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EIA Definition

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can be defined as the systematic identification and

evaluation of the potential impacts (effects) of proposed projects, plans, programs or

legislative actions relative to the physical, chemical, biological, cultural and socio-economic

components of the total environment.

EIA, involves a number of procedures and stages:

1. Identification of projects requiring EIA, sometimes known as screening

2. Identification of the key issues to be addressed in an EIA, called scoping

3. Impact assessment and evaluation

4. Impact mitigation and monitoring

5. Review of the completed Environmental Impact Statement and

6. Public participation.

Evolution & History of EIA

EIA is termed as one of the best policy innovations in the 1900s. The main aim of EIA is to

conserve the environment and bring out the best combination of economic and environmental

costs and benefits.

1. The birth of EIA is dated back to the 1970s. In 1969, The USA had brought its

first National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) 1969.

2. The EIA was initially practised by developed nations but slowly it was also introduced in

developing nations including India.

3. Columbia and the Philippines are the earliest examples of developing nations who

introduced EIA in their policies. Columbia brought it in 1974 while the Philippines in 1978.
4. Worldwide, EIA is now practised in more than 100 countries. By the mid-1990s, some 110

countries applied EIA as a major environmental policy.

5. In 1989, EIA was adopted as the major development project by the World Bank.

Classification of EIA:

EIA can be classified based on the purpose and the theme of development. EIA can be

1. Climate impact assessment,

2. Demographic impact assessment,

3. Development impact assessment,

4. Ecological impact assessment,

5. Economic and fiscal impact assessment,

6. Health impact assessment, risk assessment,

7. Social impact assessment,

8. Strategic impact assessment,

9. Technology assessment.
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006

The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006, is the governing legal

instrument to grant green clearance for the establishment or expansion of an industry on the

basis of the potential environmental impact of the project. The notification in recent times has

been revised several times since its introduction in 1994.

Environment Impact Assessment Selection and Registration criteria

1. The completion of the EIA review process is a regulated requirement for projects or

undertakings that are listed in Schedule A of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Regulation. 2. The Regulation also identifies the Category and applicable fee for the projects

or undertakings listed under Schedule A.

3. The Sustainable Development and Impact Evaluation Branch of the Department manages

the EIA process and at the conclusion of the process, the Minister can: Issue a Determination

allowing the project to proceed subject to conditions imposed to protect the environment;

Deny the project with the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, or; Require further

study to assess the nature and significance of the potential impacts.

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