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Name : Rizky Sugiarto Saputro

NIM : 044734284

Question: Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3
paragraphs. Elaborate your own opinion with references related to the topic that you choose.

1. You have a property business. Sometimes you need to loan a big amount of money to run
your business. What kind of bank is suitable for your business? Please explain your reason!

2. Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and
services and willingness to pay a specific price for them. What will happen to the demand If
suppliers charge too much for a product?

3. Demographic analysis is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and
sex. Please explain your opinion on how important demographic analysis is for business

Here I chose question number three, which is about demographic analysis. Demographic analysis
is very important because with this analysis we can find out the chances of developing our
business in an area that we will occupy to establish a business. Here I will provide 3 analysis
opinions according to race, age, and sex.
The first is race, we need to look at the surrounding area when we want to build a business,
because we also have to see the habits and needs of everyone in that area. Race is also related to
ethnicity, when we build a business on the island of Java then we also need to know how the
character of the character of the people in that area and also analyze what the habits are like in
the Java area. Because if we do not analyze in advance our business can be a boomerang for
ourselves. When we want to build a business in a particular tribe, we should not make a business
that contradicts or offends the race because if someone is angry it can cause chaos and our
business can be destroyed.
The second is about age. When we want to build a business, we also have to analyze the age
population in the area because everyone from babies to old people has different needs and here it
is also very influential on business growth because if we provide goods needed for all ages, the
level of demand will be high. What we can do to increase demand is to provide needs for all
groups. Examples such as clothes for babies, clothes for adults, clothes for parents. In addition,
we also see that the place is dominated by people at what age. If the majority of people there are
in the old age group then we can build hospitals, healthy clinics, fitness gyms and others. If there
are many teenagers in that place, we can build hangouts, entertainment venues, coffeshops, cafes,
and others.
The third is gender. Gender is also very influential for business growth because we must first
look at the conditions of the place we will use for business. For example, if we are going to build
a business around a garment factory, we can build a girls-only boarding house here. Why?
because on average the majority of garment factories that work there are women. So we can take
advantage of our business opportunities by looking at the majority of the population who live in
the area. In addition to boarding houses, we can also create businesses such as cosmetics stores
related to beauty. Because nowadays many women like to take care of themselves to always look
beautiful in front of many people.
So we can conclude that demographic analysis is very necessary when we want to build a
business because it also greatly affects the growth of the business we create later. If we don't do
the analysis, the business we run later can stop in the middle of the road and can also experience
losses because the demand for our business is low.

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