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It’s 2021 and the World is slowly but surely adapting to
the era of remote work. And while it has its downsides,
one of the major pros of remote work is the fact that
it has unearthed new ways to do our job. Many people
have gone from the office to working from their homes,
in a variety of different roles.

Customer support agents are no different. As remote work grew in

popularity, many businesses realized that they could use a modern
call center app to manage all of their calls instead of using their
good, old office phones.

Indeed, call center software tools have exploded in popularity since

2020 and there is no sign of that slowing down any time soon.

Just one issue raises, though. How to get started out with your first
call center software? How do you know what features you need if
you’ve never used one of these pieces of software before?

Today, we’ll show you a list of the top features that any business
should look for when choosing their next call center software. We’ll
tell you why each feature is necessary and how it works. Whether you
run a small business with a handful of employees or an enterprise
company with hundreds of people in customer support, these are the
tools you’ll want to look out for.

01 The biggest challenges when moving

to a call center software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Data and analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

02 Top call center features to look out for. . . . . . . . . 9

01. Call queuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

02. Call recording. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

03. Number porting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

05. Call monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

05. Predictive dialer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

06. Powerful integrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

07. Call routing (in different

shapes and forms). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

08. Call masking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

09. Conference calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

10. Toll-free numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

11. International phone numbers. . . . . . . . . 28

12. Callback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

03 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 4

01 /03

SOFTWARE back to contents
12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 5

The biggest challenges

when moving to a call
center software
If you’re considering switching to a call center software
after using a traditional POTS telephone line, you prob-
ably have quite a few challenges ahead of you. The
switch means completely changing the way your cus-
tomer support team works and the way your customers
get in touch with you. And while it could bring quite a
few benefits to your business, you will probably have
some concerns as well.

Your customer support team is probably used to handling a set of
features in their day-to-day work. This could include their traditional
phone, live chat, email, social media inboxes, and a variety of other
tools. You could be concerned that they will have a hard time getting
to know and adopting a new tool.

This is nothing to be concerned about. Modern call center systems

such as CloudTalk are based on a SaaS (software as a service) mod-
el that has an intuitive user experience and sleek onboarding. With a
little bit of effort, your customer support team will be handling your
new call center software like pros within a few days. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 6

Are you worried that a call center software might cost you an arm
and a leg? When you compare prices online, it really is hard to deter-
mine what they actually cost including extra numbers, porting fees,
number of minutes, possible add-ons, and more. If you plan to add a
large number of users, you might already see yourself spending thou-
sands of Euros on VoIP every month.

But is it really so?

In reality, many tools have flat pricing fees. CloudTalk’s basic pack-
age, for example, costs €20 per user per month when paid annually.
This includes unlimited inbound calls, automatic call distribution, call
queuing, international call numbers, and many other features. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 7

There are many areas in which standard telephone lines are lacking,
but security isn’t one of them. Copper wires cannot be hacked or ex-
ploited in any kind of way. Call center software, on the other hand,
uses your internet connection, opening up opportunities for attacks
and vulnerabilities.

But not really.

VoIP security is a huge issue in the industry, so providers like Cloud-

Talk have worked hard to make VoIP connections safe and reliable.
Through practices such as call encryption, your call center is made
safe and reliable for communication regardless of where you or your
customers are located.

CloudTalk is in compliance with ISO 27001 certificate. All information is

stored in a modern secure data center with 24/7 monitoring.

Data and analytics

How do you know whether or not your agents are actually doing their
jobs well? If your customers are happy with the service that you pro-
vide? Are you fully using the features of your newly purchased call
center software?

With a traditional phone system, you can only rely on self-reporting.

Modern call centers such as CloudTalk have detailed analytics and

reporting embedded as a part of their toolsets. This means that you
can easily see stats such as: back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 8

→ The average length of your agents’ calls

→ Who the best-performing agents are
→ Which channels your customers use most commonly
→ How satisfied customers are with your agents’ performance
→ And much, much more.

You can base all of your decisions on hard data instead of relying on
guesses and sheer luck. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 9

02 /03

FOR back to contents
12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 10

Top call center features

to look out for
Depending on what you sell and who your customers
are, you will have different requirements for your call
center software. Moreover, the size of your company
and your customer support/sales team will also dictate
what you need to look out for. Last but not least, the
volume of calls you make daily (both inbound and out-
bound) has a huge impact on the required feature set.

Having said all of that, there are some features that ev-
ery call center will probably need. Let’s get started.

01. Call queuing

In an ideal world, you will always have enough agents to answer ev-
ery incoming call at all times. In reality, you’ll sometimes have a large
volume of incoming calls with only a handful of agents available to
handle them. And if you have 10 callers but only 3 agents to handle
them, for instance, you’ll be forced to improvise. Instead of putting 7
of the callers on hold, you can put them in a call queue. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 11

How does it work?

A call queue is a set of rules for incoming calls that you set up in your
call center options. For example, when a call comes in, it is put in a

queue depending on the availability of your agents.

After a customer waits, they will be forwarded to the next available

agent. To keep them from hanging up, they can hear personalized
greetings and custom music while on hold. You can also set up your
call center to tell callers how soon they can expect to reach an agent
and which position they are in line.

You can even use smart call queuing to separate your customers into
different brackets. For example, if a customer is labeled as a high pri-
ority, they will move up the call queue and reach the next available
agent faster than lower priority callers.

In order to provide the shortest possible wait time for your customers,
there are several strategies that can be used when putting them in a
queue. These include: back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 12

→ Ring all
→ Round Robin
→ The lowest number of calls
→ Random

The main advantages of call queuing are that your customers will
spend less time waiting and the time they do wait will be more enjoy-
able. If you can’t manage your current number of calls, this is one of
the best features to use.

02. Call recording

In the past, recording a call through a standard phone line required
quite a bit of effort. Nowadays, the process is actually quite simple
thanks to contemporary call center software tools.

How does it work?

Call recording as a feature allows you to record all of the inbound

and outbound calls that your agents make. You can set up your call
center software to automatically record your calls and store the files
online. You will get access to other relevant data besides the audio
file, such as the agent’s and customer’s names, plus how long the
call lasted.

You can even set up your call center software to record internal calls
between team members. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 13

You may be wondering about the perks of recording calls and if doing
so intrudes on privacy. However, there are quite a few benefits of re-
cording calls:

→ Helps you resolve customer complaints about agents.

→ Identify best practices and get examples for training purposes.
→ Find out who your best-performing agents are.
→ See if you’re meeting your customers’ needs properly.

Call center software tools such as CloudTalk also allow you to re-
cord calls in real time, so you can listen to your agents live when they
are on calls.

There is something that you need to pay attention to, though. Differ-
ent countries have different call recording laws. Depending on where
a customer is from, you will have to let them know that the call is
being recorded and ask them for their permission. In most states, re-
cording calls without explicit permission from your customers could
result in huge fines for your company. It is therefore important to
make sure you’re abiding by the law before turning on this feature.

03. Number porting

There’s a good chance that you haven’t launched your company yes-
terday. If your customers have been using one phone number to get
in touch with you for months or years, you probably want to keep it. If
the number is special (a 1-800 or a vanity number), you’re even more
attached to it. When switching to a call center software, you want to
keep all of your numbers, both for inbound and outbound calls. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 14

How does it work?

Number porting is the process of a call center adding your existing

number to their system so that when your customers call you, they
reach your new call center instead of your old copper phone line.

In order to port your number, your new call center software has to
communicate with your existing phone provider. There are usually two
aspects to this process:

→ It costs a certain fee

→ It takes a certain amount of time, e.g. 1-3 weeks

The good news is that every good call center software will have num-
ber porting as a feature, including CloudTalk. Plan the porting ahead
of time before you intend to transition to a new system and you
should be good to go.

It’s crucial to keep your existing phone number if you want to ensure
that your customers can reach you just as easily as before with your
new call center setup.

05. Call monitoring

If you want to help your agents, you need to be there for them. But
when a call is over and a hot lead is lost forever, there is not much
use in telling them what they could have done better. It would be bet-
ter to be there for the agent as they are on the call to give them guid-
ance. This is where call monitoring comes into play. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 15

How does it work?

Call monitoring is similar to call recording. Through your dashboard,

you get access to all of your agents’ calls as they take place in re-
al-time. You can see the customers that your agents are interacting
with and help them out in several different ways:

→ Listen to the call - if you don’t want to interfere, you can just lis-
ten to your agent as they talk to the customer. This will give you
insights into how your agents handle everyday situations.

→ Whisper to the agent - you can talk into your phone and “whis-
per” into your agent’s ear so that only they can hear it. That
way, you can help immediately if they get stuck with something.

→ Take over - if you feel that the agent is struggling and you want
to help them, you can take over the call and talk yourself. Per-
haps the customer is really important or you want to make sure
you close a deal and not let it slip. Then you can join in with one
push of a button.

All of the above allow you to keep a close watch on your agents’ most
important calls and provide help when it’s most necessary. The great
thing is that your customers will have no idea that you’re there, ready
to jump in and save the day. Unless you actually do so, of course.

With CloudTalk, you don’t have to listen to all of your agents’ calls and
decide which ones to help with. Each of your agents has the possibil-
ity to virtually “raise their hand”, signalling that they need help from
a manager or supervisor. When they do this, supervisors will see the
calls that they need to assist with marked in a special color so they
know when to jump in.

Remember that the purpose of this feature is not to snoop on your back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 16

agents’ calls. Instead, it is intended to help them improve their perfor-

mance and manage their calls more effectively. If you start listening
to a call, the agent will see an icon in their call center software noti-
fying them about it. However, you can turn this feature off as well.

05. Predictive dialer

For companies that make a lot of outbound calls, time is of the es-
sence. If an agent has a list of 5,000 numbers in front of them, they’ll
have to manually choose and dial each one. It may take just 10 sec- back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 17

onds per number, but those seconds add up. At the end of the month,
you will end up losing hours per agent on a task that could easily be
automated with one of the most crucial call center features.

How does it work?

A predictive dialer does just that - it goes through your list of poten-
tial customers and predicts who would be the best to call next. From
that list of, let’s say, 5 000 people to call, you want the next available
agent to pick the next available number.

A predictive dialer automatically picks up the phone on the agents’

behalf and chooses a number that has not been called from an ac-
tive campaign. That way, agents don’t have to manually go through
the list and won’t call the same number twice accidentally.

Once each call is over, the predictive dialer can give each agent a
certain time frame before a new call is made automatically. That way,
if there are administrative tasks to be completed, enough time is left
for them before the next call is made.

Predictive dialers can save you hundreds of hours and thousands of

dollars every year. More importantly, they help your agents regain fo-
cus as they can work on the important stuff instead of wasting their
time picking which customer to call next.

Moreover, the predictive dialer in CloudTalk has another useful feature

that allows you to schedule calls. If a customer tells you that they are
currently not available, you can schedule a call to be made automati-
cally at a time that suits them. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 18

06. Powerful integrations

If you’re running a modern business, you should never rely on just one
tool to get your work done. You rather need a host of different apps
to manage your entire workflow. When you’re evaluating whether or
not to purchase a license for a particular call center software, you
must take a look at its list of integrations. If one tool doesn’t integrate
with others that already are key to your everyday work, skip it and go
for a competitor.

How does it work?

When a tool integrates with your call center software, it allows you to
easily exchange data between the two without opening and closing
both apps at the same time. For example, you can create a new task
in one click from CloudTalk, instead of opening up Asana to do so.

There are different categories of integrations, and below are some of

the most common ones that you should pay attention to:

→ CRM integrations - a CRM is a database that contains all of the

relevant information about your customers, their behavior, past
purchases, campaigns, and more. It’s a must to have solid inte-
grations with popular CRMs such as Salesforce and Hubspot.

→ Project management tools - if you want to create and update

tasks without switching back and forth between 20 different
tabs, you need integration with one of these. A great call cen-
ter software will integrate with systems like Asana, Trello, Base-
camp, Clickup, and others. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 19

→ Help desk tools - your customers will likely connect with you in
more ways than one. If you have an integration with a help desk
tool, you can easily resume a conversation with a customer
where it finished last time.

→ Ecommerce tools - if you run a website on Shopify, Bigcom-

merce, or another similar platform, it’s crucial to connect it
seamlessly with your call center.

There are many more other categories of possible integrations, so

pick and choose your call center carefully based on how well it con-
nects with the rest of your toolset. Some tools such as Zapier allow
you to connect your call center with a variety of different apps, so
that’s another great feature to look at. Bear in mind that Zapier will
charge you for its connections (Zaps) though, so it’s best to look for
call center software like CloudTalk that have strong native integra-
tions with other apps.

Last but not least, one super cool native integration your call center
should have is click to call, which is exactly what it says on the tin.
If an agent comes across a phone number somewhere, that number
becomes clickable. When they click on it, the call center software
starts dialing.

This is an excellent feature to have because it allows your agents

to more easily work directly in your CRM. Imagine going to a certain
customer’s profile and seeing their phone number, but then having to
copy and paste it into your dialer. Click to call allows you to immedi-
ately make calls from your CRM, web browser, help desk tool, or any
other app that you use. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 20

07. Call routing (in different

shapes and forms)
Imagine a situation when you have 10 different agents sitting in a
room waiting for customer calls. When 10 calls come in, each agent
has to pick up the phone and start talking. But who determines which
agent picks up which call? And at what time and in what order? Who
gets to talk to the most important customers?

If you tried to make sense out of this situation on your own, you would
have to make a lot of decisions before answering any calls that come
in. Luckily, you don’t have to think about that - your call center soft-
ware can do it for you. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 21

How does it work?

In essence, call routing is a predefined set of criteria for incoming

calls. Once a call comes in, the call center software looks into it and
sends the call to the right agent based on your criteria. That way,
agents can take every call without worrying whether they can help
the customer or not. If you receive a large volume of calls every day,
you do need a call routing feature in some shape or form.

However, not all routing features are the same. Carefully consider the
following list to identify the type(s) you really need.

Skills-based routing can be incredibly helpful for any company.

Once your call center software is set up, you can create profiles for
each agent on which you list their skills. For example, you could add
Spanish as a language skill for an agent and write how proficient they
are in speaking it.

Then, if a customer calls in and selects Spanish as their preferred lan-

guage, they will be directed automatically to an agent who speaks
Spanish well. In other words, the routing system matches the custom-
er who’s calling with the agent that has the most well-suited skillset
to help solve the problem.

Besides languages, you could add technical expertise in a certain

field. For example, one agent might be proficient at setting up your
product, while another is better at handling your affiliate partner-
ship program.

IVR or Interactive Voice Response is one of the oldest and most

common call center features. If you’ve ever dialed a support number
and the voice on the other side said “for English, press 1”, then you’ve
experienced IVR in all its glory. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 22

In short, IVR allows you to create pre-defined menus from which cus-
tomers can choose what kind of problems they have and how they
want to communicate with you. Setting up a great IVR menu is an
art form that will delight your customers if done right. Do it wrong
though, and they’ll hate having to call you. To provide an example,
don’t make it too long.

IVR is a basis for many other forms of call routing, such as


If you’re looking to create a self-service option so that customers are

able to resolve problems on their own without even speaking to an
agent, IVR is your best bet for this too. It is based on automated mes-
sages and if set up in the right way, IVR can significantly decrease
the workload for your agents and make your customers happier at
the same time.

There are several different types of IVR, and all of them have slightly
different purposes. These include:

→ Multi-level IVR
→ Automatic routing
→ Forward to phone from IVR
→ Send calls to voicemail

Depending on your individual needs, you may use one or all of these
IVR types. Regardless, it’s a great idea to have different options.

Call forwarding is one feature, alongside IVR, that you absolutely

should have if you want to make both your customers and agents feel
satisfied. It works exactly as described. It allows you to automatically
or manually forward calls to a different number if the one that a cus-
tomer calls is not available. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 23

For example, if a customer happens to call the specific number of an

agent who is off from work or on their lunch break, the call center
software will automatically forward the call to their cell phone or to a
different agent altogether. This way, no calls will go unanswered.

All in all, call routing is one of the most useful features of a modern
call center. The types mentioned above are just the most important
ones you should check out, but there are others like:

→ Automatic call distribution

→ Call flows
→ Ring groups
→ Preferred agents
→ VIP queues
→ And others.

Make sure to carefully consider your needs before deciding on a pro-

vider with your required call routing options.

One extra feature that makes call routing super-efficient is business

hours. Depending on where you’re located and when you want to re-
ceive calls, you can set your business hours. That way, your agents
are only available at certain times. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 24

If someone tries to call outside of your business hours, you can decide
what happens. Some of the possible scenarios include:

→ Forwarding the call to an agent’s cell phone number

→ Greeting the customer with a personalized message telling
them to call back during your business hours
→ Giving the customer the option to call back at a certain time

You can also set custom business hours for agents who are unavail-
able at certain times.

08. Call masking

Privacy can be of the utmost importance. If you want to ensure that
your customers feel safe getting in touch with you, call masking is one
of the easiest ways to make that happen.

How does it work?

In some cases, you really want to know the number that a customer
is calling you from because you need their ID. However, there are use
cases when it’s actually better for the customer to keep their phone
number hidden. For example, in a taxi app such as Uber, you don’t
want to store customers’ numbers if they call you.

This is what call masking is all about. When a customer calls you, the
call center won’t show you their actual phone number. Instead. Their
number will be masked and remain anonymous to your agents. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 25

This is a massive security feature that will mean a lot to your custom-
ers who want to remain anonymous. Masked numbers are only shown
for the duration of each call and they expire afterwards.

It also works the other way around. You can have masked numbers
for your own agents too, which is especially useful if they use their
own phones for customer calls.

If a customer is concerned about someone using their phone num-

ber without permission, with call masking you can convince them
that no one will have access to it unless willingly given to a call cen-
ter operator.

09. Conference calls

Sometimes, having two people on a call may not be enough. Whether
for internal or external calls, the option of making conference calls in-
volving multiple people is always a great addition to your existing line-
up of features.

How does it work?

A conference call is a conversation between more than two partici-

pants, either internal (with your own team members) or external (with
your customers and other parties). To get started in CloudTalk, you
can invite your existing team members onto a call. If you need a cus-
tomer to join as well, they can get access from a guest account with-
in a few minutes. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 26

Of course, you want to make sure that no one except your invitees
gets to join in and listen to calls. For this reason, CloudTalk’s confer-
ence calls are protected by PIN numbers. Only once the correct secu-
rity number is typed in can a person join a call.

If you’re looking for a great alternative to Zoom, Skype, or Slack

for audio conference calls, having this feature will make life signifi-
cantly easier. It allows you to communicate internally with the same
software that you use to talk to your agents, lowering your month-
ly app bills.

It’s important not to confuse conference calls with three-ways calls.

This is another feature in CloudTalk that allows you to easily add a
third participant to a call when you’re already talking to a custom-
er, like a supervisor joining in. While conference calls are more of a
feature for internal communication, three-way calls are designed
for getting a second opinion from a manager or another customer
during a call. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 27

10. Toll-free numbers

There are many reasons why customers might refuse to get in touch
with you despite having an issue with your product or service. It’s
most commonly just too expensive for them to make a call, especially
if you work with clients from all around the World. A simple customer
support call could mean costly bills to be paid from their own pock-
ets. To save their money and encourage them to get in touch with
you, opt for toll-free numbers with your call center software.

How does it work?

A toll-free number is usually a 1-800 number that your customers can

call completely for free. When clients need to get in touch, they dial
the (usually local) number and talk to you for free instead of paying
the costs themselves.

A good call center provider will give you a variety of options for toll-
free numbers. They can be purchased for a few Euros per month, per
number and allow customers to call as often as they need for free. In
other words, it’s a major investment in your customer satisfaction that
will pay off after the first call.

If you’re looking for variations on this feature, CloudTalk offers blue

numbers. This type of toll-free number splits the call fees between
you and the caller so you can give them an extra incentive to get in
touch without opting for a full toll-free number.

These numbers have a large range of advantages, including: back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 28

→ Improved customer satisfaction

→ A higher number of calls

→ Lower costs for your customers

→ The ability to receive calls from both landlines and mobile

phone numbers

If you’re concerned about callers’ budgets and want to make your

call center even more customer-friendly, it’s a great idea to get a toll-
free number for your business.

11. International phone numbers

Many companies nowadays do business globally. With the expansion
of remote work and the worldwide accessibility of goods and ser-
vices, it’s not hard to imagine being located in the US and selling to
customers in Asia or Australia. When it comes to customer support,
you want to make sure that clients from all over the world will feel like
they’re calling someone next door rather than on an entirely differ-
ent continent.

How does it work?

Any good call center gives you the chance to buy a large variety of
international phone numbers. Having just one number for customer
support simplifies things, but it’s not usually the best idea for your
customers around the globe. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 29

International phone numbers mean that you can be located any-

where in the world and still have local phone numbers from e.g. Ger-
many, France, and Japan. When a customer wants to call you, they
will not use a global 1-800 number to get in touch. Instead, they can
call using a one with their own country’s dialing code and still talk to
an agent on the other side of the globe.

In practical terms, this means that the likelihood of receiving calls

from international customers increases. They can rest assured that
the call they need to make to you won’t cost them a fortune. They’ll
have the feeling that they’re about to talk to a local instead of a
stranger in another country.

On a smaller scale, this will make it simpler for your agents to resolve
problems more quickly and easily. Taking a look at the big picture,
your company will seem like a major worldwide business that can af-
ford offices around the globe. International phone numbers cost only
a few Euros per number, per month. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 30

12. Callback
It’s never ideal if a customer can’t get in touch with you. It could be
for a number of reasons - all agents are busy, the customer called
outside of business hours, or something else. In any case, they should
be called back as soon as possible. Instead of doing this manually,
you can rely on a callback feature to handle it automatically.

How does it work?

When customers call you and they can’t reach an agent, the call
center makes note of the attempt to get in touch. When an agent
becomes available, the callback feature automatically contacts the
customer back.

You can set up callbacks exactly how you want. For example, you
could define a rule that says a maximum of 5 callback attempts
should be made within 24 hours of the customer’s original call. Since
this is done automatically, your agents don’t have to worry about re-
membering who called and when.

Although this is a seemingly simple feature, it can be a great way to

increase your overall customer satisfaction and agent productivity.
Your agents will have less to think about and your customers will nev-
er have a single call unanswered.

You can use callback in combination with call queuing for maximum
efficiency. Let’s say customers contact you and they are put in a
queue because there are no agents available to handle their call. In-
stead of waiting in line for someone to answer, they now have an ad-
ditional choice. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 31

Within the queue, they can choose the callback option. In other
words, instead of waiting for 15 minutes in order to reach the first
available agent, they can hang up immediately after requesting a
callback. As soon as someone is able to handle their call, customers
will receive a callback from your call center software automatically
instead of them spending all of that time waiting.

Moreover, they can choose a time that suits them best instead of
getting a callback when they are unable to answer it. This is yet
another seemingly simple feature that both your customers and
agents will love. back to contents

12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 32

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12 features to be on the lookout for when choosing your call center software 33

Choosing a call center software for your business is not an easy job.
There is a lot of competition out there and many providers offering
different services, with pricing which is complex to say the least.
Once you have your heart set on a provider, you need to consider if
the features that they offer match your needs.

Before committing, ask yourself the following questions:

→ Will this feature make my agents happier and more productive?

→ Will this feature make my customers more satisfied?

→ Is this feature a necessity or something that is just nice to have?

→ Will this feature be worth the increased monthly sub-

scription costs?

Once you have a positive answer to all of these questions, you’ll know
that a particular feature is something you must have in your call cen-
ter software.

And if you’re wondering which software has all of the features de-
scribed above, then look no further. CloudTalk has all of the afore-
mentioned ones, and you can get the most out of them with a basic
subscription that costs just €20 per user, per month.

If you’re ready to take your customer support and sales

efforts to the next level and delight both your agents
and customers, then sign up for CloudTalk today. back to contents

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