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The Consequence of Heavy Workload on Students

Rei Christian Mendoza, Richmond Karl C. Reyes, Coleen G. Lipura, Jim Bryan Balitos,
Margarette Teves, Dustin Cedrik Musnit, Clarence Diamante, Ella Asuncion, Jane Denisse
Cruz, and Emmarie Jade Castro

Grade 10, FEU Roosevelt Rodriguez

Ma. Angela Pareja

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Abstract

Chapter II: Introduction

Chapter III: Research Objectives and Discussions

Chapter IV: Scope and Delimitations

Chapter V: Methodology

Chapter VI: Results and DIscussion

Chapter VII: Conclusion

Chapter VII: References

Chapter IX:

Chapter II: Introduction


Chapter I

The impacts of a thorough workload on students have resulted in disadvantages for them,
inflicting both physical and mental detriment. The key reason for this study’s findings is the
amount of schoolwork that strains the intellectual capacity of students and limits their time for
extracurricular pursuits.

Lack of capabilities to start or even finish something can lead to many conflicts for them. Being
mounted with daily assignments from school that pile up due to less consideration or rushing
through lectures is another possibility besides feeling overpressure. The curriculum used in this
system is ineffective for teaching students. This type of system is offered by schools starting at a
very young age. They believed that by doing this, youths would be able to uncover their hidden

Students can be more productive by adjusting the quantity of schoolwork they complete each
day. They are able to finish the task if educators provide them with clear instructions rather
than obscure ones. The importance of this new approach is that it leads to students having
positive relationships with their teachers, enjoying their classes, contributing, and not being a
selective participant.

Chapter 2

Although it has been implemented and improved over the centuries, there are still many flaws
in the current education system. The same education system that has been put to use for
several years by the government as the standard that we must follow and learn.

One of those flaws is the problem regarding the workload given to students.

The current educational system focuses too much on providing students with activities that
strain their mental and physical well-being. Not only does this burden students, but it also
hinders their learning experience resulting in them not learning knowledge that is essential to
their growth. By focusing on giving activities, students will focus more attention on finishing
them to achieve a good grade instead of learning which is the mission of schools.

Chapter III

Research Objectives and Questions

Everybody knows how much a heavy workload may influence someone's life because it is
prevalent everywhere. Meaning schools are not exempt from conducting our research using our
own experiences and the students outside the campus. We are trying to achieve acknowledgment
from the teachers and schools for the topic, hoping for a result of a change. Pursuing such
objectives is crucial because these are the start of a pathway to improve students learning. Our
research project sets out to show and answer what are the effects affecting students cause by heavy
workloads. How might this affect a student's mental health and any potential implications on their
physical health? By doing so, we will understand the student's demands and points of view, which is
also a part of our research objective

Chapter IV

Scope and Delimitations

Scope and Delimitation The scope of our study is for finding the effects of heavy workload on
students emotional and physical well-being. This study is delimited for Grade 8 to Grade 11 students
composed of _ respondents aging to 14 to 17 years old of FEU Roosevelt Rodriguez for the school
year 2022-2023. The main purpose of this study is to point out the effects of heavy workload on
students emotional and physical well-being. The researchers conducted a survey during month of
Chapter V

To study this phenomenon, we employ various research methodologies that aim to gather
reliable and credible data. Mixed methods research, such as analysis of both qualitative and
quantitative data, provide a comprehensive understanding of the student's experience and
perspective of their workload. Mixed methods research allows for an in-depth analysis of linked
factors that shape workload. It provides us with an opportunity to conclude from the
participant's perspective and take variations into consideration when making resolutions on
what could happen to a student from a heavy workload. Furthermore, the case study research
methodology involves the in-depth investigation of the workload of students from FEUR
Rodriguez and also permits observation of how the heavier workload affects learners in various

Chapter VI

Results and Discussions

The findings of our qualitative analysis of the Consequences of Heavy Workload on Students
are presented in this chapter. This case study was created by examining the surveys that were
provided to students in grades 8 to 11. The researchers will continue to outline the positive
outcomes of this study before delivering the findings and concluding remarks.
The surveys are created as a result of learning the proposals of students from each level, as stated
on this topic. This study case enables us and the rest of the school community to comprehend the
students' perspectives on the curriculum. Furthermore, since the researchers had a concept
already, this will contribute to the development of our system.
Proceeding on the results, ten respondents in all completed the questionnaire on paper. Most of
the responders are approximately between the ages of 15 and 17. The youngest respondent was
certainly at least 14 years old, and the oldest was about 17 years old. In every level, grade 8
pupils are less devoid of mental capacity than the others.
Furthermore, 11 senior high school students who participated in our survey completed it. Most of
them are female. 27.3% of male students responded. High honors were the accomplishment with
the highest percentage. And the current average lies in the 93 to 94 domain. The majority of their
responses to the online survey are frequently.

Chapter VII

Results and Discussions

A heavy workload is a common issue amongst students that can affect them mentally and physically.
A large workload can cause students to feel stressed and anxious, which in turn can affect their
mental health. Overworking can lead to depression and anxiety. Physical manifestations of stress can
include fatigue, migraines, and even muscle tension.
Additionally, a heavy workload may affect students' physical health as well. They might find it
challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Long hours of studying, lack of sleep, and unhealthy
eating habits resulting from time constraints may lead to weight gain, digestive issues, and more
severe health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems.
Furthermore, students might not be able to participate in extra-curricular activities due to a large
workload. Active participation in sports and clubs is essential for physical fitness, social skills, and
personality development. Due to a lack of participation, a student can feel isolated and disconnected,
which affects their mental health and may lead to depression.
In conclusion, students need to manage their workload effectively to maintain their mental and
physical health. It is vital for students to take breaks, get proper sleep, eat well, and engage in
physical activities to balance their workload. It is also important to seek help if they feel
overwhelmed or stressed by their academic workload.

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