The Differences of English Teaching-1

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Definition of Teaching from expert


Definition of method


Types of teaching methods


Choosing the differences of english teaching method between the two

Reason choose those school


The act of conveying knowledge, skills, and values to others is known as teaching. It entails the
dissemination of knowledge and concepts to promote comprehension and learning. A range of
places, including schools, colleges, businesses, and unstructured environments, can be used for
teaching. In order to engage students, support their learning, and assist them in reaching their
learning objectives, effective teaching entails the use of the appropriate approaches and strategies.
The purpose of a teacher is to foster a welcoming and encouraging learning atmosphere, offer
suggestions and comments, and assist students in acquiring the abilities and knowledge necessary
for success. The growth of people and society as a whole depends on effective teaching because it
promotes innovation, creativity, and critical thinking.

Learning is a conscious and deliberate process of change, referring to existence systemic activities to
change for the better of a person individual. (Andi Setiawan, 2017). Teaching is one of the teaching-
learning activities. The main task and responsibility of the teacher/instructor is to manage pursuits
more effectively, dynamically, efficiently and positively, which is characterized by the existence of
awareness and active connection between the two teaching subjects, namely the teacher as the
initial initiator and influence and guide, while the students as who experience and are actively
involved in obtaining personal change in teaching. (Ahmad Rohani, 2004). According to (Yolandasari,
2020: 17) Learning is also defined as the process of providing guidance or assistance to students in
carrying out the learning process.

Learning is described as "a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and
increases the potential for improved performance and future learning" (Ambrose et al., 2010, p.3).
The learner's conduct, attitude, or level of knowledge may all alter. Learning causes students to
develop new perspectives on concepts, ideas, and/or the world. Students individually are
responsible for learning rather than having it done to them. It is directly related to how pupils
respond to and understand their experiences. Although there are distinctions between disciplines in
what students learn, it's crucial to remember that in university courses, studying content or
information is just one aspect of learning. No matter their topic of study, students must have many
opportunity to develop and put their intellectual abilities, such as problem-solving and scientific
inquiry, as well as their motor abilities and attitudes and values, to use. Additionally, students
require chances to acquire interpersonal and social abilities, sometimes known as "soft skills," which
are crucial for both professional and personal success. Teamwork, effective communication, conflict
resolution, and innovative thinking are some examples of these abilities. As teaching assistants and
instructors, it is important for us to remember that learning encompasses a variety of cognitive
processes in addition to memorizing facts and understanding concepts.

A teacher's chosen style of instruction is how they systematically deliver, receive, and share
knowledge. Geoffrey defines a teaching method as the procedure a teacher uses in the classroom to
transfer knowledge and skills. It implies the application of instructional concepts and theories;
examples include class participation, demonstrations, and recitation.

In Indonesia there are public school and private school. Public school is school managed by the
government, while private schools are managed by foundations. Which is better? Which can be
more empowering? If we refer to the historical approach, private schools have an earlier history of
being established than state schools because the State of Indonesia de facto and de jure only
became independent on August 17 1945. At that time, the Minister of National Education (Minister
of Teaching) was Ki Hadjar Dewantara. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the arrangement
of W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, that "method is an orderly and well-thought-out way to achieve a goal".
is a systematic way of working to make an activity easier to achieve the purpose.

In Teaching learning as foreign language, there are have some methods which used such as GTM
(Google Translate Method), Audiolingual Method, Cognitive Method, Direct Method, TPR (Total
Physical Method, Suggestopedia Method, and Silent Way Method.

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