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A Brief Description on

Synchronous Generator
Presented By : Group A
Adnan Nabib
ID : MUH2117002M
Samdina Azad Simran
ID : BKH2117010F
Badhan Dey
Imrana Meem
ID: BFH2117022F
Tanvir Hasnain
ID: ASH2117024M
Najiur Rahman
ID: MUH2117026M
Table of Contents


Phasor Regulation
Diagram and factors

Denition: The synchronous generator or alternator is an electrical machine

that converts the mechanical power from a prime mover into an AC electrical
power at a particular voltage and frequency.
Equivalent Circuit
The voltage EA is the internal generated voltage
produced in one phase of a synchronous
generator. However, this voltage Eᴀ is not usually
the voltage that appears at the generator’s
There are a number of factors that cause the difference
between Eᴀ and Vø
I. The distortion of the air-gap magnetic eld by the current
owing in the stator, called the armature reaction.
2. The self-inductance of the armature coils.
3. The resistance of the armature coils.
4. The effect of salient-pole rotor shapes.
(a) A rotating magnetic eld produces the Internal
generated voltage Eᴀ

(b) The resulting voltage produces a lagging current

ow when connected to a lagging load.
(c) The stator current produces its own magnetic eld
Bₛ which produces its own voltage Eₛₑₜ in the stator
windings of the machine.

(d) The eld Bₛ adds to Bᵣ distorting it into Bₙₑₜ The

voltage Eₛₜₐₜ adds to Eᴀ. producing Vø at the output of
the phase.
With two voltages present in the stator windings, the total voltage in a
phase is just the sum of the internal generated voltage Eᴀ. and the
armature reaction voltage Eᴀ,:

The net magnetic eld Bₙₑₜ , is just the sum of the rotor and stator
magnetic elds:
Let’s look at the circuit shown in Figure , The Kirchhoff's
voltage law equation for this circuit is ,
In addition to the effects of armature reaction, the stator coils have a
self inductance and a resistance. If the stator self-inductance is
called Lᴀ (and its corresponding reactance is called XA) while the
stator resistance is called Rᴀ , then the total difference between Eᴀ
and Vø is given by ,

The armature reaction effects and the self-inductance in the machine

are both represented by reactances, and it is customary to e them
into a single reactance, called the synchronous reactance of the

Therefore, the nal equation describing Vø is ,

The full equivalent circuit of a three-phase synchronous generator.
II is now possible to sketch the equivalent circuit of a three-phase
synchronous generator.

If they are Y-connected, then the terminal voltage Vᴛ is related to the

phase voltage by ,

If they are Delta connected, then,

The generator equivalent circuit is connected in (a) Y and (b)
Since phasors have both a magnitude and an angle, the relationship between
them must be expressed by a two-dimensional plot. When the voltages within a
phase (E,t, V 4n jXSIA, and RAIA) and the current IA in the phase are plotted in
such a fashion as to show the relationships among them, the resulting plot is
called a phasor diagram.
Vø= EA – jXsIA– RAIA
Phasor diagram can be drawn for three conditions:
1)unity power factor(Ideal resistive load)
2)lagging power factor (Inductive load)
3)leading power factor (capacitive load)
For the drawing, it is mandatory to assume a reference.Here we will take VQ
as the reference.So,the equation will be
-VQ and Ia both are in phase as it is the property of unity power factor.
-IaRa is the resistance drop and it will be in phase with Ia as resistance drop
is always in phase with current.
-IaXs will be 90°with IaRa

By the property of lagging

pf,Ia lags VQ

IaRa will be in phase with Ia

jIaXs will be 90° leading Ia

By the property, Ia leads VQ

IaRa is in phase with Ia
jIaXs will be 90°leading Ia
Now,if we compare the leading and lagging diagram, we can see for the
same VQ Ea(lead)<Ea(lag)
We know, EA ~ K<J>w For the leading and lagging, w will be constant, so if
Ea is less for leading loads,it means the ux is less,so If is also less.



In this section, we will study the behavior of

synchronous generators operating means
whatever the load demands that will be fullled by the
synchronous generator along.
As the eld current, ux, and eld resistance all are constant, so the internal
generated voltage EA will also constant.
EA= KøwAs
As the internal generated voltage is constant, if we vary the load and nd the
effect of the variation in the load we will draw different loads phasors
diagram and discuss them.
To study variation effect of the load we connect three different loads
inductive, capacitive and resistive. Then see their results by phasor diagrams.
Synchronous Generator working with Inductive load

For the lagging load

Synchronous Generator working with Resistive

For resistive load Ea’=Ea

Generator working with Capacitive load

For capacitive load For resistive load

General conclusions from this discussion of synchronous generator behavior
I. If lagging loads (+ Q or inductive reactive power loads) are added to a
generator, Vo/> and the terminal voltage Vrdecrease signicantly.
2. If unity-power-factor loads (no reactive power) are added to a generator,
there is a slight decrease in V 0/> and the tecninal voltage.
3. If leading loads (--Q or capacitive reactive power loads) are added to a
generator, V 0/> and the tenninal voltage will rise.
voltage regulation

The voltage regulation of an alternator or synchronous generator is dened

as the rise in the terminal voltage when the load is decreased from full-load
rated value to zero, while the speed and eld current of the alternator remain
constant .
In other words, the voltage regulation of the alternator can be dened as the
change in terminal voltage from no-load to full load rated value divided by
the full-load rated voltage1.
Voltage regulation
The formula for per unit voltage regulation is:

And for percentage voltage regulation:

The smaller the value of the voltage regulation of a synchronous generator or alternator,

the better is the performance of the alternator. For an ideal alternator, the value of the

voltage regulation is zero.

Factors affecting voltage regulation

Let’s discuss factors affecting voltage regulation .There are

various type of factors which affect on voltage regulation:

1. Power factor of the load

2. Armature resistance
3. Armature reaction
4. Speed of rotation
Power factor of the load
The power factor of the load connected to
an alternator signicantly affects its
voltage regulation.
 Unity Power Factor: At unity power factor,
it has a small positive voltage regulation .
 Lagging Power Factor: If the alternator
operates at a lagging power factor, it
experiences a large positive voltage
regulation .
 Leading Power Factor: On the other hand,
at leading power factors, the voltage
regulation is negative. For a certain leading
power factor, the full-load voltage
regulation can even be zero1.
Unity power factor Lagging power factor

Leading power factor

Armature resistance

The armature resistance of an alternator plays a signicant role in its

voltage regulation.
1. Voltage Drop: When the generator operates at a lagging power
factor, the voltage drop takes place in both armature resistance and
armature reactance. The more the voltage drop, the larger the
positive regulation.
2. Heat Generation: The armature resistance also causes heat
generation in the alternator. This heat can also lead to a decrease in
the terminal voltage.
3. Power Loss: The power loss due to armature resistance (I^2*R loss)
also affects the terminal voltage of the alternator.
Armature reaction

This armature magnetic eld has two effects:

1. It demagnetizes or weakens the main ux.
2. It cross-magnetizes or distorts it. The effect of armature reaction on voltage
regulation depends on the power factor i.e., the phase relationship between the
terminal voltage and armature current. For lagging and unity power factor conditions,
the effect of armature reaction i.e., the effect of armature ux on main ux will be
demagnetizing and cross-magnetizing effects respectively.
3. This makes the terminal voltage drop hence regulation will be always positive.
4. In case of capacitive loads (leading p.f.), the effect of armature reaction will be a
magnetizing effect i.e., armature ux adds up with main ux. This causes an increase in
terminal voltage as the load current increases and the regulation becomes negative.
So, in summary, armature reaction can affect voltage regulation by causing changes in
terminal voltage due to variations in load current.
The speed of rotation of an alternator signicantly affects the
voltage regulation. Here’s how:
Speed of rotation
Relationship between Speed and Frequency: The frequency of
the voltage generated by the alternator depends on the number
of eld poles and the speed at which these poles are rotated. For
an alternator, the rotor speed bears a constant relationship with
the eld poles and the frequency of the generated voltage in the
armature winding. This speed is known as synchronous speed.

Faraday’s Law: The voltage induced is dened as the change in

magnetic ux with respect to time, which is Faraday’s law. If you
differentiate Faraday’s law, you’ll nd that it’s directly proportional
to angular velocity. Therefore, increasing the frequency of rotation
does increase the induced voltage.

Voltage Induction Factors: Two key factors affect the magnitude

of voltage induced. The speed at which the conductor moves
through the xed magnetic eld and the strength of the magnetic
eld determine the output voltage. This speed is a function of the
rotational speed (RPM) of the generator/engine.

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