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 Population is a group of similar species
living in a certain place at the same time

 Population is the interaction between the

organisms that causes a population to
Characteristics of Population

1. Size
2. Density
3. Distribution
Characteristics of Population
1. Size
 Pertains to the number of individuals in a population

Factors that Contribute to the Size of a Population

1. Natality – the number of species that are born

2. Mortality – the number of species that die

3. Migration – the transfer of species from one place to another

a. Immigration – the number of species that entered the land

b. Emigration – the number of species that leave the land

Characteristics of Population
2. Density
 Defined as the number of individuals of a species
living in a particular area of that population.

Example: 250 horse/hectare

 Population density increases when the factors

are favorable to the population and decreases
when they are unfavorable.

 Population density may vary from year to year

and is determined by external factors
Characteristics of Population
3. Distribution
 The arrangement of the individuals of a population
within a particular space.

 Random Distribution – There is no specific order in

random distribution, the organism is spread throughout
the area without an over-all pattern.

 Uniform Distribution – the organism are evenly

distributed over an area.

 Clumped Distribution – the organism are concentrated in

an area. It may offer the population protection from
Philippine Population
 Philippine population would continue to grow,
increasing from 100.4 M, as of t he lat est
population census conducted in 2018, to 141.7
M in 2040 , but Philippine population as of July
2018 is already about 106,512,074 as of

 The population is projected to grow by 1.90% in

the 2014-2015 periods, from 100.4 M in 2014 to
103.3 M in 2015
Philippine Population Density
 The Philippines population is equivalent to 1.38% of the total world

 The Philippines ranks number 13 in the list of countries (and

dependencies) by population.

 The population density in the Philippines is 348 per Km 2 (902

people per mi2).

 The total land area is 298,192 Km2 (115,133 sq. miles)

 44.8 % of the population is urban (46,543,718 people in 2017)

 The median age in the Philippines is 24.4 years.

Top 15 countries in the World with high
number of Population…..

Population dynamics in 2015
According to our estimations, daily change rates of
Philippines population in 2015 will be the following:
 7 104 live births average per day (296.02 in a
 1 407 deaths average per day (58.64 in a hour)
 -362 emigrants average per day (-15.07 in a
 The population of Philippines will be
increased by 5 335 persons daily in 2015
Philippines Age Structure
As of the beginning of 2015 according to our estimations
Philippines had the following population age distribution:

In absolute figures (estimation):

•35 457 529 young people under 15 years old ( 18 087 443 males /
17 370 086 females)
•62 506 315 persons between 15 and 64 years old ( 31 256 739
males / 31 249 576 females)
•4 369 640 persons above 64 years old ( 1 886 006 males / 2 483
634 females)
We prepared a simplified model of the population distribution pyramid
which is broken down into 3 main age groups. The groups are the
same as we used above: population under 15, between 15 and 64 and
population which is over 65 year old.
34.6 61.1

- percentage of population under 15 years old

- percentage of population between 15 and 64 years


- percentage of population above 64 years old

Reasons why Filipino have an Immense
Growth of Population
 Tradition of having big families – Filipino prefers to have big
family of 6-12 children. They believe that their children will
lessen their loneliness during old age, even though half of
them become ungrateful. Children are considered priceless
gifts of God, more than wealth.

 Question of Gender – parents want to have their first born

child to be a boy. They ignore family planning, because they
want to have boys as their next child if they have only girls.

 The male macho image – Most Filipino feel that masculinity

lies on the ability to impregnate their wives frequently.

 Educational background – The less educated the people,

the more they have children. The more educated the people,
the fewer children they want.
Reasons why Filipino have an Immense
Growth of Population
 Unsatisfactory/Ineffective family relationship – There is
an increase in Filipino population because they believe
that contraceptives are hindrances to a full sexual pleasure
of a couple and that they endanger the health of women.
They feel that family planning is an intrusion to private
affair of the married couple.

 Economic reasons – The family tends to choose the

number of children they want for economic reasons.
Children help family to raise food, haul water and work for
wages outside the home. People tend to have more
children because they feel it improves their economic

 Contraceptive methods – Catholic Church disapproves

the use of contraceptive methods in family planning.
Problems on Population Growth in
the Philippines
 Environmental problem
 Increase in population means increase in waste materials thrown in
the environment and there is a greater degradation and
deterioration of nature.
 Social problem

 Over population may result to prostitution, drug addiction, crime,

juvenile delinquency, suicide and others due to lack of opportunity
to have a nice stable job because of too much competition.
 Economic problem

 The economists consider population growth a problem because it

hinders the country’s effort to satisfy the needs of the citizens.
 Educational problem

 It is a problem when the Philippine government cannot provide

enough education, classrooms, school facilities, education
materials even qualified teachers.
Problems on Population Growth in
the Philippines
 Health problem
 The health condition of the people is being affected due to
adverse conditions: prevalence of disease, epidemics and
 Spiritual and moral problem
 Due to overpopulation, people become materialistic and
liberalistic. The morality and spirituality of young generation
seem rapidly declining.
 Problem of food supply
 Overpopulation leads to problem on how to provide for
people’s basic needs.
 Problem of destruction of nature
 Population growth may result to fast deteriorating
environmental resources, such as virgin forest.
 Agricultural lands are converted into industrial sites,
biodiversity becomes endangered.
Impact of Population in Environment
1. Land use Patterns

 When there is an increase in population there is also an increase in

waste materials thrown on the environment and there is a greater
degradation and deterioration of nature.

 Fulfilling the resource requirements of a growing population ultimately

requires some form of land use change—to provide for the expansion of
food production through forest clearing, to intensify production on
already cultivated land resulting to deforestation thereby:
 increasing the frequency and severity o9f floods and soil erosion

 degradation of soil by using of fertilizers if land will be converted

to agricultural use
 habitat fragmentation leading to species decline.

 Requirement to develop infrastructure necessary to support increasing

human numbers.
Impact of Population in Environment
2. Global Climate Change
 Recent years have been among the warmest on record. Research
suggests that temperatures have been influenced by growing
concentrations of greenhouse gases, which absorb solar radiation
and warm the atmosphere. Research also suggests that many
changes in atmospheric gas are human-induced.

 Contributions related to industrial production and energy

consumption lead to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use.

 Land-use changes, such as deforestation affect the exchange of

carbon dioxide between the Earth and the atmosphere

 Some agricultural processes, such as paddy rice cultivation,

livestock production are responsible for greenhouse gas releases
into the atmosphere, especially methane.
Impact of Population in the
Developing Country
 There will be an increase in working age
population and this will give the country an
opportunity to develop its human capital.

 The government and private sector will have to

start planning for their education and health
needs as well as for their employment.

 A growing unemployment rate would mean a

rising crime rate, insecurity and instability.

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