Friday English Iii

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Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras

English level III


1. Talk about weather conditions
2. Give and response to advice
3. Talk about things you do on vacation
4. Discuss place you want to visit

Answer the following questions

1. What is your ideal place to go on vacation? Why?
2. Would you like to go on vacation to another country? Where? Why?


1. Vocabulary
A. Study the information bellow about the region of Orellana, Ecuador. Then circle the correct words to
describe the weather there now.

B. Draw a weather report for your city. Use the example above as a guide.

C. The weather report. Watch this video and you have the opportunity to practice the previous vocabulary.

D. Giving advice (La mayor parte del tiempo utilizamos el verbo Should / shouldn’t para dar consejos)
Should: deberías. Shouldn’t : no deberias

E. Grammar (so, but, or)

Pág.1 de 3

Carrera 28 No.5 – 267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo – Colombia

Nit: 892.200.323-9
Cel: 3205680817 FOR-CO-008_Ver.9.0
Pagina Web: Correo
Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras

• But (pero,sino) lo usamos para contrastar ideas o opiniones

• So (resultado) Lo usamos para introducir un resultado
• Or (o) lo usamos para dar opciones
F. Taking into account the previous explanation, please make sentences using (so, but, or)

Example: I love cats but I hate dogs

G. Oona is introducing you to her city. Read the sentences and complete them with (So, Bur, or)

Answer here: 1.____ 2._____3._____4.______5_____.6______

I. Now imagine a visitor is coming to your city. What will you tell him or her? Use the sentences above as a
guide. Complete the sentences below with your own. (imagina que un visitante viene a tu ciudad. Que le
diras?. Usa las oraciones de arriba como guia y complete las oraciones de abajo con tu propia informacion)

1. I like to show visitors beautiful places, _________________________________

2. During the day, _____________________is famous for ______________, _____at
3. Sometimes it’s crowded in the city,________________________________________________
4. For a fancy night out, __________________________________________________________
5. City life is expensive, ______there are plenty of free things to do, too, I like to
6. Just outside my city, you can_____________________________________________________

J. VACATION. Look at the places below.

Pág.2 de 3

Carrera 28 No.5 – 267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo – Colombia

Nit: 892.200.323-9
Cel: 3205680817 FOR-CO-008_Ver.9.0
Pagina Web: Correo
Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras

Which of the places above would you choose for your next vacation and why?


Pág.3 de 3

Carrera 28 No.5 – 267 Barrio Puerta Roja – Sincelejo – Colombia

Nit: 892.200.323-9
Cel: 3205680817 FOR-CO-008_Ver.9.0
Pagina Web: Correo

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