Magic Item Ideas

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Magic Item Quirk Table

d100 Quirk

1 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate and optimistic
about what the future holds. Butterflies and other harmless creatures might frolic in the
item’s presence.

2 Confident. The item helps its bearer feel self-assured.

3 Covetous. The item’s bearer becomes obsessed with material wealth.

4 Frail. The item crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks slightly when wielded, worn, or
activated. This quirk has no effect on its properties, but if the item has seen much use,
it looks decrepit.

5 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood from a humanoid
has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It needs only a drop to activate.

6 Loud. The item makes a loud noise—such as a clang, a shout, or a resonating gong—
when used.

7 Metamorphic. The item periodically and randomly alters its appearance in slight ways.
The bearer has no control over these minor alterations, which have no effect on the
item’s use.

8 Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens carefully to the item
might learn something useful.

9 Painful. The bearer experiences a harmless flash of pain when using the item.

10 Possessive. The item demands attunement when first wielded or worn, and it doesn’t
allow its bearer to attune to other items. (Other items already attuned to the bearer
remain so until their attunement ends.)
11 Repulsive. The bearer feels a sense of distaste when in contact with the item, and
continues to sense discomfort while bearing it.

12 Slothful. The bearer of this item feels slothful and lethargic. While attuned to the item,
the bearer requires 10 hours to finish a long rest.

-- -- My Additions --

13 Energetic. The bearer of this item feels full of energy. While attuned to the item, the
bearer requires only 6 hours to finish a long rest, only 4 of which has to be spent

14 Silent. The item makes no noise when handled.

15 Dread. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels worried and fearful about what
the future holds. Light dims slightly in the item’s presence.

16 Generous. The item’s bearer doesn't feel very attached to their belongings, and doesn't
have many qualms of giving it away.

17 Paranoid. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels suspicious and skeptical
about events that befall them, and might be overly cautious with its actions.

18 Numb. The bearer feels less pain while in possession of the item, and also has a
reduced sense of touch.

19 Constant. The item never chips or wears down. Any paint or other markings applied to
the item fails to leave a lasting change, and things tied to the item quickly fall away.
Illusions placed on the item are instantly dispelled.

20 Spartan. The bearer feels less hungry when attuned to the item, requiring only half as
much food as normal.

21 Gluttonous. The bearer always feels a bit peckish when attuned to the item, and
requires twice as much food as normal.
22 Seabound. The item must be bathed saltwater every 24 hours to be usable. The bearer
can also drink saltwater without any ill effects.

23 Thirsting. The bearer always feels a bit thirsty when attuned to the item, and requires
twice as much water as normal.

24 Quenched. The bearer feels less thirsty when attuned to the item, requiring only half as
much water as normal.

25 Anchored. If the item is ever not attuned to a creature, it teleports back to a

predetermined location.

26 Illuminating. The item has the effects of a Light spell on itself. If this is ever dispelled,
the effects return at the next dawn.

27 Atheist. The item won't function when used by a creature devoted to a deity.

28 Faithful. The item won't function when used by a creature not devoted to a deity.

29 Honest. This item doesn't function in the hands of someone that has lied in the past

30 Floating. This item is unaffected by gravity.

31 Insecure. The item lowers the bearer's confidence in themselves.

32 Promiscuous. This item can only be attuned to any individual creature for 1 week
before attunement ends by itself. That creature can attune to the item again after 1
month has passed.

33 Abstinent. This item doesn't function if the bearer has consumed alcohol or drugs in
the past week.

34 Drunk. This item only functions while the wearer is intoxicated.

35 Noxious. A creature is poisoned while bearing this item, unless protected in some way.
36 Tranquil. The bearer feels calm in all situations and have all their emotions subdued.

37 Clean. This item is always clean, a property that gradually extends to the bearer.

38 Dirty. This item is always dirty, a property that gradually extends to the bearer.

39 Searing. This item is always hot to the touch and might ignite flammable objects left
near it. This trait doesn't bother the wearer, whose natural body temperature is also

40 Chilling. This item is always cold to the touch, chilling the air near it. This trait doesn't
bother the wearer, whose natural body temperature is also lowered.

41 Smoking. A trail of smoke always follows this item.

42 Misogynist. This item won't allow women to attune to it.

43 Misandrist. This item won't allow men to attune to it.

44 Racist. This item won't allow members of a certain race to attune to it.

45 Purist. This item will only allow members of a certain race to attune to it.

46 Snob. This item will only attune to a creature of noble descent.

47 Nightowl. This item only functions at night, and a creature wearing it feels more
inclined to stay up at night.

48 Daybound. This item only functions during the day, and a creature wearing it finds it
much harder to stay awake at night.

49 Good. This item will only function in possession of a good aligned creature

50 Neutral. This item will only function in possession of a neutral aligned creature
51 Evil. This item will only function in possession of a evil aligned creature

52 Lawful. This item will only function in possession of a lawfully aligned creature

53 Chaotic. This item will only function in possession of a chaotically aligned creature

54 Intellectual. This item only functions when used by a creature with an intelligence
score of 13 or higher.

55 Daft. This item only functions when used by a creature with an intelligence score of 9
or lower.

56 Prude. This item only functions when used by a creature with a charisma score of 13 or

57 Awkward. This item only functions when used by a creature with a charisma score of 9
or lower.

58 Wise. This item only functions when used by a creature with a wisdom score of 13 or

59 Foolish. This item only functions when used by a creature with a wisdom score of 9 or

60 Scented. This item gives off a strong but pleasant smell. This scent is gradually
transferred to the bearer as well.

61 Purging. A creature bearing this item cannot cast any spells.

62 Craven. The item begins to vibrate when its bearer is in combat, and the bearer
themselves feels less brave.

63 Chameleon. The item changes color to match whatever surrounding it exists in.

64 Hairy. The bearer's hair grows at a highly accelerated rate.

65 Hairless. The bearer gradually loses all their hair while this item is on them.

66 Colorful. The item changes color each dawn. The bearer's hair may also change color if
they have the item on them when it happens.

67 Homesick. The item only functions when used within 24 miles of the place it was

68 Chaste. This item can only function in the hands of a virgin

69 Experienced. This item doesn't function in the hands of a virgin

70 Fee-bound. A payment in gold must be offered each time the item is used.

71 Bloodsucking. The item quickly absorbs any blood it comes into contact with.

72 Gory. The item creates extra blood when struck.

73 Chess-Loving. A character must spend at least 1 hour each day playing chess to be
able to use this item.

74 Cheese-Loving. A character must eat at least half a pound of cheese each day to be
able to use this item.

75 Lighting powered. The item must be exposed to lightning damage once every 24 hours
in order to function.

76 Political. The bearer feels inclined to discuss politics at every opportunity.

77 Dreamless. The bearer doesn't experience any dreams.

78 Dreaming. The bearer's dreams become are always vivid and memorable. The item is
always featured in some prominent role in the dreams.

79 Vampiric. The item doesn't have a reflection. The bearer also becomes allergic to garlic
while attuned to the item.
80 Angry. The item vibrates and shakes whenever the bearer misses an attack. The bearer
also becomes more short tempered and prone to anger.

81 Bouncy. This item is uncharacteristically bouncy.

82 Prismatic. The bearer’s eyes changes color each hour.

83 Vegetarian. The bearer cannot stand the taste of meat.

84 Carnivorous. The bearer cannot stand the taste of anything but meat, and can also
safely eat raw meat.

85 Kind. The item will not function for a day whenever the bearer insults another creature.

86 Mean. The item will not function unless the bearer insults another creature at least
once every 24 hours.

87 Masochistic. The bearer becomes more sensitive to pain and has a heightened sense
of touch. The bearer also gradually develops an affinity for pain while bearing this item.

88 Cryptic. When the item is addressed, it answers with a mysterious voice, saying
strange and seemingly unrelated phrases.

89 Xornic. The bearer develops a taste for precious gemstones and metals, and must
eventually eat that instead of normal food for sustenance.

90 Sickly. The bearer has disadvantage on saving throws against diseases.

91 Sweet-tooth. All food tastes extremely sweet to the bearer.

92 Distracting. The bearer has disadvantage on perception checks and constitution saving
throws to maintain concentration.

93 Static. The bearer gives off small static discharges when touched.
94 Reliable. Instead of rolling initiative, the bearer's initiative is always set at 13 at the
start of combat.

95 Life-bound. If the bearer dies, the item loses its magic. If the bearer is later resurrected,
the magic returns to the item.

96-100 Roll twice on the table.

Magic Item Minor Property Table

d100 Minor Property

1 Beacon. The bearer can use a bonus action to cause the item to shed bright light in a
10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet, or to extinguish the light.

2 Compass. The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.

3 Conscientious. When the bearer of this item contemplates or undertakes a malevolent

act, the item enhances pangs of conscience.

4 Delver. While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the item’s depth below
the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading

5 Gleaming. This item never gets dirty.

6 Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if
the bearer isn’t incapacitated.

7 Harmonious. Attuning to this item takes only 1 minute.

8 Hidden Message. A message is hidden somewhere on the item. It might be visible only
at a certain time of the year, under the light of one phase of the moon, or in a specific

9 Key. The item is used to unlock a container, chamber, vault, or other entryway.

10 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language of the DM’s choice while
the item is on the bearer’s person.

11 Sentinel. Choose a kind of creature that is an enemy of the item’s creator. This item
glows faintly when such creatures are within 120 feet of it.

12 Song Craft. Whenever this item is struck or is used to strike a foe, its bearer hears a
fragment of an ancient song.

13 Strange Material. The item was created from a material that is bizarre given its
purpose. Its durability is unaffected.

14 Temperate. The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as −20

degrees Fahrenheit or as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

15 Unbreakable. The item can’t be broken. Special means must be used to destroy it.

16 War Leader. The bearer can use an action to cause his or her voice to carry clearly for
up to 300 feet until the end of the bearer’s next turn.

17 Waterborne. This item floats on water and other liquids. Its bearer has advantage on
Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.

18 Wicked. When the bearer is presented with an opportunity to act in a selfish or

malevolent way, the item heightens the bearer’s urge to do so.

19 Illusion. The item is imbued with illusion magic, allowing its bearer to alter the item’s
appearance in minor ways. Such alterations don’t change how the item is worn, carried,
or wielded, and they have no effect on its other magical properties. For example, the
wearer could make a red robe appear blue, or make a gold ring look like it’s made of
ivory. The item reverts to its true appearance when no one is carrying or wearing it.
-- -- My Additions --

20 Stalwart. When the bearer takes the dodge action, they can choose to have advantage
on strength saving throws instead of dexterity saving throws.

21 Charged. The item has 1d4 more charges that normal. If the item doesn't normally have
charges, these charges can be used to cast a random 1st level spell, and regains its
charges each dawn.

22 Drained. The item has 1d4 less charges than normal. If the item doesn't normally have
charges, it can only function 1d4 times each day.

23 Magic. You can cast a random cantrip from the item

24 Disruptive. Constitution checks made to maintain concentration as a result of damage

dealt by the item are made with disadvantage. For armor or other worn items with this
property, the wearer has disadvantages on saves to maintain concentration.

25 Warding. When initiative is rolled the item casts blade ward on the bearer.

26 Sleepless. Poison or magic can't put you to sleep against your will while bearing this

27 Water Seeking. The bearer always knows the direction to the closest body of water.

28 Bolstering. The item gives off a small amount of healing energy, giving the bearer
advantage on death saving throws.

29 Deathwish. The item drains the life force of the vulnerable, giving the bearer
disadvantage on death saving throws.

30 Wound-Closing. The first time each hour that a creature bearing the item is reduced to
0 hit points, it automatically becomes stable.

31 Rousing. If the bearer is dying, it receives one hit point if it rolls either a 19 or 20 on its
death saving throw.
32 Ailing. A 2 on a death saving throw also counts as two failures for a dying bearer.

33 Eager. The bearer has advantage on their first attack roll with the item after initiative
was rolled.

34 Fainthearted. The bearer has disadvantage on saving throws to resist the frightened

35 Brave. The item fills the bearer with courage, giving them advantage on saving throws
against the frightened condition while they hold or wear the item.

36 Sharp. If used as an improvised weapon, it deals 2d4 damage. A magical weapon

instead gains a +1 magic bonus if it doesn't already have it.

37 Cruel. Each time the bearer would attempt to deal non-lethal damage, it must succeed
on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw or make its attack with killing intent. The bearer does
not support sparing the creature afterwards if a discussion arises.

38 Merciful. Each time the bearer would attempt to strike a killing blow, it must make a
DC15 Wisdom saving throw or deal nonlethal damage on the attack. The bearer does
not support killing the creature afterwards if a discussion arises.

39 Slippery. It is hard to get a good grasp on the item. Checks to resist a disarming attack
are done at disadvantage, and each time a 1 is rolled on an attack roll the item flies 10
feet in a random direction.

40 Clumsy. The bearer has disadvantage on checks and saves to resist being knocked

41 Cocky. The bearer can cast Compelled Duel with the item once per day, but only against
a creature with a CR equal to or higher than the bearer's level (or CR).

42 Creature-Affinity. The bearer reads as being of another creature type (such as Fey or
Undead) to spells that detect creature type, but is otherwise still counted as being their
normal creature type.

43 Remedial. Once per day, the item can grant the effects of Antitoxin as an action.
44 Healing. Once per day, the item can grant the effects of a Potion of Healing as an

45 Poisoned. Once per day, the item can produce one vial's worth of Basic Poison. This
poison loses potency after 24 hours.

46 Nightsense. The bearer has 60 feet of darkvision. If the bearer already has darkvision,
the receive an additional 30 feet of darkvision.

47 Night Affinity. The bearer has Advantage on initiative checks made while the sun is

48 Day Affinity. The bearer has Advantage on initiative checks made while the sun is up.

49 Fortune Telling. The item can be used to cast the Augary spell once per day.

50 Jolted. For every 5 points of lightning damage the bearer takes in a round, their base
movement speed is increased by 5 feet until the end of their next turn.

51 Sure-footed. The bearer has advantage on checks and saves to resist being knocked

52 Steadfast. When the bearer is moved against their will, they can use their reaction to
reduce the distance moved by 10 feet.

53 Fire Absorption. The bearer can cast Absorb Elements once per day, but only against
fire damage.

54 Cold Absorption. The bearer can cast Absorb Elements once per day, but only against
cold damage.

55 Acid Absorption. The bearer can cast Absorb Elements once per day, but only against
acid damage.

56 Lightning Absorption. The bearer can cast Absorb Elements once per day, but only
against lightning damage.
57 Thunder Absorption. The bearer can cast Absorb Elements once per day, but only
against thunder damage.

58 Visionary. The bearer has advantage against saves that would impose the blinded

59 Vigilant. The bearer can't be surprised.

60 Marching. The bearer has advantage on constitution checks made from forced

61 Gorgon-Slaying. The bearer has advantage on saves against being petrified.

62 Healthy. The bearer has advantage on saves against diseases.

63 Medicinal. The bearer has the benefits of a Guidance spell on any check using the
medicine or nature skill.

64 Knowledgeable. The Item lends wisdom to the bearer, giving the effects of the
Guidance cantrip to any Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check.

65 Graceful. The bearer has the benefits of a Guidance spell on any check using the
acrobatics skill, and the benefits of the Resistance spell whenever it makes a dexterity
saving throw.

66 Imposing. The bearer has the benefits of a Guidance spell on any check using the
intimidation skill.

67 Charming. The bearer has the benefits of a Guidance spell on any check using the
persuasion, deception, or performance skill.

68 Rising. The bearer can get up from prone using only a third of its movement.

69 Sleep-walking. Whenever the bearer is unconscious, the item allows them to still move
15 feet on their turn.

70 Discordant. This item takes 8 hours to attune to.

71 Painting. The bearer can make a trail of colorful light follow this item, which lingers in
the air for 1 minute.

72 Igniting. The item sets fire to any flammable item it touches that isn't being worn or

73 Analyzing. You can cast True Strike as a bonus action on any creature you hit with an
attack with this item. This can only be used once against a specific creature, resetting
at each dawn.

74 Lucky. The bearer has one luck point each day, as described in the Lucky feat.

75 Locking. If jammed into the ground, the bearer can have this item take on the properties
of an activated Immovable Rod. When they do this the bearer can also set conditions to
what kind of creatures deactivate the effect when they touch the item.

76 Returning. If thrown, the item teleports back to the wearer.

77 Gripping. You can't be disarmed of this item against your will.

78 Hidden. The bearer can make this item turn invisible as an action. The item turns visible
when an attack is made with it.

79 Mocking. Once a round, the item might randomly cast Vicious Mockery (DC13) on a
creature that misses an attack roll.

80 Feathered. The item will automatically cast Feather Fall on the bearer the first time in a
day that they fall more than 10 feet.

81 Modronic. Whenever you make an attack roll while bearing the item, you can forgo
rolling the d20 to get a 10 on the die. Once used, this property can’t be used again until
the next dawn.

82 Primed. The bearer can't roll lower than a 5 on initiative rolls.

83 Slow. The bearer can't roll higher than a 15 on initiative rolls.

84 Patient. After initiative is rolled, the bearer can choose to lower their initiative score by
as much as 10.

85 Interactive. The bearer can interact with two objects on their turn before needing to use
their action.

86 Leaping. The bearer can jump twice their normal jumping distance.

87 Protective. Once per day, the item casts Shield on the bearer if they would be hit while

88 Immaterial. Nonhostile creatures don't count as difficult terrain for the bearer. The
bearer makes tumble and overrun checks with advantage, but have disadvantage if
other creatures take those actions against them.

89 God-Sworn. This item is devoted to a particular deity. If the bearer acts in accordance
with the god's teachings, the item might cast Bless on them. If the bearer instead acts
against the god's teaching, the item might case Bane on them.

90 Greased. Squeezing doesn't cost extra movement for the bearer, and they have
advantage on checks to escape grapples.

91 Dashing. The extra movement granted by dashing is increased by 10 feet for the bearer
of this item.

92 Fire-Quenching. The item casts Control Flame every turn to extinguish any flame within
10 feet of it.

93 Exclusive. If the item is ever attempted to be worn or carried by someone not attuned to
the item, it slips away from them and onto the ground. If the item doesn't normally
require attunement, you can spend 10 minutes bonding with the item to get the same

94 Reinvigorating. When the bearer takes a short rest, this item gives them 2 extra hit dice
to roll. This effect can only be used once per day.

95 Perceptive. The bearer can make a perception or investigation check as a bonus action.
96-100 Roll twice again

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