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First part:

I read a motivational spitch book called the teens guide to world domination by josh ship.

I decided to write “No one has the right to dominate your world” because it made me think
for a long time the true meanig of this phase and i conclude that our own world will be
dominated when we decide that our goals are achived and we did our best to dominate.

The second sentece that i chose is “Be honest with yourself” i thought it was very important
for everybody, because if you’re not honest with yourself you will never accept your
weaknesses or flaws and will not improve them, you will never know how to correct your
mistakes if you don´t recognize them.

Second Part:

There is no setting or place in this book so i decided to draw in this middle box a school
because it’s where teenagers have some difficulties and in this book josh ship teach how to
deal with them, like how to choose good friends.

I also draw a family for the same reason that i mention before but in this case is in family
moment that we have some problems and josh ship says for example how to deal with your

And an university degree because it´s when students start to care more about them future and

Third part:

This Book doesn’t have characters but talks about villans who are people that can appear in
your world and try to dominate or try to prevent you to dominate.

They are seven but i decided to draw just three of them:

Zombie, chronic complainers who drag you down with their pessimism and try to convence
you that life is awful.

Ghost- painful memories and mistakes that are holding you back.

Robots-Grown-ups who want to program you to be like them.

Forth part:

I decided to draw a teenager brain and some words like identify problems because these are
some worries that teenagers have nowadays.

Finally my opinion:

In my opinion i thought the begginig of this book a litle bit boring because it was talking for a
long about the same topic.

Despite that, I really liked this book because it made me reflect several times and gave me a lot
of advices as a teenager so i recommend you to read.

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