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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
1st Quaterly Examination in Oral Communication in Context
S.Y 2022-2023

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions, or _______.

A. Linear B. Nonverbal C. Transactional D. Verbal

2. It is a process of sharing and conveying information from one person to another within and across
channels, contexts, media, and cultures
A. Broadcasting B. Communication C. Gift-giving D. Transaction
3. It is the other term for the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
A. Channel B. Context C. Feedback D. Message

4. What is the function of this communication instance as the teacher looks sharply at the noisy
A. Control B. Emotional expression C. Information dissemination D. Motivation
5. Who decodes or interprets the message based on the context?
A. Barrier B. Channel C. Receiver D. Sender
6. When you are thinking of how to express your thought or ideas, you are currently in the process of
A. Channeling B. Decoding C. Encoding D. Feedback-giving
7. What must be the first step in the communication process?
A. The sender generates an idea.
B. The receiver gets the message.
C. The receiver sends or provides feedback.
D. The sender transmits or sends out a message.

8. You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant
because you are shy. What type of barri9er is being imposed?
a. Cultural b.Language c. Physical d.Psychological
9. Known as the mother of all communication models, this model (1949) depicts communication as a
linear or one-way process consisting of five elements: a source (producer of message); a transmitter
(encoder of message into signals); a channel (signals adapted for transmission); a receiver (decoder of
message from the signal); and a destination.
a. Aristotle b. Berlo’s S-M-R-C c. Lasswell d. Shannon Weaver
10. This model is a speaker centered model as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the
only one active.
a. Aristotle b. Berlo’s S-M-R-C c. Lasswell d. Transactional
11. The_______ model explains the complexity of human communication.
a. Aristotle b. Helical c. Lasswell d. Transactional

12. An utterance characterized as concerns a speaker's aim and the impact it has on an audience.
a. Speech Act b. Speech Choir c. Speech Context d. Speech Style

13. This refers to the act of saying something or the actual words spoken.
a. Illocutionary Act b. Illusionary Act c. Locutionary Act d. Elocutionary Act

14. It refers to the act a speaker performs in saying the utterance.

a. Illocutionary Act b. Illusionary Act c. Locutionary Act d. Perlocutionary Act

15. This pertains to the effects, which may be intended or not, the utterance has on the behavior,
thoughts, and feelings of the addressee.
a. Illocutionary Act b. Illusionary Act c. Locutionary Act d. Perlocutionary Act
16. It is a type of illocutionary act where the speaker gets the addressee to do something by
commanding, daring, requesting or pleading.
a. Assertive b. Commissive c. Directive d. Expressive
17. Which of the following elements affects the flow of any communication process?
A. barrier B. channel C. feedback D. source
18. . Which of the following is an example of an interactive communication?
A. A jeepney barker persuades the commuters to Pacita Complex.
B. A social media influencer gets million views from her debut video.
C. A TV anchor interviews lawmakers over the MECQ in the metro.
D.A vendor starts a small talk with his customer and the latter gives in to it.
19. . Which communication model is dynamic where the process does not stop after one has given a
feedback and which continues to progress as topics and persons involved may change overtime, too?
A. Interactive B. Linear C. Transactional D. A and C
20. Why does communication breakdown occur?
A. because the information is overloading.
B. because of lack of attention among the audiences or receivers.
C. because the listener or receiver has a very short attention span.
D. All of the above
21. A friend’s Facebook status caught your attention. It is intended for you. It is personally attacking you.
To put the purpose of communication into context, what is the best thing you should do?
A. Immediately comment on his/her status with provocative words
B. Inform him/her that you are going to sue him/her in court
C. Talk to the concerned person privately to settle the conflict
D. Tell the public about his/her dishonest way of life

22. On your way home, you dropped by a convenient store. Queuing to pay for some essentials, you
heard a customer arguing with the cashier. The customer talked on top of his voice complaining for
something you could not clearly hear. The buyer next to him interrupted the one complaining. The others
in the line could not help but gave their own sides of the story. Finally, the manager came in. What model
of communication is presented in the entire scenario?
A. Interactive B. Linear C. Occasional D.

23. From the given situation above, what should the manager do?
A. Arrogantly confront the customer for being tough.
B. Publicly reprimand the cashier to show that the customer is always right
C. Tell the other customers to stop gossiping.
D. Respectfully pull out the customer and look for a win-win solution to the problem.

24. It is the target of the message creator

a. channel b. context c. receiver d. sender
25. You are having a conversation with some friends when a song was played loudly. What type of
barri9er is being imposed?
a. Cultural b.Language c. Physical d.Psychological

II. Identify the context of each given situation. Choose the answer from the pool of choices below.
Write only the letter of the best answer
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal-Dyad Communication
C. Interpersonal-Small Group Communication
D. Public Communication
E. Mass Communication

26. You are a student journalist articulating your stand on current issues through the school’s
27. You are having a discussion with your group mates on how to finish the assigned tasks.
28. You are participating in an organizational meeting which aims to address the concerns of your fellow
29. You deliver a graduation speech to your batch.
30. You felt happy while thinking about how your teacher appreciated you for submitting your project
before the due date and you reflected on why this was so.
31. You offered feedback on the speech performance of your classmate.
32. You participate in a declamation, oratorical, or debate contest watched by a number of people.
33. You presented your plan for your upcoming report with your buddy.
34. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling down.
35. You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from the other class talked to you on the
way home and you decided it probably meant nothing.

Directions. Matching Type: Match the concept on Column A with the description indicated on Column B.
Write your answers in your notebook

. Column A Column B
a. Reading from a manuscript ___.36 The speaker knows his/her
b. Memorized speech by heart and does not need to
c. Impromptu look at anything to deliver the
d. Extemporaneous speech.
___ 37. A speaker reads from an
already written speech.
___ 38. A speaker is given 3 minutes
to prepare for his/her given topic.
___ 39. A speaker reads from an idiot
board to deliver his speech.
___ 40. A speaker speaks on the spot
and is not given time to prepare for
his/her speech.

Directions. Identify the style which is most likely used in the following situations. Write your answer on
your answer sheet. Choose the answer from the pool of choices below. Write only the letter of the best

A. Frozen B. Consulatative C. Intimate

D. Casual E. Formal

41. You were called by the guidance counselor for an exit interview.
42. You met you friend whom you have lost contact with for a long time.
43. The administration team is conducting a meeting.
44 Your parents are talking about your enrollment to online classes.
45. The teachers are reciting the “Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno”.

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write O if the statement is true and X if the statement is false.

46. Barriers are information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions
47. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
48. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
49. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
50. Conciseness pertains to being direct and avoiding use of redundant and insignificant words.

God bless!

Prepared: Diane May D. Dungo


Checked: Annabelle B. Hipolito

Master Teacher I

Noted: Jezenia G. Hilario

Assistant Principal II

Approved: Rosario C. Santos

Principal IV

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