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When Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived at Medina, he first treated all groups of Medinite society equally

including Muslims, non-Muslims , Arabs and Jews. Prophet (PBUH) realized that the foundation of
Islamic empire must be strong so, he negotiated with the Jewish tribes, as they were the dominant
power in Medina. Finally they reached upon an agreement. It granted equal rights to Jews and
freedom to carry out their religious practices openly. It stated that both parties must protect Medina
against all enemies. This treaty was called ‘Charter of Medina’ and established Prophet (PBUH) as
the leader of Medina. Gradually, the Jews distanced themselves from Prophet (PBUH). They mocked
him on revelations he used to receive and marked him as a false prophet. At the time of the battle of
Badr, the Jews did not help the Muslims despite the clause mentioned in Charter of Medina.

The Jewish tribes that proved to be the most problematic were Banu Qainuqa, Banu Quraiyzah and
Banu Nazir. Banu Qainuqa was the first tribe to break the treaty by fighting with Muslims in the
periods between Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhad. Attempts made by Prophet (PBUH) to come to
terms with them were unsuccessful. Therefore, a siege was enforced against the Banu Qainuqa tribe.
As a result of which they were expelled from Medina in 2 A.H. A year later, Ka’ab, the Jewish leader
was executed for his activities against Medina and interests of Muslims.

In the 4th year of Hijrat, the Banu Nazir plotted to murder Prophet (PBUH) by rolling a stone over
him, while he stood at the entrance of their stronghold. At the same time, with the persuasion of
Quraish, they rose against the Muslims. Prophet (PBUH) sent them a message to leave Medina,
within ten days but they rejected the expulsion and captivated themselves in their fortresses. As a
result of it, Prophet (PBUH) led an army against them and laid siege to their forts. After a siege of
two weeks, the Jews of Banu Nazir surrendered and were exiled from Medina.

The third tribe was Banu Qurayizah, which openly joined Quraish during Battle of Trench. They
helped Quraish to cross the trench by telling an alternative pathway and kept on disturbing Prophet
(PBUH) and others during the war period. They were punished after the battle through their exile
from Medina but they refused. So, Prophet (PBUH) besieged their settlements. Finally, they
surrendered to him and agreed to abide by the decision of the leader of Aus tribe, Saad bin Muaad,
who decided their fate according to Jewish law of the Old Testament. Their men were slain, women
and children were sold as prisoners and their lands and properties were divided among the Muslims
in 5th A.H.

The conflict was between the Muslims of Madinah, who were under Prophet Muhammad ( SAW)
and the Jews who had settled in Khyber after they were expelled from Madinah.

This rise of Islam was not only seen as a threat by the Jews but also by the Quraish of Makkah and
the other prominent communities of Arabia. Therefore, they were constantly attempting to weaker
this power.

When the Jews surrendered, they entered a treaty with the Muslims. The Jews evacuated the area
and surrendered their wealth. Under the treaty, the Muslims were not to attack the Jews.

The importance of this battle is that it provided financial and military stability to the Muslims.

The significance of this event can be recognised from the fact that 18 months later, the Muslims

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