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Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

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CEO duality and firm performance: Evidence from an exogenous shock

to the competitive environment
Tina Yang a,⇑, Shan Zhao b,1
School of Business, Villanova University, 800 Lancaster Ave., Villanova, PA 19085, USA
Grenoble Ecole de Management, 12, rue Pierre Semard, 38000 Grenoble, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Regulators and governance activists are pressuring firms to abolish CEO duality (the Chief Executive Offi-
Received 12 July 2013 cer is also the Chairman of the Board). However, the literature provides mixed evidence on the relation
Accepted 9 April 2014 between CEO duality and firm performance. Using the exogenous shock of the 1989 Canada–United
Available online 24 April 2014
States Free Trade Agreement, we find that duality firms outperform non-duality firms by 3–4% when their
competitive environments change. Further, the performance difference is larger for firms with higher
JEL classification: information costs and better corporate governance. Our results underscore the benefits of CEO duality
in saving information costs and making speedy decisions.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

CEO duality
Firm performance
Corporate governance
Competitive environments

1. Introduction for the titles to be split. The 2010 Dodd–Frank Act required the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue rules mandat-
This paper studies the effect of CEO duality on firm performance ing that listed firms disclose the reasoning behind their board
using an exogenous shock to the competitive environment. (CEO leadership structures. Under pressure, U.S. firms appear to have
duality refers to a board leadership structure in which the Chief modified their decisions regarding CEO duality. As Fig. 1 shows,
Executive Officer (CEO) is the Chairman of the Board (COB).) The from the 1970s until the early 1990s, over 80% of large U.S. firms
exogenous shock is the 1989 Canada–United States Free Trade had combined titles. The figure fell to 54% in 2010.
Agreement (FTA), which eliminated all tariffs and other trade barri- The above trends are unsettling given the lack of clear theoret-
ers between the two countries. Three drivers motivate our research ical predictions and mixed empirical evidence on the performance
question: the recent regulatory push to abolish CEO duality, the impact of CEO duality. The main argument against CEO duality (or
growing trend of U.S. firms separating the CEO and COB titles, and dual leadership) is based on agency theory, which predicts that
the ambiguity in the literature about whether CEO duality is bene- CEOs, as agents of shareholders, do not always act in the best inter-
ficial or detrimental to firm performance. More specifically, firms ests of shareholders. As the board of directors is the apex of the
that received assistance under the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Pro- decision control system of corporations, entrusting CEOs with the
gram (TARP) were required to separate the CEO and COB titles. office of COB exemplifies the ultimate conflict of interest. The main
The U.S. Congress introduced several proposals in 2009 that called argument in favor of dual leadership emphasizes the unparalleled
firm-specific information of CEOs and firms’ ability to quickly
respond to changing environments due to unified leadership
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Finance Department, Villanova University, 800 (Brickley et al., 1997; Larcker and Tayan, 2011). A large body of
Lancaster Ave., Villanova, PA 19085, USA. Tel.: +1 (610) 519 5460: fax: +1 (610) 519 literature has developed over the years in an attempt to resolve
6881. empirically the debate over the efficacy of CEO duality. However,
E-mail addresses: (T. Yang), shan.zhao@grenoble
the evidence produced so far is mixed due to endogeneity (S. Zhao).
Tel.: +33 4 56 80 66 03; fax: +33 4 76 70 60 99.
challenges (Hermalin and Weisbach, 2003; Adams et al., 2010).
0378-4266/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 535

and transfer and thereby generates larger and more sustained

information rents (Jensen and Meckling, 1995). Second, competi-
tion and new market opportunities demand fast and frequent
decision-making as under these market conditions information
becomes obsolete at a faster rate and the consequences of lost
opportunities due to delayed decisions become more severe
(Christie et al., 2003). Dual leadership allows firms to make speed-
ier decisions and react more quickly to new information than sep-
arate leadership because the former eliminates an extra chain of
command, namely the non-CEO COB (Larcker and Tayan, 2011).
These arguments, which we call the information advantage argu-
ment of CEO duality, suggest that post trade liberalization, the
value contribution of dual leadership is greater for firms with high
Fig. 1. Time trend of the percent of firms with dual leadership (i.e., the Chief information costs than for those with low information costs.
Executive Officer (CEO) is the Chairman of the Board of Directors (COB)). We obtain We study 1926 U.S. firms from 1979 to 1998 and find that post
the percentage for the period of 1978–1983 from Rechner and Dalton (1991), who
trade liberalization duality firms outperform non-duality firms.
compile the percentage based on 141 U.S. firms randomly selected from the Fortune
500 list. The percentage for the period of 1984–1991 comes from Yermack (1996), Among firms that experience elimination of import tariffs, dual
who compiles the percentage using 792 firms in Forbes magazine’s rankings of the leadership increases Tobin’s Q by 2.95%. Among firms that experi-
500 largest U.S. public corporations. The percentage of 1993 comes from Dahya and ence elimination of export tariffs, dual leadership increases Tobin’s
Travlos (2000), who obtain the percentage from Business Week International. The Q by 3.83%. The results are robust to various robustness checks,
percentage of 1995 comes from Faleye (2007b), who compiles the percentage based
on 1883 U.S. firms that filed proxy statements with the SEC in 1995 and met the
including controlling for firm fixed effects and firm-level or indus-
data requirement in his study. We compile the percentage for the period of 1996– try-level clustering, temporary changes in the board leadership
2010 using all firms in RiskMetric, which covers S&P1500 firms. The percentage of structure, and various operating and governance variables that
1992 is the average of the percentages in 1991 and 1993. The percentage of 1994 is potentially affect firm performance. To test the information advan-
the average of the percentages in 1993 and 1995.
tage argument of CEO duality, we partition firms based on the level
of information costs before trade liberalization. Consistent with the
argument, the performance contribution of dual leadership is
We add to the literature by analyzing the impact of CEO duality stronger for firms with high information costs than for those with
on firm performance using a new framework that mitigates the low information costs.
endogeneity problem. By using an exogenous shock to the compet- An alternative explanation for our findings is that the exoge-
itive environment and relating post-shock firm performance to the nous shock to the competitive environment reduces agency costs
pre-shock board leadership structure, our research design miti- and that duality firms disproportionately benefit from such reduc-
gates the endogeneity problem caused by reverse causality, tion. To test this possibility, we partition the sample based on the
namely whether certain board leadership structures enhance firm strength of corporate governance before trade liberalization. As
performance or whether better performing firms tend to adopt firms with weak governance have higher agency costs (Shleifer
certain board leadership structures. Further, our research design and Vishny, 1997; Hartzell and Starks, 2003), we should then find
mitigates unobserved heterogeneity that potentially drives firms’ a stronger duality effect in the partition of firms with weaker gov-
choices of board leadership structures by exploiting performance ernance if our results are driven by a reduction in agency costs. We
differences across duality and non-duality firms under different find the opposite. The positive effect of dual leadership is stronger
tariff rates.2 for firms with higher total institutional ownership, higher holdings
Our research design offers two additional benefits. First, by block institutional investors, and higher holdings by the top five
although we study a conditional effect (i.e., the impact of dual lead- institutional investors.
ership on firm performance when the competitive environment As the literature is replete with evidence that ‘‘competition is the
changes), our results have broad implications because this condi- enemy of the sloth’’ (Nickell, 1996; Bertrand and Mullainathan,
tion should hold true for most firms as globalization and technol- 2003), we also test whether dual leadership has a positive effect
ogy advance. Second, the research design facilitates a direct test on firm performance after controlling for efficiency gains due to
of the main benefit of CEO duality. Dual leadership incurs lower increased competition. We find that post trade liberalization firms
information acquisition, transmission, and processing costs than that receive tariff concessions and improve efficiency or reduce
separate leadership, because CEOs accumulate unparalleled input costs have higher Tobin’s Q. Importantly, the performance
firm-specific information through running the daily operation of contribution from dual leadership exceeds the performance contri-
the firm (Jensen and Meckling, 1995; Brickley et al., 1997). An bution from efficiency gains.
exogenous shock that increases competition and brings about Our paper makes several contributions. First, the literature lacks
new market opportunities magnifies the information benefits of clear evidence on the impact of CEO duality on firm performance
CEO duality for two reasons. First, competition and new market due to endogeneity issues (Hermalin and Weisbach, 2003; Adams
opportunities increase the value of information, especially the et al., 2010). We use an exogenous shock to a firm’s competitive
value of specific information, because information generates environment, thereby mitigating the endogeneity problem, and
market power and specific information is more costly to acquire find evidence that CEO duality is beneficial to firm performance
when competition intensifies. Second, although arguments in favor
2 of dual leadership are well developed, the literature lacks empirical
Notably, Dahya et al. (2009) and Byrd et al. (2012) also utilize exogenous shocks
to mitigate endogeneity concerns in their study of the efficacy CEO duality. evidence linking the benefits of dual leadership to firm perfor-
Specifically, Dahya et al. (2009) use the event of the issuance of the Cadbury Report mance. We provide direct evidence for the information benefits
in 1992, while Byrd et al. (2012) use the thrift crisis of the late 1980s. Our study defers of dual leadership. Third, our results, together with Bloom and
from these studies in two key aspects. First, we focus on a broad sample of U.S. non- Van Reenen (2007), shed light on some seemingly puzzling phe-
financial firms. Second, by exploring the differential tariff rates between duality and
non-duality firms, we can more effectively address the problem of unobserved
nomena in practice. Firms have been under enormous pressure
heterogeneities that potentially drive the relation between CEO duality and firm to abolish CEO duality for over two decades. In many countries,
performance. separate leadership has become the norm. For example, in the late
536 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

1980s, a majority of U.K. firms combined the CEO and COB titles. information transferring and processing costs associated with
Now, less than 5% of U.K. firms still do. In contrast, U.S. firms and non-CEO chairmen. Consolidated power also provides clarity
some U.S. investors have been reluctant to embrace the practice.3 regarding the leadership and direction of the firm, which promotes
We find that duality firms outperform non-duality firms when com- effective dealing with external parties (Dalton et al., 1998). Addi-
petitive environments change. A key finding in Bloom and Van tionally, the COB title is an integral part of the CEO incentive con-
Reenen (2007) is that poor management practices are more preva- tract. If a firm does not award the additional title of COB, its CEO
lent when product market competition is weak. Both Bloom and may be less motivated to work and even consider leaving the firm.4
Van Reenen (2007) and the 2013 World Competitiveness Yearbook Brickley et al. (1997) argue that separate leadership imposes
by the International Institute for Management Development find costs on the succession planning process. Brickley et al. (1997) cite
that the U.S. has one of the most competitive markets in the world. the case studies by Vancil (1987) that firms frequently follow a
These pieces of evidence paint the picture that firms adopt the win- ‘‘passing-the-baton’’ process of having the retiring CEO retain the
ning governance structure in response to their competitive environ- COB title so that valuable information can be passed on to the
ments. Therefore, our results have important policy implications new CEO and the board can have a probationary period to monitor
given the strong push for U.S. firms to abolish CEO duality. Our the new CEO in action. During this period, the new CEO typically
results suggest that the single-minded push for splitting the CEO holds additional operating titles such as President or Chief Operat-
and COB titles can be counterproductive, especially to those firms ing Officer. If he or she successfully passes the test, the new CEO
that face high information costs or experience rapid changes in the earns the additional COB title and the old COB resigns from the
competitive environment. board. Vancil argues that this process eases the transition from
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents active duty to retirement for an aging CEO and thus makes it less
the arguments in favor of and in opposition to dual leadership and likely that the CEO will attempt to hold on to his position too long.
summarizes the literature on the duality–performance relation; Brickley et al. further argue that the prospect of being promoted to
Section 3 discusses the research design; Section 4 describes the the chairmanship can provide substantial incentives to the new
data collection process and the sample; Sections 5 and 6 present CEO and these incentives are lost if the firm maintains an indepen-
the empirical results; finally, Section 7 concludes. dent COB. Lastly, installing non-CEO COBs creates its own agency
problems in the form of ‘‘who monitors the monitor’’ (Brickley
et al., 1997).5
2. Institutional background In summary, it is not theoretically obvious whether dual or sep-
arate leadership is more beneficial to firm performance. Therefore,
2.1. Arguments regarding the costs and benefits of dual leadership the efficacy of CEO duality is an empirical question.

The arguments against dual leadership (or in favor of separate

leadership) are largely based on the agency theory. CEOs of modern 2.2. Mixed evidence on the relation between dual leadership and firm
corporations have decision rights but not control rights over share- performance
holder capital. As a result, CEOs have conflicting interests and do
not always act to maximize shareholder value. The board of direc- Rechner and Dalton (1991) study 141 Fortune 500 firms that
tors is the apex of the decision control system of modern corpora- had a stable board leadership structure over 1978–1983. They find
tions, which mitigates agency problems due to the separation of a positive correlation between firm performance and separate
ownership and control (Fama and Jensen, 1983). Having CEOs lead leadership. Pi and Timme (1993) study 112 U.S. banks from 1987
this decision control hierarchy likely compromises the effective- to 1990 and find a higher return on assets for those with separate
ness of the control system and exemplifies the ultimate conflict titles. Boyd (1995) studies 192 U.S. firms in 1980 and finds that the
of interest. Supporting this conflict-of-interest argument, empirical duality–performance relation varies by industry conditions.
studies find that when CEO and COB titles are combined, the CEO is Brickley et al. (1997) study 661 U.S. firms in the 1989 Forbes com-
paid more and the sensitivity of CEO turnover to firm performance pensation survey and find that firms with separate leadership do
is lower (Core et al., 1999; Goyal and Park, 2002). Proponents of not perform better. Indeed, they conclude that duality firms are
separate leadership also argue that this arrangement allows the associated with better accounting performance. To compare with
CEO to focus on running the business, while the COB focuses on Pi and Timme (1993), Brickley et al. (1997) separately study banks
running the board. An independent and experienced COB can also and thrifts and find no significant differences in performance
be a valuable resource and a sounding board for the CEO (Dalton across firms with different board leadership models. Iyengar and
et al., 1998). Zampelli (2009) study S&P1500 firms that did not change the
The arguments in support of dual leadership emphasize the duality structure during 1995–2003. They find no evidence that
unparalleled firm-specific knowledge of CEOs and the benefits of firms purposefully choose duality structures to optimize firm
strong stewardship. As CEOs ‘‘may often have the best specific performance.
knowledge of the strategic challenges and opportunities facing In terms of market reactions to changes in board leadership
the firm’’ (Jensen and Meckling, 1995, p. 13), a CEO who is also structures, Baliga et al. (1996) study 181 Fortune 500 firms over
in charge of the board should be able to coordinate board actions 1986–1991 and find insignificant announcement returns. Based
and implement strategies more swiftly, giving the firm a competi- on the announcements of 157 firms over 1896–1996, Palmon and
tive edge particularly in tough business conditions. Since acquiring Wald (2002) find that small (large) firms experience negative
and transmitting firm-specific information can be costly, dual (positive) abnormal returns when changing from dual to separate
leadership potentially enjoys large cost savings by eliminating leadership. Their results are in contrast to Faleye (2007b), who

3 4
A recent example is the controversy over whether to strip Jamie Dimon (the CEO Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase, said that he may leave the bank if
of J.P. Morgan Chase) of his COB title at the 2013 shareholder meeting. While CalPERs shareholders vote to separate the CEO and COB positions at the 2013 annual meeting
and proxy advisory firms like Institutional Shareholders Services and Glass, Lewis & (Reuters, May 11, 2003).
Co. are in favor of a shareholder proposal to separate the dual roles, the legendary In Appendix A, we give some examples of the arguments that firms make to
investor, Warren Buffet, and proxy advisory firms like Egan–Jones Proxy Services are support their decisions of having a dual leadership structure, including that it
against it. In the end, the proposal received 32% affirmative votes and failed to pass. promotes clarity regarding the leadership of the firm, facilitates succession planning,
Also see Section 7 for more discussion on this issue. and enhances more effective business planning and execution.
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 537

finds that dual leadership increases Tobin’s Q for complex firms but The FTA has been shown to significantly impact the competitive
decreases it for non-complex firms. Dey et al. (2011) study environment of U.S. firms. For example, Clausing (2001) finds that
S&P1500 firms over 2001–2009 and find that the greater the like- the FTA dramatically increased U.S. imports from Canada and that
lihood of a firm predicted to have a dual leadership structure based the increase was larger for goods with greater tariff reductions. In
on an economic determinants model, the more negative are the addition, the FTA is associated with substantial employment loss,
market reactions to the announcement of a split of the titles. labor productivity gains, and changes in price–cost margin
Larcker et al. (2011) examine market reactions to two regulations (Trefler, 2004; Guadalupe and Wulf, 2010). As Appendix B shows,
proposed in 2009 that would ban CEO duality. They find that tariff reductions on Canadian imports to the U.S. and U.S. exports
abnormal returns are not related to the duality status. to Canada can be as high as 36% and 48%, respectively.
Several studies analyze the performance consequences of a
change in the board leadership structure. Baliga et al. (1996) find 3.2. Empirical method
no evidence of changes in operating performance around changes
in the board leadership structure. Dey et al. (2011) find that firms Like other corporate finance research, an analysis of the impact
combining (splitting) the titles have better (worse) post-announce- of dual leadership on firm performance faces the endogeneity chal-
ment performance. Krause and Semadeni (2013) study three forms lenge. More specifically, board leadership structure is most likely
of separation: apprentice (the former CEO-chair relinquishes the endogenous. For instance, firm performance may be both a result
CEO title but retains the COB title), departure (firms replace the of CEO duality and, itself, a driver that influences a firm’s decision
CEO-chair with two different individuals), and demotion (firms to adopt CEO duality (Hermalin and Weisbach, 2003). This endoge-
strip the CEO-chair of the COB title). They find that all three forms neity creates estimation problems when the decision of board
of separation enhance future firm performance if current perfor- leadership structure is made on the basis of latent factors that cor-
mance is poor, although the conditional effect is only statistically relate with the error term in the regression (Adams et al., 2010).
significant for apprentice and demotion separations. Ideally to tackle this endogeneity challenge, we would like to have
Two studies use exogenous shocks to study the efficacy of CEO an exogenous shock to the board leadership structure (Wintoki
duality. In 1992, the Cadbury Committee called on U.K. firms to et al., 2012). However, to the best of our knowledge, such exoge-
separate the titles of CEO and COB. Using this external shock, nous shocks to U.S. firms do not exist at this time. Therefore, like
Dahya et al. (2009) test whether firm performance improved after other researchers, we use an exogenous shock that disrupts the
the separation. They fail to find any performance improvement. relation between the endogenous choice variable and the outcome
Using the natural experiment of the thrift crisis of the late 1980s, variable.6 The idea is that because the exogenous shock of the FTA
Byrd et al. (2012) find that duality thrifts are more likely to survive was unexpected, it is difficult to argue that firms optimally chose
the crisis. the board leadership structure beforehand to deal with the problems
After completing a meta-analysis of 31 studies, Dalton et al. posed by the new competitive environment. Therefore, relating pre-
(1998) conclude that CEO duality does not affect performance existing board leadership structures to post-shock firm performance
and firm size does not moderate the duality–performance relation. mitigates the endogeneity problem. As the exogenous shock only
Upon separate reviews of the literature, Dalton and Dalton (2011) affects some firms, we also alleviate the unobserved firm heteroge-
and Krause et al. (2014) conclude that the literature lacks evidence neity problem through benchmarking performance changes of firms
of a substantive relation between firm performance and the board affected by the exogenous shock against performance changes of
leadership structure. Both studies urge scholars to explore new firms unaffected or less affected by the exogenous shock. More spe-
methods and new contexts when studying this relation. (Please cifically, we estimate the following baseline model to assess the
also see Dahya and Travlos (2000) for an excellent review of prior impact of dual leadership on firm performance:
studies on the duality–performance relation.) 0
Tobin s Q it ¼ c1 duali  post89  tariffi þ c2 post89  tariffi þ sXit
þ dt þ di þ eit ; ð1Þ
3. Research design
where i indexes firms, duali is a dummy that equals one if the firm
3.1. The Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement of 1989 has a stable board leadership structure of the CEO being the COB,
post89 is a dummy that equals one from 1989 onwards, tariffi is
On January 2, 1988, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Canadian the average tariff rate for firm i during the period of 1986–1988,
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney signed the Canada–United States X is a vector of firm characteristics such as firm size, dt are year
Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which eliminated tariffs and other dummies that control for time trends, di are firm fixed effects that
trade barriers between the two countries. To take effect, the FTA absorb time-invariant industry and firm heterogeneities, and eit is
had to be approved by the U.S. Congress and the Canadian Parlia- the error term adjusted for heteroskedasticity and firm-level
ment. While it passed the U.S. Congress smoothly, the FTA encoun- clustering. (The results hold if we use industry-level instead of
tered strong opposition in Canada. Mulroney’s Progressive firm-level clustering.) It is worth noting that without the triple
Conservative Party controlled the House, but the Senate, which interaction term, this framework is a standard differences-in-differ-
had a Liberal Party majority, refused to ratify the FTA until Canadi- ences specification with continuous treatment that other studies
ans voted on the issue in a national election. Mulroney was forced (see, e.g., Guadalupe and Wulf, 2010) have used to exploit the
to dissolve the Parliament and called a general election. Although quasi-natural experiment of the 1989 trade liberalization.
more Canadians were against the FTA than in favor of it, Mulro- To mitigate the endogeneity problem, we need to use board
ney’s party won the election as they benefitted from being the only leadership in the event year or just before (Low, 2009;
party in favor of the agreement, while the opposition parties split Guadalupe and Wulf, 2010). Further, Brickley et al. (1997) show
the anti-free-trade vote. The FTA took effect on January 1, 1989.
Since the passage of the FTA was improbable and unexpected, it Frésard (2010) uses tariff cut shocks to examine the effect of cash holdings on
qualifies as an exogenous shock (Brander, 1991; Thompson, firm performance. Almeida and Kim (2012) use the shock of the 1997 Asian financial
crisis to study the efficiency of the internal capital market of business groups.
1993; Guadalupe and Wulf, 2010). The FTA is also a clean policy Gormley et al. (2013) use a shock to business risk (workplace exposures to
experiment, untainted by confounding events such as macroeco- carcinogens) to analyze the relation between CEO pay and corporate risk-taking.
nomic shocks or financial crises (Trefler, 2004). Also see Zingales (1998) and Butler and Cornaggia (2011).
538 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

Table 1
Variable description.

Variable name Variable description [computation presented using WRDS variable names]
Main variables of interest
Dual Dummy variable that equals one if the firm has a stable duality status for 1988–1998, or equals zero if the firm has a stable non-duality status
for 1988–1998. We define a firm as having a stable duality (non-duality) status, if the firm has a CEO (a director other than the CEO) as the
Chairman of the Board (COB) for more than 80% firm years for a minimum of four years from 1988 to 1998
Tariff_import The average U.S. tariff rates on Canadian imports in 1986–1988
Tariff_export The average Canadian tariff rates on U.S. exports in 1986–1988
Tariff_rank Tariff rank. We assign a score of zero to a firm whose import tariff rate and export tariff rate are zero; in other words, the firm is not affected
by the 1989 FTA. We rank firms with positive import tariff rates, and assign a score of two to a firm if it has an above-average import tariff
rate or a score of one if it has a below-average import tariff rate. We assign the scores to firms with positive export tariff rates in the same
way. Tariff rank is the sum of the above-mentioned scores. Hence, the maximum tariff rank is four with the minimum being zero
Tobin’s Q Market value of common equity minus book value of common equity plus book value of total assets, over book value of total assets;
[(prcc_f  csho-ceq + at)/at]
Key operating characteristics
Firm size Natural logarithm of total book assets; [ln(at)]
Return on assets (ROA) Earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation (EBIT) over book value of total assets; [(oiadp + dp(if not missing))/at]
Return on equity (ROE) EBIT over common equity; [(oiadp + dp(if not missing))/ceq]
Past 3-year sales Geometric mean of sales growth rates over the past three years; [((salet/salet1)  (salet1/salet2)  (salet2/salet3))1/3  1]
growth rate
Debt ratio Long-term debt over total assets; [dltt/at]
Volatility Standard deviation of daily stock returns  the square root of 252, if the stock is traded for at least a quarter of the year
R&D ratio R&D expenditure over sales; [xrd/sale]. xrd = 0, if missing
Ratio of advertising Advertising expense over sales; [xad/sale]
Ratio of intangible Intangible assets over total book assets; [intan/at], if negative then zero (one such observation)
Analysts’ forecast errors The difference between actual earnings and the median consensus forecast deflated by the stock price at the end of the corresponding quarter
#Business segments The number of business segments, in which the firm operates
zCash The cash-to-assets ratio minus the industry-year mean, over the industry-year standard deviation (Frésard, 2010); [the cash-to-asset
ratio = (ch + ivst)/at]
Sales per employee Sales over total number of employees; [sale/(emp  1000)]
Overhead expense Selling, General and Administrative Expense over sales; [xsga/sale]
Input costs Costs of goods sold over sales; [cogs/sale]
Wage Employee wage; [(xlr  1000)/emp]
Key governance variables
Board size Total number of directors on the board
%Outsider Percent of non-executive directors on the board
%D&O Percent of director and officer ownership
%Institution_own Percent of institutional ownership

This table describes the key variables used in the study.

that many instances of a board leadership structure change are the FTA-mandated Canadian tariff rate reduction on U.S. exports
transient due to CEO succession. To mitigate these problems, we (tariff_export), and (3) a score (tariff_rank) that we construct based
require sample firms to exist in 1988 and follow a stable board on the rankings of the import and export tariff rates. Specifically,
leadership model, i.e., no change in duality status for more than we separately rank firms with positive import tariff rates and posi-
80% of firm years for a minimum of four years from 1988 to tive export tariff rates into two groups. Firms with above-average
1998. For example, a firm with four years of board data is classified tariff rates receive a score of two, while firms with below-average
as following a stable board leadership model only if it had the same tariff rates receive a score of one. As a firm can have import and
board leadership status during 1988–1991, a firm with nine years export tariff rates both above average, the maximum value of
of board data is classified as following a stable board leadership tariff_rank is four. A firm with both import and export tariff rates
model if it changed the board leadership structure only once of zero receives a score of zero. Therefore, tariff_rank captures
during 1988–1996, and a firm with more than ten years of board the aggregate effect that the 1989 FTA has on a firm in terms of
data is classified as following a stable board leadership model if both increased competition and expanded market opportunities.
it changed the board leadership structure only twice during While all tariffs were scheduled to go to zero after 1989, some tariff
1988–1998.7 reductions took effect immediately and others were to be phased
We use three measures of tariff concessions (tariffi) to capture out over ten years. This phase-out schedule is a potential source
the changes in competitive environments: (1) the FTA-mandated of endogeneity. To address this problem, we follow Guadalupe
U.S. tariff rate reduction (tariff_import) on Canadian imports, (2) and Wulf (2010) and treat all industries equally regardless of their
phase-out schedules by exploiting the differential tariff rates
during 1986–1988. In other words, the tariff rates (tariffi) are the
We also use the board leadership structure in 1988 as a robustness check. Our
average tariff rates of 1986–1988.
results hold using this alternative definition of duali. We discuss this robustness check
in more detail in Section 5.1.3. Therefore, we are agnostic in the research design about We choose Tobin’s Q as our primary measure of firm perfor-
whether and how board leadership structures respond to changes in competition. In mance because it is the conventional proxy for firm performance
the case that firms do adapt their board leadership structures in response to changing in corporate finance literature, including studies on the impact of
competitive environments, it biases us against finding significant results. Albeit an
the board of directors on firm performance (see, e.g., Yermack,
important and intriguing research question, the adjustment speed of board leadership
structure is beyond the scope of this paper. We refer interested readers to Cicero et al.
1996; Faleye, 2007a). Further, Tobin’s Q measures the present
(2013), who analyze the adjustment speed of board size and board composition. value of all future cash flows over the replacement cost of tangible
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 539

Table 2 Table 3
Tariff rates in 1988. Sample description.

#Firms %Firms #4-digit Tariff rates N Mean Median Std. dev.

(N) (=N/ SIC Mean Median Std. Tobin’s Q 25,246 1.66 1.29 1.41
1384) codes dev. Total assets (in $millions) 25,246 1706.36 120.35 8726.08
#Business segments 25,244 1.81 1.00 1.31
When either tariff_import or tariff_export is positive
ROA 25,246 7.08% 8.66% 13.02%
Tariff_import 802 58 201 1.72% 0.37% 2.84%
ROE 24,635 15.52% 19.59% 37.79%
Tariff_export 844 61 231 2.81% 1.77% 3.97%
Past 3-year sales growth rate 25,246 13.51% 9.71% 22.94%
Tariff_rank 916 66 237 1.71 2.00 1.41
Debt ratio 25,246 18.24% 15.09% 16.73%
When both tariff_import and tariff_export are positive Volatility 25,246 52.79% 43.49% 32.75%
Tariff_import 730 53 195 3.16% 3.10% 3.25% R&D ratio 25,246 3.87% 0.00% 12.80%
Tariff_export 730 53 195 4.43% 3.29% 4.41% Ratio of advertising expense 9343 3.41% 1.98% 4.29%
Tariff_rank 730 53 195 2.88 3.00 0.75 Ratio of intangible assets 21,157 5.37% 0.59% 9.96%

This table presents the summary statistics of the import and export tariff rates for %Dual 25,246 63.99% 100.00% 48.00%
1988. Import tariff data come from Feenstra (1996). Export tariff data come from Board size 21,738 8.50 8.00 3.43
Trefler (2004). Tariff rates are aggregated from the commodity level to the level of %Outsider 21,738 63.93% 66.67% 18.87%
the four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. To get firm-level tariff %D&O 19,484 21.42% 15.07% 20.38%
rates, we first obtain segment sales and the four-digit SIC codes associated with %Institution_own 20,275 32.87% 30.25% 23.61%
each segment from the Compustat Segments Database, then weigh the tariff rates at
This table presents summary statistics of key operating and governance variables
the level of the four-digit SIC codes by firms’ segment sales, and sum the weighted
for the sample used in this study. The sample is constructed from the intersection of
rates. There are 1384 firm-year observations in 1988. Tariff variables (i.e.,
Compustat North America (financial statement data), Compustat Segments (seg-
tariff_import, tariff_export, and tariff_rank) are as described in Table 1.
ment sales), CRSP (stock price data), and the SEC Compact Disclosure Database
(governance data), excluding utilities and financial institutions. After meeting the
assets. Thus, it captures all aspects of firm operation including necessary data requirement, the final sample has 1926 unique firms or 25,246 firm
managerial entrenchment (Lang and Stulz, 1994). We control for years from 1979 to 1998. Variables are as described in Table 1. All operating vari-
other firm characteristics that might affect Tobin’s Q, including ables are winsorized at the 1% level at both tails, except for Tobin’s Q, total assets,
and the number of business segments, which will be in natural logarithm form in
firm size (the natural logarithm of total book assets), current-year
ROA, one-year and two-year lagged ROA, growth opportunities
(sales growth over the past three years), capital structure (long-
term debt over total book assets), and risk (annualized daily stock the FTA affects 66% of the sample, 80% of the 66% firms receive both
return volatility). We describe these and other variables as well as import and export tariff reductions. Appendix B confirms this over-
their computation in Table 1. lap. For example, the Rubber and Plastics Footwear industry
(SIC = 3021) has the highest import tariff rate and one of the high-
est export tariff rates. Second, when firms receive both import and
4. Sample export tariff reductions, their import and export tariff rates are
higher than the rates of firms that receive only one type of tariff
As noted earlier, the FTA was implemented in 1989, but had a concessions. Because of the high correlation between import and
phase-out schedule of ten years. Lileeva and Trefler (2010) report export tariff rates, we do not include tariff_import and tariff_export
that by 1996 the tariff was down to less than one-fifth of its simultaneously in the regressions, but use tariff_rank instead.
1988 level, and by 1998 all tariffs were eliminated. Thus, we To be selected for our sample, the firm cannot be a utility or a
choose 1979–1998 as our sample period to have an equal number financial institution, must follow a stable board leadership model
of years before and after 1989. Import tariff data come from (as defined in Section 3.2), and must have positive values of total
Feenstra (1996), while export tariff data come from Trefler assets and net sales, daily stock returns for at least a quarter of
(2004). Tariff rates are aggregated from the commodity level to the fiscal year, and Compustat data before 1989. We obtain finan-
the level of the four-digit Standard-Industrial-Classification (SIC) cial data from Compustat North America, segment sales from Com-
codes. To get firm-level tariff rates, we obtain segment sales and pustat Segments, and stock returns from CRSP. Board and
the four-digit SIC codes associated with each segment from the ownership data come from the SEC Compact Disclosure Database.
Compustat Segments Database, weigh the tariff rates at the level To the best of our knowledge, the Disclosure database provides
of the four-digit SIC codes by firms’ segment sales and sum the the earliest coverage for board structure of publicly traded firms,
weighted rates.8 which starts in 1988. Although Disclosure’s data coverage does
Table 2 provides key summary statistics for tariff rates in 1988. not go back to 1979, which is the start of our sample period, it is
We report for only 1988 because (1) it is the year immediately pre- not a concern to our multivariate tests because our research design
ceding the implementation of the 1989 FTA and (2) the firm-level requires using board structure in the event year or just before (the
tariff rates (tariffi) are constant throughout the sample period in event year for our study is 1989). The final sample consists of 1926
our research design. Two patterns are worth noting. First, if a firm unique firms (25,246 firm years) from 1979 to 1998, or 1180
receives the FTA-mandated import tariff reduction, it also likely unique firms (16,156 firm years) that have stable dual leadership
receives the FTA-mandated export tariff reduction. Indeed, while and 746 unique firms (9090 firm years) that have stable separate
leadership. Table 3 reports the summary statistics of key firm char-
Using segment sales and four-digit SIC codes from the Compustat Segments acteristics. To mitigate the problem of extreme outliers, we wins-
Database to compute weighted tariff rates yields a more precise measure of tariff orize all operating variables at the 1% level at both tails except
concessions than using tariff rates based on the four-digit SIC codes from the
for Tobin’s Q, total assets, and the number of business segments,
Compustat North America Database. This is because the Compustat North America
Database assigns the four-digit SIC codes to a firm based on the greatest value of which will be in natural logarithm form in the regressions. The per-
product shipments for a product group. As an example, if a firm produces two cent of the sample firms with stable dual leadership is 64%, which
products with 40% of its shipments in SIC 2046 and 60% in SIC 6519, the assigned SIC is lower than the percentage (about 80%) that other studies report
code would be 6519. The import tariff rate for SIC 2046 is 0.045 and for SIC 6519 is for similar time periods (Fig. 1). This occurs because the SEC
zero. Thus, using four-digit SIC codes from the Compustat North America Database
will yield a tariff rate of zero, while using segment sales and four-digit SIC codes from
Compact Disclosure database covers a much larger and more
the Compustat Segments Database will yield a tariff rate of 0.018 comprehensive set of firms, and small firms are more likely to have
(0.045  0.4 = 0.018). separate leadership (Linck et al., 2008; Pathan and Skully, 2010).
540 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

Table 4
Impact of dual leadership on Tobin’s Q.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) (1) (2) (3)

Dual  post89  tariff_import 1.721
Post89  tariff_import 0.686
Dual  post89  tariff_export 1.320a
Post89  tariff_export 0.044
Dual  post89  tariff_rank 0.028a
Post89  tariff_rank 0.006
Firm size 0.110a 0.110a 0.110a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROA 0.819a 0.816a 0.819a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.139a 0.138a 0.138a
(0.001) (0.001)b (0.001)
ROAt2 0.100a 0.097b 0.098b
(0.014) (0.017) (0.017)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.279a 0.278a 0.278a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.015 0.017 0.016
Fig. 2. Time trend of Tobin’s Q. The graphs display time trends of median values of (0.690) (0.656) (0.668)
Tobin’s Q for firms with a stable duality status of board leadership (Duality firms) Volatility 0.108a 0.107a 0.107a
and firms with a stable non-duality status of board leadership (Non-duality firms). (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
We define a firm as having a stable duality (non-duality) status, if the firm has a Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
CEO (a director other than the CEO) as the Chairman of the Board for more than 80% Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
firm years for a minimum of four years from 1988 to 1998. Panel A contains sample #Obs 25,246 25,246 25,246
firms impacted by the 1989 trade liberalization. Panel B contains sample firms not F-value 70.18 70.86 70.53
impacted by the trade liberalization. Adj. R-squared 0.646 0.647 0.646

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on firm
Fig. 2 contrasts time trends of median values of Tobin’s Q for performance. See Table 1 for variable definition and description. We estimate all
firms with stable duality status against firms with stable non-dual- models controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm-level clustering. p-values are
reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
ity status. As we defined earlier, firms with stable duality status c
Significance at the 10% level.
(duality firms) have the CEO as the COB for more than 80% of firm a
Significance at the 1% level.
years for a minimum of four years from 1988 to 1998, while firms b
Significance at the 5% level.
with stable non-duality status (non-duality firms) are those who
have a non-CEO COB for more than 80% of firm years for a mini-
mum of four years from 1988 to 1998. We report median values tariff rates, and tariff ranks, respectively. The coefficient of
of Tobin’s Q to mitigate the problem of outliers. We graph the time dual  post89  tariff_import is significantly positive in Column (1).
trends separately for firms impacted by the 1989 FTA (Panel A) and The average import tariff rate for the sample used in the regression
firms not impacted by the 1989 FTA (Panel B). is 1.69%. This result suggests that duality firms, which receive the
A cursory inspection of Panel A suggests that in the sample FTA-mandated tariff cuts on Canadian imports, experience an
impacted by the 1989 FTA, duality and non-duality firms have increase of 2.95% in Tobin’s Q, compared to non-duality firms that
similar valuations prior to 1989. Post trade liberalization, Tobin’s also receive the FTA-mandated tariff cuts. Using export tariff rates,
Q increases for both types of firms, although the increase appears we find similar results. The coefficient of dual  post89  tar-
to be larger for duality firms. Fig. 2 Panel B shows that in the sam- iff_export is significantly positive in Column (2). Given that the
ple not impacted by the 1989 FTA, duality and non-duality firms average export tariff rate for the sample used in the regression is
exhibit similar trends in Tobin’s Q. In this sample, we do not 2.85%, the result suggests that dual leadership increases Tobin’s
observe an obvious shift in trends nor a clear separation in Tobin’s Q by 3.83%. When using tariff ranks, we again find corroborating
Q between the two types of firms around 1989 as we do for the results. As defined in Section 3.2, tariff rank is a score based on
sample that is impacted by the 1989 FTA. It is interesting to note the rankings of a firm’s import and export tariff rates. An above-
that in the sample not impacted by the 1989 FTA, duality firms average tariff rate receives a score of two, a below-average tariff
have higher Tobin’s Q than non-duality firms for most of the sam- rate receives a score of one, and a zero tariff rate receives a score
ple years. This pattern is in line with the existing literature that of zero. Therefore, with the coefficient of dual  post89  tariff_rank
better performing CEOs are rewarded the additional title of the being 0.028, the result suggests that an increase of one rank is
COB (Brickley et al., 1997). Overall, Fig. 2 offers suggestive evidence associated with an increase of 2.79% in Tobin’s Q. The economic
that duality firms outperform non-duality firms when the business size of the valuation impact of dual leadership is similar to that
environment becomes more competitive and dynamic. of board size. Yermack (1996) finds that expanding an eight-
member board by one director is associated with a decrease of
4% in Tobin’s Q. Estimation results of our control variables are in
5. Main results line with the existing literature. For example, Tobin’s Q is
negatively and significantly related to firm size and stock return
5.1. Impact of dual leadership on firm performance volatility, similar to the findings in Anderson and Reeb (2003).
Tobin’s Q is positively and significantly related to sales growth
Columns (1), (2), and (3) of Table 4 report regression results and ROA, similar to the findings in Yermack (1996) and Anderson
from the baseline model, Eq. (1), using import tariff rates, export and Reeb (2003).
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 541

Table 5
Impact of dual leadership on Tobin’s Q – robustness check.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) Tariff = tariff_import Tariff = tariff_export Tariff = tariff_rank

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dual  post89  tariff 2.369a 2.344b 1.486a 1.699a 0.037a 0.043a
(0.003) (0.020) (0.000) (0.002) (0.000) (0.000)
Post89  tariff 1.286c 0.993 0.093 0.070 0.010 0.003
(0.088) (0.306) (0.807) (0.893) (0.293) (0.799)
Firm size 0.104a 0.101a 0.104a 0.100a 0.104a 0.100a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROA 0.782a 0.982a 0.777a 0.975a 0.780a 0.984a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.118a 0.155a 0.113b 0.152a 0.115a 0.154a
(0.012) (0.013) (0.016) (0.015) (0.014) (0.014)
ROAt2 0.062 0.004 0.056 0.007 0.060 0.001
(0.172) (0.949) (0.213) (0.903) (0.186) (0.985)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.302a 0.298a 0.301a 0.295a 0.300a 0.292a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.027 0.026 0.029 0.026 0.028 0.025
(0.511) (0.573) (0.476) (0.573) (0.496) (0.585)
Volatility 0.107a 0.058b 0.107a 0.055b 0.106a 0.053c
(0.000) (0.044) (0.000) (0.052) (0.000) (0.063)
Ln(#business segments) 0.039 0.042 0.041c 0.045c 0.037c 0.037
(0.076) (0.098) (0.057) (0.077) (0.094) (0.150)
zCasht1 0.012c 0.013c 0.012c 0.013c 0.012b 0.014b
(0.067) (0.081) (0.058) (0.063) (0.051) (0.048)
Log(board size) 0.051 0.049 0.044
(0.200) (0.216) (0.265)
%outsider 0.011 0.013 0.011
(0.834) (0.801) (0.834)
%D&O 0.110c 0.112c 0.119b
(0.068) (0.066) (0.046)
%Institution_own 0.212a 0.208a 0.210a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 21,343 15,364 21,343 15,364 21,343 15,364
F-value 51.58 36.75 52.01 37.16 52.02 37.10
Adj. R-squared 0.650 0.682 0.652 0.684 0.651 0.683

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on firm performance, controlling for other operating and governance characteristics. See Table 1 for
variable definition and description. We estimate all models controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm-level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the
coefficient estimates.
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.

Table 6
Impact of dual leadership on ROA and ROE.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) Tariff = tariff_import Tariff = tariff_export Tariff = tariff_rank

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dual  post89  tariff 0.250 0.092 0.023 0.420b 0.001 0.010b
(0.139) (0.821) (0.766) (0.052) (0.666) (0.044)
Post89  tariff 0.277c 0.269 0.033 0.135 0.002 0.001
(0.092) (0.469) (0.645) (0.495) (0.402) (0.843)
Firm size 0.012a 0.029a 0.012a 0.029a 0.012a 0.029a
(0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.001)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.113a 0.264a 0.113a 0.264a 0.113a 0.263a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.091a 0.050 0.091a 0.049 0.091a 0.048
(0.000) (0.250) (0.000) (0.263) (0.000) (0.269)
Volatility 0.057a 0.141a 0.056a 0.140a 0.056a 0.140a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 25,246 24,555 25,246 24,555 25,246 24,555
F-value 37.77 23.39 37.81 23.79 37.68 23.72
Adj. R-squared 0.574 0.440 0.574 0.441 0.573 0.441

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on ROA and ROE. See Table 1 for variable definition and description. We estimate all models
controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm-level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.
542 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

5.1.1. Impact of dual leadership, controlling for additional operating As we discussed in Section 4, we choose to study firms of all SIC
and governance variables codes, because we want to assess the impact of the FTA on a firm
We re-estimate Eq. (1), controlling for other operating and gov- regardless of whether the FTA affects the primary industry to
ernance variables that potentially impact Tobin’s Q. Trade liberal- which the firm is assigned. Further, duality and non-duality firms
ization likely has a smaller effect on diversified firms (Frésard not affected by the 1989 FTA serve as useful control groups for
and Valta, 2012). A plethora of academic and anecdotal evidence duality and non-duality firms affected by the 1989 FTA.
shows (see, e.g., Frésard, 2010) that large cash reserves give firms We are not aware of any shocks that occurred in 1989 and
a competitive edge when business environments suddenly change. impacted the board leadership structure. Nevertheless, as another
Therefore, as a robustness check, we add to our baseline model the robustness check, we add dual  post89 to the baseline model to
natural logarithm of the number of business segments and zCash. control for the possibility that other shocks contemporaneous with
Following Frésard (2010), we compute zCash as last year’s cash- the FTA could systematically affect duality and non-duality firms.
to-assets ratio minus the industry-year mean over the industry- The coefficient of dual  post89  tariff_export is still significantly
year standard deviation. As Columns (1), (3), and (5) of Table 5 positive, but dual  post89 interacted with tariff_import and
show, our results hold when we control for these aspects of firm tariff_rank are no longer significant. Multicollinearity likely causes
operation using import tariff rates, export tariff rates, and tariff the latter two predictors to lose their significance. The variable of
ranks, respectively. In Columns (2), (4), and (6) of Table 5, we also dual lacks variation across time. Given that we already control
control for the potential effects of board size, board composition, for time and firm fixed effects, adding dual  post89 to the baseline
D&O ownership, and institutional ownership. As the SEC Compact regression introduces substantial noise in estimating variables
Disclosure database starts the data coverage in 1988, we set the interacted with dual. Consistent with this idea, the Wald test
1979–1987 values of board size, board composition, D&O owner- shows that dual  post89  tariff_import is jointly significant
ship, and institutional ownership to be the same as the 1988 values. with post89  tariff_import and dual  post89 at the 1% level
Inclusion of these governance variables does not change our results. and dual  post89  tariff_rank is jointly significant with
post89  tariff_rank and dual  post89 at the 1% level. Further,
5.1.2. Impact of dual leadership on ROA and ROE adding dual  post89 does not improve the value of adjusted
As discussed in Section 3.2, we believe that Tobin’s Q is the best R-squared, suggesting that dual  post89 is an unnecessary
measure of firm performance for the purpose of our study. How- predictor variable.9
ever, for completeness, we also test the impact of dual leadership To summarize, we find strong evidence that dual leadership is
on operating performance using the accounting measures of return superior to separate leadership when firms’ business environments
on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). ROA and ROE are earn- become more competitive and dynamic. We find it instructive that
ings before interests and taxes (EBIT) over book value of total the effect of dual leadership is stronger among firms impacted by
assets and book value of common equity, respectively. A few cave- export tariff concessions than among firms impacted by import
ats are in order. First, while competition unambiguously promotes tariff concessions. As Appendix B and Table 2 show, tariff reduc-
efficiency (Nickell, 1996), its impact on profitability is less clear tions are steeper on U.S. exports than on Canadian imports. There-
(Nickell, 1996; Giroud and Mueller, 2010; Frésard and Valta, fore, this pattern is also consistent with the idea that dual
2012). Second, accounting measures are prone to managerial leadership is more conducive to better firm performance when
manipulation. For example, Balakrishnan and Cohen (2011) show competition intensifies, because steeper tariff reductions likely
that in response to changes in competitive environments firms induce a larger shock to firms’ competitive environments.
may increase or decrease financial misreporting. As Table 6 shows,
dual leadership has no significant impact on ROA and ROE for firms
that receive tariff concessions on Canadian imports. However, dual 5.2. Does dual leadership matter more for firms with high information
leadership has a significantly positive impact on ROE for firms that costs?
receive tariff reduction on U.S. exports. We also find a significantly
positive effect of dual leadership on ROE using tariff_rank. According to the literature (see, e.g., Brickley et al., 1997), the
main benefit of dual leadership is its information advantage over
5.1.3. Additional robustness checks separate leadership. As a CEO has unparalleled firm-specific infor-
For robustness, we use an alternative definition of duali. Specif- mation, combining the CEO and COB titles incurs lower informa-
ically, we replace the measure of a stable board leadership struc- tion acquisition, transmission, and processing costs than
ture (defined in Section 3.2) with the board leadership of 1988, separating the titles. Competition magnifies the information bene-
which is a dummy that takes the value of one if a firm combined fits of dual leadership because slow information transmitting and
the CEO and COB positions in 1988. We re-run the baseline model processing speed delays decision-making. When competition
using this dummy and obtain similar results. For example, firms intensifies, information becomes obsolete at a faster rate and the
that receive import tariff concessions experience an increase of consequence of lost opportunities due to delayed decision-making
2.13% in Tobin’s Q, if they had a dual leadership structure in becomes more severe (Christie et al., 2003). Consistent with this
1988. Firms that receive export tariff concessions experience an idea, the economic literature shows that firms decentralize when
increase of 3.62% in Tobin’s Q, if they have a dual leadership struc- they need to respond quickly to product market competition and
ture in 1988. When we use tariff ranks, we find that an increase of when local managers have an information advantage over their
one rank is associated with an increase of 2.10% in Tobin’s Q. In headquarters (Bloom et al., 2010; Guadalupe and Wulf, 2010). To
each case, the significant level is at the 1% level or better. test the information advantage argument, we study next the
The FTA affects only the tradable sector (i.e., SIC codes up to impact of dual leadership on firm performance, partitioning the
4000). Therefore, as another robustness check, we re-run the base- sample based on the level of information costs in 1988. If compe-
line regression, Eq. (1), for two scenarios: (1) firms whose primary tition magnifies the information benefits of dual leadership, we
SIC codes are less than 4000; and (2) manufacturing firms (i.e., should find a stronger duality effect for firms with high levels of
firms whose primary SIC codes are between 2000 and 3999). This information costs than for those with low levels of information
restriction reduces the number of observations to 15,883 and costs post trade liberalization.
17,806 firm years for the first and the second scenarios, respec-
tively. Our results remain qualitatively the same in each scenario. 9
Results of these and the following robustness checks are available upon request.
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 543

Table 7
Impact of dual leadership on Tobin’s Q, partitioned by the level of information costs.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) Ratio of advertising expense Ratio of intangible assets R&D ratio Analysts’ forecast errors
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
High Low High Low High Low High Low
Dual  post89  tariff_rank 0.077a 0.019 0.044b 0.015 0.022 0.028a 0.037a 0.010
(0.003) (0.195) (0.025) (0.171) (0.187) (0.006) (0.006) (0.381)
Post89  tariff_rank 0.018 0.025c 0.008 0.006 0.011 0.004 0.003 0.005
(0.450) (0.063) (0.700) (0.542) (0.572) (0.675) (0.808) (0.626)
Firm size 0.111a 0.096a 0.112a 0.084a 0.161a 0.073a 0.043a 0.092a
(0.004) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.010) (0.000)
ROA 0.650a 0.978a 0.885a 0.815a 0.797a 0.898a 1.776a 0.851a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.073 0.151c 0.241b 0.198a 0.044 0.280a 0.351a 0.047
(0.518) (0.084) (0.037) (0.000) (0.601) (0.000) (0.000) (0.453)
ROAt2 0.278b 0.114c 0.164c 0.159a 0.086 0.199a 0.281a 0.123b
(0.050) (0.094) (0.081) (0.004) (0.313) (0.000) (0.001) (0.038)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.325a 0.332a 0.180a 0.292a 0.414a 0.194a 0.259a 0.206a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.271b 0.035 0.076 0.018 0.008 0.002 0.118c 0.018
(0.027) (0.624) (0.344) (0.747) (0.935) (0.961) (0.085) (0.765)
Volatility 0.209a 0.063c 0.099c 0.077a 0.191a 0.065b 0.000 0.130a
(0.001) (0.099) (0.077) (0.009) (0.000) (0.016) (0.993) (0.000)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 2482 6781 4766 13,321 4865 16,689 8333 9680
F-value 14.93 23.24 21.92 38.84 22.92 54.00 51.39 31.54
Adj. R-squared 0.715 0.677 0.605 0.634 0.624 0.608 0.709 0.593

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on firm performance. ‘‘High’’ or ‘‘Low’’ indicates that the regression includes firms with above or
below mean values of the corresponding variable in 1988. The mean value of the ratio of advertising expense is 3.40%. The mean value of the ratio of intangible assets is 4.79%.
The mean value of the R&D ratio in 1988 is 3.69%. The mean value of Analysts’ forecast errors in 1988 is 0.34%. See Table 1 for variable definition and description. We estimate
all models controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm-level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.

Following the literature, we use four variables to measure the Aboody and Lev, 2000). Lastly, we use analysts’ forecast errors to
level of information costs: advertising expenditure over sales, intan- measure the level of information asymmetry between managers
gible assets over total book assets, research and development (R&D) and outsiders. Higher levels of information asymmetry should
expenditure over sales, and analysts’ forecast errors. Firms that correlate positively with information acquisition and processing
spend heavily on advertisement likely have more unique products costs. Following the literature (Hirshleifer et al., 2009), we calculate
and non-standardized production inputs (Levy, 1985; Titman and analysts’ forecast errors as the difference between actual earnings
Wessels, 1988). As an advertising campaign is frequently tied to a and the median consensus forecast deflated by the stock price at
specific product or company, advertising itself also creates an intan- the end of the corresponding quarter. We obtain analysts’ forecast
gible asset that is non-transferable (Grullon et al., 2006). These con- data from the International Brokers Estimate System (IBES) database.
siderations suggest that advertising expenditures should be Table 7 reports the regression results when we separately run
positively associated with information transmission and processing the baseline model, Eq. (1), for firms with high and low information
costs. Intangible assets likely capture the level of soft information, costs. For brevity, we tabulate the results only for tariff_rank, as it
which is costly to transfer across parties and over geographic dis- captures the aggregate shock of both import and export tariff
tance (Alam et al., forthcoming). Further, intangible assets such as reductions to firms’ competitive environments and the results
company reputation, customer relationships, and intellectual prop- using tariff_import and tariff_export are qualitatively the same. Col-
erties do not have obvious physical value. Their value critically umns (1) and (2) report the results using advertising spending as
depends on a firm’s ability to adapt to the changing environment the proxy for the level of information costs. Following the litera-
and capitalize on new opportunities.10 Studies establish that R&D ture (see, e.g., Himmelberg et al., 1999; Servaes and Tamayo,
involves specialized inputs that are unique to the investing firm and 2013), we replace missing advertising spending with zero. Consis-
is a useful proxy for information that is privy to insiders and costly tent with the information advantage argument, the coefficient esti-
to transfer and process (Levy, 1985; Titman and Wessels, 1988; mate of dual  post89  tariff_rank is significantly positive for firms
with high levels of advertising spending and is insignificant for
those with low levels of advertising spending. We find similar
A prime example is Eastman Kodak. In 1976, Kodak accounted for 90% of film and results using tariff_import and tariff_export.11 Columns (3) and (4)
85% of camera sales in America. An innovation giant of its day, Kodak had invented
the first digital camera just a year earlier. Despite the fact that it pioneered the
digitization revolution and predicted in 1979 that digital would replace film by 2010, Using advertising spending has one limitation, as firms are not required to
Kodak was too slow to change. As Rick Braddock (a Kodak director from 1987 to 2012) disclose advertising expenses if they are immaterial. Although using the 1988 values
puts it, ‘‘the mindset of the company was ready for the challenge: it was ‘Batten down has the benefit of conditioning the duality–performance relation on pre-determined
the hatches.’ We sold the healthcare business and we started the process of levels of advertising spending, estimation noise arises if certain firms disclose
developing a digital response. But the way the market shifted was dramatically faster advertising spending in some years and do not in others. Thus, as a robustness check,
than we had anticipated or than I’d ever seen (Financial Times, 2 April 2012).’’ By we partition the sample based on whether a firm’s advertising expenditure is greater
contrast, Fujifilm, which had been a long-time competitor to Kodak and enjoyed a than zero in a given year. The median value of advertising spending is zero for the full
strong, long-time monopoly on camera film in Japan like Kodak did in the U.S., was sample period and for the 1988 year. Using the median value to partition the sample
able to adapt to the changing world. For the fiscal year of 2011, Fujifilm reported a net has the additional advantage of having a similar number of observations in each sub-
income of 769 million, while Kodak reported a net loss of 764 million. Kodak declared sample. We find evidence consistent with the information advantage argument using
bankruptcy on January 19, 2012. all three tariff rates.
544 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

Table 8
Impact of dual leadership on Tobin’s Q, partitioned by governance strength.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) %Institutional ownership %Block institutional ownership %Top 5 institutional ownership
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
High Low High Low High Low
Dual  post89  tariff_rank 0.038a 0.001 0.031b 0.025b 0.029b 0.023c
(0.002) (0.932) (0.025) (0.049) (0.016) (0.098)
Post89  tariff_rank 0.013 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.018 0.010
(0.261) (0.799) (0.270) (0.791) (0.112) (0.452)
Firm size 0.096a 0.074a 0.120a 0.076a 0.096a 0.081a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROA 1.796a 0.833a 1.283a 1.001a 1.518a 0.844a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.257a 0.171a 0.227a 0.216a 0.222a 0.181b
(0.007) (0.013) (0.006) (0.004) (0.005) (0.018)
ROAt2 0.417a 0.159b 0.317a 0.230a 0.319a 0.205a
(0.000) (0.016) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.004)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.307a 0.259a 0.294a 0.268a 0.328a 0.244a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.018 0.038 0.003 0.049 0.037 0.026
(0.780) (0.564) (0.960) (0.439) (0.539) (0.705)
Volatility 0.036 0.085b 0.017 0.100a 0.009 0.104a
(0.536) (0.019) (0.694) (0.011) (0.844) (0.009)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 7996 8222 6491 9727 8026 8192
F-value 49.29 24.47 20.15 32.65 44.39 25.32
Adj. R-squared 0.722 0.638 0.669 0.667 0.681 0.688

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on firm performance. ‘High’ or ‘Low’ indicates that the regression includes firms with above or below
mean values of the corresponding variable in 1988. The mean value of %institutional ownership in 1988 is 27.64%. The mean value of %Block institutional ownership is 7.00%. The
mean value of %Top 5 institutional ownership is 14.99%. See Table 1 for variable definition and description. We estimate all models controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm-
level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.

report the results from using intangible assets as the proxy for the firms with above-average tariff rates and firms that are not
level of information costs. Again, the results are consistent with impacted by the 1989 FTA. Our results remain qualitatively the
the information advantage argument and hold for all three measures same.
of tariff rates.
Columns (5) and (6) report the results using R&D spending as
the proxy for the level of information costs. Contrary to the infor- 5.3. Can reduction in agency costs explain the results?
mation advantage argument, dual  post89  tariff_rank is signifi-
cantly positive for firms with low levels of R&D spending and is In the preceding section, we find that the information advanta-
insignificant for firms with high levels of R&D spending. We find ges of the CEO ameliorate the positive effect of dual leadership on
the same pattern for tariff_import. However, we find evidence con- firm performance. The main argument against CEO duality is based
sistent with the information advantage argument for tariff_export. on the agency theory, which predicts that CEOs, as the agent of
The coefficient estimate of dual  post89  tariff_export is 3.115 shareholders, do not always act in the best interests of sharehold-
(p-value = 0.006) for firms with high R&D spending and is 1.058 ers. As product market competition is arguably the best
(p-value = 0.005) for those with low R&D spending.12 Columns (7) governance device in minimizing the agency costs (Shleifer and
and (8) report the results using analysts’ forecast errors as the proxy Vishny, 1997), an alternative explanation may account for our
for the level of information costs. If analysts’ forecast errors correlate results. The exogenous shock of the 1989 FTA increased competi-
positively with the level of information asymmetry between manag- tion, forcing firms to reduce agency costs, and duality firms
ers and outsiders, then the positive valuation effect of dual leader- disproportionately benefited more than non-duality firms from
ship should be larger for firms with larger analysts’ forecast errors competition-induced agency cost reduction.
post the trade liberalization. This is indeed the result that we find To test this alternative explanation, we partition the sample
using all three tariff rates. based on the strength of corporate governance in 1988, the year
One potential concern is that the levels of advertising spending, immediately preceding the 1989 FTA, and re-run the baseline
intangible assets, R&D spending, and analysts’ forecast errors are regression. If reduction in agency costs drives our results, we
systematically related to tariff rates. In such a case, we may capture should find a stronger duality effect in the sample of firms with
the effect of dual leadership associated with changes in the com- weak governance than in the sample of firms with strong gover-
petitive environment instead of different levels of information nance.13 Following the literature (see, e.g., Shleifer and Vishny,
costs. To mitigate this concern, we include in the regressions only 1997; Hartzell and Starks, 2003; Frésard and Valta, 2012), we use
institutional ownership, stock holdings by block institutional inves-
tors, and stock holdings by top five institutional investors to proxy
Similarly to advertising spending, for further robustness, we replace missing R&D
spending with zero, partition the sample based on the median value of a firm’s R&D We assume that firms with strong corporate governance have lower agency costs
spending in a given year, and re-run the baseline model. (The median value of R&D and firms with weak corporate governance have higher agency costs. This assumption
spending is zero for the full sample period and for 1988.) We find evidence consistent is consistent with a large body of empirical evidence (see, e.g., Hartzell and Starks,
with the information advantage argument using all three tariff rates. 2003; Chen and Chen, 2012; Cornett et al., 2008).
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 545

Table 9 (Clark, 1984; Chen et al., 2009). Overhead costs is the ratio of sell-
Impact of dual leadership, after adding the potential effect of efficiency gains due to ing, general and administrative expenses to sales. Input costs is
increased competition.
the ratio of the costs of goods sold to sales. Employee wage is the
Dependent variable = Ln(Tobin’s Q) staff expense to employees. Giroud and Mueller (2010) find that
Sloth = Sales per Overhead Input Ln(Wage) overhead costs, input costs, and employee wage all increase once
employee expense costs managers are insulated from competition and the takeover market.
(1) (2) (3) (4) As the results using tariff_import, tariff_export, and tariff_rank are
Dual  post89  tariff_rank 0.026a 0.027a 0.026a 0.005 similar, we tabulate regression results only for tariff_rank.
(0.003) (0.002) (0.002) (0.834) As Table 9 shows, our results hold after controlling for different
Post89  tariff_rank 0.022b 0.007 0.053b 0.048
measures of sloth, with the exception of employee wage.
(0.034) (0.591) (0.023) (0.852)
Sloth  post89  tariff_rank 0.112a 0.026 0.088a 0.003 dual  post89  tariff_rank is insignificant in the wage regression,
(0.003) (0.542) (0.009) (0.906) likely because the number of observations is small. Many firms
Sloth  post89 0.047 0.147 0.158b 0.004 do not report staff expense thereby reducing the number of obser-
(0.587) (0.162) (0.024) (0.916)
vations in the wage regression by nearly 90%. In the regressions of
Sloth 0.031 0.486a 0.126b 0.097c
(0.787) (0.000) (0.039) (0.091)
other proxies for sloth, dual  post89  tariff_rank is highly signifi-
Firm size 0.095a 0.078a 0.097a 0.102b cant. Further, the coefficient size is similar to that in the baseline
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.025) model in Column (3) of Table 4. Firms that increase employee turn-
ROA 1.027a 1.194a 0.965a 1.062a over and lower input costs after the 1989 FTA experience a larger
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
increase in Tobin’s Q. These results are consistent with the prevail-
ROAt1 0.191a 0.218a 0.200a 0.431b
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.024) ing view that competition promotes efficiency. Importantly, the
ROAt2 0.073c 0.094b 0.064 0.066 economic impact of dual leadership is larger than those proxies
(0.093) (0.035) (0.144) (0.684) for sloth. For example, Column (1) suggests that duality firms with
R&D ratio 0.702a 0.498a 0.722a 0.152 a tariff rank of two experience an increase in Tobin’s Q that is 2.61%
(0.000) (0.005) (0.000) (0.763)
Debt ratio 0.014 0.024 0.010 0.173
higher than duality firms with a tariff rank of one. For comparison,
(0.721) (0.532) (0.793) (0.238) an improvement of 10 percentage points in sales per employee is
Volatility 0.113a 0.102a 0.124a 0.001 associated with an increase of 1.12% in Tobin’s Q. (Measures of
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.992) sloth are in decimals.)14
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 24,857 23,330 25,246 2,682
F-value 61.19 57.03 61.41 17.21 6. Additional results
Adj. R-squared 0.643 0.633 0.640 0.695

This table presents regression estimation of the impact of dual leadership on firm 6.1. Duality effect or survival bias
performance, after adding the potential effect of efficiency gains due to increased
competition. We winsorize sales per employee, overhead costs, and the ratio of the Studies have found that CEOs with more decision-making
costs of goods sold at the 1% level at both tails and use the natural logarithm of
power are associated with more variable firm performance
wage to mitigate the outlier problem. See Table 1 for variable definition and
description. We estimate all models controlling for heteroskedasticity and firm- (Adams et al., 2005). If duality firms experience larger variances
level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the coefficient in firm performance, then a sudden change in firms’ competitive
estimates. environments may disproportionately eliminate a larger number
Significance at the 1% level. of poorly performing duality firms than poorly performing non-
Significance at the 1% level.
c duality firms. In such a case, our results may arise from a survival
Significance at the 10% level.
bias instead of a detection of true performance enhancement due
to dual leadership. To assess this possibility, we study corporate
for the strength of corporate governance. As the SEC Compact Disclo- failure rate. If we do not find a disproportionately higher corporate
sure Database does not have detailed institutional ownership data, failure rate for duality firms than non-duality firms among those
we obtain the data needed for our regression analysis in this section that are affected by trade liberalization, then the survival bias is
from the Thomson-Reuters Institutional Holdings (13F) Database. As not a concern for our results.
Table 8 shows, we find that the positive effect of dual leadership is We construct the sample of failed firms using two different
larger and more significant for firms with strong corporate gover- approaches. The first approach uses Compustat and CRSP. Specifi-
nance than for firms with weak corporate governance. Therefore, cally, we first identify our sample firms that file for Chapter 7 or
the results do not support the agency cost reduction argument. Chapter 11 bankcruptcy using Compustat data item ‘STALT.’ We
Our findings are consistent with Morck et al. (2000) and Amore find 42 unique firms. We then verify Compustat bankruptcy
and Zaldokas (2012), who find that firms with weak corporate gov- records against CRSP delisting data, namely whether CRSP data
ernance perform poorly when competition intensifies. item HDLRSN is coded ‘‘02’’ or ‘‘03.’’ A code of ‘‘02’’ indicates that
the firm is in bankruptcy, while ‘03’ indicates liquidation. Since a
firm can continue to have stock price data after filing for bank-
5.4. A horse race between dual leadership and efficiency gains ruptcy, a large gap sometimes exists between the delisting date
in CRSP and the date of the last financial statement in Compustat.
The literature is replete with empirical evidence that ‘‘competi-
tion is the enemy of sloth’’ (Nickell, 1996, p. 724; Bertrand and
Mullainathan, 2003). Therefore, it is instructive to examine whether 14
As a robustness check, we exclude dual  post89  tariff_rank from the regressions
the duality effect remains when we consider efficiency gains due to and re-estimate the effect of sloth  post89  tariff_rank. The idea is that if
increased competition. For this test, we run a horse race by adding dual  post89  tariff_rank and sloth  post89  tariff_rank are highly correlated, it may
to the baseline model various proxies for sloth including sales per cause a downward bias in the estimated coefficient of sloth  post89  tariff_rank. We
do not find such is the case; we find that the coefficient estimate of
employee, overhead costs, input costs, and employee wage. Sales sloth  post89  tariff_rank is stable. For example, when we re-run the regression in
per employee is a turnover ratio that directly measures Column (1) excluding dual  post89  tariff_rank, sloth  post89  tariff_rank is 0.113
employee productivity and is a common proxy for firm efficiency with 1% significance.
546 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

Table 10
Corporate failure rates.

Impacted by the 1989 FTA Not impacted by the 1989 FTA

Duality firms Non-duality firms Duality firms Non-duality firms
Total Bankrupt (%) Total Bankrupt (%) Total Bankrupt (%) Total Bankrupt (%)
firms firms firms firms firms firms firms firms
Panel A: Using Compustat and CRSP
1988 575 3 341 1 311 1 157
1989 617 381 1 355 188
1990 646 1 410 2 371 208 1
1991 678 437 7 389 8 223 8
1992 668 5 424 2 395 4 237 6
1993 652 5 407 2 392 6 227 1
1994 629 5 384 1 386 2 223 3
1995 610 361 2 369 2 215 4
1996 586 4 336 344 3 197 5
1997 550 2 313 4 313 11 175 4
1998 506 2 284 3 271 3 142 1
1989–1998 6142 24 0.39% 3737 24 0.64% 3585 39 1.09% 2035 33 1.62%
Chi-square test on failure rates between duality and non-duality firms, 1990–1998
Impacted by the 1989 FTA Not impacted by the 1989 FTA
Chi-square value (p-value) 2.82 (0.09c) 2.50 (0.11)
Continuity adjusted Chi-square value (p-value) 2.42 (0.12) 0.20 (0.15)

Panel B: Using a proprietary bankruptcy database

1991 678 437 3 389 7 223 8
1992 668 3 424 2 395 7 237 3
1993 652 7 407 4 392 5 227 2
1994 629 3 384 1 386 1 223 2
1995 610 2 361 1 369 3 215 3
1996 586 6 336 1 344 1 197 5
1997 550 2 313 313 4 175 1
1998 506 3 284 5 271 8 142 3
1991–1998 4879 26 0.53% 2946 17 0.58% 2859 36 1.26% 1639 27 1.65%
Chi-square test on failure rates between duality and non-duality firms, 1991–1998
Impacted by the 1989 FTA Not impacted by the 1989 FTA
Chi-square value (p-value) 1.14 (0.29) 0.07 (0.80)
Continuity adjusted Chi-square value (p-value) 0.87 (0.35) 0.01 (0.92)

This table presents corporate failure rates partitioned by whether a firm is affected by the 1989 FTA (i.e., tariff_rank > 0 or tariff_rank = 0). Panel A presents corporate failure
rates from 1988 to 1998, because to study the impact of the 1989 FTA we require sample firms to have Compustat data in 1988. We compile corporate failure rates using
Compustat and CRSP. Specifically, we first identify our sample firms that file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 using the Compustat data item, ‘STALT.’ We find 42 unique firms. We
then verify Compustat bankruptcy records against CRSP delisting data, namely whether CRSP data item HDLRSN is coded ‘‘02’’ or ‘‘03.’’ We treat a delisting firm as failed if the
gap between the delisting date in CRSP and the date of the last financial statement in Compustat is less than or equal to four years. We identify an additional 83 unique
bankrupt firms using this process. Panel B reports corporate failure rates using data from a proprietary bankruptcy database, which contains all bankruptcies filed by U.S.
publicly traded firms and the bankruptcy filing dates from 1991 to 1998. We obtain the data from Lemmon et al. (2009).
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.

For our sample, the mode of this gap is three years, with a include all bankruptcies or may incorrectly include non-bank-
maximum of 14. To ensure that we robustly test the survival bias ruptcy events), we construct the second sample of failed firms
concern, we want to be as aggressive as possible in identifying cor- using a proprietary database.15 The advantage of this database is
porate failures for our sample period. Thus, we treat a delisting that it contains all bankruptcies filed by U.S. listed firms and the
firm as failed during our sample period if the gap is less than or bankruptcy filing dates. The disadvantage is that it covers only part
equal to four years between the delisting date in CRSP and the date of the sample period, 1991–1998. However, this partial coverage
of the last financial statement in Compustat. Seventy-five percent should not be a concern, as we care about corporate failures in years
of our sample firms are delisted within four years of the last finan- after trade liberalization much more than in years before. We report
cial statement. We identify an additional 83 unique bankrupt firms the time trend of corporate failure rates using the second approach
using this process. Altogether, we identify 125 corporate failures in Table 10 Panel B.
from 1988 to 1998 or 120 corporate failures post trade liberaliza- To provide another benchmark, we report corporate failure rate
tion (1989–1998). We use the year of the last financial statement for firms not impacted by the 1989 FTA. If the relative failure rates
as the year in which the firm fails. We report corporate failure rates of duality vs. non-duality firms that are impacted by the FTA are
using the first approach for the sample period of 1988–1998 in similar to the relative failure rates of duality vs. non-duality firms
Table 10 Panel A. We choose 1988 as the starting year, because that are not impacted by the FTA, then it provides additional assur-
to study the impact of the 1989 FTA we require sample firms to
have financial data in 1988.
As the first approach is a crude way to identify corporate fail- For more details about this database, please refer to Lemmon et al. (2009). We
deeply appreciate and thank Yung-Yun Ma for his generosity in sharing with us his
ures (e.g., it does not have precise bankruptcy dates and may not
manually-collected data.
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 547

ance that survival bias is not a concern to our study. As Table 10 general election was largely fought on this single issue, the FTA
shows, the two approaches tell a consistent story. Of the firms did not garner much attention in the U.S. It passed without any
impacted by the FTA, duality firms do not have a higher failure rate fanfare in the House by a vote of 366 to 40 and in the Senate by a
than non-duality firms post trade liberalization. Additionally, the vote of 83 to nine. In fact, polls show that up to 40% of Americans
relative failure rates of duality vs. non-duality firms that are were unaware that the FTA had been signed compared to 3% of
impacted by the FTA are similar to the relative failure rates of dual- Canadians.
ity vs. non-duality firms that are not impacted by the FTA. We
observe similar patterns when we separately analyze firms
impacted by import and export tariff concessions. In summary, 6.3. The instrumental-variable (IV) approach
survival bias does not appear to drive our results.
Up until now, we take the advantage of the exogenous shock of
the 1989 FTA and apply the differences-in-differences methodology
6.2. Event study results to overcome the endogeneity of the relation between CEO duality
and firm performance. To provide a portfolio of evidence, we
In untabulated analysis, we conduct an event study to assess the identify two alternative situations in which a firm’s competitive
market perception of the value contribution of dual leadership environment changes and use the instrumental-variable (IV)
when the FTA came into effect. As there are no clear event dates, approach to analyze the duality–performance relation.
we follow the long-run event study methodology in Chhaochharia In the first situation, we use changes in the Herfindahl–Hir-
and Grinstein (2007) and Wintoki (2007) and calculate excess schman Index (HHI) to identify changes in competitive environ-
portfolio returns for four different event windows. If the market ments. HHI is a well-grounded proxy for product market
perceives that the FTA benefits duality firms more than non-duality competition (Giroud and Mueller, 2010). HHI is computed as
firms, then a position long in the portfolio of duality firms and short the sum of squared market shares based on sales of a firm’s
in the portfolio of non-duality firms should yield positive returns. three-digit SIC industry. Thus, a lower HHI indicates more
We fail to find significant returns for this long-short trading intense competition. We compare this year’s HHI to the previous
strategy for all the event windows. One reason for the non-results year’s and rank the differences in HHI into quintiles (our results
could be that negotiations regarding the FTA encapsulate an event hold if using deciles). The rationale for using sub-groups of firms
that spans too long a period for this method of an event study to that experience various degrees of HHI changes is twofold. First,
detect any significant effect. It could also be that the U.S. stock a change in industry-level competition is likely exogenous to an
market did not view the implementation of the 1989 FTA as a sig- individual firm. Second, a causal relation can be more sharply
nificant event. A free-trade regime between the U.S. and Canada tested by discriminating among sub-groups when the endoge-
had been on the working agendas of both governments since the nous regressor is expected to exert a different influence on the
early 1900s. Canadian Prime Minister formally requested that the dependent variable across the sub-groups (Zingales, 1998;
U.S. and Canada explore the possibility of a comprehensive free Benmelech and Bergman, 2011). If dual leadership is beneficial
trade agreement on September 26, 1985. Although the 1989 FTA to firm performance when competition intensifies, we should
was extremely contentious in Canada to the extent that the 1988 expect to find a more positive impact of CEO duality for firms

Table 11
Impact of dual leadership on Tobin’s Q – robustness check, using the instrumental-variable (IV) approach.

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

More Competitive ? Less
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A: Use changes in HHI to identify changes in the competitive environment
ChairCEO 0.336c 0.015 0.129 0.005 0.028
(0.058) (0.945) (0.506) (0.965) (0.806)
Firm size 0.062a 0.106a 0.152a 0.097a 0.105a
(0.009) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROA 0.851a 0.824a 1.018a 1.098a 0.766a
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.088 0.172 0.239c 0.159 0.417a
(0.493) (0.189) (0.093) (0.306) (0.003)
ROAt2 0.226c 0.047 0.175 0.125 0.149
(0.062) (0.695) (0.158) (0.368) (0.300)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.134a 0.285a 0.347a 0.342a 0.236a
(0.011) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.071 0.047 0.103 0.236a 0.037
(0.398) (0.636) (0.333) (0.012) (0.699)
Volatility 0.068 0.110a 0.030 0.080 0.044
(0.172) (0.015) (0.598) (0.116) (0.348)
HHI 0.249a 0.177 0.282b 0.400a 0.084
(0.004) (0.258) (0.016) (0.011) (0.316)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 2461 3038 2642 2689 2423
F-value 8.40 14.89 10.30 10.75 12.24
R-squared 0.120 0.212 0.205 0.238 0.209
IV identification tests
Under-identification test (p-value) 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Kleibergen–Paap weak identification F-statistics 12.99 8.25 16.76 29.81 13.41
Hansen’s over-identification test (p-value) 0.669 0.113 0.265 0.553 0.565
548 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

Table 11 (continued)

Dep. var. = Ln(Tobin’s Q) Firm changed industry Firm did NOT change industry
New industry is more competitive New industry is less competitive
(1) (2) (3)
Panel B: Use changes in the primary SIC code to identify changes in the competitive environment
ChairCEO 0.408b 0.104 0.067
(0.021) (0.841) (0.379)
Firm size 0.196b 0.126 0.092a
(0.051) (0.519) (0.000)
ROA 0.075 1.393a 0.942a
(0.919) (0.000) (0.000)
ROAt1 0.472 0.374 0.192a
(0.386) (0.482) (0.000)
ROAt2 2.630a 0.777 0.106b
(0.000) (0.599) (0.034)
Past 3-year sales growth rate 0.172 0.939a 0.260a
(0.256) (0.000) (0.000)
Debt ratio 0.159 1.021a 0.057
(0.701) (0.000) (0.179)
Volatility 0.686a 0.364a 0.056a
(0.000) (0.005) (0.011)
HHI 1.215 0.146 0.004
(0.163) (0.598) (0.935)
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
#Obs 54 59 17,680
F-value 7.47 29.51 54.48
R-squared 0.357 0.825 0.182
IV identification tests
Under-identification test (p-value) 0.101 0.343 0.000
Kleibergen–Paap weak identification F-statistics 17.83 0.79 61.89
Hansen’s over-identification test (p-value) 0.942 0.190 0.860

This table presents the results from the second stage estimation when we use the IV approach to analyze the impact of CEO duality on Tobin’s Q conditioning on the level of product
market competition. We instrument for CEO duality using the natural logarithm of CEO age and the mean value of the fraction of outside directors on the board of other firms in the
same three-digit SIC industry in a given year. In Panel A, we use changes in the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) to identify changes in the competitive environment. HHI is
calculated as the sum of squared market shares based on sales of a firm’s three-digit SIC industry. For estimation consistency, we compute HHI if there are at least five firms in the
three-digit SIC industry. We compare this year’s HHI to the previous year’s and rank the differences in HHI into quintiles. Rank 1 indicates the quintile in which firms experienced
the largest decrease in HHI or the highest increase in competition intensity. Rank 5 indicates that firms experienced the largest increase in HHI or the steepest decline in
competition intensity. In Panel B, we use changes in the primary SIC code to identify changes in competition. To maximize the number of observations, we use changes in four-
digit SIC codes. Correspondingly, we calculate the HHI as the sum of squared market shares based on sales of a firm’s four-digit SIC industry, if the industry has at least five firms.
Firms that changed their primary SIC codes year-over-year are grouped into the sub-sample of ‘‘Firm changed industry,’’ while firms that did not are grouped into the sub-sample of
‘‘Firm did NOT change industry.’’ We compare the HHI of the industry into which the firm moved to the HHI of the industry from which the firm moved. A lower HHI indicates an
increase in competition intensity (i.e., New industry is more competitive). A higher HHI indicates a decrease in competition intensity (i.e., New industry is less competitive). ChairCEO
is a dummy variable that takes the value of one if the CEO is the Chairman of the Board. See Table 1 for definition and description of other variables. Regressions control for
heteroskedasticity and firm-level clustering. p-values are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates.
Significance at the 1% level.
Significance at the 5% level.
Significance at the 10% level.

that experience a larger increase in competition intensity (or a three-digit SIC industry in a given year). To qualify for a valid
larger decrease in HHI). instrument, there must be (1) a strong correlation with the instru-
In the second situation, we use a change in a firm’s primary SIC mented regressors and (2) orthogonality with the error term. In
code to identify a change in product market competition. Although terms of CEO age, Linck et al. (2008) show that the likelihood of
a change in the industry code is a significant event, it comes with a CEO being the COB is significantly and positively related to CEO
two disadvantages. First, even if we use four-digit SIC codes, only age. Additionally, it is not obvious that CEO age directly influences
three percent of the firms changed the primary SIC code during firm performance. We choose the industry average as another
the sample period, resulting in a limited number of observations instrument by following the literature. Numerous papers have
in certain regressions (Table 11 Panel B Columns (1) and (2)). Sec- used industry averages as IV (e.g., Faulkender and Petersen,
ond, a decision to move into or out of an industry is likely an 2005; Laeven and Levine, 2009; Lin et al., 2011). The rationale is
endogenous one. Nevertheless, we believe that using SIC-code that a firm’s characteristic (in our case board attributes) is likely
changes adds to the portfolio of evidence that we intend to gather to correlate with their peers’ due to similar business mix and
for our research question. A firm can move into a new industry that investment opportunities, but the industry average is unlikely to
is more competitive than its old one, or it can move into a less com- directly influence firm performance. The suitability of our instru-
petitive industry. Since we expect CEO duality to have a different ments is confirmed by various identification tests reported in
impact on firm performance across the two types of firms, we dis- Table 11. Under- and weak-identification tests indicate that the
tinguish between the two types by comparing the new industry’s instruments correlate sufficiently with the endogenous regressor.
HHI with the old industry’s HHI. The Hansen’s over-identification test suggests that the instruments
We instrument for CEO duality by using CEO age (computed as perform well, leading us not to reject the null of instrument
the natural logarithm of CEO age) and an industry average of the suitability.
fraction of outside directors (computed as the mean value of the Table 11 Panel A reports the results from the second stage IV
fraction of outside directors on the board of other firms in the same estimation when we use year-over-year changes in HHI to identify
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 549

changes in competition intensity. Consistent with our expectation As we mentioned earlier, the majority of U.S. firms still combine
and earlier differences-in-differences results, the positive impact the CEO and COB titles.
of CEO duality is largest and statistically significant only for firms Our results highlight the link between the identity of the COB
that experienced the steepest increase in competition intensity. As and his influence on firm performance. Prior literature has long
competition intensity decreases, CEO duality seems to have a argued that CEOs possess unparalleled firm-specific information,
negative impact on Tobin’s Q, albeit without any statistical which gives them a unique advantage over non-CEO chairmen
significance. Panel B reports the results from the second stage IV in leading the firm. We provide evidence explicitly linking infor-
estimation when we use changes in the primary SIC code to iden- mation costs to the positive impact of dual leadership on firm
tify changes in competition intensity. Again consistent with our performance. Favaro et al. (2010) report that ‘‘[a]t the outset of
expectation and earlier results, the coefficient estimate of CEO the decade [2000], roughly half of the North American and Euro-
duality is largest and statistically significant only for firms that pean CEOs entering office were named chairman and CEO. In
moved to more competitive industries. Additionally, the 2009s incoming class, that number had fallen to 16.5% in North
magnitude of the positive impact of CEO duality appears to America and 7.1% in Europe.’’ The current push towards more
decrease monotonically with the extent of changes in competition independent chairmen will inevitably result in a more heteroge-
intensity. neous distribution of non-CEO chairmen. Future work is needed
In summary, using an alternative approach to address the end- to understand the identities and different incentives of newly
ogeneity of the duality–performance relation, we find that CEO minted chairmen, as well as how different types of chairmen
duality is beneficial to firm performance when competition may have different impacts on firm performance and corporate
intensifies. polices.


7. Conclusion and discussion

We would like to thank Yung-Yu Ma and David Yermack for
their generosity in sharing their data with us. We also thank
Despite the vast literature on board leadership, the evidence on
Russell Chomiak, Paul Hanouna, Wan Hong, Steve Miller, Nancy
the relation between CEO duality and firm performance is mixed
Margolis, Shawn Mobbs, David Oesch, Sukesh Patro, Jesus Salas,
due to endogeneity challenges. In this paper, we employ a new
Bin Wang, and the seminar participants at the 2011 Asian
framework that mitigates these challenges and find that dual lead-
Finance Association International Conference, the 2011 Financial
ership is beneficial to firm performance when competition intensi-
Management meetings, the 2013 Conference of the Swiss Soci-
fies. Further, the positive effect of dual leadership is larger when
ety for Financial Market Research, the 2013 Conference
firms have high levels of information costs and better corporate
‘‘Twenty Years after Cadbury, Ten Years after Sarbanes-Oxley:
Challenges of Corporate Governance,’’ the 2013 International
Our results shed light on some seemingly puzzling phenomena
Finance and Banking Society Nottingham Conference, Lehigh
in practice. Firms have been under enormous pressure to abolish
University, and Villanova University. We wish to thank two
CEO duality for over two decades. While firms in other countries
anonymous referees and the editors of the Journal of Banking
seem to be more amicable to the idea, U.S. firms have been reluc-
and Finance. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Cen-
tant to change. For example, in the late 1980s, a majority of U.K.
ter for Global Leadership and the Falvey Memorial Library at
firms combined the CEO and COB titles (Dahya et al., 2009). Now,
Villanova University.
less than 5% of U.K. firms still do. In contrast, the majority of U.S.
firms still have a dual leadership structure. Certain investors are
also less enthusiastic about splitting the CEO and COB titles than Appendix A. Examples of arguments made by firms in support
some other governance initiatives. For instance, Morgan et al. of dual leadership
(2011) find that mutual funds support 90% of the shareholder pro-
posals that aim to declassify the board, but support only 34% of the Argument 1: COB selection is part of the succession planning
proposals that call to separate the CEO and COB titles. Our findings process. The CEO is the best person to set board agenda.
help explain the reluctance on the part of U.S. firms and certain Honeywell, Inc., in its 2003 proxy statement, notes that
investors to embrace separate titles. Our results also complement ‘‘[t]he Company has no fixed rule as to whether these offices
Bloom and Van Reenen (2007), who find that the U.S. has the best should be vested in the same person or two different people,
management practice of the four countries (U.S., U.K., France and or whether the Chairman should be an employee of the
Germany) surveyed. Bloom and Van Reenen also find that poor Company or should be elected from among the non-employee
management practice is more prevalent when product market directors. The Board believes that this issue is part of the suc-
competition is weak and that the U.S. has the most competitive cession planning process and that it is in the best interests of
market. the Company to make such a determination when it elects a
One limitation of our study is that we do not distinguish new CEO. Under Honeywell’s Corporate Governance Guidelines,
amongst non-CEO Chairmen (e.g., whether the Chairman is a for- the Chairman establishes the agenda for each Board meeting.
mer or present employee of the firm or is an independent director). The Board believes that the CEO is in the best position to
This limitation is attributable partially to data availability and par- develop this agenda from among the many short-term and
tially to the fact that the practice of having an independent chair is long-term issues facing Honeywell.’’
a recent phenomenon. Firms made the noticeable move to adopt available at
the practice of independent chairman after the passage of the Sar- 000095011703000983/a34157.txt.
banes–Oxley Act of 2002. By 2007, just 13% of S&P500 firms have a Argument 2: Dual leadership provides clarity regarding the
truly independent COB. Despite the data limitation, we believe that leadership of the firm.
our results are useful in understanding the existing literature, In their statement to oppose a shareholder proposal calling for a
which has historically defined the board leadership structure sim- separate COB and CEO filed at the 2010 annual shareholder meet-
ilar to this paper. Our results are also useful in explaining corporate ing, the board of directors of Goldman Sachs reasons that ‘‘. . .[t]he
behaviors during our sample period as well as at the present time. most effective leadership model for our firm at this time is to have
550 T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552

the roles of CEO and Chairman combined. . . this structure helps to Argument 3: Dual leadership promotes more effective business
ensure clarity regarding leadership of the firm, allows the firm to planning and execution.
speak with one voice and provides for efficient coordination of Office Depot, in their 2009 proxy statement, states that ‘‘[t]he
Board action, particularly in times of market turmoil or crisis. Board has given careful consideration to separating the roles of
The combination of the Chairman’s ability to call and set the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and has determined that
agenda for Board meetings with the CEO’s intimate knowledge of the Company and its shareholders are best served by having
our business, including our risk management framework, provides Mr. Odland, serve as both Chairman of the Board and Chief Execu-
the best structure for the efficient operation of our Board process tive Officer. Mr. Odland’s combined role as Chairman and Chief
and effective leadership of our Board overall. This structure avoids Executive Officer promotes unified leadership and direction for
potential confusion as to leadership roles and duplication of efforts the Board and executive management and it allows for a single,
that can result from the roles being separated, especially in com- clear focus for the chain of command to execute the Company’s
plex firms like ours where the information necessary to make crit- strategic initiatives and business plans.
ical decisions is often in flux.’’ available at
available at 000119312509050893/ddef14a.htm.

Appendix B. Top 20 U.S. industries with highest import and export tariff rates, 1986–1988

Four-digit SIC Industry description Average tariffs (%)

Import tariff
3021 Rubber and Plastics Footwear 36.06
0182 Food Crops Grown Under Cover 33.40
2342 Brassieres, Girdles, and Allied Garments 29.13
2326 Men’s and Boys’ Work Clothing 28.88
2075 Soybean Oil Mills 22.49
2321 Men’s and Boys’ Shirts, Except Work Shirts 21.90
2325 Men’s and Boys’ Separate Trousers and Slacks 21.06
2331 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Blouses and Shirts 20.86
2335 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Dresses 20.14
3253 Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile 20.00
2311 Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Coats, and Overcoats 19.97
2111 Cigarettes 19.33
2337 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Suits, Skirts, and Coats 18.11
2369 Girls’, Children’s, and Infants’ Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified 18.10
2252 Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified 16.81
2231 Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (Including Dyeing and Finishing) 16.53
2381 Dress and Work Gloves, Except Knit and All-Leather 14.99
2257 Weft Knit Fabric Mills 14.69
3262 Vitreous China Table and Kitchen Articles 14.68
3151 Leather Gloves and Mittens 14.56

Export tariff
2082 Malt Beverages 48.32
2259 Knitting Mills, Not Elsewhere Classified 24.33
3151 Leather Gloves and Mittens 24.33
2381 Dress and Work Gloves, Except Knit and All-Leather 24.33
2369 Girls’, Children’s, and Infants’ Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified 24.26
2335 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Dresses 24.22
2361 Girls’, Children’s, and Infants’ Dresses, Blouses, and Shirts 24.10
2331 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Blouses and Shirts 23.73
2386 Leather and Sheep-Lined Clothing 23.59
2329 Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Not Elsewhere Classified 23.51
2321 Men’s and Boys’ Shirts, Except Work Shirts 23.43
2311 Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Coats, and Overcoats 23.13
2342 Brassieres, Girdles, and Allied Garments 22.99
2391 Curtains and Draperies 22.75
2253 Knit Outerwear Mills 22.69
2337 Women’s, Misses’, and Juniors’ Suits, Skirts, and Coats 22.20
3021 Rubber and Plastics Footwear 22.01
3142 House Slippers 22.01
3143 Men’s Footwear, Except Athletic 22.01
3144 Women’s Footwear, Except Athletic 22.01
T. Yang, S. Zhao / Journal of Banking & Finance 49 (2014) 534–552 551

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