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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________

Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

PASAY-MUSIC9-Q2-01/ MU9CL-lla-f-1

Second Quarter / WEEK 1

I. OBJECTIVES: Describes musical elements of given Classical Period pieces

DIRECTIONS : Rearrange jumbled letters to form the correct WORDS as the answer to the questions below.
1. A musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra.
TOCERCON ___________________
2. A section of the sonata allegro form where the themes are introduced. EXSIPOTION__________
3. The general texture of Classical music. PHOMONICHO_______________
4. The term for serious opera. ORAPE RIASE___________________
5. The most important form that was developed during the classical era and usually the form of the first
movement of a sonata or symphony. NATASO ALLROEG__________________
6. It repeats the themes as they first emerged in the opening exposition. TULATIONRECAPI_____________
7. Musical composition designed to be played by full orchestra. PHONYSYM_____________
8. The term for Italian Opera. RAPEO FABUF__________________
9. It is multi-movement work for solo instrument. CERCONTO_______________________
10. It is called “ The Age of Reason”. CALSICLAS__________________
What is Classical:
-Classical era is also called “ Age of Reason” the period from 1750-1820 is known as the Classical period,
musicians and singers like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert and Ludwig
van Beethoven created a history in classical music. The popularity of classical music had a far flung effect
and even common people developed an inclination for it.

Read on…
Elements of Classical Music:
Melody - Melodies in the Classical period were diatonic with the occasional chromaticism. Phrase lengths were even
and usually four or eight bars long.

Phrase - The recurrent musical series are compiled into different phrases that complete the song. Phrase-marks
are the slurs placed over or under the notes as a hint of their proper punctuation in performance.

Theme - Classical music is always based on a particular theme that get exposed from the lyrics and the melody.
A song without a theme is never complete. There might be variation in the themes, nevertheless, it forms
the backbone of the song.
Motif - is the shortest subsection of the melody or the theme. It’s a smallest idea or the smallest element of the
song comprising three to four notes.

BACH motif : B-A-C-H, Op. 60, No. 4, mm. 1–3

Two types of Motif’s
a. Rhythmic motif- the term designating a characteristic rhythmic formula, an abstraction drawn from the
rhythmic values of a melody.
b. Melodic motif- is a melodic formula, established without reference to intervals.
Example: Beethoven's Symphony No. 5
Book: Department of Education: Music and Arts Grade 9
Learner’s Materials
Internet: Elements of Classical Music –

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

Sonata - type of musical composition, usually for a solo instrument or a small instrumental ensemble, that
typically consists of two to four movements, or sections, each in a related key but with a unique
musical character.
Example of Sonata:

Three main sections of Sonata:

1. Exposition- the composer develops the themes presented in the exposition.
2. Development - the composer develops the themes presented in the exposition.
3. Recapitulation- is a varied repetition of the exposition

Measure - The time span (time signature) of the music within which the lyrics are composed harmoniously is
known as the measure. It’s also known as the bar of the music notation. In short, it is the ‘beat per
duration’. The entire duration of the music further depends on its lyrics and tune.

Timbre - It’s the quality of individual notes that helps in distinguishing one from another. The sound produced
from the musical instrument depends upon the quality of the timbre used.
Meter- defined as a regular, recurring pattern of strong and weak beats.

Harmony - adds texture and quality to classical music. More than one pitch sounding at the same time in music

Coda - the concluding part of the music and is usually placed towards the end of the composition.

Rhythm - The uniform motion that a music follows to progress is known as the rhythm of the music. The rhythm
of the music is also created by the beats. The beat is the steady pulse to which you can tap your foot or
count the music.

Knowing the elements of classical music help you understand it in a better way. These
elements play a significant role in giving a form to the music and producing a beautiful melody. These
play a significant role in forming the structure and the tune of the song. If you are really fond of classical
music, then I’m sure you will try to figure out these elements while listening to a classical song. Play the
music and get completely absorbed in its melody.

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________


EXERCISE 1. What did I know ?

DIRECTIONS: Identify the elements of Classical music being described. Choose your answer
inside the box.

Coda Melody Phase Theme

Harmony Meter Rhythm Timbre
Measure Motif’s Sonata

1. It is the concluding part of the music and usually placed towards the end of the composition. _____________
2. It is responsible for making the song pleasing to our senses. ______________
3. The uniform motion that a music follows to progress. __________________
4. The time span (time signature) of the music within which the lyrics are composed. _________________
5. Adds texture and quality to classical music._________________
6. It’s the quality of individual notes that helps in distinguishing one from another. _____________
7. It’s a smallest idea or the smallest element of the song comprising three to four notes. _________________
8. Slurs marked placed over or under the notes as a hint of their proper punctuation in performance. ________
9. Composed of three main sections ‘an exposition, a development, and a recapitulation. __________________
10. It’s also known as the bar of the music notation. _______________

EXERCISE 2: Name that Bar

Directions: Determine if the following indicates Harmony, Phrase, Coda, Motif or Melody. Write your answer on
the space provided.






V. Evaluation: How I understand It?

Directions: Describe the four major elements of Classical Music: melody, harmony, texture, and Rhythm

Elements of Classical Music: Description:

Melody ____________________________________________________________________

Harmony ___________________________________________________________________

Texture ____________________________________________________________________

Rhythm ____________________________________________________________________

Writer : EVELYN N. AGUILAR - Teacher III


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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

PASAY – ARTS 9 – Q2 - 01

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Module in ARTS 9
Second Quarter | Week 1

A. Objective: Analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of Renaissance
and Baroque arts;
Identify distinct characteristics of arts during the Renaissance and Baroque periods
B. Lesson Proper: Arts of the Renaissance period

Arts of the Renaissance Period covers artworks produced during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries in Europe. The
word “renaissance” comes from the word, “renaitre”, which means, “rebirth.” It pertains to arts, particularly in Italy,
such as sculptures, paintings, music, architecture, and literature. The most common subject of this period is human
philosophy. Famous artists of this era were Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael and Donatello. The arts of the
Baroque Period are more elaborate and full of emotion. They developed in Europe around the 1600’s. This type of
art form was highly encouraged by the Catholic Church to propagate its dogma. Artists who were popular during this
era were Caravaggio, Rubens, Velasquez, Rembrandt, and Bernini.

7 Characteristics of Renaissance Art

Rebirth of Humanism. -way of thought that focuses on human beings and their potential for achievement.
Rebirth of Naturalism. ...
Perspective and Depth in Art. ...
Create Non-Religious Themes. ...
Privately Owned Art. ...
Sculpture and Architecture. ...
Artists Became Popular with their Art.

Early Renaissance

During the Early Renaissance, artists began to reject the Byzantine style of religious painting and strove to create realism in
their depiction of the human form and space. This aim toward realism began with Cimabue and Giotto, and reached its peak
in the art of the “Perfect” artists, such as Andrea Mantegna and Paolo Uccello, who created works that employed one point
perspective and played with perspective for their educated, art knowledgeable viewer.

During the Early Renaissance we also see important developments in subject matter, in addition to style. While religion was
an important element in the daily life of people living during the Renaissance, and remained a driving factor behind artistic
production, we also see a new avenue open to panting—mythological subject matter. Many scholars point to Botticelli’s Birth
of Venus as the very first panel painting of a mythological scene. While the tradition itself likely arose from cassone painting,
which typically featured scenes from mythology and romantic texts, the development of mythological panel painting would
open a world for artistic patronage, production, and themes.

High Renaissance

The period known as the High Renaissance represents the culmination of the goals of the Early Renaissance, namely the
realistic representation of figures in space rendered with credible motion and in an appropriately decorous style. The most
well-known artists from this phase are Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, and Michelangelo. Their paintings and frescoes
are among the most widely known works of art in the world. Da Vinci’s Last Supper, Raphael’s The School of Athens and
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling paintings are the masterpieces of this period and embody the elements of the High
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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

1. Identify the common characteristics of the pictures.
2. On the board or on a classroom wall, put the pictures with similar characteristics together.
3. Describe the similar characteristics.
4. You will have to answer the following questions:
What are the subjects of the art?
What are the materials used in the art?
What could be the reason why the artist made such an art?
5. Record all the answers on a sheet of paper to be submitted to your teacher.

Paintings Sculptures


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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

Loop-a- word: Encircle 15 words that are connected to the Renaissance or Baroque Period.


The Renaissance was a period of artistic experimentation. It brought man into a full
view just like the human figure in Greek Art.

Things to ponder:

1. Did you recognize the difference and uniqueness of the arts styles of the different periods?


2. How do you process the different techniques? What was your basis in recognizing the techniques?


References for further Enrichment:

Learners Materials for Music and Arts Grade 9

Prepared by: Ma’am Marivic L. Santos

Pasay City North High School - Tramo

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

PASAY-HEALTH9-Q2-01-W1-D1 / H9S-IIa-14


Module in Health Education 9

Quarter 2 / Week 1
(Drug Scenario in the Philippines)

A. Objectives: At the end of this module, learners are expected to:

a. describe the drug scenario in the Philippines, and
b. explain the concepts of drug dependence, drug use, drug misuse and drug abuse.

B. Lesson / Discussion

For the year 2018, fifty-four (54) treatment and rehabilitation facilities reported to the Treatment and
Rehabilitation Information System (TRAIS). Of this, fifty-one (51) facilities are residential and three (3) are

From the facilities reporting, a total of five thousand, four hundred forty-seven (5,447) admissions were
recorded. Five thousand, one hundred eighty-eight (5,188) of this are new cases, one hundred seventy-one
(171) are relapsed or readmitted cases and eighty-eight (88) have sought treatment in an out-patient facility.

A significant increase in admission (34.66%) as compared to previous year was observed. The continuous
and relentless efforts of law enforcement and immediate response of local government units in the all-out
campaign to eradicate the drug problem, assisting identified individuals with problems on drug use to avail
treatment and rehabilitation programs, and the plea bargaining agreement which comprise almost twenty-five
percent (24.89%) of the admissions, may have contributed to the increase.


Age : Mean age of 32 years old

Sex : Ratio of Male to Female (9:1)
Civil status : Single (51.20%)
Status of Employment : Unemployed (50.06%)
Educational Attainment : High School Level (28.14%)
Economic Status : Average Family Income Php 11,265.10
Place of Residence : Urban (specifically NCR (4.81%)
Duration of Drug Use : More than six (6) years
Nature of Drug Taking : Mono drug use (abuse of 1 drug only)
Drugs/Substances of Abuse : Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
Cannabis (Marijuana)
Contact Cement (Rugby)
Source: “Philippine Dangerous Drugs Board Profile of Filipino Drug Users 2018 Statistics”


The following are the usual words you will encounter in studying substance use and abuse:

DRUGS are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body either though nasal, oral, transdermal
or intravenous way have psycho- logical, emotional and behavioral effects on a person.

DRUGS OF ABUSE are drugs commonly abused by users. In the Philippines the three drugs of abuse are shabu,
marijuana and rugby.

DRUG DEPENDENCE is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity in
which the use of a drug takes on a high priority thereby creating a strong desire to take the substance.

DRUG MISUSE is the use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency of

DRUG ABUSE is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purposes. Abuse leads to organ damage like brain
damage and liver damage, addiction and troubled behavioral patterns.

DRUG TOLERANCE is the condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substances, thus requiring an even
larger amount of the substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect experienced when taking
the smaller dosage.

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

C. Activities

Activity 1

Direction: Fill in the necessary concepts about each term related to drugs. Add more tags if necessary.

Activity 2

Direction: Draw a silhouette of a man or woman’s figure. Show 4 ways by which drugs of abuse enter the body.

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

Activity 3

Direction: Write an essay about the present drug scenario in the Philippines. Include data and information including
common terms you have learned in the module and have gathered personally. Also include ways for the government
and society to combat drug syndicates and addiction. Use an extra sheet of paper if you need more space.
Guide questions:
1. What is the Dangerous Drugs Board report all about? What is your personal opinion?
2. What is the current drug scenario in your community and school?

C. Generalization

The present drug scenario in the Philippines is changing. Likewise, local and international drug syndicates
are being apprehended and prosecuted by the long arm of the law.

Drugs by nature are good. They are used to treat illnesses; help calm down patients with mental disorders
or relieve pain and suffering. Illicit use of drugs is the result of greediness in some men to earn money and create
chaos and dis- order in society.

D. Evaluation

Direction: Supply the missing words.

Commonly abused drugs in the Philippines are ____________(1), ____________ (2), and ____________ (3).
Filipino _____________ (4) are most vulnerable in experimenting and abusing drugs.
___________________ (5) are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological,
emotional and behavioral effects on a person.
___________________ (6) is the use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or
frequency of use.
___________________ (7) is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity
in which the use of a drug takes on a high priority thereby creating a strong desire to take the substance.
___________________ (8) are drugs commonly abused by users.
___________________ (9) is the condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substances to the body thus
requiring an even larger amount of the substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect
experienced when taking the smaller dosage
___________________ (10) is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purposes. Abuse leads to organ damage
like brain damage and liver damage, addiction and troubled behavioral patterns.

2. PE and Health Learner’s Material

Prepared by: Ricardo T. Fulgencio, Jr

Kalayaan National High School

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________




Module in Physical Education 9

Quarter 2 - Week 1
Formulate an understanding about the benefits of social dances and dance mixers to fitness.
Execute the skills ivolved in the dance

WHAT’s new? (Your Today’s Lesson)

Dance Etiquette is the set of guidelines that help you navigate the social dimensions
of dancing. It is essential for you to maximize how to go about the process of social dancing
and have a happy dancing experience.

Dancing has its own culture.
In social dances and dance
mixers, the more formal the
dance, the more formal the

DON’TS in terms of Outfits & Dance Shoes:

• Do not wear sneaker or any shoe with rubber or spongy sole. They can stick to the dance floor during turns
and spins that may cause knee and ankle injuries. Always wear dance shoes.
• Avoid sleeveless shirts and strapped dresses. It’s not pleasant to have your partner touch your damp skin.
• Avoid shaggy, baggy, low armpit upper shirt. Partner’s hand may get caught in the baggy sleeves.
• Avoid accessories like big rings, watches, brooches, loose/long necklaces and big belt buckles. They can be
dangerous. They can catch in partner’s clothing, causing scratches and bruises.
• Long hair should be put up or tied in a pony tail. It is difficult to get into closed dance positions when the lady
has long flowing hair. They might get caught in partner’s hands or may even hit your partner’s face.


Tailcoat, Tuxedo Coat, Regular Coat,
Ball Gown, Evening Gown,
FORMAL Bow Tie or Regular Necktie, Black
Dinner Gown, Cocktail Gown
Dress Shirt and Tie, Vest or Sweater
SEMI-FORMAL Dinner Dresses, Flowing Pants
that shows the Tie
Anything that displays a
DRESSY CASUAL Solid Color T-shirts, Turtleneck, Polo
conservative, toned-down
Button-up shirt, Solid T-shirt, Sexy Outfits and Long Slit skirts,
LATIN Turtleneck, Dress Slacks, Bright Low Necklines and Exposed
Colorful Outfits are Accepted Midriffs are Popular


• Shower and use a deodorant • Check your grooming periodically
• Brush your teeth and use mouthwash/breath mint • Freshen up and towel off periodically in the
• Abstain from foods that produce strong odor bathroom
• Don’t smoke, it causes foul mouth and clothing • Carrying an extra shirt is advisable for men in
odor case they need to change

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________

• Never blame a partner for missed execution of figures
• Dance to the level of your partner
• The show must go on, say “sorry” to your partner if something went wrong


• Be personable, smile and make eye contact with partner.

• Project a positive image on the dance floor even if it’s not your personal style.
• Dance at the level of your partner
• If you don’t know the dance, be honest, refuse promptly if asked to dance.
• No teaching on the dance floor. It may insult your partner.
• Do not cut other dancers off.

Physical Education and Health 9 Learner’s Material, pp. 67- 69
Elements of Dance Etiquette (Aria Nosratinia) -

ACTIVITIES (Your Today’s Tasks)

Let us take a look on your Body Mass Index (BMI) to check if there was a change in
your body composition compare to your 1st quarter BMI.

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 – Above Obese

BMI RESULT: _______ kg/m2 CLASSIFICATION: ___________________

Processing Questions:

✓ Whatever the result of your BMI computation and classification is, do you still have to engage in
physical activities such as social dancing and performing dance mixers? Why? Why not?

✓ In terms of the nutritional aspect of dancing, what are the right foods for you to eat to maintain or
improve an ideal body weight?

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date : _________________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Section: ________________


Considering the fitness rectangle below, enumerate such fitness benefits you can think of as
contribution of social dance and dance mixers. Write them inside the fitness rectangle.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________


WHAT I HAVE LEARNED (Generalization)

Practice the etiquette in dancing to help you go about the social dimensions of dancing.
Dance etiquette will not just give you a fruitful dancing experience but will also provide with a
widened social network. The following aspects of social dancng to be considred are: (1) what to
wear; (2) personal grooming; (3) asking for a dance; (4) on the floor; (5) no-fault dancing; and (6) dance floor

WHAT I CAN DO (Application)

This time, even without considering yet the proper attire in social dancing, you
will dance according to your chosen music and apply the dance etiquette you have
learned. Choose among your family members to be your partner.

MUSIC: The Second Waltz (André Rieu) -

Sway (Michael Buble) -
Sumayaw Sumunod (VST & Co.) -

CRITERIA: Grooming (5pts.); Courtesy (5pts.); and Behavior during and after dance (10pts.)

MEANS OF SUBMISSION: Take a video of your performance (from start until the end of music) and
submit it in any online platform (google classroom, FB group, messnger,
etc.) set by your teacher.

Write BOOM if the statement is correct and TARAT if the statement is incorrect. Place your answer on
the space provided before the number.

__________1. Dance etiquette is the set of guidelines that help you navigate the social
dimensions of dancing.
__________2. Wear sleeveless shirts and strapped dresses. It is pleasant to have your
partner touch your damp skin.
__________3. During the dance, carrying an extra shirt is advisable for men in case they
need to change.
__________4. Blame your partner for missed execution of figures and stop if something
went wrong.
__________5. Be personable, smile and make eye contact with other’s partner.

Prepared by:

EDWIN D. GABON - Pasay City East High School

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