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Ecological Method Statement for Great crested newt habitat creation

works and electrical cabling works at Hankham C of E

Primary School



ʻAmblehurstʼ Nevill Road
East Sussex

(t) 01892 663942

(m) 07780 665177

BKC Ltd HANKHAM school –Method statement V2 September 2013 1

1.0 Introduction
This Method Statement replaces an earlier version (August 2013) following
modifications to the proposed works.
Great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) have been identified as breeding in the
school pond (Kemp 2013). The existing school pond is to be infilled as it lies within
the construction footprint.
This Method statement has been prepared for East Sussex County Council in order
to facilitate habitat creation works for Great crested newts. The habitat creation is
affectively enabling works prior to the proposed construction of a single storey
extension which will provide new classrooms , hall, reception and enlargement of the
school car park.
The proposed works will take place within the western playing field and include the
following :

• Creation of two new GCN mitigation ponds.

• Creation of new terrestrial habitat including hibernaculum and log piles.
• Provision of a supplementary water supply to the ponds using a new land
drain and a new French drain.
• Formation of a trench/ducting and scrub clearance to enable installation of
diverted 11Kva electricity through the field.

2.0 Legislation
Great crested newts (GCN) are subject to both UK and EU legislation, being
protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and the Conservation of Habitats
and Species Regulations 2010. As well as the animals themselves being protected
the legislation also makes it illegal to damage or destroy their breeding site (ie,
pond) or resting place (ie terrestrial habitat). Habitat is protected up to 500m from
their breeding ponds.
A conviction under the Wildlife & Countryside Act or the Conservation of Habitats &
Species Regulations can result in a fine of up to level 5 on the standard scale
(£5,000 in 2004) and/or up to six months imprisonment for each offence. Harm to
more than one animal may be taken as separate offences. The police can also
confiscate any item, such as equipment, vehicles or machinery, used to commit the

3.0 Licensing
In most situations a mitigation licence is required from Natural England in order to
undertake any actions affecting GCN which would otherwise be prohibited by law.
Following a site meeting on 11th June 2013 with Natural England (NE) it was agreed
that due to the relatively low impact of the proposed works and tight time constraints
the works could be undertaken without the need for a licence provided that the works
were strictly controlled and the risk to GCN could be reduced to an absolute
It has been agreed that a licence application will be submitted to NE in due course to
cover the main construction works and associated mitigation.

BKC Ltd HANKHAM school –Method statement V2 September 2013 2

4.0 Timing of works
These works should be undertaken as soon as possible once planning consent has
been given so that the ponds and terrestrial habitat can become established in time
for the spring migration of GCN. The works must be completed by late October

5.0 Description of works (see Fig.1)

5.1 Pond creation
The two mitigation ponds require a surface area of a minimum of 40m2 and 60m2
To make the most of the restricted amount of space within the habitat creation area
the shape of the ponds is likely to be triangular, however since the school has a fairly
rural outlook it is important that the ponds have the look of natural ponds rather than
ornamental or fish ponds. The target depth for these ponds should be 1.2m and 1.0
respectively but with an irregular profile and shallow banks (see Figs. 2 & 3).
In order to hold water the ponds will need to be lined with a heavy duty butyl liner
such as Firestone Pond guard EPDM. The ponds should be excavated to their final
profile plus approximately 200mm so that a backfill of sub soil can be placed over the
liner to protect it from damage and provide a substrate for plants and other wildlife to
aid colonization. Depending on soil conditions the pond liner should be sandwiched
between a layer of Protective Geotextile such as Polyfelt TS60.
Once completed the ponds should be planted with a selection of native aquatic and
marginal plants of a local provenance (subject to specification by the ecologist and
depending on availability).

5.2 Land drain & French drain

A new perforated land drain will be installed in the south-eastern corner of the
western field along what is thought to be the line of a former ditch (now infilled). It will
then run parallel to the hedge into the wildlife mitigation area, approximately 1m from
the hedge where it will be connected to Pond A. A French drain will be formed
between Pond A and Pond B (See Fig.3).
It may be possible to run both the northern section of the land drain and cable trench
in the same excavation.

5.3 Terrestrial habitat

The terrestrial habitat required as mitigation will largely be created by the cessation
of the current mowing regime to allow rough grassland/meadow to develop.
Additional features will be required to provide more immediate areas of cover for
GCN and this will take the form of a purpose built hibernaculum constructed of clean
brick rubble/hardcore with a top soil cap (see Fig.3). Three log piles totalling
approximately 6m3 will also be created.

5.4 Cable diversion (See Fig.2)

It is proposed that the diverted electric cable is run from the existing school building
on the eastern side of the school, through the southern playing field into the western
playing field and then through the wildlife mitigation area. The cable will then
continue into the scrubby vegetation just north of the school fenceline (but within the
school boundary) where it will be jointed onto the existing cable.
Pending a site visit by UK Power Networks (UKPN) it is assumed that the schools
nominated contractors will form the cable trench and install the ducting, subject to
UKPN specification (Fig.4). In this way the trench can be backfilled and cable
installed by UKPN without any further disturbance.

BKC Ltd HANKHAM school –Method statement V2 September 2013 3

5.5 Scrub clearance & cable jointing
In order to connect the new (diverted) cable to the existing cable a small area of
bramble scrub will need to be cleared. Reduction of the scrub will be limited to only
2m2 and will be undertaken whilst GCN are still active (and outside of the bird
nesting season). The scrub will initially be cut down to 150mm above ground level so
that any sheltering animals can be easily observed. UKPN’s timetable for jointing the
two cables is currently uncertain, however once an ecologist has established that
there are no GCN present within the cleared area of scrub the pit can be excavated
to allow UKPN contractors to join the cable. Depending on ground/access conditions
the pit may be dug by hand, subject to the timing of the works and the ecologists
If left overnight or for a longer period the excavation for the electrical jointing will be
covered by metal or ply sheeting and then backfilled with soil to ensure there are no
voids between the sheet and the ground.

Figure 1 : Habitat creation & cabling works

6.0 Mitigation
The proposed works are of a small scale , are of a short duration and will result in
temporary disturbance to largely sub-optimal terrestrial habitat. Given this a
reasonably straightforward approach to mitigation can be adopted to reduce the risk
of encountering or harming GCN.
A ‘Toolbox Talk” will be prepared to familiarise all contractors with the legislation in
respect of GCN, their identification and welfare. The following safe working practices
will be undertaken as described below :

BKC Ltd HANKHAM school –Method statement V2 September 2013 4

6.1 Excavations & other groundworks

• Prior to any heavy machinery being used within the works area the area is to
be checked by an experienced GCN ecologist . Particular attention is to be
paid to any objects/materials/features that may provide shelter for GCN.
• Once it has been confirmed that no GCN are within the working area heavy
machinery can be brought into the area.
• Where the ponds are to be excavated the turfs should be saved to dress the
bare edges of the pond.
• Any open excavations/trenches for the cabling or drainage are to be backfilled
by end of the day to avoid GCN migrating into the excavations overnight.
• If it is necessary to leave trenches/excavations open overnight pieces of
timber are to be left in the trenches to allow GCN to crawl out. The trenches
are to be inspected by an experienced ecologist immediately prior to

6.2 Spoil & materials storage

• Unwanted spoil from the pond excavations etc must be removed from the
field by the end of the day.
• If spoil is to be stored it must be placed on ply boards supported at the edges
by battens to raise the edges of the board off the ground.
• Any other materials must be stored off the ground (ie on pallets) if left


Any GCN that are encountered will be immediately released into areas of suitable
cover away from the works. The Toolbox talk will include instructions should
contractors encounter GCN when the ecologist is off site.

6.0 References
Kemp (July 2013) : Ecological Method Statement for mobile classroom installation at
Hankham C of E Primary School.
Natural England (June 2013) : Hankham Church of England Primary School, East
Sussex – Classroom extension and repositioning project -Natural England pre-
licence application advice : Great Crested Newts

BKC Ltd HANKHAM school –Method statement V2 September 2013 5

Figure 2 : Habitat creation and cabling route

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Figure 3 : Pond & hibernaculum specification

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Figure 4 : UKPN Specifications

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