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Power Electronics (EE31011) - Tutorial 2

1. A three-phase bridge rectifier is supplied from a Y-connected 208 V 60 Hz supply. The average load
current is 60 A and has negligible ripple. Calculate the percentage reduction of output voltage due to
commutation if the line inductance per phase is 0.5 mH.
2. A single-phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier with a freewheeling diode across the load as shown in
figure below is connected to a constant current source of 10 A.
a. Calculate Vd and the average power Pd when Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz and Ls = 0
b. Calculate commutation angle µ, Vd, and Pd when Vs = 120 V at 60 Hz and Ls = 5 mH
c. Plot the is waveform and calculate µ, Vd, and Pd if vs has a 60 Hz square waveform with an
amplitude of 200 V and Ls = 5 mH.

3. In a three-phase half wave fully controlled rectifier as shown below, the balanced three-phase voltages
va, vb, and vc have an rms value of 120 V at 60 Hz. Assume Ls = 5 mH and Id = 10 A is a dc current.
For the following two values of the delay angle α, obtain va, ia and vd waveforms. Calculate the
average value of Vd and the commutation interval µ at (a) 45o and (b) 135o

4. A single-phase half-controlled converter shown below.

a. Draw vs, is and vd waveforms and identify the devices conducting for various intervals for the
following values of α: 45o, 90o, and 135o.
b. Calculate DPF, PF and %THD for Vd = ½ Vdo, where Vdo is the dc output at α = 0
c. Repeat part (b) for a full-bridge converter.

5. The three-phase half-controlled converter shown in the below figure is supplying a highly inductive
load. Calculate the value of the delay angle α for which Vd = 0.5 Vdo. Draw vd waveform and identity
the devices that conduct during various intervals. Obtain DPF, PF and %THD in the input line current
and compare results with a full-bridge converter operating at Vd = 0.5 Vdo. Assume Ls = 0. Vdo is the
average dc voltage with α = 0o.

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