Out of The Palace and Out of The Closet

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[Background sound of waves]

[Door opens, closes]

(Over the top sarcastic) “Well hello there your majesty, I do sincerely apologize for taking so
long to attend to you. I hope these meager lodgings can measure up to your royal standards”

“Oh don’t glare at me like that, being angry won’t do you any good.”

“Well, yes, you are being held for ransom, but again there’s no need to get all upset over it.”

“I’m being sincere, you know. It’s not like we have anything against you, your family just has a
rather obscene amount of wealth that we think should be shared a little. Specifically with us that

“Just because we’re pirates doesn’t mean we’re going to hurt you for no reason. Besides if we
hurt you it just increases the chance we’d get hunted down once you’re safely back with your
family. So if you’re no longer worried about us murdering you for fun I suggest you think of how
you’d like to spend your time here.”

“Once again I’m quite serious. You’re probably going to be here for a while, a few weeks at
least, and I imagine sitting around staring out to sea all moodily will get tiring after a while. I’ve
got a few books stashed away in one of these boxes which I could drag out for you.”

“You seem surprised. Is it really so strange that I would read?”

“Ah yes of course, I had forgotten that all us pirates were vile uncouth scum.”

“No need to apologize. I’d wager you’re just repeating what everyone around you has said all
your life, hardly your fault. But this is the real world, and unlike in the stories your maids told you
all sorts of people end up being pirates."

"Me? Well, while they couldn't measure up to your family I was originally part of a minor noble

"How'd I end up here? My family and I had rather different ideas on my arranged marriage.
When I realized they wouldn't listen I decided to leave, a few years of wandering and I ended up
on a ship, the rest of the story writes itself."

"Yes, a rather more extreme solution than most. Especially since I wasn't even opposed to
arranged marriage in general, just, not with a man."

"Apologies if my proclivities shock you, your highness. Most people out here are, for various
reasons, rejected from society, so the sooner you get used to it the better."
"Oh you're glad about that? Hmm, a curious one isn't you."

"Anyway that's a very long detour to say that yes I can read and yes I do have some books in
here. I'd be happy to lend you them. Or you're welcome to come out of here and talk with the
rest of the crew. We always appreciate someone new to talk to. Although if you do, be prepared
for some rather crude senses of humor and jokes which will certainly make you blush."

"With all due respect prince, you've been red in the face since I suggested I like women, you're
definitely going to be flustered by what my crew says."

"What was that? You'll have to speak up a little."

"Not a prince?"

"Did I abduct the wrong person? Because unless I'm very much mistaken you're the crown
prince of…"

(Shocked, Softer) "Oh."

"Ah. I see."


(Soft, Caring) "..I'm sorry, truly I am."

“Yes I suppose I didn’t know but. I can’t help but feel bad about it still. I.. I should’ve gotten more
info, stayed in town longer so I could’ve found out.”

“I couldn’t have?”

(Shocked/Horrified) “Your parents didn’t…”

(Tentative) “Apologies if this is overstepping but, would it be all right if I gave you a hug? Just,
that sounds truly awful and if I could be of any comfort.”

“I can. Thank you.”

[Speaker walks up to and hugs listener]

(Comforting) “Yah, it’s all right. You’re safe here.”

[Speaker laughs]
“Yes I suppose it is rather odd for me to say that what with abducting you and all. But I hope
that, at least in this regard, you can be comfortable.”

(Slightly flustered/nervous) “What? Oh yes, I’ll let you out of the hug now. I just must've

[Speaker steps back, clears throat]

“If there’s anything I can do to help you feel more, yourself while here I’d be happy to. There
might not be any fancy high society gowns but I’m sure you could find something you’d like
more than that suit.”

(Intense) “Of course I mean it. I don’t know exactly what you’ve been through, but I know what
it’s like to be rejected by society and those around you. I know enough to want you to not have
to suffer it.”

(Lighter) “Besides as pretty as you are now I’m sure you’d be much more beautiful in something
you actually like, why’d I deny myself of something like that.”

(A bit flustered and indecisive before gradually turning sultry) “Well yes, I suppose I did call you
pretty. I mean, you are after all. I have a very strict policy of honesty, when it suits me that is.
And you definitely suit me.”

[Speaker gradually approaches listener again]

“Oh you find it hard to believe. Hmm, I suppose that I could think of a few ways to prove it to

[Very close up in the listeners ears now]

“What do you say? Should I prove just how stunning you are? Does that sound good, my pretty,
pretty prize?”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

"So, cutie, can I kiss you?"

[A string of smooches]

"Mmm such soft lips, and"

[Another bunch of kisses]

(Satisfied/Smirking)"You taste so good too."

"Now, what do you say I help you slip out of those clothes?"


[Listener is stripped, various oohs and aahs of admirement from Speaker]

"Ohhh fuck, you have such gorgeous legs."

"Hmm, do you like my hands there?"

(Soft and close up to the ear) "Softly stroking all over your perfect thighs."

“Don’t worry, I’ll get there eventually.”

“But for now I just want to keep teasing your perfect body.”

[More kisses, descending down the listeners body]

“Plant a string of kisses along your gorgeous neck.”

“Rub up this cute chest of yours.”

[Low growl of satisfaction]

“You really like that don’t you?”

(Teasing) “Aww don’t try to hold back now, let me hear your adorable moans.”

“There we go.”

“What a cute voice you have.”

“All your noises are making it hard for me to hold back so how about we take this over to my

(Grinning) “Yah? Okay then, up you go.”

[Listener is lifted and gently thrown onto a bed by speaker]

“What a nice view this is, you’re already so desperate and I’ve only teased you a little.”

(Teasing) “I wonder, what should I do to you?”

“Oh you have an idea?”

[More kisses on and around the listeners face]

“Well go on then, tell me?”

“Hmm is something wrong? Are my fingers slowly moving up your thighs distracting you? I
would never want that.”

“As much as I love your whimpers I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what they mean.”

“Look at you, reduced to a moaning twitching mess.”

(Up close in the listener's ear) “Adorable.”

(Slowly questioning) “Touch you, you say, touch you where I wonder?”

“You’ll need to speak up darling, or else I might just keep teasing you all day.”

“Touch you there? Well I suppose I could do that. But what if instead I had a taste?”

“Well then, don’t mind if I do.”

[Speaker starts slowly licking listener down there]

“And you’re already so excited for it, what a good pet you are.”

[Speaker starts going faster, continuing on until the listener cums. Improvise moans and
sucking/licking throughout]

“You’re so sensitive down here.”

“No no, that’s a good thing. I like seeing how much you enjoy it.”

“That’s it, just feel good for me cutie.”

(Slightest bit stern) “Now pet, what did I say about holding your moans.”

“There you go, letting your voice out so well for me.”

“You’re twitching so much, are you ready to cum?”

“Yah? Okay then sweetie, cum for me, come on, let it out.”
[Listener orgasms]

(Satisfied) “Fuck that was good.”

[Long deep kiss]

“You like tasting yourself? I told you you were delicious.”

“Why don’t you lay back into me now?”

“Oh, me? You’re sweet for asking but I’m perfectly satisfied, seeing you feel good was more
than enough. Just cuddle up against my chest.”

“There you go. Would you mind if I played with your hair?”

[Satisfied hum as speaker begins stroking listeners hair]

(Tentative, a little nervous) “I don’t suppose, you might be interested in staying?”

(Hurried) “Not to assume anything I just thought that if your parents aren’t. And I mean you
could join the crew, or if you didn’t want to we could drop you off at some port somewhere. Oh
what am I saying, we abducted you, of course…”

[Speaker's nervous tirade is interrupted by a kiss from the listener]

(Surprised, Gentle) “Oh. You do want to. Wow uh.”

“Am I okay with it? Of course I am. Whatever we could get for ransom would never be worth
making anyone live a lie.”

(Back to a more lighthearted tone) “Besides, why’d I let someone so cute and sweet slip away?”

“Alright cutie, how about we get you cleaned up and try to find some clothes that you like, and
then we can introduce you to the rest of the crew?”

“Sounds good? Great. Before we do that I’ve got one more important thing to do.”

[Speaker kisses the listener again]

“What? It was very important, I simply couldn’t stop myself. For real though, let’s get you
cleaned up now.”

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