teaching at any academic level?

6. It represents the fruition of the cognitive factors in experience.

7. It is achieved by putting oneself in the place of another.

8-10. Give three basic principles of successful teaching at any academic level.


1-3. Play and work in the curriculum, geography and the curriculum, science

4. Education as a necessity of life.

5. Olsen et al.

6. Science

7. Emphatic understanding

8-10. Educate the whole child, keep the program informal, flexible, and democratic, capitalize upon
present pupil interest, let motivation be intrinsic, make learning experiences vivid and direct, stress
problem-solving, the basic function learning, provide for the achievement of lasting pupil
satisfactions, and let the curriculum mirror the community

G. Agreement

Study about the principles of good teaching, basic principles of today’s teaching, and
instructional principles and school applications.

Reference: Strategies of Teaching Book

Prepared by:


Approved by:

Mrs. Maricris B. An

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