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Reflection No.: 15 Grading Period: () Prelims (✓) Mid-terms () Finals

Name: Neil ton M. Esteban Subject, Section and Time: Hist11 BA1A 10am-11am
Topic Discussed/Read: Lesson10 Convention between the United States of America and Great Britain
Delimiting the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State Of North Borneo {1930}
Mode of Reflection Adopted (Shade any or all)
O Mirroring O Microscoping O Telescoping

The West Philippine Sea, a region in the South China Sea, has been a focal point of geopolitical tensions,
particularly between China and the Philippines. The assertion that all islands to the north and east of a
certain line belong to the Philippine Archipelago has far-reaching implications for the countries involved
and the broader international community. In this essay, we will delve into the historical context, the
current state of affairs, and the potential impacts on the Philippines in light of China’s claims in the West
Philippine Sea.


To begin with, understanding the historical backdrop of the West Philippine Sea dispute is crucial. The
Philippines and China have competing historical claims over the territory, with both nations invoking
historical maps, ancient texts, and cultural ties to support their positions. The United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea () has played a pivotal role in attempting to provide a legal framework
for resolving such disputes. However, challenges persist as geopolitical interests often overshadow
adherence to international law.The geopolitical significance of the West Philippine Sea cannot be
overstated. It serves as a critical maritime route, facilitating trade and economic activities for nations in
the Asia-Pacific region. The vast natural resources, including fisheries and potential hydrocarbon
deposits, further elevate its importance. As China continues to assert its dominance in the region,
neighboring countries, particularly the Philippines, are faced with the challenge of safeguarding their
territorial integrity and maritime interests.China’s assertiveness in the West Philippine Sea has
manifested through the construction of artificial islands, military installations, and the establishment of
a controversial Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). These actions have raised concerns among
neighboring nations and triggered international criticism. The Philippines, in particular, has found itself
at the forefront of this geopolitical struggle, grappling with the implications of China’s expanding
presence in the region.The ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, which invalidated
China’s historical claims in the South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea, marked a significant
legal victory for the Philippines. However, China has consistently rejected the ruling, emphasizing its
historical claims and asserting its rights over the disputed waters. This defiance has created a diplomatic
impasse and heightened tensions in the region.The West Philippine Sea dispute has direct implications
for the Philippines, affecting its national security, economic prosperity, and diplomatic relations. The
presence of Chinese vessels in disputed waters has led to maritime incidents, impacting Filipino
fishermen and raising concerns about sovereignty. The potential exploitation of natural resources by
China in contested areas further threatens the Philippines’ economic interests.On the diplomatic front,
the Philippines has navigated a delicate balance between asserting its rights under international law and
maintaining a constructive relationship with China. Bilateral negotiations and diplomatic initiatives have
been pursued, but achieving a lasting resolution remains a complex and challenging endeavor. The
international community, including the United States and other regional powers, plays a crucial role in
influencing the dynamics of the dispute.The territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea has been a
source of tension, impacting the geopolitical landscape and regional dynamics. The claim that all islands
to the north and east of a specified line belong to the Philippine Archipelago has heightened the
complexity of the situation, particularly in relation to China’s expansive claims.Firstly, asserting
ownership over islands and rocks in the West Philippine Sea reflects the Philippines’ commitment to
safeguarding its sovereign rights. The delineation of territory serves as a crucial foundation for asserting
maritime jurisdiction, protecting natural resources, and ensuring national security. This stance
underscores the Philippines’ dedication to upholding international law, particularly the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea , as a framework for resolving disputes.On the flip side, China’s
assertiveness in the region has created challenges and implications for neighboring nations. The
expansive claims, including those contested by the Philippines, have raised concerns about China’s
adherence to international norms and the potential for destabilizing the regional balance of power. The
disputed territories are not merely about geographical boundaries; they represent strategic interests,
maritime resources, and the freedom of navigation in a vital waterway.The territorial dispute has far-
reaching consequences for diplomatic relations and regional stability. The Philippines, as a claimant
state, has sought avenues for peaceful resolution through international arbitration. However, the
complex geopolitical dynamics make finding a comprehensive solution challenging. The involvement of
other nations in the region and the global community adds layers of complexity to the issue, requiring
delicate diplomacy and adherence to established legal frameworks.The economic significance of the
West Philippine Sea cannot be overstated. It is a rich fishing ground and is believed to contain
substantial oil and gas reserves. The outcome of the dispute will undoubtedly impact the economic
trajectory of the Philippines and the broader region. The quest for A fair and just resolution becomes not
only a matter of sovereignty but also an economic imperative for the nations involved. I the assertion of
territorial claims in the West Philippine Sea has profound implications for the Philippines and the
broader region. It intertwines issues of sovereignty, international law, economic interests, and regional
stability. While diplomatic efforts continue, the resolution of this complex dispute requires a delicate
balance between safeguarding national interests and fostering cooperation to ensure a peaceful and
prosperous future for all nations involved.


the West Philippine Sea dispute is a multifaceted issue with profound implications for the Philippines
and the broader region. As the Philippines grapples with the geopolitical realities of the West Philippine
Sea, it faces the challenge of safeguarding its national interests while navigating a complex diplomatic
landscape. The resolution of this dispute requires a concerted effort from the international community
to uphold the principles of international law and ensure a peaceful and equitable resolution for all
parties involved.

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