Intermittent Agitation Contributes To Uniformity Across The Bed During Pectinase Production by Aspergillus

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Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

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Intermittent agitation contributes to uniformity across the bed during

pectinase production by Aspergillus niger grown in solid-state
fermentation in a pilot-scale packed-bed bioreactor
Anelize Terezinha Jung Finkler a , Alessandra Biz b , Luana Oliveira Pitol c ,
Bruna Schweitzer Medina b , Henrique Luithardt b , Luiz Fernando de Lima Luz Jr. a ,
Nadia Krieger d , David Alexander Mitchell b,∗
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Cx. P. 19011 Centro Politécnico, Curitiba 81531-980, Paraná, Brazil
Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Cx. P. 19046 Centro Politécnico, Curitiba 81531-980, Paraná, Brazil
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo 5790, Maringá 87020-900, Paraná, Brazil
Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Cx. P. 19081 Centro Politécnico, Curitiba 81531-980, Paraná, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solid-state fermentation could be used to produce low-cost pectinases that could then be used to sac-
Received 9 July 2016 charify pectin in citrus waste biorefineries. Recently, we produced pectinases in a pilot-scale packed-bed
Received in revised form 5 January 2017 bioreactor, growing Aspergillus niger on a substrate mixture consisting of 27 kg of wheat bran and 3 kg
Accepted 21 January 2017
of sugarcane bagasse (dry mass). However, the agglomeration of particles and shrinkage of the bed cre-
Available online 23 January 2017
ated preferential flow paths, leading to overheating within the bed and poor uniformity of pectinase
levels at the end of the fermentation. In the current work, we used intermittent agitation as a strategy
to minimize agglomeration, comparing one agitation (10 h), three agitations (at 8, 10 and 12 h) and five
Solid-state fermentation
Packed-bed bioreactor
agitations (every 2 h from 8 to 16 h). The pectinase activity in the bed was uniform after agitation, but
Aspergillus niger poor uniformity occurred when the bed was left unmixed for more than 10 h. The best regime was that
Intermittent agitation with three agitations: For 15 samples removed from different vertical and horizontal positions of the bed
Pectinases at 20 h, the average pectinase activity was 22 U g−1 , with a sample standard deviation of 2 U g−1 . We con-
Product uniformity clude that the use of intermittently-mixed packed-bed bioreactors is a promising strategy for producing
pectinases in solid-state fermentation.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction For the saccharification of pectin, enzymatic hydrolysis is prefer-

able to acid hydrolysis since it preserves the d-galacturonic units
Several authors have recently suggested the possibility of estab- that are released. This is unlike acid hydrolysis, for which processes
lishing biorefineries to produce a range of products from citrus that are strong enough to hydrolyze the glycosidic bonds between
wastes, including limonene, pectin, ethanol and biogas [1,2]. How- the d-galacturonic acid residues in pectin also degrade a significant
ever, since the amount of pectin contained in citrus wastes is proportion of the d-galacturonic that is released [8]. However, in
several-fold greater than the world pectin market [3], it would be order for enzymatic hydrolysis to be viable, it is essential to have
more interesting to saccharify the pectin to liberate D-galacturonic low-cost pectinases.
acid, which constitutes over 75% of the polymer [4]. D-galacturonic One possible strategy for producing low-cost pectinases is to use
acid could then be converted to mucic acid and L-galactonic acid, solid-state fermentation (SSF) [9]. However, there are no general
which have several current or potential commercial applications rules for guiding scale-up of SSF bioreactors [10] and it is therefore
and can also act as precursors of other products such as ascorbic necessary to scale-up processes on a case-by-case basis. In the case
acid, bioplastics, mucic acid and L-galactonic acid [5–7]. of pectinases, a scale-up study was recently initiated by Pitol et al.
[9]. Their work represents the largest pilot-scale study of pectinase
production by SSF to date: the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
was cultivated on 27 kg of wheat bran, with the addition of 3 kg
of sugarcane bagasse as a bed porosity modifier (dry masses). The
∗ Corresponding author.
bioreactor was operated as a packed-bed with forced aeration. The
E-mail address: (D.A. Mitchell).
1369-703X/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

bed remained completely static during the fermentations and, as from outside the building and blows it through a glass wool filter
a result, problems were encountered. For example, in their third and into the bottom of a humidification tower. The flow is measured
pilot-scale fermentation, the fungus knitted the substrate particles by a differential pressure flow meter (Kobold, Hofheim, Germany).
into agglomerates and the bed shrank, producing gaps between the Water is pumped from a 1200-L reservoir (kept at 32 ± 2 ◦ C) into the
bed and the bioreactor wall. When this happened, the air flowed top of the humidification tower and drains back into the reservoir.
through these gaps rather than through the bed itself. As a con- The air exits the top of the humidification column with a relative
sequence, the bed overheated, with temperatures as high as 43 ◦ C humidity of 99% and a temperature close to the water reservoir
being measured at the top of the bed [9]. At the end of the fermen- temperature. By the time that it enters the bottom of the biore-
tation, the pectinase activities measured in different locations of actor, it is about 2 ◦ C cooler than when it left the humidification
the bed were quite different, varying from 11 to 28 U per gram of column. The outlet air passes through a gas washer. Thermocouples
dry substrate. measure the inlet and outlet air temperatures. There are also four
The problem of substrate agglomeration by filamentous fungi thermocouple arrays within the bioreactor, positioned at heights
in SSF was investigated by Schutyser et al. [11], who studied the of 5, 18, 33 and 46 cm (Fig. 1b, items 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively).
growth of Aspergillus oryzae on wheat grains in a horizontal drum. Each array measures the temperature at four different horizontal
In their studies, the bed was initially left static and then later agi- positions. Temperatures reported for each bed height represent the
tated with the intention of breaking the agglomerates apart. They averages of these four measurements on the horizontal.
concluded that, if the bed is left too long before the first agitation
event, large agglomerates will form in which the “mycelial bonds”
2.3. Preparation of inoculum for the pilot-scale bioreactor
between the particles are sufficiently strong to remain intact when
the bed is mixed by rotating the drum. They suggested that the
The inoculum was prepared in the same manner as that
best strategy to prevent the formation of unbreakable agglomer-
described by Pitol et al. [9]. Fresh cultures of Aspergillus niger CH4
ates is to use an agitation event early in the fermentation to disrupt
were grown on potato dextrose agar at 30 ◦ C for 4 days to allow
the mycelial bonds between the particles before they become too
sporulation. The spores were suspended in sterile distilled water
strong. Although their experimental investigations were limited
and the suspension was filtered through sterile gauze to remove
to a single preemptive agitation event, they did raise the pos-
any mycelium. Spores were counted in a Neubauer chamber and
sibility that it might be necessary to have subsequent agitation
the concentration in the suspension was adjusted to 2 × 107 spores
events to maintain the substrate bed free of agglomeration prob-
mL−1 . This preparation is denoted as “pre-inoculum”.
lems throughout the whole process.
Forty 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, each containing 10 g (dry mass)
The recommendations made by Schutyser et al. [11] regarding
of a mixture of 30% sugarcane bagasse and 70% wheat bran (w/w),
the use of preemptive agitation events to prevent substrate agglom-
were autoclaved (121 ◦ C, 15 min). (NH4 )2 SO4 solution was auto-
eration prompted us to investigate whether this strategy would
claved (121 ◦ C, 15 min) and added to each flask to obtain a final
mitigate the agglomeration problems reported by Pitol et al. [9] for
moisture content of 50% (w/w, wet basis) and a final concentration
the cultivation of Aspergillus niger on the mixture of wheat bran and
of (NH4 )2 SO4 of 4.4% (w/w, based on total dry substrate). Pre-
sugarcane bagasse in the pilot-scale bioreactor.
inoculum was added to give 107 spores per gram of dry substrate
and the flasks were incubated at 30 ◦ C for 7 days to allow sporula-
2. Materials and methods
tion. The spores were suspended in sterile distilled water and then
filtered in a funnel with sterile gauze to remove residual substrate.
The system studied in the current work is the same as that
The spore concentration in the suspension was determined using
studied by Pitol et al. [9], namely the growth of Aspergillus niger
a Neubauer chamber. The spore concentration in the suspension
CH4 (kindly provided by Dr. Jesus Cordova and Prof. Dr. Gustavo
was adjusted to 2 × 107 spores mL−1 . This preparation is denoted
Viniegra-Gonzalez) on a substrate mixture consisting of 27 kg of
as “pilot-inoculum”.
wheat bran and 3 kg of sugarcane bagasse (dry mass), in a pilot-
scale packed-bed bioreactor with a bed capacity of 200 L. This
bioreactor can be agitated intermittently by rotation around its cen- 2.4. Solid-state fermentation in the pilot-scale bioreactor
tral axis. Note that moisture contents are reported throughout this
paper as %w/w, on a wet basis. They were determined in an infrared Except for the fact that the bed was intermittently agitated,
balance (Gehaka IV 2000, São Paulo, Brazil). the pilot-scale bioreactor was operated as described by Pitol et al.
[9]. The air flow rate was kept constant in all fermentations at
2.1. Source and preparation of raw materials 150 m3 h−1 , resulting in a superficial air velocity of 0.1 m s−1 . All
fermentations were carried out with 27 kg of wheat bran and
The sugarcane bagasse was donated by Usina de Álcool Mel- 3 kg of sugarcane bagasse (dry masses), which resulted in an ini-
horamentos (Jussara, Brazil). It was sun-dried in the open air for tial bed height of 40 cm. The solid substrate, sufficient solution of
several days before use. Otherwise, it was used as received (i.e. (NH4 )2 SO4 to give an initial concentration of 4.4% (w/w, based on
without milling or sieving). The wheat bran was donated by Ana- total dry substrate) and the additional water needed to obtain an
conda Industrial e Agrícola de Cereais (Curitiba, Brazil) and used as initial moisture content of 62% were autoclaved (121 ◦ C, 2 h). After
received. cooling, sufficient pilot-inoculum was added to give 2 × 107 spores
per gram of dry substrate and then the inoculated solid was added
2.2. Pilot-scale packed-bed bioreactor to the bioreactor, which was rotated for 30 min to homogenize the
bed. After this period, the bed surface was leveled using a rake, the
The bioreactor consists of an AISI 306 stainless steel cylinder bioreactor was closed and the air supply system was connected.
with a perforated plate (70 cm × 60 cm) at the bottom, which sup- The bioreactor was left static for most of the time. For each agita-
ports the substrate bed (Fig. 1 a and b) [9,12]. A wire mesh with tion event, the air inlet, the air outlet and the thermocouple cables
1-mm apertures covers the base plate. The air is injected below the were disconnected and then the bioreactor was rotated around its
base plate and flows from the bottom to the top of the bed. central axis at 5 rpm for 2 min. After this, the top of the bed was
The air preparation and temperature measurements are the again leveled with a rake. The inlet and outlet air lines and cables
same as for Pitol et al. [9] and Biz et al. [12]. A blower captures air were then reconnected.
A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12 3

Fig. 1. The pilot-scale bioreactor. (a) Overview of the bioreactor and the air preparation system. Key: (1) air blower; (2) air filter; (3) humidification tower; (4) water reservoir;
(5) water pump; (6) water entry into the humidification tower; (7) supply of saturated air to bioreactor; (8) return of excess water back to the reservoir; (9) measurement
of inlet air temperature; (10) air inlet (11) measurements of bed temperature; (12) air outlet; (13) measurement of outlet air temperature; (14) oxygen sensor; (15) data
acquisition equipment; (16) to gas washer. (b) Design details of the pilot-scale packed-bed bioreactor; Key: (1) 1-mm aperture wire mesh supported on a perforated base
plate; (2) thermocouple at 5-cm height; (3) thermocouple at 18-cm height; (4) thermocouple at 33-cm height; (5) thermocouple at 46-cm height; (6) electric motor with
variable frequency attached to the central axis; (c) locations where the samples were removed at the end of the fermentation for mapping the bed. Samples from the bottom
were collected at around 2-cm height, from the middle at about 20-cm height and from the top at about 40-cm height. This figure is reproduced from Biz et al. [12] with the
kind permission of Elsevier and is a modified version of the figure originally given in Pitol et al. [9].

During the fermentation, samples for the determination of 20 min at 30 ◦ C [13]. The release of reducing sugars was followed
pectinase activity were collected only from the top of the bed, in using the DNS method [14]. A standard curve was constructed with
order to avoid the creation of preferential paths for air flow. At D-galacturonic acid (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA, ≥98.0% purity).
the end of the fermentations, in order to investigate the uniformity Pectinase activities are expressed on the basis of the total mass of
of the bed, samples were removed from five different horizontal dry substrate in the sample (i.e. U g−1 ).
positions near the base, in the middle and near the top of the bed
(Fig. 1c). This procedure, which is identical to that carried out by 3. Results
Pitol et al. [9], is referred to as “mapping” of the bed.
Six fermentations were carried out in which Aspergillus niger
2.5. Determination of pectinase activity was grown on a 90:10 mixture (% m/m) of wheat bran and sugar-
cane bagasse. Each fermentation is denoted by a code showing the
To samples of 1 g of dry substrate, 20 mL of acetate buffer (0.2 M, number of mixing events, with the time of harvesting, in hours, as
pH 4.5) was added, with extraction at 180 rpm and 30 ◦ C for 30 min. a subscript. MIX-020 had no mixing events. MIX-320 and MIX-326
The crude extracts were vacuum-filtered through Whatman n◦ 1 had mixing events at 8, 10 and 12 h. MIX-315 had mixing events
filter paper. For the enzyme assays, 0.25 mL of crude extract was at the same times and was terminated at 18 h. However, for this
incubated with 0.25 mL of 1% (w/v) citric pectin (Sigma-Aldrich, fermentation, the lag phase was 3 h longer than normal, due to
Missouri, USA, 75% methylation) in acetate buffer (0.2 M, pH 4.5) for problems in the temperature control of the water reservoir imme-
4 A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

diately after inoculation. As a result, 3 h have been discounted from another. This occurred at both the bed heights of 18 cm (see Fig. 3a
all times for plotting the pectinase activity and moisture content and c for MIX-026 and MIX-020 , respectively) and 33 cm (see Fig. 3b
results for this particular fermentation and the harvesting is con- and d for MIX-026 and MIX-020 , respectively).
sidered as though it had occurred at 15 h of a normal fermentation. Mixing improved the horizontal uniformity of temperature
MIX-526 had mixing events at 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 h. The results of measurements. For MIX-526 , the temperatures measured by the
these fermentations were compared with those of two fermenta- same horizontal sleeve were quite close to one another through-
tions reported for the same system by Pitol el al. [9]: MIX-026 is out the entire fermentation (see Fig. 3e and f for the bed heights of
their third fermentation, which was harvested at 26 h, while MIX- 18 and 33 cm, respectively). For MIX-320 , the temperatures mea-
012 represents the first 12 h of their fourth fermentation (i.e. before sured by the horizontal sleeve at 18-cm bed height were quite
they began to vary the temperature of the inlet air). In the text close to one another until 16 h and then diverged slightly (Fig. 3g).
below, values given in cm are heights within the substrate bed, Likewise, the temperatures measured by the horizontal sleeve at
with 33 cm being the highest value at which temperatures in the 33-cm bed height were close to one another until 16 h and then
bed were measured. The data for moisture contents for MIX-026 started to diverge, but somewhat more noticeably (Fig. 3h). This
and MIX-012 were obtained from Pitol [15]. divergence in the temperatures after 16 h for MIX-320 is consistent
with the observation in Section 3.1 that preferential air paths were
3.1. Axial temperature profiles in the bed well established in MIX-326 by 20 h.

In all fermentations with intermittent agitation, the axial tem- 3.3. Temporal profiles for pectinase activities and moisture
perature profiles in the bed were smaller than those of the contents at the top of the bed
fermentations without agitation (Fig. 2a, c, e, g and i). In all cases, the
inlet air temperature was well controlled at around 30 ◦ C (Fig. 2b, With the poor temperature control in the fermentation with-
d, f, h and j). In the fermentations without agitation, temperatures out agitation (MIX-026 ), the pectinase activity at the top of the
over 40 ◦ C were measured at 33 cm: MIX-026 gave a maximum of bed reached 23 U g−1 at 14 h and actually decreased after the
43 ◦ C at 16 h [9] (Fig. 2a), while MIX-020 gave a value of 41 ◦ C at temperature at 33 cm reached 43 ◦ C, before recovering when the
15 h (Fig. 2c). There is clear evidence that, in the absence of mix- temperature fell again (Fig. 4a) [9]. A similar result was obtained in
ing, preferential air paths had formed in the bed by 15 h, with the MIX-020 , with the pectinase activity at 20 h being lower than that
temperature at 33 cm being higher than the outlet air temperature measured at 18 h, which was 22 U g−1 . With one agitation event
for both MIX-026 (compare Fig. 2a with b) and MIX-020 (compare (MIX-126 ), the maximum pectinase activity at the top of bed was
Fig. 2c with d). slightly lower, 19 U g−1 at 18 h (Fig. 4c). For MIX-526 , the maximum
In the fermentations with mixing events, the axial tempera- pectinase activity at the top of the bed, 23 U g−1 , was similar to
ture profiles measured soon after mixing were considerably smaller the control, but this was achieved at a much longer fermentation
than those observed in the unmixed fermentations. For example, time, 24 h (Fig. 4e). In this case, the five agitation events affected the
in MIX-126 , the temperature at 33 cm remained around 35 ◦ C from production of pectinases deleteriously: at the last agitation event
17 to 21 h (Fig. 2e). However, with MIX-126 and MIX-326 , the out- at 16 h, the pectinase activity at the top of the bed was around
let air temperature fell below the bed temperature at 33 ◦ C late 19 U g−1 , but it increased only very slowly after this. On the other
in the fermentation; this is a clear indication that at this time the hand, in the fermentations with three agitation events, high pecti-
air was flowing through preferential paths rather than through the nase activities, 24 U g−1 for MIX-320 and 22 U g−1 for MIX-326 , were
bed itself. For example, at 24 h in MIX-126 , the temperature at 33 cm measured at the top of bed at 18 h, which is only slightly longer than
was 39 ◦ C, compared to an outlet air temperature of 32 ◦ C (compare the 14 h of the fermentation without agitation (Fig. 4g).
Fig. 2e with Fig. 2f). Likewise, at 20 h in MIX-326 , the temperature In all cases, the moisture content at the top of the bed decreased
at 33 cm was 3 ◦ C higher than that of the outlet air (compare Fig. 2i during the fermentation. The moisture content decreased by
with Fig. 2j). In MIX-526 , the additional agitation events prevented around 7 percentage points over 26 h when there was no agitation
this formation of preferential air paths, as shown by the fact that in (MIX-026 ) or only one agitation event (MIX-126 ) (Fig. 4b and 4d,
this fermentation the outlet air temperature never fell below the respectively), and 10–13 percentage points when there were more
temperature at 33 cm (compare Fig. 2g with Fig. 2h). agitation events (MIX-526 and MIX-326 ) (Fig. 4f and 4 h, respec-
In MIX-526 and MIX-326 , the highest temperatures in the bed tively). In no case did the moisture content fall below 50%. In those
were measured at 5 cm (see Figs. 2g and i). This was due to a local- cases in which preferential air paths formed, which happened at
ized problem caused by the design of the bioreactor. The sleeve for about 15 h for MIX-026 and at about 18 h for MIX-126 , the mois-
the thermocouples at 5 cm is close to the wall of the bioreactor, and ture content at 26 h was around 4.3 percentage points higher than
when we removed the bed at the end of these fermentations, we the corresponding values measured for MIX-526 and MIX-326 . This
found an agglomeration of substrate trapped in the narrow space is understandable: when preferential air paths form, then the air
between the 5-cm thermocouple sleeve and the side and bottom of flows almost entirely around the bed, which reduces the evapora-
the bed. We presume that this localized agglomeration of substrate tion rate compared to the case where air flows through the bed.
was not broken up by the agitation events, and the agglomeration
would have decreased the permeability of this region, leading to 3.4. Uniformity of pectinase activities within the bed at the time
the localized increase in temperature. of harvesting

3.2. Horizontal uniformity of bed temperatures When the fermentations were terminated, samples were
removed from various heights and horizontal positions in the bed
Agitation also affected the uniformity of the temperatures mea- (see Fig. 1c). The average pectinase activities and sample standard
sured by the horizontal thermocouple arrays positioned at different error were calculated for the samples removed at each of the three
bed heights. For the first 10 h of the fermentation, all thermocou- different bed heights.
ples within the same horizontal sleeve gave very similar readings There was notable heterogeneity of pectinase activity with bed
(Fig. 3). In the absence of mixing, when preferential air paths height at the end of MIX-026 , with the average activity measured at
started to form at around 12–13 h, the readings of the thermocou- the bottom of the bed being 23 U g−1 , compared to values around
ples within the same horizontal sleeve started to diverge from one 15 U g−1 at middle height and 16 U g−1 at the top of the bed (Fig. 5).
A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12 5

Fig. 2. Effect of the agitation regime on temporal temperature profiles of the inlet and outlet air and at different heights within the bed. The column on the left shows
temperature profiles at three bed heights (5, 18 and 33 cm). The column on the right shows the temperature profiles for the inlet and outlet air. The number after the dash
represents the number of agitation events, while the subscript indicates the time (h) at which the fermentation was terminated. The arrows show the times at which the bed
was agitated. The results for MIX-026 are reproduced from Pitol et al. [9].
6 A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

Fig. 3. Effect of the agitation regime on temperatures measured within the bed by the thermocouples within the same horizontal sleeve. The column on the left shows
the temperatures measured by the individual thermocouples (denoted T4, T5, T6 and T7) at 18 cm while the column on the right shows the temperatures measured by the
individual thermocouples (denoted T8, T9, T10 and T11) at 33 cm.
A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12 7

Fig. 4. Effect of the agitation regime on temporal profiles for pectinase activity and moisture content for samples removed from the top of the bed. The column on the left
shows the pectinase activities while the column on the right shows the moisture contents. The arrows show the times at which the bed was agitated. Replicate fermentations
that were terminated at different times are plotted together. The results for pectinase activity for MIX-026 and MIX-012 are reproduced from Pitol et al. [9] and the results for
moisture content for MIX-026 and MIX-012 are reproduced from Pitol [15].
8 A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

Fig. 5. Uniformity of pectinase activities along the vertical axis of the bed. Samples from the bottom were collected at around 2-cm height, from the middle at about 20-cm
height and from the top at about 40-cm height. The bars represent the average pectinase activity for the five samples removed from the same horizontal plane (the locations
of which are indicated in Fig. 1c). The error bars represent the sample standard error for these samples. The results for MIX-026 were calculated from Pitol et al. [9].

Similar heterogeneity at the end of the fermentation occurred for (Fig. 4a). The temporal moisture content profiles at the top of the
MIX-126 and MIX-326 . For MIX-126 , the average pectinase activ- bed show a similar result: the profiles for MIX-315 , MIX-320 and
ity was 25 U g−1 at the bottom of the bed and 17 U g−1 at the top MIX-326 (Fig. 4h) are closer to one another than are the profiles for
of the bed, while for MIX-326 , the corresponding values were 29 MIX-012 , MIX-020 and MIX-026 (Fig. 4b). Our conclusion is that mix-
and 22 U g−1 , respectively. MIX-526 had significantly better axial ing, even if intermittent, promotes fermentation-to-fermentation
homogeneity at the end of the fermentation: for all bed heights, reproducibility.
the average pectinase activity was around 22–23 U g−1 .
Agitation also affected the heterogeneity of pectinase activities 4. Discussion
in the same horizontal plane, which is reflected in the value of the
sample standard error of the five samples collected from that plane. Not only does our work show that intermittent agitation is
For MIX-026 , the samples removed from the same horizontal plane beneficial for the production of pectinases by SSF in a pilot-scale
had sample standard errors ranging from 3 to 5 U g−1 (Fig. 5). For packed-bed bioreactor, but it also makes a more general contri-
MIX-126 and MIX-326 , the sample standard errors were only slightly bution by studying intermittent agitation and its effect on the
lower, ranging from 1.7 to 3.2 U g−1 for MIX-126 and from 1.7 to product uniformity within the bed. These contributions are dis-
3.8 U g−1 for MIX-326 . The use of five agitation events did promote cussed below.
horizontal homogeneity (MIX-526 ), even 10 h after the last agitation
event at 16 h, with all sample standard errors being below 2 U g−1 4.1. Pilot-scale production of pectinases by SSF
at 26 h.
With three mixing events, it is possible to see the evolution of In the current work, intermittent agitation gave better results for
both axial and horizontal heterogeneity of pectinase activities in the the pilot-scale production of pectinases by Aspergillus niger in SSF
bed over time since the last mixing event at 12 h. At 15 h, the aver- than those obtained by Pitol et al. [9], who used the same microor-
age pectinase activities at all bed heights were around 16–17 U g−1 ganism, bioreactor and substrate (i.e. composed of the same 90:10
and the sample standard errors for the three bed heights were mixture of wheat bran and sugarcane bagasse) but did not agitate
all below 2 U g−1 . At 20 h, the average pectinase activities at all the bed. We conclude that the best strategy is to use three agitation
bed heights had increased to 21–24 U g−1 and the sample standard events and to harvest at 20 h. This strategy balanced the positive
errors for the three bed heights were around 2 U g−1 . Finally, at 26 h, and negative effects of agitation: it gave a reasonably uniform bed
only the pectinase activity at the bottom of the bed had increased at 20 h, while avoiding the deceleration of the process that occurred
noticeably in relation to its value at 20 h, reaching 29 U g−1 . Addi- with five agitation events.
tionally, the sample standard errors for the three bed heights were It is important to base decisions about harvesting times on the
now in the range of 2–4 U g−1 . results of the mapping of the bed and not on the results of sam-
ples removed from the top of the bed. Samples are removed from
3.5. Reproducibility of the fermentations the top of the bed during periods of static operation in packed-bed
bioreactors in order to avoid disturbing the bed. The removal of
In both the fermentation without mixing and the fermentation samples from the inner parts of the bed would promote the for-
with three mixing events, three replicate experiments were done, mation of preferential flow paths and subsequent overheating of
with the only difference being that the fermentations were termi- the bed. However, as our results show, the real performance of the
nated and the bed mapped at different times. When the temporal fermentation cannot be properly evaluated on the basis of samples
pectinase activity profiles at the top of the bed for MIX-315 , MIX- removed from the top of the bed. Based on such samples, the best
320 and MIX-326 are plotted on the same graph, they are quite productivity would be calculated for MIX-026 : with harvesting at
close to one another (Fig. 4g). In comparison, the pectinase activ- 14 h, the pectinase activity of 23 U g−1 would suggest a productiv-
ity profiles for MIX-012 , MIX-020 and MIX-026 show more variation ity of 1.64 U g−1 h−1 . Application of the same criterion to MIX-320
A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12 9

would lead to a harvesting time of 18 h, with the pectinase activity those cases in which rotating drums are left static for several hours,
at this time of 24 U g−1 suggesting a productivity of 1.33 U g−1 h−1 . product uniformity in the bed has not been investigated [21,23,26].
Our mapping of the bed, which takes the whole bed into account, In intermittently-agitated packed-bed bioreactors, agitation is
gave a different result: the average pectinase activity of 22 U g−1 typically applied at intervals of several hours. As a result, the con-
that was obtained at 20 h in MIX-320 is significantly better (p = 0.05) ditions within the bed become heterogeneous and remain so for
than the average pectinase activity of 18 U g−1 obtained at 20 h in several hours. Despite this, there have been no attempts to charac-
MIX-020 . The corresponding real productivities at the time of map- terize how this lack of uniformity of growth conditions affects the
ping are 1.1 U g−1 h−1 for MIX-320 and 0.9 U g−1 h−1 for MIX-020 . uniformity of product levels within the bed (Table 1). For example,
The better reproducibility between fermentations is an addi- although temperature differences of up to 15 ◦ C were noted in the
tional benefit of using intermittent mixing: from the quality control bed of an intermittently-agitated packed-bed bioreactor of 200-
viewpoint, in commercial processes, reproducibility between fer- kg capacity, the consequences of these temperature differences for
mentations is as important as the product uniformity within the product uniformity within the bed were not investigated [20].
bed in individual fermentations. When mixing is frequent in intermittently-agitated bioreactors,
there is no problem with the mycelium binding the substrate par-
ticles together: any agglomerates that start to form are quickly
4.2. Agitation regimes and uniformity in SSF bioreactors broken up. The situation is different when agitation is applied only
a few times per day. This allows the mycelium to bind the particles
Significant temperature and moisture content gradients can together, and it is this situation that applies in our fermentations
occur within the bed in static SSF bioreactors [10]. Intermittent agi- and which was addressed by Schutyser et al. [11]. Our results con-
tation has been used to decrease such gradients, with some authors firm the idea of the Schutyser et al. [11] that, in this case, it is
comparing the performance of the fermentation with different appropriate to agitate early in the fermentation in order to break
agitation regimes. However, the effect of different intermittent agi- up agglomerates before they become too strong. This is especially
tation regimes on product distribution in the bed has not been important when the agitation is obtained by rotation of the bioreac-
studied at scales involving 1 kg of moist substrate or more. tor body, such as occurred in the bioreactor of Schutyser et al. [11]
The effect of non-uniform growth conditions on the distribu- and in our packed-bed bioreactor, as this mode of agitation is less
tion of product within the bed was addressed by Ghildyal et al. forceful than that which can be obtained with a mechanical agitator.
[16], who studied the production of amyloglucosidase on 750 g of We also confirmed their suggestion, which they did not investi-
wheat bran (dry mass) in a packed-bed bioreactor 34.5 cm high and gate experimentally, that one early agitation event might not be
15 cm in diameter. They obtained temporal profiles for bed tem- sufficient: when we applied one agitation event at 10 h (MIX-126 ),
peratures and amyloglucosidase activities at three different bed agglomeration problems and subsequent formation of preferential
heights. They did this for five air flow rates. In their system, even at flow paths occurred by the end of the fermentation, with relatively
the highest air flow rate, there was a significant axial temperature poor uniformity of pectinase levels in the bed at 26 h (varying from
profile in the bed: with an inlet air temperature of 30 ◦ C, a value of 17 to 25 U g−1 , see Fig. 5).
37.4 ◦ C was measured at 28-cm bed height. Their key result was
that the amyloglucosidase activity tended to decrease with bed
height, correlating with the fact that the temporal temperature
5. Conclusions
profiles peaked at higher values at the higher bed heights. How-
ever, although they pointed out that it was necessary to minimize
We have extended the studies of Pitol et al. [9] into the pro-
the temperature gradients in order to maximize amyloglucosidase
duction of pectinases by SSF in a pilot-scale packed-bed bioreactor
levels across the whole bed, they did not investigate the use of
containing 27 kg of wheat bran and 3 kg of sugarcane bagasse (dry
infrequent agitation as a possible strategy for achieving this. Like-
masses), which is the largest substrate loading yet reported for
wise, although Pitol et al. [9] demonstrated the lack of uniformity
pectinase production by SSF. We have demonstrated that agitat-
of pectinase activities by mapping the bed at the end of fermenta-
ing the bed a few times early in the fermentation could minimize
tions undertaken using the same fungus, substrate and bioreactor
problems with substrate agglomeration and could thereby ensure
as those used in the current work, they did not study the use of
uniform pectinase levels in the bed at the time of harvesting. We
intermittent agitation.
conclude that the best regime is a 20-h fermentation, with agitation
On the other hand, the studies that have investigated the
events at 8, 10 and 12 h. At this time, the average pectinase activity
potential of intermittent agitation for increasing fermentation per-
in 15 samples removed from different vertical and horizontal posi-
formance have not investigated the effect of the agitation regimes
tions of the bed was 22 U g−1 , with a sample standard deviation of
on product uniformity in the bed at the end of the fermentation
only 2 U g−1 .
(Table 1) [11,17–28].
Some studies of intermittent agitation have been undertaken
with rotating-drum and horizontal stirred-drum bioreactors. For
example, de Reu et al. [17] compared a static bed and discontinuous Acknowledgements
agitation (at a frequency of about 1.4 h−1 ) for the production of 1 kg
of soybean tempe in a rotating-drum bioreactor, but the compari- This research was supported by a “Universal” Grant from CNPq
son was done on the basis of the temperature, measured at a single (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico),
point in the bed. In a subsequent study of the same process in a sim- a Brazilian government agency for the advancement of science
ilar rotating-drum bioreactor, but at a scale involving 100–140 kg and technology. Research scholarships were granted to Bruna
of cooked soybeans, Han et al. [18] applied intermittent agitation Schweitzer Medina, Henrique Luithardt, Luiz Fernando de Lima
at a frequency of 17.1 h−1 . However, a single value was given for Luz Jr, Nadia Krieger and David Mitchell by CNPq, to Luana de
each measured variable at each sampling time, so, once again, the Oliveira Pitol by Fundação Araucária, an agency for the support of
uniformity of the bed was not characterized. The lack of concern science and technology in the State of Paraná, and to Anelize Terez-
of these authors with product uniformity is understandable: with inha Jung Finkler and Alessandra Biz by CAPES (Coordenação de
frequent intermittent agitation in a rotating-drum bioreactor, the Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), a Brazilian govern-
bed is maintained in a reasonably uniform state. However, even in ment agency for the development of personnel in higher education.
Table 1
Previous studies of the effect of intermittent agitation in solid-state fermentation.

Organism, substrate and Bioreactor and operation Key measurements and findings related to performance Differences from the current Ref.
product study

Rhizopus oligosporus on Discontinuous rotating drum. Mixing events Bed temperature measured at a single position. With static Product formation not studied. [17]
soybeans producing a were triggered by the bed temperature rising operation, the bed temperature reached 45 ◦ C. With Temperature and moisture
tempe-like product. to a set point. discontinuous rotation, the temperature was controlled gradients in the bed not
close to the desired set point. studied.
Rhizopus microsporus and R. (i) Agitated SSF in a 450-L rotating drum; Insufficient information given about samplinga . In static Effect of intermittent agitation [18]
oligosporus on soybeans rotation at 1.5 rpm for 30 s followed by a SSF, the temperature was measured in the center of the on product uniformity within
producing a tempe-like stationary period of 3 min. (ii) Static SSF in bed. R. microsporus tolerated agitation well while R. the bed not studied.
product. plastic boxes (205 × 90 × 45 mm) with a oligosporus was strongly affected. Temperatures in static
regular pattern of 1-mm diameter perforations. SSF increased to about 12 ◦ C above that of the incubator.
The rotating drum with intermittent rotation enabled
adequate temperature control.
Aspergillus oryzae on wheat 28-L rotating drum. Injection of air under bed Whole bed contents harvested and separated into three Uniformity in the bed not [11]
grains. surface at 4 points. Mass of substrate not clear. fractions: single grains; small aggregates (2–20 grains); studied. The focus was on the
Bed mixed initially to distribute inoculum and large aggregates (>20 grains). The longer that the bed effect of mixing on the

A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

uniformly, then left static for several hours. is left static before the first mixing event, the more formation of aggregates.
After a single mixing (1 rpm for 5 min), the strongly the mycelium binds the wheat particles into
whole substrate bed was harvested. agglomerates (i.e. a greater fraction of the particles of the
bed remains agglomerated after the mixing event).
Aspergillus niger on wheat bran. Packed bed (bed of 5.5-cm height). Samples representing the whole bed height cut into three Small bed height chosen to [19]
Temperature of the outlet air monitored and equal layers (bottom, middle, top). Moisture contents at minimize gradients, so not
used in an inference model to estimate bed different heights in the bed remained close to one another useful for investigating
moisture content. Intermittent agitation even between mixing events. heterogeneity.
events in which water mixed into the bed.
Gibberella fujikuroi on extruded Packed bed (bed of 150-cm diameter, 40 cm Bed temperature measured at 4 positions (heights of both Effect of temperature [20]
wheat bran granules producing height). Capacity for 200 kg of substrate. 5 and 20 cm, radial positions of both 10 cm from the wall differences on product
gibberellic acid. 30-min long mixing events, at intervals of and 10 cm from the center). Temperatures at the different uniformity not characterized.
4–10 h (depending on bed temperatures and positions were different by up to 15 ◦ C.
the need to add water).
Aspergillus awamori on white 250-mL rotating drum (roller bottle). Insufficient information given about samplinga . Highest Effect of intermittent agitation [21]
grape pomace producing enzyme activities for static culture or with a single daily on product uniformity within
hydrolytic enzymes. agitation of 1 min. the bed not studied.
Trichoderma reesei on wet corn (i) 50-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, mixed with Insufficient information given about samplinga . CO2 Effect of intermittent agitation [22]
distillers grain producing vortexer. (ii) 1-cm diameter glass columns monitored in off-gases of glass columns. Mixing caused on product uniformity within
cellulase (filter paper activity). (contents emptied into 100-mL beakers, mixed about a tenfold increase in spore production compared to the bed not studied.
with vortexer and transferred back to the static fermentation. Highest final cellulase level for static
columns). Mixing frequencies of 0, 1, 2, 3, and fermentation. Mixing reduced the level by 5–10%.
6 per day. In all cases, the first mixing event
was at ∼66 h (after the end of the lag phase).
Phanerochaete chrysosporium 12-L rotating drum (when rotated, rotated at Insufficient information given about samplinga . C/D/C gave Effect of intermittent agitation [23]
on apple pomace producing 2 rpm). Three agitation regimes studiedb : (i) highest production of manganese peroxidase, lignin on product uniformity within
ligninolytic enzymes. C = continuous agitation during the whole peroxidase and laccase. the bed not studied.
fermentation. (ii) C/D/C = continuous agitation
during lag phase, discontinuous agitationc
during exponential phase, continuous agitation
during stationary phase. (iii)
D/C/D = discontinuous agitationc during lag
phase, continuous agitation during exponential
phase, discontinuous agitationc during
stationary phase.
Aspergillus niger on sugarcane “FERMSOSTAT” bioreactor containing from 0.5 Every 24 h, substrate mixed for 5 min then 10 g of substrate Effect of intermittent agitation [24]
bagasse and palm kernel cake to 1 kg of substrate (corresponding to bed removed from each sampling port (locations not specified). on product uniformity within
(50% each by mass) producing depths of 4 and 6 cm, respectively). Details of Compared mixing at 0.5, 1 and 1.5 rpm for 5 min the bed not studied.
cellulase (filter paper activity). bioreactor and operation not given. (presumably, every 24 h)d . Mixing at 0.5 rpm best.
Compared mixing every 6, 12 and 24 h (presumably, at
0.5 rpm for 5 min)d . Mixing every 24 h best.
Table 1 (Continued)

Organism, substrate and Bioreactor and operation Key measurements and findings related to performance Differences from the current Ref.
product study

Aspergillus tamarii on coffee (i) Bottle reactors (4.5-cm diameter × 6.5-cm Sampling not explained clearly. Results expressed as single Effect of intermittent agitation [25]
pulp, producing spores and height, packed with 13 g of coffee pulp) used to values. In static culture, the “fraction of bonded particles” on product uniformity within

A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

pectin methylesterase (PME). measure bonding of particles and PME reached 69% at 33 h. With intermittent mixing in bottle the bed not studied.
production. (ii) Glass column reactors (4.5-cm reactors, it was always lower than 33%. With intermittent
diameter × 20-cm height, packed with 20 g of mixing in bottle reactors, PME production increased at
coffee pulp) used to measure CO2 and spore least 1.5-fold with mixing in comparison to static control,
production. In all cases, cultures were static but frequency of mixing did not affect PME production.
during the first 12 h and then mixed for 1 min. With intermittent mixing in columns, there were no
Then, mixing was done at intervals (every 3, 6, significant differences in the CO2 production rate or O2
9 or 12 h) with a vortex. Comparison with a uptake rate compared to static operation.
completely static control.
Aspergillus niger on apple 12-L rotating drum. Continuous agitation Insufficient information given about samplinga . Citric acid Effect of intermittent agitation [26]
pomace producing citric acid. compared with agitation of 1 h at 2 rpm, twice production at 120 h was 33% higher with intermittent on product uniformity within
daily at 12-h intervals. agitation than with continuous agitation. the bed not studied.
Aspergillus sojae on wheat bran 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. Flasks agitated by Sampling not explained clearly (presumably after the flask Effect of intermittent agitation [27]
producing polygalacturonase. beating the flask on the palm of the hand for contents were mixed, but this is unclear). Maximum on product uniformity within
∼1 min (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 times a day), and enzyme activity obtained with 3 mixings per day (17% the bed not studied.
compared to a static control. more than the static control), although mixing 1, 2, 4 or 5
times per day gave activities lower than the control.
Starmerella bombicola on 500-mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 45 g of One reactor sacrificed, after mixing, at each of days 3, 5, 7 Effect of intermittent agitation [28]
winterization oil cake from the substrates (oil cake and molasses) and 14 g of and 10. Intermittent mixing increased the maximum on product uniformity within
refining of sunflower oil, wheat straw (as inert support). Flasks mixed at sophorolipid yield by 31% compared to the static control. the bed not studied.
supplemented with sugar beet days 3, 5 & 7 (flask contents placed in a 1-L At the end of the intermittent fermentation, overall O2
molasses, producing glass beaker, mixed with a sterile metal consumption 15% higher and 22% more fat consumed,
sophorolipids spatula, and loaded back into the flask). compared to the static control. Intermittent mixing
Compared with a static control. reduced the size of the solid aggregates.
From the information given, it is not possible to tell from where exactly in the bed the samples were removed.
The timings of the different phases were not specified.
The meaning of “discontinuous agitation” is not stated directly, however, the results section suggests that it means “the absence of agitation”.
From the information given, it is impossible to be sure about what was done.

12 A.T.J. Finkler et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 121 (2017) 1–12

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