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Learning Data Analytics: 1 Foundations

With Robin Hunt

Use these terms and definitions below to understand concepts taught in the course.

Transcript Search: note that you can search for terms directly within the course. To search video text, switch to
the Transcripts tab, then press Cmd/Ctrl + F on your keyboard to run a search within the active transcript.

Term Definition

cross join Joins every record in one table with every record in another table

data analyst Someone who will conduct a detailed examination of information in

digital form, which is used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or
calculation, in order to study or determine the information’s nature,
relationships, or essential features

data governance A plan that ensures datasets are understandable, correct, secure, and

inner join Joins records in tables that match with fields in other tables

Power Query A data transformation and data preparation engine that comes with a
graphical interface for retrieving data from sources, and a Power Query
Editor for applying transformations

source data Data that comes from an original and unmanipulated source

SQL Structured Query Language; a domain-specific language used in

programming and designed for managing data stored in a relational
database management system

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