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Blouberg Ridge Primary School

Life Skills Marker and date: ……………………..

Name: ……………………….…… Grade 6 C / L / S / V / W

Date: 23 June 2021 Time allocation: 1 Hour

Examiner: L. Lopes Moderator: ………………………….

Task 2: Test Total: ……. / 50

 This examination paper consists of 5 pages.
 Read through all the questions before starting.
 Good luck! 😊

Question 1: Indicate the correct answer by making a cross(x) over the appropriate letter. [7]

1.1) Which one is not a change in boys’ bodies during puberty?

a) Widening of the hips
b) Broadening of the shoulders
c) Deepening of voice
d) Pubic hair

1.2) Excluding someone from your group at break is an example of?

a) Cyber bullying
b) Social bullying
c) Verbal bullying
d) Physical bullying

1.3) Being a good listener means…?

a) Interrupting someone to express your point of view.
b) Keeping eye contact with the person while they are talking to you.
c) Rolling your eyes when you don’t agree with what they are saying.
d) Looking at your watch to see how long they have been speaking for.

1.4) Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a) Compromise is when two or more people disagree.
b) Mediation is when you choose sides in an argument.
c) Responsibility is blaming others for their mistakes.
d) Listening is an important peacekeeping skill.

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1.5) In the Muslim culture, marriage is seen as a……..
a) Sacrament
b) Contract
c) Ritual
d) Agreement

1.6) Which one is a change in girls’ bodies during puberty?

a) Deepening of the voice
b) Broadening of the shoulders
c) Widening of the hips
d) Production of sperm

1.7) Which of the following statements is TRUE.

a) Covid-19 is a virus that only affects older people.
b) It is safe to come to school when you have Covid-19, as long as you keep sanitizing.
c) Always wear your mask, social distance and sanitize even if you don’t have Covid-19
d) Covid-19 is not considered to be an epidemic.

Question 2: State whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE,
rewrite the sentence correctly. [6]

2.1) Covid-19 is transmitted via respiratory droplets.

2.2) Doing homework is one of your school responsibilities.
2.3) Prioritise is when you find a solution somewhere between what you want and what the other
person wants.
2.4) A mediator listens to both sides of the story and then chooses one person’s side.
2.5) It is important to sanitize regularly to avoid Covid-19 infection. .
2.6) People often become bullies because they have a good self-esteem.
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Question 3: Complete the following sentences by filling in the correct word from the
block. [7]

Hindu verbal Muslim responsibility cremated

sacrament social cyber African baptise reincarnation

3.1) A __________________ is an important religious ceremony.

3.2) Sending rude text messages about someone is a form of ________________ bullying.
3.3) Some Christian religions ________________ babies and adults.
3.4) Ancestors are very important in ______________ cultures.
3.5) __________________ is when your soul continues to live in another body after you die.
3.6) In some religions, the body of a deceased person is _________________.
3.7) Marriage in the ______________ culture means “joining of two families”.


Question 4: Victor is a 15 year old adolescent. Study his response to peer pressure, then
answer the questions that follow. [7]

Victor (aged 14) says:

My peer group and I want to “be the change”. We listen in class and help where we can. We
try to be respectful to teachers and our fellow peers. We support each other against all the
“bad things” out there. My friends and I are like family. We support and care for each other.
We want to make a difference.

4.1) Explain what is meant by a “peer group” (1)


4.2) Victor speaks about “bad things out there”. Name at least 3 things that would be
. considered “bad” for teenagers. (3)

a) ____________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________

4.3) Why do you think it is important to support your friends when they are faced with
peer pressure? (1)

4.4) Describe peer pressure. (2)


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Question 5: Read the story about Mbali and then answer the questions. [10]

Mbali has just moved to Cape Town. She will soon start Grade 6 in her new school.
Mbali has never been in a school before because her parents were missionaries and
as a family they travelled all over the world, spreading the word of God. Since they
never stayed in one place for long, she was home-schooled. Her dad is now going to
be a minister of a church in Cape Town. Mbali does not know much about any other
religion, except her own and therefore she is looking forward to learning about other
religions in school.

5.1) To which religion does Mbali belong? Give a reason for your answer. (2)

5.2) What is the name given to the holy book in Mbali’s religion? (1)

5.3) Mbali wants to know what the Jewish holy book is called. What would you tell her? (1)
5.4) Provide Mbali with some information on what the Hindu religion believes about death and
burial. (2)

5.5) Explain to Mbali what a shroud is. (1)


5.6) For Mbali to learn about new religions, she will need to have good listening skills. Suggest 3
characteristics of a good listener. (3)


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Question 6: Read the case study below and then answer the questions. [5]

Tracy is 12 years old. She has two younger siblings who rely on her for help with
homework. After school, Tracy needs to start dinner because both her parents
work in town and only get home around 7pm. She also needs to make lunch for
her siblings, iron her school clothes for the next day, feed the cats and do her

6.1) Mention one of YOUR responsibilities which you have at home, and state why it is important
to do. (2)
6.2) Tracy always thinks ahead. Mention 2 other important self-management skills. (2)

6.3) Which one of Tracy’s responsibilities do you think is the most important? Provide a reason for
your answer. (1)
Question 7: Read the case study and answer the questions which follow. [8]

James is always rude to Ben. He often bumps him in the corridor and
teases him about his weight. At break time, James is always followed
by a crowd of boys who all laugh when he makes fun of Ben.

7.1) What advice would you give to Ben to improve his body image? (2)

7.2) People become bullies for many different reasons. Explain some of these reasons to Ben. (3)

7.3) Provide James with some examples on how to break the bullying habit. (3)
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