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Local Plan policy and strategies guidelines based on google:

Local Plan policy and strategies are a set of guidelines that are developed by local planning
authorities to guide future development in a specific area. They are informed by national planning
policy, but they are tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the local area.

Local Plan policies are specific rules that must be followed when making decisions about planning
applications. They cover a wide range of issues, such as:

The type and density of development that is allowed

The design of new buildings

The protection of the environment

The provision of affordable housing

Local Plan strategies are broader statements that set out the overall vision for the future of the local
area. They identify the key challenges and opportunities that the area faces, and they set out a plan
for how to address them. Strategies typically cover a longer period of time than policies, and they
may be more flexible in order to adapt to changing circumstances.

The Local Plan guides decisions on future development proposals and addresses the needs
and opportunities of the area. Topics that Local Plans usually cover include housing,
employment and shops and they also identify where development should take place and areas
where development should be restricted.

The Local Plan must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and be
consistent with the principles and policies in the government’s National Planning Policy
Framework. In essence, the Local Plan should set out what the opportunities are for
development in the area, and say what types of development will and will not be permitted
and in which locations.

Local Plans are at the heart of the planning system and are the main consideration in deciding
planning applications. They set the framework in which decisions on particular proposals are
taken locally. The law makes it clear that decisions on planning applications should be made
in accordance (in line) with the policies and proposals within the development plan (which
includes the Local Plan) unless other strong planning reasons or 'material considerations'
indicate. It is therefore very important that you get involved in the preparation of planning
policies and proposals within the Local Plan at an early stage if you want to influence how
your area will be developed in future. The sooner you get involved the greater the influence
you can have on planning in your area. Contacting the planning department of your local
council and asking to be included in future consultations on the Local Plan will be the first
step in getting more involved.
Ain’s Part

Local Plan Policy

Local planning authorities create Local Plan policies and strategies as a collection of rules that guide
future development in a designated area. Although they are adapted to the particular requirements
and priorities of the local community, they are guided by national planning policy.

Planning application judgments are subject to particular guidelines known as local plan policies. They
address many different topics, including:

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