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4 Report Rep current or social issue: extended writing. Marks allocated are 20 and num 250 words. es Reports can be in the following genre: * General report * Newspaper report * Police report * Minutes of meeting official / unofficial * School reports A stimulus in the form of an advertisement, notes, itinerary or brochure may be provided. Read the question and notes carefully. Study the stimulus Identify the format required in the question before you start writing. Be clear about the purpose of the report. Format for Reports: * Name of society as heading * Date of meeting and place * Time of meeting * Record of attendance * Passing of minutes of previous meeting - read out, proposed and seconded and passed * Matters arising * Reports on current Projects orts are formal and informative accounts of specific topics. They give information about s. In Part 3 SPM English, writing a report is one of the choices for the ber of words should be between 200 and * Time meeting was adjourned * Signed by the secretary and president * Approved by the teacher advisor Newspaper Reports * Headline, name of writer * Begin with important facts about place, date time, names of people involved and the event * Details of event Write in simple, clear and accurate language Reports are exercises in formal writing so avoid using colloquial and slang expressions. Use simple clear and formal language. 10. In your report: * include only the necessary details e.g. when, who, where and how of the event give concise but clear details which should be based on the notes provided label the sections of the report clearly end your report with your name and signature and position held, if any. 11. Check through your report for grammatical and spelling errors. ), Report of Yearbook Editori 121 )} eting ditorial Board “gar answer in 200 ~ 250 words in an appropriate style. NSS Bw ovok tltorat Board decided to publish a yearbook. As secretary ofthe * yearbook Editorial Board, you have to write a report of the minutes of the board meeting we our report pose answer miniates OF mueehrs ‘i ctrenot | £ Minutes of Form 5 Yearbook Editorial Board ' me, E Meeting E Vis, ET oo E = To ‘Teacher Advisor, Yearbook Editorial Board : From :Fiona Kay, Secretary, Yearbook Editorial ag ‘ie F Board E ate Subject: Minutes of meeting of Yearbook Editorial 3 Board i Day / Date : Wednesday, 28 March 202... é | aca ) ) E The president, Priscilla Thomas thanked the committee for = its vote of confidence in her. She reminded the committee = al wrtig FF racuction that the yearbook was a joint effort and everyone has ie a an important role and responsibility to see it come into fruition. t lange Topics discussed by the board: E 1. allocation of work among committee members seats fo 2. name of yearbook ow aks of discussion 3. time of publication st? 4. contents of yearbook he 5. design for cover wo 6. publication cost ret Allocation of work for committee members ait” Each of the eight committee and their sub-committees was a allocated work to cover the process of getting the articles oe en of work to the final publication. 1. Articles — to be contributed by students, selected, edited and typed according to certain specifications - an inclusion of poetry comer for budding poets. aD om emgusn SPM Part J- Report 2. Photography — a schedule for photography session for class and individual photos will be set up. 3. Layout of yearbook will be done by the chairman and her sub-committee. 4. All the sub-committees are allowed to get other students to help out. Name of year book Several suggestions were put forward and the final choice was The Jewel subject to the Principal and Form 5 teachers approval. Time of publication Unanimously agreed on — end of September Contents of year book ‘Articles should cover Art and Science subjects and in three languages — with a maximum of ten articles. Photographs will take up the major part of yearbook. Design for the cover To be chosen from a cover-designing competition. Publication cost PIBG and advertisements The meeting adjourned at 5.00 p.m. The committee will meet in a month's time to view the progress of the sub- committees. Conclusion Fiona Kay (FIONA KAY) Sectary ne RTE ETRY RYE REY PPE PPP VE YE TE YP TYP PPP EF EPI TP PETE EY TOTP TT Tr TrT er Trt Ov worD ; vote of confidence - show of support DID specifications - certain demands or standards | | Come to fruition — to be successful n A | unanimously - agreement in unison budding poets - potential writers of poems Coad * Yearbook - a book published \ every year by a school, : achievements of the previous year and hex is 20! that gives information about the events and i has pic {Companies to give information about the events and anno may also be published by Previous year. 122 } A Live Concert cv gil olima areihl ed ur answer in 200 - 250 words in an appropriate style. write Yo 7 sanded a pop concert at Shah Al f y atte nde jam. Write a report of the “What's i pening’ section in the Metro New, ’ sventfor eats write your report THe MASTER ae ource and date: Metro News, May 13, 202 _ ‘What's Happening’ Nonve. type of event, Purpose nah Alam Stadium ~ pop concert » pupose - raise funds. ~ charity Model Answer _sntsanuuannnananannnsnnansssansansaaanannncanananasssassnnasansst + Source and date { Metro News, May 13, 202 _ ‘What’s Happening’ « Presenter A Live Concert To : The Editor, Metro New, From: A keen subscriber Subject : A Pop Concert I attended a live concert for the first time — a pop concert, featuring some ten different singers and bands. It ‘thoduction * Type of event was well-attended and they put up a fantastic show. Fifty peruse percent of the ticket sales was channelled toa charity fund for the mentally challenged. The concert took place at the Shah Alam Stadium los and it was jam packed. The tickets were priced at RM30 * Verve = tickets and RM5O. The front rows of seats were reserved for the underprivileged. The atmosphere was electric with impressive acoustics and lighting almost as though we were in fairyland, The audience was primarily made up of teenagers and they went wild, shrieking, waving and stomping rhythmically to the mesmerising music of the guitars and drums of the pop bands. Music throughout the show. The presenters well-liked for their presentations on radio and TV stations livened up the evening with cheeky and scintillating repartee between performers and audience. ED nce, the show went well with the star Ine performers delivering their songs and dances very well, cen The appreciative response from the audience clamouring + overal good for eneres heightened the atmosphere to feverish pitches Liddle but with emotions well under control. Unfortunately, there + responsible ‘were hitches and delays between performances but nothing eed very serious. Not all performers were up to the mark and the technical hitches were quite frustrating, To sum up, the show was about three hours ~ a good duration with half an hour for encores. However, some Conclusion improvements are called for. Overall, it was an excellent = Some haches evening. I hope, future live concerts will not have the same 7 overnh excelent problems. Any organisations which are interested in having a live concert for charity purposes should not hesitate but go for it. Report written by, Badrul Amin (Badrul Amin Mohd Shah) WORD De mentally challenged - people with health problems of the mind acoustics - the qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it. mesmerising - capturing one’s complete attention like magic scintillating - lively and interesting tepartee — conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. DUD Jam packed - extremely packed up to the mark - up to the required standard, {90 for It- strive to the utmost to gain or achieve something The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre in Sentul Park, Kuala Li i nt “ umpur is one of the established 4 Performing art centres in Malaysia. It is a non-profit company, aims to cultivate and sustain the ‘ {_ Performing arts for the Malaysian. KLPac is the home for KLPac Orchestra, founded in 2006. 1 ———————rrrrrerereereeeerrrr 42 3 ) Walking on the Blind Side answer in 200 ~ 250 words in an : ~ ie eee appropriate style _ gre the sec retary of the Leo Club in your school. You parti wa’ ask to prepare a report. ipated in a charity walk you report. qe jectives — Lions Club - create rons greater awareness of oar of event ~ participants blind folded guided by a sighted f enon ‘lgmand end at Dewan Siviks Car park : wi qote- model Answer E Walking on the Blind Side To — : The Chairman acted to Leo Club SMK Tun Azizah PJ From : Azlan Shamsuddin (Secretary) Report prepared by Date ; Monday, 19 March 202 _ Date report made: ood onion Title; A Charity Event Event, Date and Time veolen Blind Leading The Blind Charity Walk was held on Sunday * Date ond time 18th March in the morning, This was no ordinary walk: eed participants were required to be blindfolded while walking Quded by sighted a distance of 3km in the streets of the city. The only comfort ae from this challenge was to be guided by a sighted person. The event first started four years ago. __—_——_,_7 or oO isers, Objectives. Participants anised the event as part of the jtten Objectives, ne Petaling Jaya Lions Club org: can) Sat Sight First Campaign ~ ® long-term commitment to fight ese nd reversible blindness. The organisation coe eS ~ eve preventable a : 0 create greater awareness On the importance of Pata folded wants t Mee eye care and promote piety among the young, Petaling Jaya residents from all walks of life made up the bulk of BD ser SMAMSR SPM Port 3-Roport E the participants. They came in pairs: the blindfolded and § guider, the person the blindfolded participant had to trust with his life on that day. They were joined by the mayor of E the city and a group of visually-impaired participants from a number of associations for the blind. Route - ‘The walk began from and ended at Dewan Sivik car park, At the end of the walk, participants were given goodie bags, Route * From and ended at Dewan Sivik car als drinks and treated to a lucky draw. Comments ticipants * Tendency to bump into others because moving quite closely together Quite s them * Appreciate their good eye sight and being able to see © Total dependence on their guide © All in all participants had a fulfilling day ‘Comments * positive -~ appreciate importance of good eye core ry initially — some kind of danger in front of The event will be an annual event to be held on every second Sunday of March. Despite the initially daunting prospect, it was a rewarding event for all parties concerned. Report written by, Aslan Shamsaddin Blind Leading the Blind participant march + An annual event ~ second Sunday of Writer of report | visually-impaired — blind Initially - in the beginning daunting - frightening iin i alicia Time Spent on Leisure Activities pie OU" answet in a : 250 words in an appropriate style. Ye table Caen rs sie igs ale activities Carried out by the residents in a cing estate. Bas e chart and analysis, write cI oust Mas Residents’ Association. y fe a report for the Chairman of the [Age Groups & Types of | Age ies Teens | 20s | 30s | 40s | 50s ea 70s hing TV/videos/CDs 1200 700| 400 500| 600 700 100] 150 150} 300) 250 250 200} 200 350 350 50 50 25 25 25 individual exercise 150} 100} 200} 200 50 75| 150 Group exercise/Sport 450] 350| 200] 150 50 0 0 Cinema 100] 75} 50] 25| 25| S50|_ 75 Playing computer games 1200| 700] 400| 500| 500| 400| 200 Write your report. Model Answer G5" Yearly Leisure Hours and Activities To —: The Chairman, Taman Sri Mas Residents’ Association From : Afini Asif, Secretary Date : Sunday, 19 April 202 _ Survey of Leisure Hours and Activities The table shows how people in different age groups Bisa sion in Taman Sri Mas spend their leisure time. Among the age roe of survey - groups are the teens, twenties up to the seventies. The Tease ond coven activities are classified as watching TY, videos, and : Cds, socialising of four or less people, socialising of four or more people, individual exercise, group exercise and sports, going to the cinemas and playing computer games. D BS engtian sem Por s-Report Amount of time yanies actoss age groups * Socialising - Older People less time + Teenagers and 20s more time + 305 ~ 605 constant pattern + More than 4 people in 30s - 50s groups great drop Entertainment - * All age groups lots of time spent * Teenagers and retired people = double the time - home entertainment - cinemas Conclusion Solitary and smatiier group activities with age WORD Bank Ox considerably - greatly | dwindle - reduce \ Solilary - alone social circles - the different groups of people whom one mixes (socialises)with | @ significant trend - a clear pattern The across the age groups. People of dif Jing, their leisure time, As people lising, Their social circles amount of leisure time spent varies considerably Trent age levels have different ways of spend age, they spend less time sock! J group spend an average and 350 hours of that The total hours dwindle. Teenagers and the 2 of 500 hours per year on socialising is with a group of more than four people. 30s to 60s groups is fairly constant ising with more than four people 30s - 40s age groups of socialising for the (between 300 — 500), social drops dramatically to 50 hours in the and to only 25 from the 50s onwards Group and individnal exercise follow a similar pattem as that of socialising. People of all ages spend a good part of their leisure time on entertainment. Teenagers and retired people spend arov d twice as much time as those of working age. Home entertainment ranges from just over a thousand for teenagers and retired people and an average of 600 hours for everyone else. The same pattern and figure also apply to playing computer games: Cinema accounts for 100 hours of the teenagers and retired people’ leisure time and 25 — 50 hours for the rest. There is a significant trend towards solitary and smaller group activities as people grow older. Reported by, Mini Aaiy Secretary, Taman Sri Mas Residents’ Association ~~ The Prefe 125! society — oe anguae Dox a is planning a trip to one of the following places: caving in a ire le 7 ing in Taman Negara or water activities in Pulau Redang, to the teacher advisor on the preference of the members of the society aglish La empuru G9" report Bond aetals of date, ime and venue of meeting * Covng GUO Tempurung > popular limestone cave — fascinating formations - other caves nearby - campsites ~ jungle * fvival activities _ungee trekking in Taman Negara > geen valleys and scenic rivers - flora and fauna ~ canopy walk - bird watching - chalet accommodation | woter activities in Pulau Redang > peach and water activities - chalet accommodation + Choice of members > Caving at Gua Tempurung - 25- welcome change - cheaper > Jungle trekking at Taman Negara - 9 - have not been there before > Water activities - 6 - Pulau Redang ~ have not been there before « Fal choice - caving at Gua Tempurong Report On Preferences Of English Language Society Members For Annual Trip To : Ms Rosario, Teacher Advisor English Language Society Date : 12 April 202 _ Time 5.00 p.m. Venue : School Library Agenda: Society's annual trip in August ‘Attendance : 40 members who are interested in the trip The president conducted the meeting to find out the place of preference of the members for the August annual trip. Details of the destinations and activities were given to the members. BD Caving and camping in Gua Tempurong Jungle tracking in Taman Negara Water activities in Pulau Redang Conclusion Members’ choice caving at Gua Tempurong Caving and camping at Gua Tempurung, Gopeng, Perak This is one of the most popular limestone caves in the country. There are fascinating rock formations of stalactites, stalagmites and pillars, some of which are thousands of years old. Nearby, there are caves to be explored. One of these requires sliding one way through the cave through narrow pathways and emerging into forest areas. Gua Angin has a breezy wind tunnel. Other activities include white- water rafting, abseiling, rock climbing and flying fox. 25 members are in favour of this place. Jungle trekking in Taman Negara The national park has green valleys and scenic rivers that are suitable for jungle trekking, The park has attractions like animal observations, salt licks, canopy walk, angling, enjoying rare flora and fauna and other outdoor activities. The accommodation here is chalets at reasonable prices with meals included. Nine members voted on this. Water activities in Pulau Redang This island offers activities on beach and water activities like canoeing and boating. The resorts offer chalet-type accommodation with higher charges than the other two. The remaining six members voted in favour of this place Reasons for members’ choice - caving at Gua | Tempurung Caving at Gua Tempurung is the popular choice because the idea of camping out for the whole trip is appealing and a welcome change. Those with no experience of such trips are game for it - nothing ventured nothing gained. Cost- wise - cheaper as campsite is free of charge. Those who chose Taman Negara and Pulau Redang did so because they have not been there before So, the outcome of the meeting is a camping trip at Gua Tempurung, Thank you. Submitted by, Mice ALICE LEONG (Secretary) rN ——_ Cala Qa «‘rraa~rzereen a cineca ae | | D vot! mestone structure jutting down from the ceil seo cend from a higher point to ground with help trom a puley 22 \write your answer In 200 - 250 words in an appropriate style. the neighbourhood teenagers to find out what they would to do about abandoned sports facilities. rt to the chairman of the association and suggestions ssuney was carried among, lke the residents’ association xed on your findings, write a repo onhow to maintain the sports facilities. Write your report. aaa Ha Bukit Merah Housin i Reason for maintenance 231 * Reason ~ poor condition of sports facilities - maintenance + Reasons for request = young and old = relax and enjoy ~ best interest at heart Suggestions * Cut grass * Goal post repaired * Resurface court floor Maintenance * Committee ~ association and local authority Report on State of Recreat! nal Facilities in Bukit Merah Housing Estate, Kuantan Date 3 February 202 _ To: The Chairma Bukit Merah Housing Estate Residents’ Association Writer of report : The President, Youth Wing Bukit Merah Housing Estate Residents’ Association: Place : Community Hall, Kuantan The Youth Wing Committee conducted a survey among the teenagers aged 13 to 18 in Taman Bukit Merah with the aim of recording their opinions about the poor conditions of the football field and futsal courts in the neighbourhood. The teenagers were unanimous in their feedback, with all 50 of them agreeing to the need for maintenance work on the fe We are requesting proper maintenance of these facilities for several reasons. The residents here, young and old, need these facilities where they can relax and enjoy sporting and physical activities. Once the facilities are properly maintained, those using them would feel happy and safe. Anyone using these facilities as well as visitors can be assured that the local council and the association have their best interest at heart. The Youth Wing would like to highlight a few suggestions. We suggest that the grass of the football field be cut at least once a month. The goal post be repaired and repainted. The lines on the courts be redrawn once a year and the stones on the field be removed. The floor of the futsal courts be resurfaced and relined while the goal posts and fencing be replaced. copia pat net least, 4 maintenance committee and youth aaa a ea members from the association should be set up to overse a from the local authority € the maintenance. The residents are willing to liaise with the authoriti nsure that no ies to ensi English 9PM Part 3-Ropot BS The Youth Wing hopes that the su be taken into consider: of all. Written by : Harris Hashim (HARRIS HASHIM) SAUMADAASIASALOAADASAAADIAIAIANAEAOAAAAnAnenanenesenansnnnnanannnassnns® gestions would ion and implemented for the good snoestions ord Bank: ae ; _ complete agreemen noe ce work - Work to look after facilities ~ emphasise Dh ee commifee ~ c group of people to look atter and ensute that the facies ore jood order sn ayperdse {a person or their work) especially in an official capacity oe make contact 10 work with vostoism - witul destruction of public facilties const

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