Soal PAS Bhs Inggris Kelas IX

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap mintalah pengganti pada pengawas ruang
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian

I. Jawablah soal - soal dengan benar, dengan menghitamkan lingkaran ( ) A, B, C, atau D berikut ini!

1. The best wishes relating to the picture is . . . . The following dialog is for question 5.
Edo : Happy birthday. Lia
Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the first person who
congratulate me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I
hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best

5. Edo gives Lia a present because . . . .

A. she likes a present
A. Congratulations on being the OSIS Chairman. B. she asks Edo to give it
B. Congratulations on being the best singer C. she wins a competition
C. Congratulations on your great success D. she is celebrating her birthday
D. Congratulations on your graduation
The following text is for questions 6 and 7.
The following dialog is for questions 2 to 4. To: Putri
Arief : Who won the Dermayon sing competition
yesterday? Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner
Dewi : I did. I won the first prize. of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how
Arief : Well done. (2). . . . hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you we wish
Dewi : Thank you. What about your bike race? you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular
Arief : Wish me luck, Dewi. I will take part in a bike race singer someday.
tomorrow. Your friend
Dewi : Sure, good luck. (3) . . . .
Arief : (4). . . . Reni

2. ..... 6. The purpose of the writer is . . . .

A. I’m glad to hear that A. To express hopes and wishes to her friend
B. You’re welcome B. To give her luck to her friend
C. That’s too bad C. To ask for luck to her friend
D I’m sorry D. To congratulates her friend

3. ..... 7. from the text we know that Putri is . . . of FLS2N

A. I hope you will win the race A. the best student
B. I hope you will be happy B. the best speaker
C. I hope you are alright C. the best teacher
D. I hope so, too D. the best singer

4. .....
A. I’m sorry C. You’re welcome
B. Sure, good luck D. Thank you so much
The following dialog is for questions 8 to 14. To show his agreement, Roy also may say . . . .
Rendy : “I don’t feel well. I’m cathing a cold.” A. That’s wrong
Rose : “You should go to the doctor. B. That’s not true
Rima : “ (8) . . . . Just take a good rest and drink C. I’m disagree with you
a lot of water, Rendy.” D. I couldn’t agree with you more
Ranty : “(9) . . . . You should go to the doctor. I
think you need to take medicine.”
Ririn : “(10) . . . , Ranty. Too much medicine is The following text is for questions 15 to 18.
not good. KRATON TEA
Rahma : “I think the best to do is go home. Your (For the perfect cup of tea)
mom and dad know better what should you
do.” Use I bag per cup
Pour fresh bubbling water over tea bag step 3 for 5 minutes
8. ..... and remove tea bag
A. I couldn’t agree with you more NET weight 60 ml
B. I disagree with you Best before : 6 august 2018
C. I agree with you
D. That’s right 15. The name of the product is . . . .
A. Over tea
9. ..... B. Cup tea
A. I agree with Rose C. Kraton tea
B. I don’t agree with Rose D. Remove tea
C. I don’t think Rose is right
D.. I’m not sure about Rose’s opinion 16. To make a perfect cup of tea we should use . . . .
A. one bag per cup
10. ..... B. two bags per cup
A. I don’t think so C. That’s true C. three bags per cup
B. you are right D. I guess so D. four bags per cup

The following dialog is for questions 11 and 12. 17. According to the label, the product should be used . . . .
Zalfa : A. after six august two thousand and eighteen
Maula :
B. after six august two thousand and nineteen
Zalfa : I will study English in London this year.
I’ll be missing you so much. C. before six august two thousand and eighteen
D. before six august two thousand and nineteen
I’ll give you my number.(11) . . you can call me whenever
you want. 18. The purpose of the text is . . . .
Ok. I promise I will study hard(12) . . . graduate soon. A. to advertise the product
B. to tell the value of the drink
11. ..... C. to describe the drink product
A. in order to C. but D. to give a detailed information about the product
B. so that D. and
The following text is for questions 19 to 21.
12. ..... Each chewable tablet contains:
A. so C. in order to Rifampicin 75 mg, Isoniazid 50 mg
B. so that D. in spite of and
Pyrazinamide 150 gr
The following dialog is for questions 13 and 14.
Roy : You know, we will have an English test 19. The text above talks about . . . .
tomorrow. What if we study it now? A. the use of medicine
Fira : Sure, that’s a good idea! Let’s go to my house B. the side effect of medicine
now. C. the ingredients of medicine
D. the way to take the medicine
13. From dialogue, we may assume that . . . .
A. Roy agrees with Fira 20. “Each chewable contains”.
B. Roy has different idea The underlined world is closest meaning to . . . .
C. Roy disagrees with Fira A. consist of C. obtain
D. Roy is not sure about the idea B. described D. offers

21. How many isoniazid contained on each tablet?

A. 50 g C. 50 mg
B. 45 g D. 45 mg
The following text is for questions 22 to 26. 27. The text talks about . . . .
HOW TO MAKE A PAPER MASK A. how to write a procedure text
B. how to make mango juice
Materials : C. how to cook a nice dish
- Thick paper D. how to blend mango
- Scissors
- Two rubber bands
- Colouring pencils 28. Based on the instruction, pouring the juice into a glass
- a cutter is the last . . . .
- a pencil A. steps C. equipment
B. utensils D. ingredients
Steps :
1. Draw a pattern of a face as you like on the thick paper
29. The . . . is the equipment used to make the juice.
2. Colour or decorate your drawing
3. Use the scissors to cut out the picture, follow the line A. refrigerator C. stove
4. Use the cutter to make a small hole for each ear B. juicer D. iron
5. Tie a rubber band on each hole
6. Finally, try your mask on by hooking the rubber band The following dialog is for questions 30 and 31.
on your ears. Adi : Look! Mrs. Nina (30) her motorcycle without
wearing a helmet.
22. The text mainly discusses . . . . Rudi : Too bad. She (31) wearing a helmet to protect her
A. The way to make a paper mask head.
B. The steps of using a paper mask
C. How to cut the paper using scissors 30. .....
D. The materials needed to make a mask A. is riding C. rides
B. to ride D. ride
23. We need . . . paper to make the mask
A. thin C. hand 31. .....
B. thick D. soft A. will be C. don’t be
B. Should be D. to be
24. To make the holes on the eyes we need . . . .
A. a pair of scissors C. a trowel The following text is for question 32 to 34.
B. a sharp knife D. a cutter My uncle is a very good badminton player. Now he is
practicing hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two day
ago when I went to his house to ask him to cut my hair, he
25. To put the mask on your face, you should . . . .
was not at home. My aunt said he (32). . . badminton in
A. cut the holes for the eyes the sport hall. I understand I should not disturb him now
B. cut a big hole for the mouth because he (33). . . for the match. Next week I will have
C. tie a rubber band on your nose no time to play around because I (34) . . . all his matches.
D. hook the rubber bands on your ears
32. .....
26. We should draw a . . . of face before cutting thick A. practices C. is practicing
paper. B. Practiced D. was practicing
A. shadow C. hole
B. pattern D. line 33. .....
A. prepares C. is preparing
The following text is for questions 27 to 29. B. prepared D. was preparing
34. .....
Ingredients A. is watching C. will be watching
1. a piece of mango B. was watching D. has been watching
2. a half glass of water
3. a glass of ice cubes
4. a spoon of sugar The following dialog is for questions 35 to 38.
Luna and Tere is in their office room. They are having a
Methods talk.
1. Peel the mango and clean it Luna : By the way (35) you had your lunch?
2. Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer. Tere : No, I haven’t
3. Add water, ice cubes and sugar Luna : Let’s eat
4. Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes Tere : But. I haven’t (36) my tasks yet
5. Pour the juice into a glass, and it’s ready to drink Luna : No worries. I am going to help you after eating.
It’s my treat. I have just (37) my writing fee
Tere : wow, you (38) a rich woman
Luna : oh thank you, I hope so. Come on!
35. ..... The following dialog is for questions 39 and 40.
A. do C. are Siti : “Hi, Lina. I heard that you (39) . . . Darussalam
B. does D. have Orphan home yesterday.”
Lina : “Yes. I did. Finally I’m very happy now that I (40)
36. ..... . . . them.
A. finish C. finishing They are happy kids. I want to know them better. I think I
B. finished D. unfinished can learn a lot from them.

37. ..... Siti : “Good on you. Let’s visit them again soon.”
A. receive C. received
B. receives D. receiving 39. .....
A. visit C. have visited
38. ..... B. visited D. was visiting
A. is being C. are being
B. has been D. have been 40. .....
A. met C. have met
B. meet D. was meeting

II. Essay!
41. Complete the conversation below with suitable expression!
Rina : I’ll have an English exam tomorrow.
: I’m so nervous. Wish me luck please.
Susan : Sure, . . . .

42. Complete the conversation below with the suitable expression!

Tina : look! Our class is dirty and messy. We must clean it before the teacher come to the class.
Lina : . . . Let’s clean it now.
Tina : Ok!

43. What does the instruction mean?

44. Your mother has got a lot of ripe guavas from her garden. She plans to make them juice. Help her writing the good
recipe of guava juice. Don’t forget stating the Goal, the ingredients and the methods!

45. Change the verbs in the bracket into the right form!
I know that the sun usually shines brightly in Tirtamaya Beach. But when I went there for a short tour last
December, the sun (not, shine). . . at all. It was cloudy every day. It (rain). . . again and again.

I. Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda

1 D 11 B 21 C 31 B
2 A 12 C 22 A 32 D
3 A 13 A 23 B 33 C
4 D 14 D 24 D 34 C
5 D 15 C 25 D 35 D
6 A 16 A 26 B 36 B
7 D 17 C 27 B 37 C
8 B 18 D 28 A 38 C
9 A 19 C 29 B 39 B
10 A 20 A 30 A 40 C

II. Kunci Jawaban Esay

41 Good luck. I hope you will pass the exam. (any other expressions of hope, wishes are possible)
42 I agree with you. ( any other expression og agreements are possible)
43 We must shake the bottle well before we consume it.
44 Goal : how to make guava juice
Ingredient : - ripe guava
- Caster sugar
- Ice cubes
- Water
- Condensed milk
Method : 1. Wash the guava and cut into quarters.
2. Put them into a blender.
3. Add sugar, ice, milk and water.
4. put the blender’s cap and turn on the power.
5. wait for about 3 minutes, then turn off the power.
6. pour the juice inti a glass and serve it.

45 - Was not shining

- Was raining

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