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Avians (Theo and Soren’s Father)

- Most common Askeynian hybrid species.

- Bird Shifters. In human form, Avians have wings protruding from between the
shoulder-blades. (wing and body size varies depending on species of bird that they are).

- Heightened sense of sight and hearing.

- Increased speed and strength, but easily fatigued

- Due to being in the air constantly, the Avians are accustomed to higher air pressure, and
must sleep in elevated spaces, and cannot be on sea-level ground for long periods of

- Semi-magic users. Avians are able to harness magic, but choose not to. It is used for
shifting only.

Shades (Soren Brooks)

- Very rare Askeynian hybrid species.

- Very sensitive to UV light. If exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time, shades will
burn badly

- Height sense of sight, and increased strength

- Shades have the ability to morph into a ‘shadow’ form. When in their shadow form,
shades become translucent, almost invisible, and intangible. Shades have the ability to
manipulate the dark as well. They can create things out of shadows, and manipulate
shadows for whatever use they may need it for

- When in human form, shades typically have dark eyes that glow in dark violet or emerald
green, and have gray-blue, semi-translucent skin.

- Avid magic users. Shades rely on magic to use their abilities.

Canids (River and his brother, Tucker)

- Wolf Shifters. Similar to werewolves, but Canids have free will over when they can shift
to their wolf forms.
- Canids have a heightened sense of hearing and smell, and increased speed and
strength, but get very fatigued if they stay in their wolf form for long periods of time.

- Like Avians, Canids have the possibility to harness magic, but choose not to. It is used
for shifting only

Psyche’s (Kieran)

- Psyche’s are normal humans, able to harness magic. Psyche’s, like their name, are
tricksters of the mind. They can create illusions. Very strong ones, no less. Psyche’s
illusions are powerful enough to make the victim feel things in said illusion, and are able
to control the victim’s mind through it. These illusions can also be used as defensive and
offensive tactics in battle, to create clones, or shields, and decoys.

- Psyche’s are avid magic users. Without magic, they are just humans.

Infernals (Soren is a mix of shade and infernal)

- Infernals are fire demons. They reside in the depths of the underworld. They are very
rarely seen in the overworld, but when they do, they are able to shift into a
human-looking form. Infernals are usually docile and neutral, unless provoked. Infernals
are sensitive to water, it burns like fire to them.

- Infernals are very powerful, that’s why they are so rare. They are resistant to fire, poison,
and illusions. Infernals are also able to light themselves on fire, or spontaneously
combust on command. When on fire, or in their original demon form, they have
heightened senses, and increased speed and strength. Infernals are also intangible
when on fire.

- Infernals don’t need nourishment from human food, since they are demons. Similar to
vampires, Infernals find nourishment from blood. It can be human blood, or animal blood,
they satisfy infernals the same. Infernals may eat human food, but it won’t satisfy their
hunger. If they go too long without any nourishment, Infernals will experience bloodlust.

- Infernals are semi-magic users. They are demons, they don’t need magic to be able to
use their abilities, but magic will make them stronger.

- Leaflings are people of the trees. They protect the forests of Askeynia from harm. They
are typically smaller than the average human, and have twigs and leaves growing out of
them. Leaflings are pacifists, unless the forest is in danger.

- Leaflings have the ability to grow plants on command, or to control existing plants. They
are able to create plant life in the driest of places, seemingly out of nothing.

- Leaflings don’t need to consume food. Like actual plants, leaflings are nourished by the
sun and water. Leaflings are also healed when in the forest.

- Like actual plants, leaflings will wither if they are exposed to high temperatures for
extended periods of time, and on the flip side, Leaflings will freeze if exposed to low
temperatures for extended periods of time.

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