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Chapter 25 - Truth unearthed

Voro has been speaking with Milo about the plan to infiltrate the Hive and how to
actually get in, thanks to these talks Voro and Milo have developed a plan for the
Agents to enact on. Voiro is going to take the Agents in and attempt to burrow
under the Sharquoi Hive itself, from there they’d plant explosives in an attempt to
force their way in through a weak point. At least that’s the plan. The Agents can
meet up with Voro and he will inform them on this plan, the Agents can gear up and
head out. While traveling Voro will inform the Agents that while they’re there,
there’s a possibility that ‘Ros and his forces will be there, especially after the
loss he took when he tried to take the Lek’golo (That Theseus killed). After some
traveling the Agents will arrive at Milo's operation, but instead of meeting the
workers there as planned the Agents see a bloodbath, bodies torn apart, plasma
burns and such everywhere. And probably the most horrifying thing were the
mushrooms growing from the corpses of the human workers. Well that isn’t good.
There’s no way this was Harry’s doing, at least on purpose. But after more thought
the Agents realize that this couldn’t have been Harry due to if it was, then these
workers would’ve been dead for days at this point and these are all fresh bodies.
Armed with this knowledge the Agents press forward but more on guard this time as
they expect to find enemy forces within. They can traverse through the normal area
of the operation, the same place they were that one time when they first saw the
Hive, and see much of the same as they did outside - carnage, destruction, and of
course - mushrooms. Still unaware of where these fungi came from, the Agents press
on and further down into the now silent mines, at this point the Agents can arrive
at the Hive door that Milo was previously trying to open up, ahead of them will be
3 Sangheili guards that need to be disposed of before continuing forward onto the
vantage point (Agents can stealth kill these 3 easily, take them down). After
taking down the 3 guards the Agents now have a overlook from a high level down into
this massive dirt pit which houses the Hive door. What the Agents see from their
spot is a big group of Sangheili (25+), some Jackals (10), and finally, some brutes
(5 of them), it looks like they brought in some serious muscle for this job. But
the main thing that catches their eye is ‘Ros who is alive but not so very well,
growing up the right of his arm are a multitude of grotesque and rotting mushrooms
and other varying fungi, they were even growing from the plates of his armor in
some spots. His situation was similar to Harry’s but it looks worse as these
mushrooms are spread up to his neck. ‘Ros speaks to one of the Sangheili, his voice
is different, he sounds weaker, he’s coughing as well, and upon closer inspection
his eyes are a caution tape yellow (If so happen that the Agents are looking
through a scope/binoculars/VISR they’d see these details) and what they witness
next is terrifying. ‘Ros using one of the Sangheili as a sacrifice to open up the
Hive door (Describe this how you want but we were gonna use the blood and have the
mushrooms bloom up from the blood and spread through the door) the Hive door then
opens and as the Agents prepare to tail ‘Ros in, they’re spotted (have an Agent, or
yourself, knock a rock off by accident, or have somebody spot you all) and at this
point a short section of combat will kick in as ‘Ros and his Sangheili and Jackals
head inside while he leaves the 5 brutes to handle the Agents (The Brutes are
equipped with spikers, maulers, brute shots, take your pick and as always they have
their fists when they rage) the Agents will have to take down the Brutes to advance
on, which they will do but the Brutes do present a sustainable fight for the Agents
and will overpower them 9/10 times during CQC/CQB interactions, especially hand to
hand. After the brutes are taken care of the Agents have no choice but to rush
inside (Oh and Voro is supposed to be on this mission and with the Agents, unsure
if I had mentioned that or not) and chase after ‘Ros and his army of evildoers. The
Agents are inside the Hive by now and it’s intricate inside of there (aztec
carvings in the walls of the Sharquoi, old but futuristic, blue and green colors
inside as well) and as they advance through they’re met with beam rifle fire
(before this happens, have the Agents roll, Agent with the lowest number gets
treated like an 18 year old during WW1 and sniped in the ribs, an oofie ouchie but
some biofoam as a TEMP fix and they’ll be good, just not 100%, the Agents will have
to take cover and work their way and fight through an array of Jackals + the Jackal
snipers, 2 of them) and after dispatching the Jackals the Agents can catch up to
‘Ros and his men as they’re in this big open room, huge carvings in the floor, onyx
coloring on the floor, weird symbols, and such. Now the confrontation begins, Voro
and the Agents are like “Hey! Stop this idiot dumbfuck!” and ‘Ros is
like :pepesmug: “No. I am so close to my goal, an immortal army” and such like
that, but then he shakes his head and begins to talk about how “they’re so loud”
and how “there are so many of them” and “they’re coming” (OOC ‘Ros is hearing the
fungi “speak” and communicate with one another, the Rot is coming] and how he must
prepare for their arrival, seems like the fungi is doing wacky shit to him. This
will kick off one of the final fights for the mission where the remaining 25
Sangheili will duke it out with one another as ‘Ros descends deeper into the Hive
and the Agents tell Voro to chase after him (ENSURE NO AGENTS FOLLOW YET. IF THEY
TRY TO FOLLOW STOP THEM WITH A SANGHEILI) The Agents must defeat the Sangheili
before chasing after ‘Ros and Voro, however they won’t have to do much chasing as
suddenly the floor beneath them would begin to move and shift open which causes the
sand built up around the room to fall in, which in return makes the Agents fall in
as well. Agents plummet, land in this terracotta army like room
_800x500_70.jpg) but instead of the terracotta soldiers, there will be rows and
rows of the Sharquoi ( and they’ll all be lined
up neatly (seems to be that there is well over 200 of them, use their exact
descriptions and what not from the attached link) After the Agents recover their
senses and footing they’ll hear distant struggling, it’s Voro and ‘Ros engaged in
an energy sword duel in front of some podium that’s hosting a strange device
( and despite ‘Ros weakened state, he still seems
to be able to keep up with Voro in battle. Before the Agents can intervene they’re
met with a hail of plasma fire from more Sangheili that are shooting at them, more
Jackals also descend into the large room as well (about 20 more Sangheili and 10
more Jackals, these numbers can be adjusted through the mission depending on group
size] the Agents must dispatch them, or at least get part way through them. Voro
calls up the Agents, they rush up down this long aisle in-between the Sharquoi,
‘Ros knocks out Voro or something along those lines and then one by one ‘Ros will
fuck up the Agents in rapid succession in quick CQC/CQB engagements. Aido can get
to him last while everybody else has been tossed aside by 'Ros, a little hand to
hand segment will occur, some knife action, but ultimately Aido gets grabbed by the
head, 'Ros says some villain shit, slams Aido down into the sand, explosion of sand
and dirt around him, Aido will be bleeding from the ears, twitching, unresponsive,
everybody is like "Oh shit." Voro will witness this and make a split second
decision to give Aido the Vertex (which he will place on Aido himself) and then
(the thing will occur that I explained to Aido, the screenshots I went to you in
DMs, make sure to write a good RP post about all the shit flooding in his mind and
how overwhelming it is, etc] and after Aido is back on his feet, he'll use the
Vertex to eliminate any Sangheili forces remaining as well as effectively scare off
'Ros. Afterwards Aido will collapse unconscious. Then return back to base as the
mission is over.

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