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VOL 1. NO.

10 October 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

Bowie County Blade

Cutting through to the truth.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN I am very excited about the upcoming primaries. The way things are beginning to shape up it appears that the Republican Party will have multiple candidates for at least 3 county wide offices, with other people still considering candidacy. I believe that the field of candidates will be very active in pursuing the opportunity to be the partys nominees 2012 election. On another matter, I would like to discuss state party Chairman Steve Munisteris Grass Roots Club. This gives the average person a means to contribute to the Republican Party. The cost is relatively inexpensive, approximately $9.00 per month. This gives donors access to conference calls with the Republican Party chairman and featured guests, and special events, at the Republican Paary State Convention, along with regular email updates about party activities. The best thing about this, by becoming a member of The Grass roots Club, is the state party will stop soliciting via telemarketing or mail. We are very close to achieving the goal of 1,000 members which will allow us to fund the day to day operations of the state party. I believe this to be an excellent party tool and would highly encourage anyone with an interest in becoming more involved with the party to joint today. Best Wishes, Ken Autrey Bowie County Republican Party Chairman ********************** BOWIE COUNTY ECONOMIC PROGRESS RISING Excess property of the Red River Army Depot is now part of TexAmericas Center. The Army transferred 2,850 acres to TexAmericas. This was the last local part of the 2005 BRAC action. At present, the property is largely forested. In exchange for transferring the property at no cost, the Army retained some provisions for timber rights. A ribbon cutting ceremony

VOL 1. NO. 10 October 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

celebrating the transfer will be announced soon. The Economic Development Committee of the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce is active in seeking businesses for occupying the TexAmericas property. Promising contacts with potential large employers are moving forward. ********************** TAXES, TAXES, TAXES Bowie County Central Appraisal District and the Texarkana City Council were both involved in scrutinizing the financial status of the area. A property tax increase was approved for the city and Bowie County is working on the MAPS (Methods and Procedures program) requirements at the direction of the Texas Comptrollers Office. The MAPS process requires taxing entities to supply details of appraisal and collection processes to the Comptroller. Historically, every time the taxing entities begin working on procedures, that results in finding ways to collect more taxes from the citizens. ********************** COMMISSIONERS COURT PRAYER The controversy over the appropriate Court agenda has attracted the attention of the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation. Judge Sterling Lacy received a 10page letter from the Foundation regarding invocations and prayers using the name of Jesus Christ. Commissioners considered accepting an offer of the Alliance Defense Fund to assist in responding to the letter. The letter asks the Bowie County officials to discontinue official government prayers before legislative meetings. The ADF points to numerous official governmental functions where Biblical quotes and references to Jesus Christ were invoked without FFRF objections. ********************** MONEY MONEY $2.8 million in Texarkana Water Utilities residual bond funds were transferred to balance the city budget. Bond money from 1996 has been sitting dormant due to procedural conflicts between Texarkana, TWU and several other cities. Studies are still underway to determine the effects on TWUs capital projects. *********************** SOME HAVE TO LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS

VOL 1. NO. 10 October 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

VOL 1. NO. 10 October 3, 2011

A publication of the Bowie County Republican Party

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