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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID Number:

Unit Number and Title: 5064: Organizational Behaviour
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Unit Assessor: HOANG Thi Lan Anh
Assignment Title: Team formation from diversity
Issue Date:
Submission Date:
Internal Verifier Name:

Submission Format:


● This assignment is an individual assignment after you finish a group activity simulation. The
word limit is 2.500 words +/- 10%. You must use font Times New Roman size 12, set number of
the pages and use 1.5 spacing. Margins must be: left: 2 cm; right: 2 cm; top: 2 cm and bottom: 2
cm. The reference follows Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2.000 -
2.500 words. The cover page of the report has to be the Assignment front sheet 1.

● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.

● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply
this requirement will result in a failed assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Reflect on own personality and perceptions to understand how individual difference informs and
influences management approaches
LO2 Apply content and process theories of motivation to create and maintain an effective workforce

LO3 Participate in a group team activity for a given business situation to demonstrate effective team
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Assignment scenario

Your team is assigned with a task that will be selected among following ones
- A charity campaign
- An event to exchange goods that students no longer use but still relevant to others’ usage, which
is for exchanging goods for goods or money donated for charity
- A campaign to raise funds for planting in your school.
- Any event/group work proposed by your team and approved by your tutor
In a small group (3 – 5 members per group), you are required to participate in that activity to test group
and teamwork theories and their effectiveness. The reflective report identifies individual differences
among your team members, how they are motivated to be interested in team activity, the challenges and
obstacles encountered during the activity and your recommendations to improve your team effectiveness.
More specifically, you also are required to analyse various factors and skills that assist or hinder effective
teamwork, such as personality, perception or motivational methods applied by your team leader. You also
have to consider appropriate philosophy regarding team performances and the impact on behaviours.

After the activity, you will individually reflect on the various concepts and theories in a reflective
statement of your team performance, analysing team dynamics, team members’ roles and behaviour as
well as contribution.
Structure of the Report

1. An introduction of your team activity and its aims, for example: you can mention activity contents,
purposes, your team members’ roles, timeframe to conduct it and the like.
2. Describing your own personality test results, including MBTI test, Big 5 Traits test, and your
perception to your team’s responsibility. Then, you discuss whether they are positive or negative
in terms of management approaches and your contribution to your teamwork effectiveness.
3. Critically analyse facilitators and obstacles that you and other members faced during the group
work, and how’s about motivational theories that your team leader applied to encourage all
members. Then, you propose more effective direction or reflect your own solutions to adapt
personal perspectives, traits and attributes to justify improvements that influence and enhance
employee motivation and create an effective workforce.

4. Critically set a proposition that you’re supposed to set up a company to implement that activity as
a business, how you will improve its effectiveness in term of technology application and team

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
P1 Assess own
personality traits and
attributes in terms of
them having a positive
LO1 Reflect on own or negative effect on M1 Challenge own
personality and management perspectives and
perceptions to understand approaches and individual traits and
how individual company attributes to influence
LO1 and LO2
difference informs and performance. and improve
D1 Adapt personal
influences management P2 Reflect on the managerial
perspectives, traits and
approaches value and importance relationships.
attributes to justify
of personality and
improvements that
perception for
influence and enhance
effective managerial
employee motivation and
create an effective
P3 Apply content and
M2 Critically assess workforce.
process theories of
the extent that
LO2 Apply content and motivation for
employee motivation
process theories of enhancing and
can be enhanced and
motivation to create and maintaining an
maintained by
maintain an effective effective
practical application
workforce organisational
of content and process
workforce, providing
theories of motivation.
specific examples.
P4 Contribute to the
creation and
management of
M3 Reflect on
effective teamworking
personal contribution
LO3 Participate in a in a given business D2 Revise personal
to group behaviour
group team activity for a situation. contribution and skills for
and dynamics in the
given business situation P5 Explore the effective teams to make
creation and
to demonstrate effective relevance of group justified recommendations
management of
team skills behaviour and team for own improvement.
theory in the creation
and management of

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