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Dela Cruz Melvin U.

Date: November 20, 2023


1. Has McLuhan’s ideal of a ‘global village’ become reality?

2. To what extent does global media serve as guardian of free speech, democracy,
and justice?
3. What is the ‘message’ of new social media?


The adage the medium is the message is McLuhan's most well- known notion.
The term "global village" has been used to convey the notion that people all
over the world are connected through the usage of new media technologies
(Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy, 1962).

1. How the communities are entwined and interconnected as a result of the

effect of so-called contemporary technology using the analogy of the
nervous system of a human. in the same way that an optic nerve sends
visual information from the eye to the brain. Everything is networked,
much as electrical signals from the ear are sent to the auditory nerve,
which then sends the signals to the brain. enough biological metaphors
and jargon.

2. The "global community" is now a reality thanks to globalization. By

using the media's efforts, rather than waiting until 6 p.m. With TV Patrol
News, we can access all the information we need via our cellphones,
receiving news from every corner of the world. Communication has never
been simpler.
3. According to how some define "internet culture," the global community
with netizens as an identity has been developed on the internet. It
accelerated globalization's dominance of the world as the internet
continued to develop and advance. When you confiscated someone's
phone, it was like taking away their freedom. The names "netizens,"
"internet culture," and "globalization" are not only contrived for the sake
of using them; they are actually present in reality, as demonstrated by
the concepts of these terms. In conclusion, exactly as McLuhan predicted
in 1967, the "global village" is already a reality.

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