The Global Demography

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The Global Demography

 Casing, Christian
 Catala, Dominic
 Empleo, Princesjean
 Espedido, Archelito
 Flores, Vea
 Calvo, Jayrome

Learning Outcomes:

What is Demography?
O “Demo” means “the people”
O “graphy” means “measurement”
O “Demos” means “population”
O Demography is the statistical study of the human population

Old London Demographic Notebook

Insurance agents used to frequently conduct early demographic surveys to calculate
life insurance prices. A demographic notebook from London, England is presented

John Graunt
English statistician, generally considered to be the founder of the science of
demography, the statistical study of human populations. Graunt was the first to make
a reasoned estimate of the numbers in a population and the first to document that
more boys are born than are girls and in what proportion.
Example in Philippines we have the percentage of female population is 49.80% compare
to 50.20% male population. Philippines has 0.43 million more males than females.

# Country Population Migrants

1 India 1,428,627,663 -486,136

2 China 1,425,671,352 -310,220

3 United States 339,996,563 999,700

4 Indonesia 277,534,122 -49,997

5 Pakistan 240,485,658 -165,988

# Country Population Migrants

6 Nigeria 223,804,632 -59,996

7 Brazil 216,422,446 6,000

8 Bangladesh 172,954,319 -309,977

9 Russia 144,444,359 -136,414

10 Mexico 128,455,567 -50,239

11 Ethiopia 126,527,060 -11,999

12 Japan 123,294,513 99,994

13 Philippines 117,337,368 -69,996

Having a child is a symbol of successful union. It also prolongs the successor’s

generation to continue the name. The kinship is preserved and the family’s story
O Kinship- being related to someone; affinity; a connection based on nature,
traits, etc.
O Example: Mothers and daughters, uncles and nephews, sisters and cousins
The poor districts of urban center also tend to have families with more children
because of the success of their “small family business”
Urbanized, educated and professional families with 2 incomes, however desire just one
or two progenies.
O Progenies- is the offspring or the children. They often termed as the
descendants or a descendants of a person.
O Example: You and your brothers are the progeny of your parents
People seeking work in the “ more modern” sectors of society:
O Movement of people is specially manifest in the developing countries where
industries and businesses in the cities are attracting people from the rural
International Migration
O the crossing of international borders by individuals with the intention of
settling. International migrants move from one country of residency to another
on a regular basis.
O Countries welcome immigrants as they offset the debilitating effects of an aging
O Also perceived as threats since they compete with other citizens for jobs and
they are open receiving lower wages.
The “Perils/danger” of overpopulation
 Increased demand of food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation.
 Ecological degradation
 Increased conflicts
 Higher risk of large scales disasters like pandemics.
Thomas Malthus
 Early demographer, predicted that future population growth would eventually
exceed our ability to feed people because human population can grow faster
than advances in agriculture
 Wrong prediction due to the Agricultural Revolution "Green Revolution“
 Best known for his theory that population growth will always tend to outrun the
food supply, and that betterment of humankind possible without stern limits of
 Malthusianism is commonly referred to this kind of thinking.
Paul R. Ehrlich
 American Biologist
 “ The Population Bomb”
 According to him that the human was too great, and that while the extent of
disaster could be mitigated, humanity could not prevent severe famines, the
spread of disease, social unrest, and other negative consequences of
Population Control
O An argument became the basis for government by limiting the population, vital
resources use for economic progress and not to be “diverted & wasted”
O a strategy to try and slow down population increase, particularly in
underdeveloped or densely populated areas of the world, through sterilization or
contraceptive programs.
Philippines, China, and India
O Countries aimed to reduce birth rates because they believed that if family size
was unchecked, it would cause a resource shortage that could lead to political
instability, widespread famine, and poverty.
Advocates of population control promotes reproductive technologies – Pills, Condoms,
Vasectomy, Abortion
Betsy Hartmann
 Disagrees with the neo- Malthusian theory and accused governments of using
population control as a substitute for social justice and much needed reforms–
such land distribution, employment creation, provision of mass education and
health care an emancipation
Women and reproductive rights
O Women is often the subject of population measures
O Reproductive rights supporters argued that if population control and economic
development were to reach their goals, women must have control over whether
have children or not and when they will have their progenies.
O Bolivia’s average total fertility rate (TFR) was 6.7 children in a year 1960.
O In 1978, Bolivian government put into effect a family planning program that
include legalization of abortion.
O In 1985, the TFR rate went down to 5.13 and further decline to 3.46 in 2008.
Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Russia
O Countries impose restrictive reproductive health programs, including making
access to condoms and other technologies difficult.
Feminist perspective
 Feminist approach
 Foremost against any form of population control which they think that it does
not empower women.
 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development
suggests that women should have their reproductive rights.
Population growth and food security
 Today’s global population has reached 8.1 billion (8,063,559,199 as of
Saturday, September 30,2023)
 The median age of population is 30.1 years
 The median age of male is 29.4 years
 The median age of female is 30.9 years
 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
 Annually, 70% should be the increase of food production to mitigate the impact
of population growth.
 Recommends that countries increase their investments in agriculture, craft long
term policies aimed at fighting poverty also invest in research and development.
 Enjoins government to keep their markets open and to eventually move towards
a global trading system that is fair and competitive that is also contributes to a
dependable market for food.

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