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Tiara, Anita, Kevin, and Anna received a group assignment, namely making a drama. They plan to
study as a group at Anita's house. Tiara and Anita approached Kevin and Anna's table. They invited
Kevin and Anna to do group assignments.

Anita : Eh... What is Tiara's job like?

Tiara : Let's just ask Kevin and Anna.

Anita: Yes, let's go. (Approaching Kevin and Anna.)

Tiara : Ann, let's work in groups after school.

Anna : Where?

Tiara : Is it okay to stay at your house, Anita?

Anita : It's okay, but don't be late, just go straight after school.

Kevin : I can't come home from school.

Anna : Why? There is an event?

Kevin : Yes, family event.

Anita : Yes, when Kevin has an event, we just work in groups of three.

Anna : OK, but I'll catch up later... because I want to go home first.

Tiara : Yes, I'll wait for you at Anita's house.

When school arrived, Anita and Tiara went straight to Anita's house.
Anita : Ann, let's go first... Don't take too long.

Anna : OK.

Finally Tiara and Anita arrived at Anita's house. They prepare tools & materials while

Tiara : What is the theme of our drama?

Anita : Just about education.

Tiara : Yes, let's continue later. How come Anna hasn't come yet?

Anita : It's sure to come soon.

When Anna was about to catch up with Tiara and Anita, she saw Kevin playing PS.
she came to Anita's house in a hurry.

Anna : Tiara, Anita, did you know that I just saw Kevin playing PS. (panting)

Tiara : Really.

Anna : That's right, when I was about to come here I saw him playing PS.

Anita : He said he had a family event, ehh... suddenly he was playing PS. (annoyed)

Tiara : Wow... that's really bad, Kevin, let's see tomorrow. (angry)

Anna : But are we studying in groups now or not?

Tiara : Ahh... I'm lazy and I'm not in the mood.

Anna : Yes, I'll go home first.

Tiara : I also want to go home. Bye.

Round 2

The next day, when Kevin went to school, Tiara & Anita immediately approached and
scolded Kevin.

Tiara : Kevin, why didn't you study yesterday? (angry)

Kevin : I told you yesterday, I have a family event.

Anita : What family event, you play PS, right? (angry & annoyed face)

Kevin : Who said?

Anita : Yesterday Anna told us, she saw you playing PS. (angry)

Kevin : No, I don't play PS. Maybe Anna saw it wrong. (flustered)

Tiara : Ahh.. BELGEDES.. you. (angry)

Kevin : You don't have to interfere in my business. I like it, I want to play PS, it's up to me.

Anna came and immediately continued the conversation.

Anna : Ehh... What's all this fuss about?

Kevin : Early in the morning, when I arrived, I was immediately scolded. Who isn't angry??

Anna : What's the problem?

Kevin : They were both angry with me because I played PS yesterday.

Anna : Ohh... that's the problem, you're in the wrong, right?

Kevin : So how come it was me who was wrong, I was just playing PS. Surely it won't bother them,

Anita : You didn't realize it, yesterday you said there was a family event.

Kevin : So what if I'm lying?

Tiara : Yes, we can't, we have work to do, you lied so you didn't come to work. But the group requires

Kevin : You're right Tir... A group really needs teamwork. That's why it's called group work. I'm sorry
guys, I'm sorry

Anna : Finally, you understand too. If it's like this, it will be peaceful, right?

Tiara : Of course.

Kevin : Thank you friends.

Anna, Tiara, & Anita : You're welcome.

Tiara : But what happens to our drama?

Anita : Don't worry, if we are at peace, we will easily finish our drama.

Message : Well... friends from the story above, we can learn lessons such as don't
delay work, be united, admit mistakes & immediately apologize, and don't lie.

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