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November 21, 2023

Dela Cruz Melvin U.



Bored and Brilliant Being bored and brilliant pave its way to make things and work done
easily and it helps you unlock all the possibilities in life.

1. What was the speaker's project/ idea?

 The speakers project and idea was all about the lost art of taking a break
which has becoming bored and brilliant oppositely

2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?

 Many people are concerned that their relationship with their phone has
become more codependent, which is a behavioral action that contributes to
addiction, poor mental health, or academic underachievement.

 That person claimed that looking at one's phone was dangerous if not used
properly. Cell phones are powerful tools that are incredibly beneficial.

 Most people believe that if they don't pay close attention to their phones,
they will lose an hour of time.

3. Was her project informative? list down all the information you learned
from her ted talk.

 Yes, they work with various applications that track how much time we
spend on our phones each day because they utilize phones for people as

 Discovered that the way technology is created has an impact on behavior.

On the third day, the challenge was to delete all of the apps you had
installed on your phone.
 Some of the participants in the challenge initially felt humiliated and
emotionally lonely, but they soon understood the importance of not
allowing your phone to make that decision for you.

4. How frequently do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the
speaker's challenge? Why?

 When I was bored, I would occasionally wait for someone or browse social
media sites to see their status updates.

 Yes, it was very interesting to think about what you would do if you deleted
all of your social media accounts.

 Perhaps you would start thinking about vour next steps. Forexample, you
might decide to start working out to improve your health.

5. What are the possible implications of multitasking? do we finish more, or

do we complete fewer tasks than focusing on one task at a time?

 Multitasking can sometimes have negative effects. For example, when

working on a task or project, multitasking is beneficial since it allows us to
advance our workloads simultaneously, but when we see it, the task or
project advances slowly.

 I found that finishing fewer tasks at once was preferable to concentrating

on one activity at a time since doing so helps you become more productive
because there are numerous ways to complete the task at hand.

6. According to the search engineer at google, why is the technology built to

trigger social media users an itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?

 Technology has changed how we feel when we are not on our phones,
making us feel a little bit crazy and emotionally uncomfortable at first,
as well as lonely.

 This is because people are addicted to using phones and other gadgets,
which has driven some people slightly insane.

 Many people believe that if they aren't paying close attention to their
phones, they will notice that they have lost an hour of time.

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