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COMPFP1 CE-1B-F 3:30-6:10PM

BSCE 3RD YEAR October 2, 2023

The official newsletter of the Professional Computer Engineers of the Philippines

Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines
(DVD) format, which can contain more data
and thus provide better resolution and
Recent Trends in Information Technology
There is a continuing development in information
Science and Information Technology. Improvements in quality, especially if used
hardware and software are introduced almost a daily with flat TVs. Electronic
basis. Processing speed has been constantly doubling games are becoming more
realistic with new titles for the PC,
nearly every 18 months. With each New Year comes
Playstation 2, Game Gear, and X Box, which
new set of information systems
are the top gaming consoles.
The rise of electronic information
systems - from the early Electronic Data
Improvements in Artificial Intelligence
Processing (EDP) and
and Robotics - Artificial Intelligence,
or the ability of an artifact to imitate
System (MIS)
functions of human thought, has been
used by
significantly improving. Artificial
intelligence is currently utilized for
game-playing, being processing,
businesses, and
information space technology, and
robotics. Robotics is the ability of a
systems have risen to the level where
machine to mimic human thought and
they are not utilized only by companies,
behavior. In 2003, Honda Corporation of
but are part and parcel of the
Japan introduced its robot named Asimo,
organization itself. Now, businesses have
which could walk quite easily and climb
evolved into electronic business
stairs. It could also answer questions
enterprises (e-business), and are using
and reply to queries as
e-commerce in generating new markets for
if having a conversation
their products. Electronic information
with another human
systems have risen to the point where
they provide fast, accurate and almost
unlimited information to business
managers that will help them make
decisions on almost all facets of their Higher Education and IT Trends -
enterprise: production, quality control, ever-changing trends in IT greatly affect the functions
and marketing inventory. The European and goals of higher education. The rapid increase in
Union (EU) has recently announced that new hardware, software and information systems has
they will try e-government, where they spawned new jobs and work specializations. Higher-
will use electronic information systems education institutions have monitored these changes
in creating policies, conducting and have introduced new, specialized courses. IT
elections, and managing governmental courses are now varied: desktop publishing, information
affairs and activities. management, and robotics are now being offered as
part of degree courses.
Highly-detailed entertainment systems -
many families now watch and record their -Reuter-
favorite films in Digital Versatile Disk June 30, 2012
Facebook Founder and CEO
B eing the creator of the World Wide Web is an impressive
item on any resume, and it certainly helped Tim Berners-
performance. Wozniak designed the original Apple computer in
1975 with Apple's current CEO, Steve Jobs, and wrote most of the

s one of the youngest self-made Lee become the 3Com Founders Professor of Engineering software. Ten years later he cofounded Pixar, the award-winning
billionaires in history, Mark at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008. As a animation studio. He left Apple in 1985 to spend time with his
Zuckerberg could have his choice of professor in the electrical engineering and computer science family, work on community projects, and teach, but he still serves
the finest things in life. Instead, he lives very departments, he researches social and technical collaboration on the as an advisor to the corporation. Wozniak was inducted into the
modestly and walks to Facebook's Palo Alto Internet. Berners-Lee's interest in sharing information via Web Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame and the National Inventors
headquarters. servers, browsers, and Web addresses developed in 1989 while Hall of Fame. One of his current passions is applying artificial
working at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear intelligence to the area of robotics. He also is a member of the
Both Microsoft and AOL had recruited Zuckerberg during his Research, in Geneva, Switzerland. He continued to improve his Silicon Valley Aftershocks, a polo team that plays using Segway
senior year in high school in New Hampshire. He declined their job design of a program that tracked random associations for several electric transportation devices.
offers and decided to attend Harvard. In college, he and some years and then became the director of the World Wide Web
friends developed several projects, laying the foundation that led to Consortium (W3C), a forum to develop Web standards, in 1994.
Facebook's eventual start. Harvard administrators claimed these Recently, Queen Elizabeth bestowed the Order of Merit - the
Web sites violated students' privacy. He, however, had instant highest civilian honor - upon the British-born Berners-Lee.
success launching Facebook from his dorm room, and the Web
site's popularity quickly spread to other Ivy League and Boston-
area colleges and then worldwide. He left his studies at Harvard
University in 2004 and moved to California.

Today, Zuckerberg says he spends the majority of his time running

the $15 billion company on very little sleep.

Apple Co-founder

Mixing fun with work comes naturally for Steve

Wozniak. As Apple's co-founder, he says his
computer designing career began and still
continues to be a hobby filled with creativity,
TIM BERNERS-LEE humor, games, and education. In his opinion,
Creator of the World Wide Web Apple's success evolved because he designed
computers that had minimal parts and maximum

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