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Autotroph vs Heterotroph
Autotroph vs Heterotroph

 Autotroph = can make  Heterotroph = can only

organic material from take organic material
inorganic compound from other organisms
What is organic material and
inorganic compound?
 Sugar  CO
 Protein  CO2
 Lipid  NaCl
 Enzyme  H2 O
 Nucleic acid
Why is Photosynthesis
Makes organic molecules (glucose) out
of inorganic materials (carbon dioxide
and water).
It begins all food chains/webs. Thus
all life is supported by this process.
It also makes oxygen gas!!
Photosynthesis-starts to ecological food webs!
 Autotrophic Process: Plants and plant-like
organisms make their food (glucose) from
inorganic molecules with energy from sunlight.
 Stored as carbohydrate in their bodies.
 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen
absorbed by chlorophyll

6CO2 + 6H2O + energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2

As can be seen from the equation for photosynthesis, the

wood, bark, and root came from water and carbon
Materials and product of
 Take in CO2 through stomata by diffusion
 Absorption H2O through root by osmosis and
transported to leaf through xylem
 Chloroplast contain chlorophyll that trap
light energy. Energy is used to break up
water and then bond H and CO2
 Main product is glucose and waste product is
means "putting together with light."
Plants use sunlight to turn water and
carbon dioxide into glucose. Glucose is a
kind of sugar.
Plants use glucose to:
Respiration - energy
Convert to sucrose – transport via phloem
Convert to cellulose – cell wall
Convert to starch – storage
Convert to oil and protein
Plant leaves have many types of cells!
Leaf Structure
Plant Cells
Relate the leaf structure to the functions

 Cuticle – waterproof, wax

 Upper epidermis – tight packed, transparent, no
 Palisade mesophyll – columnar cell with
vertically packed, many chloroplast
 Spongy mesophyll – spherical cell with loosely
packed, lack chloroplast, many air spaces
 Vascular bundle – xylem and phloem
 Lower epidermis – stomata present.
 Stomata – surrounded by guard cells that can
changed in shape
Nitrate and Magnesium in
 Nitrate ions – to synthesis amino acid
(proteins). Proteins are for enzyme,
hormone, cytoplasm, etc.
 Can u describe the use and the dangers of
Nitrogen fertilized usage.
 Magnesium ions – component of chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll used for trapping light
Deficiency of nitrate and
 Nitrate ions.
on plants
 Grow slowly
 Weak stem
 Magnesium ions.

 Leaves turn yellow, and unable to photosynthesis

How to prove photosynthesis?

 By investigate the product of photosynthesis.

(Starch and O2)
 By investigate the raw materials needed in
photosynthesis. (CO2, H2O, sunlight)
Testing a leaf for starch
 Boiling leaf in water
 Boiling leaf in alcohol
 Rinse the leaf in water
 Spread the leaf out on a white tile
 Add iodine solution
Experiment to show O2 is produced
in photosynthesis
 The number of oxygen
bubble will determine
the rate of
To investigate CO2 in
 Soda-lime will absorb
 Sodium hydrogen
carbonate will produce
To investigate light in
 Destarch plant in pot
by put it in dark
place for 2 days
 Cover one or two
leaves with
aluminium foil and let
the rest open
 Aluminium foil will
prevent the sunlight
absorbed by the
Factors that affect

 There are three factors that affect the

rate of photosynthesis:
 Light intensity
 Carbon dioxide
 Temperature

Remember, how we measure rate of

Limiting factors and photosynthesis
 What affects photosynthesis?
 Lightintensity: as light increases, rate of
photosynthesis increases
Photosynthesis limiting factors
 What affects photosynthesis?
 Carbon Dioxide: As CO2 increases, rate of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis limiting factors
 What affects photosynthesis?
 Temperature:
 Temperature Low = Rate of photosynthesis low
 Temperature Increases = Rate of photosynthesis increases
 If temperature too hot, rate drops
Photosynthesis limiting factors
 Limiting factor is the external factor which
restricts the effects of others. When a number
of factors are needed, it is the one in shortest
supply (furthest from optimum level).
 For example, at night the limiting factor is likely
to be the light intensity as this will be the
furthest from its optimum level. During the day,
the limiting factor is likely to switch to the
temperature or the carbon dioxide
concentration as the light intensity increases.
Greenhouse systems

 CO2 enrichment
 Heat control
 Light intensity control

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