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(Ivlh Term
Total Marks- 100 Time - 3hrs
Date- 10Oct 23

1. Use
2. Do not
blue/black ball pint pen only.
write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If
anything, the act will be as an attempt to resort to
unfair means.
3. Allquestions are Considered as
4. The compulsory.
number to the right indicates full
5. Dravw marks.
diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Short Answer Questions (Any 4 out of 5) (7x4=28)
(a) Emphysema
(b) Colorectal polyps
(C) Classify cystic disease of the kidney. Describe the pathogenesis of
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
(d) Molecular basis of endometrial carcinoma
(e) Pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis

2. Define and classify Cirrhosis. Describe the pathogenesis, gross and

changes in alcoholic cirrhosis. Enlist the precursor lesions of hepatocellular

3. Short Answer Questions (Any 4 out of 5)

(a) Ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's disease.
(b) Prognostic markers in breast carcinoma
(c) Enumerate Non -Seminomalous gem cell tumour of testis, Add a note on
histology of teratoma
(d) Pleuralfluid examination
(e) Ftiopathogenesis and microscoplc teatures of Infection related

4. A65 year old hypertensive male prestied to medical emergency with history of
insidious onset gradually progressive chest pain rad1ating to left shoulder and jaw
accompanied with breathlessness Since last 10-12 hours. On examination he as
found to have aheart rate of 126bpm and blood pressure of 160/100 mnHg right
arm supine. (1+1+4+4+2=12)
(a) What is the most likely diagnosis
(b) Enlist the investigations you will ask for to confirmthe diagnosis
(c) Describe the pathogenesis of this condition
(d) What are the gross and morphological changes in the heart in this patient
(e) What are the likely complications

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