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@53. Explain the working principle of thermo-electric refrigeration system. Define the figure of merit and explain its effect on C.O.P. of the system. Amswer = INovsDec:’ 4, Set-4, QS(a) | Mode! Paper- 2a) Thermoelectric Refrigeration System Thermoelectric refrigeration is obtained by passing“an electric current through a series of thermocouples, which is a bonded junction of two different material. The flow of electric current acts as a working medium for this refrigeration system. D.C current flows across the circuit when two junctions are connected in series. Heat from one junction carried away by every electron of currents is transferred to the other junction. Due to this, the first junction acts as colder and other junctions. as warmer. Thermocouples are constructed by the use of semiconductor (Bismuth Telluride material). Depending upon the direction of flow, heat transfer takes place from one side to another. When D.C power passes through a series of thermocouples, ambient air which is to be cooled is Passed over the metal fins of the hot junction to generate cool air and rejects heat into atmosphere. Reversing the direction of flow generates heat and rejects cool air into atmosphere. Due to this reason, thermoclectric method of refrigeration is consi as year-round conditioning system. jered ‘Working Principle of Vortex Tube Refrigeration System a Cope Nek ‘he al eC Sia Figur: Vortex Tube Refrigeration System Vortex tube refrigeration is employed fo producing both cooling and eating effects. It comprises of compressor, nozzle, throttle valve and pipe. In ths type of system, the nozzle is tangentially fitted tothe pipe’s inner surface at one end, while the other end is atached to the compressor. Likewise, one end ofthe tube is connected to throttle valve and the other end is kept pen, as shown in figure. A swirl motion is created inside the tube when the compressed air expands through the nozzle. This compressed air moves asa fee vortex towards the valve. Thus 2 stagnation points formed when the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy, on reaching the air near the valveend, Duc to high stagnation pressure when compared to nozzle pressure, flow takes place in reverse dzection, As a result, reversed vortex flow gets rotated by coming in contact with forward moving fee vortex. Cooled ai eaves trough the passage “Cand hot air passes through A. Hence, vortex flow simultaneously produces cooing and heating a either sides ofthe tube. inthis the energy supplied fom outer surface of tbe during forced vortex flows negligible when compared with pumping offenergy fom the iner surface to outer surface, This isd tothe mixing of turbulence in he central flow region, - + INOIDHE=14, Set, ae | Electrolux Refrigeration System The electrolux type of fefrigerator used in absorption Spaigetation system is also called os ‘three. Model Papen Figure: Electrolux Rotrigeraiion System "n which is presenti | patlon pressured Lithlum-Bromide Absorptioh Refrigeration System working principle ofa Lithium-B: ‘Tne following schematic diagram representsthe working principe ofa Lith eibobavinstnnakcae halk wale, tvs ov back tothe evapora eet ; acne lftbeiad nth generator los iio ervoughhal charger ad econ Te at eee im the weak solution is used torise the temperature rene nile passing though the heat exchanger, The af es of ammonia further passed tothe generar a completes the cycle, romide absorption refrigeration 5 a. REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING [JNTU-KAKINADA] a C.C-Cooling cil ‘ CWC-Condensing water coil RLC ~ Retfigerating load coil EP- Evaporator pump * _SP-Solution pump, ‘The main components of Li-Br absorption refigeration system are shsorber, evaporator, condenser, generator, heating «ail, cooing coil, heat exchanger, condensing water coil tefrigerating load coil, solution pump and evaporator pump. Unthis system, waters used asa refrigerant where as, LiBrslt solution as an absorbent ‘The waler present in the evaporator gets ‘Cvaporated absorbing its latent heat from the remaining water and the remaining cone wae inthe evaportr is used fr taking cooling lads, The water vapour formed is absorbed by the stag Libr salt sprayed i the absorber. Therefor, the solution becomes weak and is futher Pumped to the generator, as shown in the figure, This weak soon agin becomes song withthe hel of seam pesntinthe generso, which aan assed int he bsober through heat exchanger. Te wate vapour fomedinthe generators condersdin the condense by the condensing water ei Hence he condensate fomthe condenser issn supplied th evaporator to compensate the water vapour formed inthe evaporator and it completes thecyele ‘ . cam Jet Refrigeration Sys ipleo 2% — Condenser Seen ft ettgraion sya os eau them hacidichy condenser in steam jet Pa Oe Ae eae prewe Devel «= ichienim guerre condensate the mistue of Sie te in oe Cec demnigas Seam and walt vapour coming oul from ejector and Principle of seam et efrigeration system lashchantet nis woking themintu of steam and wale vapour passes through the Venturi-tube of the a ector and ‘els compressed, Due to this, thetemperature = And pressure ofthe mix | i 8a feed water, Fi team Jet Refr ion System H ; iho cstarec aerate i sae Cie peony screenees flows, TG npr compen iva seam jt aan Bash chamber ot evaporator cone ati stom. It compresses the Water_vapour 2. Condenser ae te from the flash Chamber and retums 10 the 2° jeer Met The high pressure ste F le i -am from the Flash Chamber "the conve bole expands The flash chamter isa large insulated vessel filled with ti a u nso Perforated pipes for spraying water. It is insulated to Pressure, Usual Y,the velocity and reduction in ~ prevent the aise in temperature of water due to high 1350 my te steam ambient temperature conditions. The healed water Is ‘which comes from refrigerated pace is compressed and Aeliveredto the condensor. 4. Nozzle veh low press 1e nozzle is designed to operate at low pressure ratig The noz7 ole throat and its outlet. The pressure ratig between no: ifs outa aernren 200 in a nozzle is undesirable, as it results in poor ejector efficiency. Working of a Steam Jet Refrigeration System In this system, water is filled in lash chamber, stean boiler produces high pressure steam which passes through rownorzle inlet with a high velocity. Due to this, a very low pressure is obtained in the flash chamber and the water vaporates ina short period of time. The water vapour which {sevaporated, enters into the ejector, where it gets compressed. ‘This compressed steam jet is then passed into the condenser, Where it gets condensed and returns to the boiler. 5 ‘The chilled water present in the evaporator or flash chamber is circulated by the pump to the refrigerated space or room, as shown in the figure. Then, it is again retumed to the fash chamber. The loss of cold water can be replaced by make. up water during the flashing of water in the flash cham! Anower , 2 followings ‘Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System sen condense, absorber and eveporator. Th i ‘Asimple absorption refrigeration system consists of genera006 C8” 5 lagu repens wera ainpe bsp egetion IE Cooting water Figura: Absorption Refrigeration System The evaporator and absorber ae located on the low-pressure lenser a vih ea end sates we lato be ves ie, whee condenser and generator re located on ilo tong hot slain. Thisstorg olan aflon mene store inte gearhead spam soon pe is weak aberbet ohton Ie in be poe Passed into the condenser thus completing the Seles me othe abseber mal Direc between Vinaur ere ne Arent explain the working principle of practical ammonia refrigeration. Answer” ‘Ape, Sat, at) 1, The practical vapour absorption system is shown inthe fguebelow. Its similar tothe simple absorption system fited with analyzer, rectifier and (wo heat exchangers which improves the efficiency of the system, 2, The low'temperature emmonia vapour from the evaporator enters the absorber, where it gets absorbed. by the water forming a strong solution of ammonia 3, The pump raises the pressure of the solution and ‘pumps the solution into the analyzer, through the heat cexchanget B 4. Inthe analyzer, the water gets condensed from vapour ‘and the strong NH, solution from the absorber flows downward into the generator. . set Top mf 5 a : = E vers Anewer! Expression for C.O.P of an Absorption System ‘Let Q, isthe heat given inthe generator at em Figure: Practical Ve The vepour raising from the general with the liquid, condenses and g vapour, such that, only ammonia vapour analyzer. Ifany water vapour is condensed in the rect ensuring the admission of pure ammonia. va the condenser. ur Atsorption Refrigeration Cyclo or comes in contact ives off the water leaves the’ still left with ammonia, it gets tifier, which is water cooled pour into Inthe condenser, the vapour condenses by giving off the heat tothe cooling water collected in the receiver andthe Liquid ammonia, ugh beat exchange iver, it passes tht From the recive PSS expanded tro the where it is sub-coole expansion valve before completing the cycle. raure Tr, Let Q, is the heat absorbed from the evEporsior at temperate rg Let Oy the est disharged in the condeneer and absorber a IERPETANS To Figure: Hoat Flow of an Absorption Refrigeration System “Acrume, dere is no heat ransfe inthe system except these thee points and neplecting the purep work “Then according to law of conservation of EnerEy, 2, +2,-2; “Assuming, the heat absorption takes place with negligible temperature temperature di , %,2.% tee ‘Since there are too heat sources and one heat sink, therefore the coefficient of performance of the system is give bys cop. 2 a 7 rence in generator and evaporator as well 8 ference in condenser. Also, considering the whole system as reversible; | sd ant going TT into the evaporator thus, (1) | -@) 4 =O), From equations (1) and (2), since removing Oa By substituting the value of Q,in equation (3), o,te[7a=% 3 Tes x er coPp= -alet q - Tol te — Te Te Ea Te te Te C.0.P= (Actual C.0.P of Carnot refrigerator) « (Efficiency of a Carnot engine) By balancing the enthalpies, BC pm T+ = BY Cg Ty = 1 ™ Com Te (for heating of air) Ts iT; - - Similarly for cooling, 2 = 7273 7% Sensible heat given by the coil is given by, O- UA AT, Where, : AT, ~ Logarithmic mean temperature difference 3-7) 7 Gam) __ a7 ton, 2 ) los. (7B) ROT UAT, ~ Ty Tox, (178) ‘But, Qs= Mm, Com, —T,) Equating equations (1) and (2), : ATT) og co Tog, (17a) log. (1/8) = at By m-7) 2. Summer Air Conditioning System Fan Heating Coll filter Summer Air Conditioning System Air conditioner working principle in summer air conditioning system. In this system, the air is cooled and generally dehumidified. a Schematic for a typical summer air conditioning system is arranged. The outside ir flows through the damper and is mixed with recirculated air (which is obtained from the conditioned space). The mixed air passes through a filter to remove the dirt, dust, and impurities. 3. Year-Round Air Conditioning System _ Zecoine cot resting cat Year Round Air Conditioning System In a year-round air conditioning system, it should have equipment for both summer and winter air conditioning. Schematic for a modern summer year-round air conditioning is arranged. Air conditioner working principle In year-round air conditioning system. In this, the outside air flows through the damper and mixes with the recirculated air. The mixed air passes through a fitter to remove dirt, dust, and impurities. In tne summer air conattioning system, the cooling operates to cool the alr to the desired vaive. ‘The dehumidification is obtained by operating the cooling coil at a lower temperature than the ew point temperature. In the winter air conamtioning system, the cooling coll Is made inoperative ana the neating coll operates to neat tne air. The spray-type humiainer Is also used In the dry season to numicity ime air. The air now passes through a cooling required dry bulb temperature of the The coil has a temperature much below the the conditioned space. The cooled air passes through a perforated membrane and loses its moisture in the condensed form which is collected in the sump. After that. the air is made to pass through @ heating coll which heats the air slowly. This is done to bring the air to the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity. Now the conditioned air is supplied to the conditioned space by a fan. From conditioned space, a part of the used air is rejected to the atmosphere by the exhaust fan. The remaining air is again conditioned and this is repeated again and again. The outside air 1s sucked and made to mix with recirculated air to make for the loss of conditioned air through the exhaust fan from the conditioned space. _ a * Figure (1: Psychometric Chart Definition cet i tioned airsupplie othe room Room sensible heat factor canbe deine a the ratio Figure (1) shows the conditc se beteen te 100m sensible heat and the rom ol ha (i, ‘Upcint ‘a’ This point ‘a onthe psy"! me “p gives the final room sam of 0m sensible beat and room latent bet) It is denoted Seip ication a the pot ae the Room Sensible : im condit ‘ab’ is known as , ty RSHEMattenaialy, 1) signcondtion, The line ‘ab’ is alpeot is sag Reena esi) a Faotor (RSHF) line. From| the am pei veste Teesiete RS ReenkerieTRLA) — Mshestersiroomsensile Ma ig “ ‘ 4 ved air (with a given com Theairvhichisto be spplied othe rom mst posses = supldai / vot tom with se abit take up sinatanensl both te oo sel HE ln wl satis the pit wil git beat and oom latent het “Wl of i. The supply conditions # res maximum ait i Mand re . Two loads are essential in calculation of RSHF namely Minitum ar than at point a a's” 8 4 . room sensible heat load and room latent heat oad. ‘pain a than that of all points cee Figure (1 Psyehrometri¢ Chart, oe Human Comfort According to ASHRAE definition, “human comfon is that condition of mind, which expresses satisction maa thermal envsonment™ ; Factors Affecting Human Comfort ; ‘The important factors which affect human comfort a_| as allows, “S © Pffective Temperature i Etetve temperature the combined effect (DI, and air velocity. The concept of effective tempera ' presented by the comfert chart The commer is made on different kinds of people with variations ‘nvronmontalempcratues Rit onda eons Heat Produ @ ” fy Quality and Quantity of aay oan Ar in an Occupied space should be aanhealthy fumes suchas Co, in ial odour andl ie concentration in the 1 on 00 OF Outside ai wal pet eran oF ouside is cunt pe atall (Air Motion Air motion includes distibution and yelos It should not exceed 8 to 19 rine important to maintain uniformity the conditioned space, ity of air, meters/myinute. 1 is ‘temperature inside (vi) Hotand Cold Surfaces "The cold or hot objects or surfaces inside conditioned space may cause discomfort to occupants, Wine

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