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FINALS NOTES the accused has knowledge that the said drug is

POSSESSION (October 1 & 2, 2023) a regulated drug.

ART. 523 Possession is the holding of a thing or This crime is mala prohibita, and, as such,
enjoyment of a right criminal intent is not an essential element.
CORPOREAL – Possession of a Thing However, the prosecution must prove that the
INCORPOREAL – Possession of a Right accused had the intent to possess (animus
posidendi) the drugs.
In this sense, we can infer that the concept of Possession, under the law, includes not only
possession implies a relation of power or control actual possession, but also constructive
over the object of possession and its possessor. possession. Actual possession exists when the
That is why, the concept of possession connotes drug is in the immediate physical possession or
the following: control of the accused. On the other hand,
1. It implies a relation between an object constructive possession exists when the drug is
and a thing; under the dominion and control of the accused
2. Such relation is one of power and or when he has the right to exercise dominion
control; and control over the place where it is found.
3. Such control is one of fact which is
effective but without resolving whether The Supreme Court in this case gave emphasis to
it carries with it or not a title of the concept of control and dominion over a
ownership thing. Knowledge of this kind is an internal act.
Elements: In this particular case, it can be presumed from
1. There must be occupancy, apprehension or the fact that the accused had control and
taking dominion over the place where the drugs were
2. There must be intent to possess (animus found since the drugs were found under the bed
possidendi) in the inner room of the house where the
spouses resided.
Pp. v Tira to exemplify possession: They had actual and exclusive possession and
The Pangasinan Police held surveillance control and dominion over the house, including
operations on the house of Amadeo and Connie the room where the drugs were found by the
Tira for drug activities. After a few days of policemen.
surveillance, the police got a warrant and
searched the house. The police found a number There are varying degrees of possession:
of drugs, some paraphernalia, and money 1. Possession without any title or right
assumed to have gotten from the trade, which whatsoever, as that of a thief;
was hidden under the bed where Amadeo was 2. Possession with a juridical title or right, but
sleeping in. not in the concept of owner, as that of a lessee;
Amadeo, in his defense, said that the house the 3. Possession with a just title, or a title sufficient
police searched was rented by his nephew. But to transfer ownership, but not from the true
this claim was belied by the testimony of Connie, owner, as that of a buyer in good faith;
who stated that the room was occupied by two 4. Possession derived from the right of
male and one female boarders who were in the ownership or possession with a just title from the
room when the searched happened. true owner. This is the possession that springs
The trial court convicted the spouses for from ownership.
possession of illegal drugs.
Degrees of Possession
The essential elements of the crime of 1. Possession without Title;
possession of regulated drugs are the following: 2. Possession with juridical title (Lessee);
(a) the accused is found in possession of a 3. Possession by just title;
regulated drug; (b) the person is not authorized 4. Possession derived from their right of
by law or by duly constituted authorities; and, (c) ownership.
Thereafter, Manalili declared the land
for taxation purposes.
Possession under the Civil Code The Manalilis administered the land but
1. Possession in one’s own name and they left for Manila in 1972. Before
name of another; ( Art. 524, NCC) doing so, they appointed an
administrator to oversee the land and
Possession in one’s name the improvements and crops they have
- Fact of possession and rights to such planted thereon, such as bananas and
possession are found in the same coconut trees.
person. On March 25, 1981, after the lapse of
Possession in the name of another nine (9) years and even after the BOL
- Possession of a person without any had already issued a Certification of Full
right of his own and one which is Payment endorsing the approval of the
strictly of an agent or merely an sale of the land in question to applicant
instrument in the exercise of such Manalili, Rodolfo Santos wrote an
possession. undated letter to the BOL protesting
Manalilis application. Santos filed a case
Santos v Manalili for Reconveyance and Annulment of
This case involves a parcel of land known Title against Manalili.
as the "Furukawa Plantation." The
Furukawa Plantation Company, a The trial court rendered a decision in
Philippine corporation, is the registered favor of the Manalilis. It affirmed the
owner of a large tract of land in the BOLs finding that the Manalilis had a
Province of Davao, as evidenced by an better right of possession thereto.
OCT of the land records of that province, Preponderant evidence of Manalili have
issued more than 30 years ago. sufficiently established that as early as
As a result of the last war, this tract of 1970.
land was turned over to the NAFCO
(National Abaca and Other Fibers The case was appealed by Santos all the
Corporation) for administration and way up to the Supreme Court, which
disposition and, together with other ruled that the circumstance that after
Japanese-owned properties in the the sale, the Manalilis resided in Manila
province, distributed among war and Pangasinan is of no moment. As it is,
veterans and deserving civilians, each of possession may be exercised in one's
whom was allocated five hectares own name or in that of another. It is not
pursuant to the directives of the necessary that the owner or holder of
President of the Philippines and the the thing exercise personally the rights
agreement entered into between the of possession. Rights of possession may
Philippine Veterans Legion and the be exercised through agents or an
NAFCO. From the NAFCO, it was later administrator who will oversee the land
turned over to the Board of Liquidators and the crops plated thereon by
(BOL). Manalili.

On August 6, 1970, Manalili filed with - Possession may be exercised in ones’

the BOL an application to purchase a own name or in that name of another.
property in the Fukuwara plantation, - It is not necessary that the owner or
attaching therewith his Occupant's holder of a thing exercise personally the
Affidavit. The application was favorably rights of possession. It is not necessary
acted upon and on March 27, 1972, the that the owner of a parcel of land should
BOL required Manalili to pay the occupy the property. Someone in his
downpayment of the purchase price. name may perform the rights.
- Rights of possession may be exercised in 1987 that Raymundo asserted ownership
through agents or an administrator thereof.
who will oversee the land and the crops The CA, however, ruled that as between a
plated thereon. (NOT IN MATERIAL notarized deed of sale earlier executed and the
POSSESSION) 1970 agreement contained in a private writing,
the former prevailed. It also found that Reyes's
Reyes v CA cause of action had prescribed since the
Reyes sold to Raymundo, initially, one half of a complaint should have been filed either within
parcel of land. A new title was consequently ten years from 1969 as an action to recover title
issued by reason of such sale. to real property, or within ten years from 1970
as an action based on a written contract.
Raymundo used her one-half share as a collateral
in obtaining a loan from GSIS. The Supreme Court ruled that in the case of Heirs
of Jose Olviga v. Court of Appeals, it ruled that
In 1969, Reyes sold her remaining interest in the an action for reconveyance of a parcel of land
property to Raymundo and their old title issued based on implied or constructive trust
replaced by a new one (TCT No. 149036) in the prescribes in ten years, the point of reference
name of Raymundo. being the date of registration of the deed or the
date of the issuance of the certificate of title
Since 1967 the house standing on the property over the property. But this rule applies only
was being leased by the Palacios spouses from when the plaintiff or the person enforcing the
Reyes. trust is not in possession of the property since if
a person claiming to be the owner thereof is in
But in 1987, Raymungo intervened and claimed actual possession of the property the right to
ownership of the entire property as well as of seek reconveyance, which in effect seeks to
the existence of a lease contract between her quiet title to the property, does not prescribe.
and the Palacios spouses supposedly dated 17
March 1987 but retroactive to 1 January 1987. Actual possession of land consists in acts of
dominion over it of such a nature as those a party
On 23 August 1987 Reyes filed a complaint would naturally exercise over his own property.
against Raymundo for cancellation of TCT No. It is not necessary that the owner of a parcel of
149036 and reconveyance. Reyes alleged that land should himself occupy the property as
the sale in 1969 was simulated since she was someone in his name may perform the act. The
merely constrained to execute the deed without owner of real estate has possession, either
any material consideration pursuant to an when he himself is physically in occupation of
agreement with Raymundo that she will obtain a the property, or when another person who
new loan from the GSIS for the construction of recognizes his rights as owner is in such
an apartment. But should the loan fail to occupancy.
materialize, Raymundo would reconvey the
property subject of the second sale to Reyes. In a lease agreement, the lessor merely transfers
After she learned that the loan was disapproved the temporary use and enjoyment of the thing
she repeatedly asked Raymundo for leased. The Palacios spouses have been the
reconveyance but to no avail. Their true lessees of Reyes since 1967. Thus, Reyes was in
agreement was embodied in a private writing actual possession of the property through the
dated 10 January 1970. Palacioses and remained so even after the
execution of the second deed of sale. It was only
The trial court found that the second deed of sale in 1987, when Raymundo asserted ownership
was indeed simulated since despite its execution over the property that Reyes’ possession was
Raymundo allowed Reyes to exercise ownership disturbed. Consequently, the action for
over the property by collecting rentals from the reconveyance filed a couple of months later has
Palacio spouses until December 1986. It was only not prescribed.
- Notarization is for the presumption of
The SC also held that the second deed of sale regularity but does not determine the
was simulated. It is true that as between a intention of the contracting parties.
public document and a private document, the
former prevails. But in one case, the SC ruled 2. Possession as an owner or holder;
that although the notarization of the deed of (Art. 525 , NCC)
sale in question vests in its favor the
presumption of regularity, it is not the intention
or the function of the notary public to validate Possession as an owner
and make binding an instrument that did not - A possessor in the concept of an owner
intend to have any binding legal effect upon the maybe the owner himself or one who
parties thereto. The intention of the parties still claims to be so.
is and always will be the primary consideration Possession in the concept of a holder of
in determining the true nature of a contract a thing or right
which in the present case was contained in the - A lessee or usufructuary are considered
agreement of 10 January 1970. as possessors in the concept of a holder
with respect to the thing itself
Moreover, the fact that Raymundo was able to
secure a title in her name did not operate to vest Considered as possessor in the concept
ownership upon her of the property. The SC has of an owner with respect to their right over
already ruled that the act has never been the property as lessee or usufructuary
recognized as a mode of acquiring ownership. thereof.
The Torrens system does not create or vest title.
It only confirms and records title already existing Carlos v Republic
and vested. It does not protect a usurper from
the true owner. It cannot be a shield for the Carlos filed an application for registration of
commission of fraud. It does not permit one to a parcel of land. She claims to have been in
enrich himself at the expense of another. Where open, continuous, exclusive and notorious
one does not have any rightful claim over a real possession of the property since 1945. At
property, the Torrens system of registration can the time of her application, she alleged that
confirm or record nothing. her possession of the property has been for
over fifty years. The trial court granted her
- Sale was simulated application.
- Reconveyance of a parcel of land based
on implied or constructive trust The Republic appealed. The decision was
prescribes in ten years (only applies if reversed because at the time when she filed
the plaintiff is not in possession of the her application for registration, the property
property; If the plaintiff asking for had been sold by her mother to a
reconveyance is in actual possession of corporation, and the fact of sale was
the property and seeks for quieting of admitted by Carlos.
title to the property, does not prescribe.)
- In lease agreement, the lessor merely It was shown that at the time of her
transfer temporarily use and application for titling, possession and
enjoyment of the thing leased. Reyes occupation of the land in question did
was in actual possession of the property pertain not to her but to the corporation
through the palacioses as their lessees.
- Possession in the name of another An applicant for titling must have been in
- Torrens system does not create or vest open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious
title. It does not protect the usurper possession and occupation of the land under
from the true owner. a bona fide claim of ownership. The
applicant must show that she is in actual
possession of the property at the time of the In order to continue its business the hospital
application. Actual possession of a land proposed that it would lease the land for a
consists in the manifestation of acts of period of three years. MBTC agreed to the
dominion over it of such a nature as a party proposal.
would naturally exercise over his own
property. About 20 months after the agreed effectivity
date of the lease contract, MBTA asked the
By reason of the sale, the applicant was no hospital to vacate the leased premises within
longer in possession of the property in the fifteen days. The hospital refused, invoking
concept of owner. Even if it were true that the subsisting lease agreement.
she had actual possession of the land at that
time, such possession was no longer in the By reason of the hospital’s refusal, MBTC
concept of an owner; she was in possession filed for Ex Parte Motion for a Writ of
in the concept of a holder. One who Possession. RTC granted the motion.
possesses as a mere holder acknowledges in The hospital did not appeal the RTC Decision.
another a superior right which he believes Instead, it filed a petition before the
to be ownership, whether his belief be right Supreme Court asking whether or not a writ
or wrong. of possession is the proper remedy for
evicting a mortgagor who became a lessee of
Carlos acknowledges the sale of the property the mortgaged properties after the
to the corporation and in fact promised to mortgagee has consolidated ownership over
deliver the certificate of title to the the properties and was issued new
corporation upon its obtention. Hence, it certificates of title.
cannot be said that her possession since
1996 was under a bona fide claim of The law and jurisprudence are clear that in
ownership. Under the law, only he who extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings, an
possesses the property under a bona fide order for a writ of possession issues as a
claim of ownership is entitled to matter of course, after the expiration of the
confirmation of title. Appeal of the Republic redemption period without the mortgagor
was GRANTED. exercising the right of redemption, or even
during the redemption period provided a
bond is posted to indemnify the debtor in
- By reason of the sale, the applicant was case the foreclosure sale is shown to have
no longer in possession of the property been conducted without complying with the
in the concept of owner. (OCEAN not requirements of the law or without the
present) debtor violating the mortgage contract.
- The corporation was in possession ,has a The rationale for the ministerial issuance of
bona fide claim of ownership and is a writ of possession is to put the foreclosure
entitled to confirmation of title. buyer in possession of the property sold
- Possession was in the concept of a without delay, since the right to possession
holder is founded on ownership of the property.
Possession is the holding of a thing or the
Bukidnon Doctor’s Hospital v MBTC enjoyment of a right.
By material occupation of a thing, it is not
Bukidnon Doctors’ Hospital obtained a loan necessary that the person in possession
from MBTC. As security, it mortgaged the should be the occupant of the property; the
parcel of land on which the hospital stood. occupancy can be held by another in his
Upon default in the payment of the loan, the name.
said parcels of land were extrajudi cially
foreclosed and put in a public auction and Thus Articles 524 and 525 of the Civil Code
were sold to MBTC. provide: Art. 524. Possession may be
exercised in one's own name or in that of evict from the questioned premises a
another; and in Art. 525, it says: The mortgagor-turned-lessee.
possession of things or rights may be had in
one of two concepts: either in the concept of A new relationship between the parties has
owner, or in that of the holder of the thing been created. What applies is no longer the
or right to keep or enjoy it, the ownership law on extrajudicial foreclosure, but the law
pertaining to another person. on lease.
In other words, an owner of a real estate has
possession, either when he himself is And when an issue arises regarding the right
physically occupying the property, or when of the lessee to continue occupying the
another person who recognizes his rights as leased premises, the rights of the parties
owner is occupying it. must be heard and resolved in a case for
ejectment or unlawful detainer.
In the case at bar, it is not disputed that the
parties in this case entered into a contract of
lease. - The rationale for the ministerial issuance
of a writ of possession is to put the
By this new contractual relation the hospital foreclosure buyer in possession of the
recognized that possession of the properties property sold without delay, since the
had been legally placed in the hands of right to possession is founded on
MBTC, and that it had taken such possession ownership of the property.
but delivered it to the hospital as lessee of - The hospital recognizes the superior
the property. right of MBTC by paying the monthly
By paying the monthly rentals, the hospital - MBTC was in material possession of the
also recognized the superior right of the property, thus, writ of possession is
respondent to the possession of the improper under the law.
property as owner thereof. And by accepting - Possession of MBTC was in the concept
the monthly rentals, the bank enjoyed the of an owner.
fruits of its possession over the subject - Any issues that arises in the contract of
property. lease are subject to ejectment or
unlawful detainer.
Clearly, the bank is in material possession of
the subject premises. Thus, the trial court’s 3. Possession in Good Faith or Bad Faith
issuance of a writ of possession is not only Possessor in Good Faith – if he is not
superfluous, but improper under the law. aware that there exist in his title or
Moreover, as a lessee, the hospital was a mode of acquisition any flaw which
legitimate possessor of the subject invalidates it.
properties under Article 525 of the Civil
Code. Thus, it could not be deprived of its Requisites for possession in good faith
lawful possession by a mere ex parte motion 1. The possessor as a title or mode of
for a writ of possession. acquisition;
2. There is flaw or defect in the title or
Where a lease agreement, whether express mode of acquisition which
or implied, is subsequently entered into by invalidates it;
the mortgagor and the mortgagee after the 3. The possessor is unaware of the flaw
expiration of the redemption period and the or defect, or he believes that the
consolidation of title in the name of the thing belongs to him.
latter, a case for ejectment or unlawful
detainer, not a motion for a writ of Possessor in Bad Faith – if a person has
possession, is the proper remedy in order to knowledge that the right he is enjoying
or the thing he is holding is not really his Court said: in Geminiano v. Court of
and maybe taken away from him by the Appeals, this Court was emphatic in
real owner. declaring that lessees are not possessors
or builders in good faith. Being mere
Florentino v Supervalue lessees, they know that their occupation
of the premises would continue only for
Florentino was engaged in the retail of the life of the lease. Plainly, they cannot
empanada with outlets in different malls be considered as possessors nor builders
and business establishments within in good faith.
Metro Manila. Supervalue was engaged
in the business of leasing stalls and It has been held that Article 448 of the
commercial store spaces located inside Civil Code, in relation to Article 546 of
SM Malls found all throughout the the same Code, which allows full
country. reimbursement of useful improvements
and retention of the premises until
Due to several infractions of their lease reimbursement is made, applies only to
contract, Supervalue refused to renew a possessor in good faith, i.e., one who
its Contracts of Lease with Florentino. It builds on land with the belief that he is
also took possession of the store space the owner thereof. It does not apply
and confiscated Florentino’s equipment where one's only interest is that of a
and personal belongings found therein lessee under a rental contract;
after the expiration of the lease otherwise, it would always be in the
contract. power of the tenant to "improve" his
landlord out of his property.
Florentino filed a case for Specific
Performance, Sum of Money and Since Florentino’s interest in the store
Damages against Supervalue. space is merely that of the lessee under
the lease contract, she cannot therefore
Supervalue, on its part, alleged that be considered a builder in good faith.
Florentino committed several violations
of the terms of their Contracts of Lease Consequently, Supervalue may
by not opening from on certain dates, appropriate the improvements
and by introducing a new variety of introduced on the leased premises
empanada without their prior consent, without any obligation to reimburse the
as mandated by the Contract of Lease. Florentino for the sum expended. Every
Florentino also frequently closes earlier improvement he introduced to the
than the agreed closing hours. property was done so at his own risk.

Supervalue claimed that the seizure of - Lessees are not possessors or builders in
Florentino’s personal belongings and good faith. Their occupation is of the
equipment was in the exercise of its premises will only continue for the life of
retaining lien, considering that the she the lease.
failed to settle the said obligations up to - Reimbursement only applies to
the time the complaint was filed. possessors in good faith. It does not
apply where one’s interest is that of a
When the case went up to the Supreme lessee under a rental contract.
Court, one of the issues was whether or - Florentino was only a lessee
not Supervalue is liable to reimburse - Supervalue may appropriate the
Florentino for the sum of the introduced on the leased premises
improvements she introduced in the without any obligation to reimburse the
leased premises. petitioner for the sum expended.
Rivera v Trinidad collusion between him and Dolores is
likewise without significance.
The property subject matter of this case
was a parcel of land which was owned by The plaintiff is declared to be entitled to
Dolores. Maximo Trinidad entered the possession of the lot in question.
lot with Dolores’ consent. On the land, Rivera, being the new owner of the
Maximo constructed a building which he property, is entitled to possession;
used for repairing and tuning pianos. At Maximo, as lessee, merely possesses the
the time Maximo built his shop, the property as a holder.
parties had a harmonious relationship
that no written contract was executed to - Sale was simulated
define the rights of Maximo. But over a - Rivera is merely proceeding in the
year later, a misunderstanding arose character of owner, to recover
between Dolores and the wife of possession from tenant holding over
Maximo. after the termination of the right to hold
Dolores filed a case of unlawful detainer - Rivera, being the new owner of the
against Maximo. The case was hotly property, is entitle to possession, even if
contested by Maximo. There were those there is supposed collusion or if he had
who advised Dolores that the action paid or not has no significance, since he
would have better success if the is still the new owner and has the right
property should be transferred to some to file for unlawful detainer; Maximo, as
other person, who, as purchaser, will lessee, merely possess the property as a
exercise the power of terminating the holder.
lease . So Dolores sold the property to
Rivera and a new Torrens certificate was Wong v CA
issued to Rivera.
Manuel acquired his right to possess the
Believing that the sale of the property land in litigation from William Giger by
from Dolores to Rivera, her nephew was virtue of a deed of sale with right to
a simulated one, Trinidad raised the repurchase executed in 1972.
issue of whether the court had
jurisdiction of an action in which a Since then Manuel began harvesting
purchaser seeks to oust a tenant under coconut fruits and he paid the taxes on
the conditions existing in this case. The the land. He went periodically to the
issue went up to the Supreme Court land to make copra but he never placed
where the court ruled that the lower any person on the land in litigation to
court had jurisdiction. watch it. Neither did he reside on the
land as he has business elsewhere.
The court ruled that Rivera is merely Neither did he put any sign or hut to
proceeding in the character of owner, show that he is in actual possession.
to recover possession from a tenant
holding over after the termination of He knew that there laborers of Wong
the right to hold possession. When were in the land as early as August, 1976
attention is given to this point it is quite and that they have a hut there but he did
clear that the plaintiff is entitled to not do anything to stop them. Instead he
judgment. So far as this case is was happy that there were people and a
concerned it is wholly immaterial hut on the land.
whether the plaintiff has paid anything
for the lot or not; and the supposed Before July, 1976, Wong went to the
land in litigation to find out if there were
other people residing there or claiming it In this case, it is clear that possession
besides the owner. He found none. So first passed from vendor William to
on the said month, he bought the parcel Manuel by virtue of the first sale a retro,
of land from William, the same person and accordingly, the later sale a retro in
from whom Manuel bought the land. favor of Wong failed to pass the
possession of the property because
After the execution of the deed of sale, there is an impediment — the
Wong asked for the delivery of the title possession exercised by Manuel.
to him and it was so given. Mr. Wong The act of entering the property and
declared the land in suit for taxation excluding the lawful possessor
purposes in his name. He tried to therefrom, necessarily implies the
register the pacto de retro sale with the exertion of force over the property,
Register of Deeds by paying the hence the validity of the complaint for
registration fee but due to some Forcible Entry.
technicalities, the pacto de retro sale
could not be registered. He placed One of the issues raised in Wong’s
laborers on the land, built a small farm appeal is the validity of the Decision
house and also placed signboards. which orders him to pay a monthly
rental from August, 1976 until the
On September 27, 1976, Manuel went to property is returned.
the land to make copras. Wong argued that there is no legal or
On November 18, 1976, when Wong factual basis for the payment of monthly
ordered the harvest of the coconuts rentals because bad faith on his part was
from the land, nobody disturbed him. It never proved.
was on November 29, 1976, that he
received a copy of Manuel's complaint While Wong is correct that possession
for forcible entry with summons to acquired in good faith does not lose this
answer which is the case now before the character, such good faith, however,
Court. ceases from the moment facts exist
which show that the possessor is not
The MTC found that Wong had prior, unaware that he possesses the thing
actual and continuous physical improperly or wrongfully. (Art. 528, Civil
possession of the disputed property and Code).
dismissed the complaint. On appeal, the
RTC ruled in favor of Manuel. Wong Possession in good faith ceases from
appealed but since the issue was on pure the moment defects in the title are
question of law, the CA certified the case made known to the possessors, by
to the SC. extraneous evidence or by suit for
recovery of the property by the true
The SC ruled that the execution of a sale owner.
thru a public instrument shall be
equivalent to the delivery of the thing. Whatever may be the cause or the fact
If, however, despite the execution of the from which it can be deduced that the
instrument, the purchaser cannot have possessor has knowledge of the defects
the enjoyment and material tenancy of of his title or mode of acquisition, it must
the thing and make use of it herself, be considered sufficient to show bad
because such tenancy and enjoyment faith. (Tolentino, Civil Code of the Phil.
are opposed by another, then delivery Vol. II, p. 226).
has not been effected.
Such interruption takes place upon
service of summons.
Two forms of constructive delivery:
A possessor in good faith is entitled to 1. Tradicion brevi manu ( like when a lessee
the fruits only so long as his possession of a private property ultimately become
is not legally interrupted, and such its owner); and
interruption takes place upon service of 2. Tradicion constitutum possessorium (
judicial summons (Arts. 544 and 1123, seller transfers ownership and retains
Civil Code). usufruct).
Doctrine of Constructive Possession
A perusal of the records of the case - The doctrine provides that the
shows that Wong received Manuel's possession and cultivation of a portion
complaint for forcible entry with of a tract under a claim of ownership of
summons on November 29, 1976. His all is constructive possession of all, if the
good faith therefore ceased on remainder is not in the adverse
November 29,1976. Accordingly, the possession if any.
computation of the payment of monthly - Actual possession of part of the property
rental should start from December, is deemed to extend to the whole
1976. because possession in the eyes of the
law does not mean that a man has to
have his feet on every square meter of
ground before it can be said that he is in
- The execution of sale through public
instrument shall be equivalent to the
The following must be present:
delivery of a thing.
1. The alleged possessor must be in
- Good Faith ceases from the moment
actual possession of a portion of the
facts exist which show that the
possessor is not aware that he possesses
2. He is claiming ownership of the
the thing improperly or wrongfully or
whole area;
form the moment that facts in the title
3. The remainder of the area must not
are made known to the possessor, by
be in the adverse possession of
extraneous evidence or by suit for
recovery of the property by the true
4. The area claimed must be


Lacsam v Director of Lands
Mode of acquiring possession:
1. By material occupation of a thing or the
In the case of Lasam v Dir. Of Lands, the
existence of a right;
Supreme Court held that while there was
2. By subjecting the thing or right to the
evidence showing that the claimant
action of our will; and
might have possessed a portion of the
3. By the proper acts and legal formalities
parcel of land claimed by him, such
established for the acquisition of such
evidence, however, was insufficient to
establish with certainty the particular
Requisites for Acquisition of Possession
portion occupied and the extent of such
1. Corpus or the material holding of the
thing or the exercise of the right which
may be acquired through any of the
The Supreme Court said that while
modes mentioned in Art. 531 and 532;
possession in the eyes of the law does
2. Animus possidendi – the intent to
not mean that a man has to have his
possess a thing or right.
feet on every square meter of the
ground before it can be said that he is in
possession, the same is not gained by - is effected by the transferor pointing out
mere nominal claim. to the transferee the things which are
being transferred.
Hence , the mere planting of a sign or a 2. Proper Acts and Legal Formalities
sum ol of possession cannot justify a This mode refers to any judicial acts by which any
Magellan-like claim of dominion over an possession is acquired or to which the law gives
immense tract of territory. the force of acts of possession.

The application of the doctrine of Judicial acts are acts to which the law gives the
constructive possession shall depend on force of possession. (Donations, Succession,
the size of the tract in controversy, with Execution and Registration of Public Instruments
reference to the portion actually in and Inscription of Possessory Information Titles)
possession of the claimant.
Mangaser v Ugay
- While there is evidence showing that the
claimant might have possessed a portion Mangaser alleged that he was the registered
of a parcel of land claimed by him, such owner and possessor of a parcel of land covered
evidence, however was insufficient to by an OCT. On Oct., 2006, Mangaser discovered
establish with certainty the particular that Ugay stealthy intruded and occupied a
portion occupied and the extent of such portion of his property by constructing a
occupation. residential house thereon without his knowledge
- In the eyes of the law does not mean and consent; and that demand letters were sent
that a man has to have his feet on every to Ugay but he still refused to vacate the
square meter of the ground before it can premises, thus, he was constrained to seek
be said that he is in possession, the same judicial remedy by filing a complaint for Forcible
is not gained by a mere nominal claim. Entry.
- It shall depend on the size of the tract in
controversy, with reference to the Ugay denied the allegations in the complaint,
portion actually in possession of the putting up the defense that he has been a
claimant. resident of the area since birth. He alleged
having started occupying a parcel of land since
Mode of Possession then.
1. Subjecting the thing to the action of our will
This mode of possession does not involve any That place was then known as Sta. Lucia, Aringay,
material occupation. It connotes, however, a La Union; that years later, this parcel of land was
mode of control over the thing sufficient to designated as part of Santiago Sur, Caba, La
subject the same to the action of one’s will. Union due to a survey made by the government;
that he introduced more improvements on the
What is important is the intention to possess property by cultivating the land, and in March
manifested by certain fact which are present. 2006, he put up a “bahay kubo”; that in October
Included in this mode are the two forms of 2006, he installed a fence made of “bolo” to
constructive delivery where material occupation secure the property; that in installing the fence,
is not involved: tradicion symbolica and tradicion he was guided by the concrete monuments
longa manu. which he knew to be indicators of the boundaries
of petitioner’s property; that while he could not
a. Tradicion Symbolica locate some of the monuments, he based the
- Takes place through the delivery of boundaries on his recollection since he was
symbols or some object to represent around when these were installed; that he knew
those delivered, thus placing the thing the boundaries of petitioner’s property because
under the control of the transferee. he knew the extent of the “iron mining” activities
b. Tradicion Longa Manu done by a company on the said property.
Ugay alleged that Manager was never in actual concept of an owner, for no one in his right mind
possession of the property occupied by him, and would be paying taxes for a property that is not
it was only on October 31, 2006 when he in his actual or constructive possession. Together
discovered the alleged intrusion. with the Torrens title, the tax declarations dated
1995 onwards presented by Mangaser
Ugay further alleged that after he received the strengthens his claim of possession over the land
demand to vacate, he assured Manager that he before his dispossession on October 31, 2006 by
would voluntarily vacate the premises if he Ugay.
would only be shown to have intruded into his
titled lot after the boundaries were pointed out If the Court were to disregard juridical acts to
to him. But instead of showing the boundaries obtain prior possession, then it would create an
to him, Mangaser filed an action for forcible absurd situation by putting premium in favor of
entry before the MTC. land intruders against Torrens title holders, who
spent months, or even years, in order to register
After conflicting decisions in the lower court and their land, and who religiously paid real property
appellate court, the case finally reached the taxes thereon.
Supreme Court.
- Possession can be acquired not only by
One of the issues identified was whether material ocupation, but also by the fact
Mangaser was able to established prior that a thing is subject to the action of
possession over the subject property. one’s will or by the proper acts and legal
formalities established for acquiring
The Supreme Court ruled that possession can be such right.
acquired not only by material occupation, but - Mangaser acquired possession of the
also by the fact that a thing is subject to the subject property by juridical act,
action of one’s will or by the proper acts and specifically, through the issuance of a
legal formalities established for acquiring such free patent under Commonwealth Act
right. No. 141 and its subsequent registration
with the Register of Deeds on March 18,
In this case, the Court finds that Mangaser 1987 such that it is now covered by an
acquired possession of the subject property by Original Certificate of Tile.
juridical act, specifically, through the issuance - Well- entrenched is the rule that a
of a free patent under Commonwealth Act No. person who has a Torrens title over the
141 and its subsequent registration with the property is entitled to the possession
Register of Deeds on March 18, 1987 such that thereof.
it is now covered by an Original Certificate of
Title. Acquisition of Possession Over Rights
Material occupation is not available as mode
Mangaser's OCT and his tax declarations should of acquiring possession over rights since the
absolutely not be disregarded. The issuance of same requires actual physical possession
an original certificate of title to Mangaser and applies only on to corporeal objects.
evidences ownership and from it, a right to the
possession of the property flows. Well- With respect to right, possession is acquired
entrenched is the rule that a person who has a through any of the following:
Torrens title over the property is entitled to the 1. To exercise such right
possession thereof. 2. By subjecting it to the action of our will
3. By proper actions and legal formalities.
Moreover, his claim of possession is coupled Transfer of Possession through Succession
with tax declarations. While tax declarations are Succession is one of the juridical acts sufficient to
not conclusive proof of possession of a parcel of transfer possession without need of physical or
land, they are good indicia of possession in the material of the property.
ruled in favor of Simon, saying the heirs of
If possession is affected by succession, whether Escritor were possessors in bad faith.
testate or intestate, such possession is deemed On appeal to the Supreme Court, it reversed the
transmitted to the heir without interruption CA decision.
from the moment of death of the decedent if the The Supreme Court said that only personal
heir accepts the inheritance. knowledge of the flaw in one’s title or mode of
acquisition can make him a possessor in bad
This rule will apply even if the heir is not in actual faith, for bad faith is not transmissible from one
physical possession of the property. person to another, not even to an heir.
As provided for in Art. 534, one who succeeds by
But if the heir validly renounces the inheritance , hereditary title shall not suffer the consequences
he will be deemed never to have possessed the of the wrongful possession of the decedent, if it
property even if he is in actual possession of the is not shown that the heir was aware of the flaws
same. affecting the title.
This is because bad faith is personal and
Consequences of Wrongful Possession intransmissible. Its effects must be suffered only
The existence of bad faith on the part of one by the person who acted in bad faith; his heir
possessor does not prejudice his successor in should not be saddled with such consequences.
interest. If no evidence is presented proving bad faith, as
Only personal knowledge of the flaw in one’s in this case, the presumption of good faith under
title or mode of acquisition. Art. 527 remains. The heirs being possessors in
The reason is because bad faith is personal. Its good faith, they should not be held liable for
effects must, therefore, be suffered only by the damages.
person who acted in bad faith. His heir should
not be saddled with such consequences. So if the INSTANCES WHERE POSSESSION IS NOT
heir is not aware of the flaws affecting the title ACQUIRED
or mode of acquisition of the decedent, the heir ART. 536 Use of force or intimidation
shall be considered a possessor in good faith The law does not look with favor the commission
because good faith is always presumed. of unlawful acts for the purpose of acquiring
ESCRITOR V IAC The law does not recognize the acquisition of
Escritor filed an application for the titling of a possession through force, violence or
parcel of land. There being no opposition, the intimidation. As such, if a possessor is physically
application was approved on May 15, 1958. ousted from the property through the use of
force or violence, he is still deemed the legal
Immediately thereafter, Escritor took possession possessor in the eyes of the law. His possession
of the property. is not considered interrupted because the law
On Aug. 2, 1958, Simon filed a petition for review does not recognize the acquisition of possession
of the decision contending that the same was effected in this manner.
obtained by Escritor through fraud. Before the A person in possession cannot be ejected by
case could be decided, Escritor died. His heirs force, not even by the owner. If such illegal
took possession of the property. manner of ejectment is employed, the party who
Thirteen years later, or in 1971, Simon’s petition proves prior possession can recover possession
was granted, ordering the heirs to vacate the even from the owners themselves.
In 1975, Simon filed another case against the HEIRS OF LAURORA V STERLING
heirs for recovery of damages for the fruits of the The spouses Laurora alleged that they were the
land which was allegedly possessed by the heirs owners of a parcel of land.
unlawfully in bad faith. The lower court Sterling Technopark, through their Engineer,
dismissed the complaint but the appellate court bulldozed and uprooted the trees and plants,
and with the use of armed men and by means of
threats and intimidation succeeded in forcibly property. She refused. Borromeo filed an
ejecting Laurora spouses. Sterling alleges that ejectment suit.
the subject lot was sold to them. In Answer, Resueno reasoned that in a previous
Does Sterling have a right to forcibly eject the case, Borromeo waived in favor of his co-owners
Heirs of Laurora? the portion that she is presently occupying. He
is now estopped from claiming the portion.
The SC ruled that even if the heirs are mere The Court, however, found that there was no
usurpers of the land owned by Sterling, still they writing presented by Resueno to evidence any
are entitled to remain on it until they are lawfully claim of ownership or right to occupancy to the
ejected therefrom. Under appropriate subject properties. There is no lease contract
circumstances, Sterling may file, other than an that would vest the right to stay on the property.
ejectment suit, an accion publiciana or an accion
reivindicatoria. The Court held that the absence of any
document or any occupancy right of Resueno is
The SC ruled that even if the heirs are mere a negation of their claim that they were allowed
usurpers of the land owned by Sterling, still they to construct their houses thereon and to stay
are entitled to remain on it until they are lawfully thereon until further notice.
ejected therefrom. Under appropriate On various occasions, the Court has ruled that
circumstances, Sterling may file, other than an persons who occupy the land of another at the
ejectment suit, an accion publiciana or an accion latter's tolerance or permission, without any
reivindicatoria. contract between them, are necessarily bound
by an implied promise that they will vacate the
ART. 537. ACTS MERELY TOLERATED same upon demand, failing in which a summary
Acts merely tolerated do not affect possession. action for ejectment is the proper remedy
Those persons whose occupation of a property against them.
by tolerance of the owner are not considered as Their claim of estoppel does nothing to
possessors in law. strengthen the claim that they had a right to
Tolerance in itself does not bear any legal fruit occupy the properties. Estoppel is effective only
and it can easily be supplanted by a sudden as between the parties thereto or their
change of heart on the part of the owner. successors in interest. A stranger to a transaction
Hence, mere permissive use cannot be made the is neither bound by, nor in a position to take
basis of acquisitive prescription, no matter how advantage of an estoppel arising therefrom.
long the possession may be.
Persons who occupy the land of another at the ART. 537. CLANDESTINE AND UNKNOWN ACTS
latter’s tolerance, without any contract between Acts which are executed clandestinely and
them, are necessarily bound by an implied without the knowledge of the possessor do not
promise that they will vacate the same upon affect possession. His possession is not deemed
demand. interrupted. It will not interrupt the running of
the period of acquisitive prescription in favor of
RESUENA V CA the legal possessor, nor will it affect his right to
Borromeo is the co-owner and overseer of receive fruits.
certain parcels of land but the proportion of the An act is considered to have been done
undivided shares with his co-owners was still clandestinely if the same is done in secret,
undetermined. hidden or concealed.
Resuena was occupying a portion of the However, even if the act is done clandestinely
property, allegedly upon permission of but the same is known to the possessor, his
Borromeo’s co-owners. possession will be affected.
Borromeo developed the portion occupied by In the same way, if the act is done publicly, even
him into a resort. In his desire to expand the without the knowledge of the possessor, the
same, Borromeo demanded that Resueno vacate same will affect the latter’s possession.
the property, which is a part of the co-owned
Consequences: illegal occupant and sue the latter before
If the act of the actual possessor is clandestine learning of the clandestine intrusion. And to
and unknown to the legal owner, his possession deprive the lawful possessor of the benefit of the
does not affect the true possession of the legal summary action, under Rule 70 of the Revised
possessor. Rules, simply because the stealthy intruder
As a consequence, the legal possessor’s managed to conceal the trespass for more than
possession is not deemed interrupted. It will not a year would be to reward clandestine
interrupt the running of the period of acquisitive usurpations even if they are unlawful.
prescription in favor of the legal possessor, nor
will it affect his right to received the fruits. CLANDESTINE AND UNKNOWN ACTS Santiago v
On the part of the actual possessor, his MWSS; G.R. No. 109111 June 28, 2000
possession acquired through clandestine acts MWSS filed an application for registration of title
not known to the legal possessor will not ripen under the torrens system of eleven parcels of
into ownership through prescription because land, situated in San Mateo, Rizal. Long before
one of the requirements thereof – that the World War II, MWSS buried a 42-inch diameter
possession be public in character- is not present. steel aqueduct pipeline under the subject
parcels of land. The pipeline drew water from
CLANDESTINE AND UNKNOWN ACTS – REYES V the Wawa Dam in Montalban to the Balara
PRIETO Filters in Quezon City. Fifteen kilometers long, it
Prieto was the owner of a parcel of land. She ran through the municipalities of Montalban, San
alleged that Reyes, by means of stealth and Mateo and Marikina.
without her knowledge, built a hut on the lot. MWSS alleged that it has been in "'open,
Despite repeated demands to vacate, Reyes continuous, exclusive and notorious possession
refused, alleging that since December 3, 1948, and occupation of the said parcels of land,"
she was a bona fide occupant of the land, having under a bonafide claim of ownership since June
bought from one Dominador Merced the house 12, 1945.
as well as the right of occupation as tenant of the
lot. The heirs of Manahan filed an opposition to the
It was established during the trial that Prieto, as application. They alleged ownership of a portion
owner of the lot, learned of the existence of of the land subject of the application. They
Reyes's house only in January of 1952; that in presented transfer certificates of title, related
February of that year Prieto's lawyer wrote papers and documents to support their claim.
Reyes several letters asking her to vacate, but They stated that neither they nor their
Reyes paid no attention. Reyes had occupied the predecessors-in-interest have ever ceded
lot without the knowledge and consent of Prieto. ownership or possession of the property to any
person. Even assuming that MWSS possessed
Reyes alleged that the MTC did not have the land, it did not acquire ownership by
jurisdiction over the case for forcible entry prescription.
because she had been in possession of the
property since December, 1948, and the action The RTC dismissed the application of MWSS and
was started only in 1952. Reyes alleged that it upheld the opposition of the heirs of Manahan
was error for the court to start the counting of reasoning, among others, that: the tax
the initiation of the summary action only from declarations presented by MWSS did not prove
the time the owner learned of her ownership and merely constituted prima facie
encroachment. evidence of possession; the pipelines installed by
The SC ruled that the contention is MWSS were buried and hidden under the
unmeritorious. There is a natural difference ground, hence, MWSS' possession was not
between an entry secured by force or violence "open". Further, MWSS admittedly discontinued
and one obtained by stealth, as in this case. The use of the pipelines after 1968, hence,
owner of the land could not be expected to possession was not "continuous".
enforce his right to it's possession against the
It also said that the transfer certificates of title ART. 538. CONFLICT OVER POSSESSION DE
presented by Manahan proved ownership and FACTO
cannot be attacked collaterally. The law does not recognize the possibility that
possession de facto may reside at the same time
The CA reversed the RTC saying that the property in two different personalities unless they are co-
of the Manahans covered by the original and possessors.
transfer certificates of title clearly state that they In case of conflict involving the question of
adjoins and are adjacent to the property claimed possession as a fact, the following rules of
by MWSS. Such is shown by the technical preference shall govern:
descriptions in the certificates of title presented 1. The present possessor shall be
by Manahan. preferred;
The CA held that the MWSS acquired ownership 2. If there are two possessors, the one
by prescription. True, the pipes were "hidden" longer in possession is preferred;
under the land. However, it is a matter of public 3. It the dates of possession are the same,
knowledge and judicial notice that the pipes the one who presents a title is preferred.
existed and were buried there before World War If all of the foregoing are equal, the thing shall be
II. The existence of the pipelines was indicated placed in judicial deposit pending determination
above the ground by "pilapils" constructed by of its possession or ownership through proper
the adjoining landowners themselves, since they proceeding.
planted rice alongside the strips of land. Further,
the fact that use of the pipes was discontinued YU V PACLEB
was not relevant since the pipes had remained Sometime in September 1992, a certain Javier
buried under the land up to the present. offered to sell a parcel of land to Yu. Javier
alleged that he purchased the land from
On appeal to the SC, it ruled that the titles Rebecca, who, in turn, acquired it from Baltazar
presented by the Manahans showed that it Pacleb.
covered land adjacent to that claimed in MWSS' The title of the property, however, remained in
application for registration. the name Pacleb and the instruments in support
MWSS presented tax declarations to buttress its of the series of alleged sales were not registered.
ownership of the land. True, tax declarations do On September 11, 1992, Yu accepted the offer
not prove ownership. However, tax declarations and gave Javier P200,000 as downpayment for
can be strong evidence of ownership when the lot. Javier then delivered his supposed
accompanied by possession for a period muniments of title to Yu and after the execution
sufficient for prescription. Since MWSS of a contract to sell, he formally turned over the
possessed the land in the concept of owner for property to Yu.
more than thirty years preceding the application, At the time of the turn-over, a portion of the lot
MWSS acquired ownership by prescription. By was occupied by Ramon Pacleb, son on Baltazar,
placing the pipelines under the land, there was as tenants. On September 12, 1992, Ramon and
material occupation of the land by MWSS, his wife allegedly surrendered possession of
subjecting the land to its will and control. their portion to Yu, who appointed Ramon as
The Manahans cannot argue that MWSS' their trustee over the subject lot.
possession was not "open". The existence of the
pipes was indicated above the ground by Yu enjoyed possession of the property from
"pilapils". Even if the pipes were "hidden" from Sept., 1992 until Sept. 1995.
sight, the pilapils were proof of their existence During this time, Baltazar Pacleb was in the
and they cannot claim ignorance of the existence United States. Upon his return in May, 1995, he
of the pipes. Since they were not able to prove entered the property. Asserting his right as the
that possession was clandestine, continuous registered owned of the property, and despite
possession by MWSS was established. demands from Yu. Pacleb refused to vacate and
surrender possession of the same to Yu.
Yu filed an action for Forcible Entry against the one longer in possession; if the dates of the
Pacleb, alleging entry by force. The MTC ruled in possession are the same, the one who presents
favor of Yu. The RTC affirmed the MTC decision. a title; and if all these conditions are equal, the
The CA reversed the same on the ground that the thing shall be placed in judicial deposit pending
possession of Pacleb ante-dated that of Yu. determination of its possession or ownership
The SC ruled that possession is the holding of a through proper proceedings.
thing or the enjoyment of a right. Possession In view of the evidence establishing Pacleb’s
always includes the idea of occupation. It is not continuing possession of the subject property,
necessary that the person in possession should Yu’s allegation that Pacleb deprived them of
himself be the occupant. The occupancy can be actual possession by means of force was clearly
held by another in this name as in this case untenable.
where the son of Pacleb was in possession of the
property, in the name of his father. Without CEQUENA V BOLANTE
such occupancy, there can be no possession. This case involves a parcel of land originally
declared for taxation purposes in the name of
Yu, on the other hand, failed to establish that Sinforoso Mendoza.
they had prior physical possession to justify a Sinforoso is the father of Bolante.
ruling in their favor in the complaint for forcible Sinforoso was the occupant of the parcel of land
entry. in question until the time of his death in 1930.
Yu sought to prove their exercise of rights over After Sinforoso’s death, his brother Margarito
the land through alleged frequent visits and the took possession of the land and cultivated it with
designation of Ramon as their own trustee. the help of his son Miguel.
These, however, failed to convince the court of But Bolante, together with her monther, also
their actual occupancy of the subject land. First, continued residing on the land. When Bolante
Yu acknowledged that Ramon occupied part of became of age, she paid the realty taxes on the
the land as tenants of Pacleb. Second, there was land from 1932 to 1948.
no clear proof in the records of the appointment
of Ramon as Yu’s trustee save their self-serving In 1953, Margarito declared the land for taxation
statements to this effect. purposes in his name and paid realty taxes from
1952. When Margarito died, Miguel continued
"Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean cultivating the land.
that a man has to have his feet on every square In 1985, Miguel was physically ousted from the
meter of the ground before he is deemed in property by Bolante. Litigation ensued on the
possession." question of who shall be considered as the
In the face of this factual finding that the tax preferred possessor.
declarations and receipts in 1994 and 1995 were On the strength of the tax declarations
in the name of Pacleb established their presented by the heirs of Margarito, the lower
possession of the property. The payment of real court ruled in favor of Cequena.
estate tax is one of the most persuasive and On appeal, the appellate court reversed the
positive indications showing the will of a person ruling of the trial court, saying Bolante should be
to possess in concepto de dueno or with claim of preferred because she was in notorious, actual
ownership. and exclusive possession of the land.
Most important, the title of the land remained in Cequena on the other hand, contended that
the name of Pacleb. Bolante came into possession through force.

Art. 538 provides that possession as a fact The Supreme Court said that despite having been
cannot be recognized at the same time in two forcibly removed by Bolante in 1985, Cequena
different personalities except in the cases of co- did not lose legal possession because possession
possession. Should a question arise regarding cannot be acquired by force. Cequena is still
the fact of possession, the present possessor deemed the legal possessor.
shall be preferred; if there are two possessors,
However, possession by Cequena does not Cequena, on the other hand, because they
prevail over that of Bolante. For while Cequena farmed a portion of the land for more than 30
was in possession before 1985. such possession years, can claim ownership over the portion that
was not exclusive, as Bolante also acquired they actually farmed.
possession of the land before 1985. Before
1985, the land was occupied and cultivated by ART. 539 EFFECTS OF POSSESSION
the father of Bolante. Right to Protection of Possessors
In resolving the issue of possession, the Supreme The protection is given because the Civil Code
Court ruled in favor of Bolante because she has assumes that the possessor of a thing is the
been in possession for a longer period, owner and also because even if the possessor is
benefitting from her father’s tax declaration of not the owner, his situation should be protected
the land since 1926. Cequena’s father acquired until it is shown that there is another person with
joint possession only in 1952. a better right.
The only issue settled by Art. 536 is on the The fact of possession in itself, therefore, has a
question of possession, which is different from positive value and is endowed with a distinct
ownership. standing of its own in the law of property.
With regards to ownership, the issue will be
settled by determining who between the ART.540. Only the possession acquired and
claimants have proven acquisitive prescription. enjoyed in the concept of owner can serve as a
title for acquiring dominion.
The possession by Bolante was not disturbed Possession in the concept of owner.
until 1953, when the father of Cequena claimed The following are effects of possession in the
the land. concept of owner:
1. It raises a disputable presumption of
But by then, the possession of Bolante, which ownership.
was public, peaceful and uninterrupted, already 2. It creates a disputable presumption that
ripened into ownership. Also, Bolante herself, the possessor has just title and he
after her father’s death, declared and paid realty cannot be obliged to show it.
taxes for the disputed land. 3. It can ripen into ownership through
Tax receipts and declarations of ownership for acquisitive prescription, subject to
taxation, when coupled with proof of actual additional requirements under Art. 1118
possession of the property, can be the basis of a of the Civil Code.
claim for ownership through prescription. The presumption, however, is disputable and
Cequena, on the other hand, because they may be rebutted by proof to the contrary. But so
farmed a portion of the land for more than 30 long as the person claiming a better rightis
years, can claim ownership over the portion that unable to prove his own title, the presumption
they actually farmed. prevails in favor of the possessor in concept of
The possession by Bolante was not disturbed
until 1953, when the father of Cequena claimed In Art. 1131, it is provided that: For purposes of
the land. prescription, just title must be proved, it is never
But by then, the possession of Bolante, which Although the wordings of Art. 541 seem to
was public, peaceful and uninterrupted, already suggest that the term “just title” refers to written
ripened into ownership. Also, Bolante herself, documents, it must not be interpreted in such
after her father’s death, declared and paid realty restricted sense.
taxes for the disputed land. The term “just title” should be construed as
Tax receipts and declarations of ownership for referring to that which is legally sufficient to
taxation, when coupled with proof of actual transfer ownership of the thing or the real right
possession of the property, can be the basis of a to which it relates.
claim for ownership through prescription.
Consequently, it may be proved orally by
witnesses as well as through written documents. For possession of a movable to be considered
equivalent to title, the following requisites
ART. 555. MODES OF LOSING POSSESSION must be present:
A possessor may lose his possession by: 1. The movable property must be acquired
1. Abandonment of the thing in good faith;
2. Assigning the thing to another, either by 2. The possession must be in the concept
onerous or gratuitous title of an owner.
3. Destruction to total loss of the thing or As a consequence of this principle, when a
because is goes out of commerce movable property is in the possession of one
4. The possession of another, subject to who has acquired it and holds it in good faith, the
the provisions of Art. 537, if the new true owner cannot recover it as a general rule for
possession has lasted more than one the title is valid, even against him.
year. But the real right of possession is
not lost till after the lapse of ten years. For possession of a movable to be considered
equivalent to title, the following requisites
MOVABLES Exceptions to the rule on irrevindicability:
Distinction must be made between movables 1. When the thing was lost;
which have been abandoned and thosw which 2. When the owner has been unlawfully
have been misplaced. deprived thereof.
When it is abandoned, all hope for its recovery is Under these circumstances, the owner has a
already gone. right to recover the thing, not only from the
When it is misplaced, the possessor does not finder, thief or robber, but also from a third
automatically lose possession because the person who may have acquired it in good faith
movable is still deemed remaining under his from such finder, thief or robber.
control even though for the time being he may
not know its whereabouts. The owner can always recover the movable from
The rule with respect to possession of movables the possessor in cases where the same was lost
is that the same is not lost so long as the movable or the owner was unlawfully deprived thereof.
remains under the control of the possessor and The only difference is that if the movable was
they will be deemed remaining under his control acquired by a possessor in good faith, at a public
so long as they are not under the control of sale, the owner can recover it only upon
another possessor. reimbursement of the price paid by the
POSSESSION OF MOVABLES But if it was not acquired at a public sale, the
DOCTRINE OF IRREVINDICABILITY owner can recover it without paying any
Possession of movables acquired in good faith indemnity.
does not only create a presumption of ownership Public sale is one where there has been public
but it is already equivalent to title. Unlike in the notice of the sale and in which anybody has a
case of immovable property where actual right to bid and offer to buy.
possession under claim of ownership will only
create a disputable presumption of ownership PALERO-TAN v. URDANETA
and that the possessor has just title, the Tan is a Court Stenographer. She charged
possession of a movable property acquired in Urdaneta, Utility Worker of the same court of
good faith is already equivalent to title. Further having stolen her ring and bracelet.
proof is no longer needed. Tan claimed that it has been her practice to keep
Art. 559 establishes not merely a presumption in her and her sister's pieces of jewelry in the
favor of the possessor, but an actual right, valid locked drawer of her table at her RTC office
even against the true owner, except upon proof because she fears that they might be lost at the
of loss or illegal deprivation. boarding house she is renting.
However, on 8 July 2005, she discovered that her superior or his officemates that he found
ring and bracelet were missing. Tan remembered something.
that on 18 June 2005, a Saturday, her younger
sister went to the RTC to ask for her necklace. The Civil Code, in Article 719, explicitly requires
the finder of a lost property to report it to the
She took out from her table drawer a proper authorities, thus: Article 719. Whoever
transparent plastic sachet which contained her finds a movable, which is not treasure, must
ring and bracelet, and her sister's necklace, and return it to its previous possessor. If the latter is
after handing over to her sister the necklace, she unknown, the finder shall immediately deposit it
returned the plastic sachet, still containing the with the mayor of the city or municipality where
bracelet and ring, to her table drawer. the finding has taken place.
She maintained that the only person who was The finding shall be publicly announced by the
present and saw her take out the jewelry from mayor for two consecutive weeks in the way he
her table drawer was Urdaneta, whose table is deems best.
adjacent to hers.
If the finder does not comply with the procedural
According to Tan, when she found out that her requirements and appropriates for himself the
ring and bracelet were missing, she informed her movable he found, he shall be guilty of theft.
officemates about it, but nobody claimed to have Contrary to Urdaneta's claim, the Supreme Court
seen the missing jewelry. On 28 July 2005, an was convinced that he had the intention to
officemate confided to her that he heard from appropriate the jewelry to himself had these not
his landlady that Urdaneta and his wife had a been discovered by his wife. His claim that the
quarrel because the wife discovered a ring and a ring and bracelet were worthless "fancy" jewelry
bracelet in Urdaneta's coin purse. Milagros is immaterial because the basis for his liability is
suspected that Urdaneta bought the jewelry for his act of taking something which does not
his mistress. belong to him.
Complainant approached the RTC presiding
judge and relayed to him the information she CRUZ V PAHATI
gathered. The judge called the persons involved. The car subject matter of this case was originally
owned by Northern Motors and was
The wife admitted that she had a fight with subsequently purchased by a Chinaman. This
Urdaneta because she found a ring and bracelet Chinaman then sold it to Belizo, who in turn sold
inside his coin purse which she believed he the same to Cruz.
would give to his mistress. The description given Belizo was a second-hand car dealer. He offered
by the wife of the jewelry made Tan conclude to Cruz that he will sell the car to a prospective
that it was hers. buyer. Since the car registration was missing,
In a separate meeting with the judge, Urdaneta Belizo convinced Cruz to issue an authorization
confessed that he found Tan’s jewels in the letter to him (Belizo) to obtain another
court's premises, but he could no longer return certificate of registration.
them because he already threw them away Cruz turned over the car to Belizo. But Belizo
when his wife fought with him. He thought it falsified the letter and converted into an
was fancy jewelry that belonged to a litigant and absolute deed of sale. Because of this, he was
was going to return it. able to secure a car registration in his name and
was later able to sell the car, which was finally
When a person finds a thing that has been lost or sold to Pahati. This prompted Cruz to file an
misplaced by the owner, and takes the thing into action for replevin against Pahati.
his hands, he acquires physical custody only and
does not become vested with legal possession. Who between Cruz and Pahati has a better right
In assuming such custody, the finder is charged over the car?.
with the obligation of restoring the thing to its One who has lost any movable or has been
owner. It is thus Urdaneta’s duty to report to his unlawfully deprived thereof, may recover it from
the person in possession of the same and the Article 559 provides that "the possession of
only defense the latter may have is if he "has movable property acquired in good faith is
acquired it in good faith at a public sale" in which equivalent to a title."
case "the owner cannot obtain its return without
reimbursing the price paid therefor." The argument that Santos did not acquire the
books in good faith is not correct. Santos was
Also, Article 1505 of the Civil Code provides that able to ascertained the ownership of the books
"where goods are sold by a person who is not the from the EDCA invoice showed to her by Cruz,
owner thereof, and who does not sell them proving that the same were sold by EDCA to Cruz.
under authority or with the consent of the When Cruz alleged that he was selling them for a
owner, the buyer acquires no better title to the discount because he was in financial need, the
goods than the seller had, unless the owner of same did not appear suspicious to Santos since
the goods is by his conduct precluded from as one who was in the business of buying and
denying the seller's authority to sell.” selling books, she often dealt with hard-up
Applying the above legal provisions to the facts sellers who urgently have to part with their
of this case, it can be concluded that Cruz has a books at reduced prices.
better right to the car for it cannot be disputed To Santos, Cruz must have been only one of the
that Cruz had been illegally deprived thereof many such sellers she was accustomed to dealing
because of the ingenious scheme utilized by with. It is not bad faith for any one in the
Belizo to enable him to dispose of it as if he were business of buying and selling books to buy them
the owner thereof. at a discount and resell them for a profit.
Cruz therefore can still recover the possession of
the car even if Pahati acquired it in good faith. By contrast, EDCA was less than cautious — in
fact, too trusting in dealing with the impostor.
EDCA v. SANTOS Although it had never transacted with him
EDCA Publishing sold 406 books to a certain before, it readily delivered the books he had
Professor Jose Cruz who ordered these by ordered (by telephone) and as readily accepted
telephone, which was agreed to be payable on his personal check in payment. I
delivery. The said Prof. Cruz represented himself t did not verify his identity although it was easy
as a Dean of the dela Salle University, which enough to do this. It did not wait to clear the
turned out to be false. check of this unknown drawer. Worse, it
The books were subsequently delivered to him indicated in the sales invoice issued to him, by
with the corresponding invoice, and he paid with the printed terms thereon, that the books had
a personal check. been paid for on delivery, thereby vesting
Cruz then sold the 120 of the books to Leonor ownership in the buyer.
Santos who asked for verification, and was then
showed the invoice for the books. By contrast, EDCA was less than cautious — in
EDCA became suspicious when Cruz ordered fact, too trusting in dealing with the impostor.
another set of books even before his check could Although it had never transacted with him
be cleared. Upon investigation, EDCA found that before, it readily delivered the books he had
he wasn’t the person he claimed to be. EDCA ordered (by telephone) and as readily accepted
had the police capture Cruz, as well as seize the his personal check in payment. I
books from Santos. Santos demanded the return t did not verify his identity although it was easy
of the books. enough to do this. It did not wait to clear the
check of this unknown drawer. Worse, it
Should the books be returned to Santos? indicated in the sales invoice issued to him, by
It is the contention of EDCA that Santos have not the printed terms thereon, that the books had
established her ownership of the disputed books been paid for on delivery, thereby vesting
because she was not able to produce a receipt to ownership in the buyer.
prove they had bought the stock. Such proof is
not necessary because the first sentence of
EDCA insists that it had been unlawfully deprived It would certainly be unfair now to make Santos
of the books because the check issued by the bear the prejudice sustained by EDCA as a result
impostor in payment therefor was dishonored. of its own negligence. The Supreme Court found
Citing jurisprudence, it mentioned that the no justice in transferring EDCA's loss to the
owner who has been unlawfully deprived of Santoses who had acted in good faith, and with
personal property is entitled to its recovery proper care.
except only where the property was purchased
at a public sale, in which event its return is CASES WHEN THERE IS NO RECOVERY:
subject to reimbursement of the purchase price. There are cases where the owner may no longer
EDCA argues that because Cruz acquired no title recover the movable property even if he has lost
to the books that he could have validly the same or he has been unlawfully deprived
transferred to the private respondents. thereof, as in the following cases:
Its reason is that as the payment check bounced 1. If the possessor acquired the thing at a
for lack of funds, there was a failure of merchant’s store, or in fairsm or in
consideration that nullified the contract of sale markets in accordance with the Code of
between it and Cruz. Commerce and special laws;
2. Where the possessor acquired the thing
But a contract of sale is consensual and is by sale under statutory power of sale or
perfected once agreement is reached between under the order of a court of competent
the parties on the subject matter and the jurisdiction;
consideration. Art. 1477 provides that 3. Where the possessor is a holder in due
ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred course of a negotiable document of title
to the vendee upon actual or constructive to goods, or where the owner is barred
delivery thereof. On the other hand, Art. 1478 by the principle of negotiable
provides that the parties may stipulate that instruments;
ownership in the thing shall not pass to the 4. When the owner is barred by reason of
purchaser until he has fully paid the price. his own acts or neglect from denying the
seller’s title;
It is clear from the above provision that 5. If prescription has set in.
ownership in the thing sold shall not pass to the
buyer until full payment of the purchase only if
there is a stipulation to that effect. Otherwise,
ownership shall pass upon the actual or
constructive delivery of the thing sold even if the
purchase price has not yet been paid.
If the term "unlawfully deprived" were to be
interpreted in the manner suggested by EDCA, a
person relying on the seller's title who buys a
movable property from him would have to
surrender it to another person claiming to be the
original owner who had not yet been paid the
purchase price therefor. The buyer in the second
sale would be left holding the bag, so to speak,
and would be compelled to return the thing
bought by him in good faith without even the
right to reimbursement of the amount he had
paid for.

Santos did not have to go beyond that invoice to

satisfy herself that the books being offered for
sale by Cruz belonged to him; yet she did.

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