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PHYSICS Formulae & Definitions Bhagat Tat hat ony maghfade Buk et f direction [Scalar Vector [Physical quentity that has both mognitude and rection ‘Speed ~ Distance traveled per unit time Velocity Distance traveled per unt tine na specified deechion s Vi speed or velocity (ms) + . 5: distance or displacement (n) - time (3) Distance or displacement For constant acceleration 1 distance or daplacemer (n) 57 average velocity x time {itil velocity (ns) = Huewt - final velocity” (ms) +: time (s) (‘Acceleration Rate of change of velocity = a= Qv=y-u ‘a: acceleration (ms) At v: final velocity (ms") initial velocity (ms) time (5) ‘Acceleration of Free fall, 9 Newton's 2° Law [9 = 10ms? Fema ‘An abject falling freely under influence of gravity experiences uniform acceleration F resultant force (N) in: mass (ka) a iacceleration (ms) Mass ‘A measure of the amount of substance ina body. Gravitational field [A region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction Gravitational field strength 9 Gravitational force per unit mass L g210Nig* c Weight ~[ Force on an object due fo gravity W = mg Wiweigh? (ND mm mass (kg) :10.Neg Centre of grav “The point ona body af which its weigh? appears Yo act Densit ‘Mass per unit volume: pord =m pord: density (kgm) v m:mass (kg) V:volume_(m*) ‘Moment of a force (er torque) Product of the Force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force, = ‘Moment = Fxd T torque or moment (Nn) Ts Pad F: force (N) : perpendicular distance of the force from pivot (rm) Principle of moments of anticlockwise moments about the same point. Fora stem in qari, he sum of clockwise moments about apeint sequel fo The sam Pressure Force acting perpendicularly per unit erea PTE Ps pressure (Nm or Pa) A Fe normal force (N) Asarea (m’) Pressure due fo column oF iguid P: pressure (Nm or Pa), P= hog hs height of liquid eolume (m) : density of liquid (kgm®) _ 9: gravitational field strength (Nkg*) Pressure of gases af constant temperature | P,:initiel pressure (Nm or Po) PIV = Ve Vinita! volume (mn) - Pz: final pressure (Nm? or Po) Ves final volume (im) Energ) opacity to do work (Z) Principle of conservation of energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed ~ it can only be converted from one form to another, the total amount remaining the same. _ Werk Product of a force and the distance moved in the direction of the force WeFd Wework done (J) F: force (N) di distance moved in direction of force (m) POs Forme &Defeitions Page tof 4 Gravitational potential energy Th erergypotessed bya body de Tots eighor a poifion wa graational Fal 2 abs ra & = mgh Ey" gravitationel potential energy (J) rm mass (kg) {9° gravitational field strength (Nkg") hs vertical height (rn) Kinetic energy | “The energy possessed by a body due ta its nation Ee = Em? Ec: kinetic energy (J) rm: mass (kg) = _ velocity (ns) Power ‘Work done per unit time or rate of doing work P power (W) E or W: energy or work (J) ; 1 time (5)_ _ Conduction ‘Transfer of Thermal energy from a region of higher temperature toa region of lower temperature by molecular vibration (mostly in solids) Convection ‘Transfer of thermal energy from a region of higher femperature toa region of lower temperature de to differences in density (mostly in fds) Radiation ‘Transfer of thermal energy froma region of higher femperature toa region of lowe? ‘temperature by means of electromagnetic aves (mostly in gases or vacuum) Heat capacity € ‘Amount of thermal energy required to raise the temperature ofa body by I-Cor 1K (FC) ‘Specific heat capacity € ‘Amount of thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg (or 1 unit mass) of @ substance by 1°C (or 1K), (T kg! °C") M thermal energy C: heat eopacty (J °C") sm:mass (ka) €: specific heat capacity (J kg! °C") 0: Temperature change (°C oF K) Latent heat ‘Amount of thermal energy required te change the state of a body at constant temperature, ‘Specific latent heat of Fusion “Amount of thermal energy required to change the state of 1kg (or 1 unit mass) of @ substance from solid to liquid at constant temperature. Specific latent heat of vaporization ‘Amount of thermal energy required to change the state 1kg (or I unit mass) oF a substance ‘om liquid to vapour at constant temperature. Q = mi Qi thermal energy (J) Q= mi, im: mass (kg) 1: specific latent heat of fusion (J kg) 1: specific latent heat of veporization (Thg") “Transverse wave Vibration is perpendicular to direction of wave motion Longitudinal wave Vibrations inthe some direction os wave motion Wovefront Line joining al points which are vibrating YogeTher Amplitude @ Maximum displacement ofa perticle from ts rest postion Period T Time token fo produce one wave cycle or one osilaton t ‘T: time taken for one oscillation (s) ~ n + time token for noscilations () Fregitney F Naber of wave cyles or ofilations produced per unit time "Tred fF frequency (HB) > r T:period (9) * Wave speed v Distance traveled by the wave per nit Tine Wavelength > Distance between two consecutive crests or Troughs; oF Two consecutive compressions er rerefections vee af vi wave speed (ms) A:wavelength (m) f frequency (H3) Nernal Aline perpendicalr too warface Angle oF incidence ‘Angle between on incident ray ond the normal ‘Angle of reflection “Angle between «reflected ray and the normal Fir reflection ‘Tangle of neidence () ize rangle of reflection (°) | Angle of refraction _ ‘Angle between a refracted ray and the normal Refractive index The ratio of speed of light in vacuum to speed of ight in the medium, nirefractive index (no units) nee . speed of light in vacuum = 3xt0* ms : _ _| vispeed of light in the medium (ms) 7? al i angle of incidence (in air or vacuum) C) sine angle of refraction (in denser medium) () PHYSICS Forme &Definione, Page 2004 Grifical angle The angle of incidence n The apical dander wed for which The angle of refraction a Te] - less dense medium is 90°. - - ae 11 refractive index (no units) critica angle (2) Total internal reflection The reflection af alight withina medium. Occrs oly for ight Fravelng From av ophcaly | denser medium to less dense medium and when the age of melden thn The denser, medium is greater than the critical angle. Principal focus / Focal point The pont onthe prinepal axis of alee through whch rays parle to The prince converge after passing through the Iéns. Distance between the optical centre and principal focus of a lens. Linear magnification Focal length __ Ratio of image height to object height, mehey how h a . ‘linear magrifieation (no units) hy theight of object (rm) 1 height of image (m) distance between lens and image (m) distance between lens and object (n) *Lehs formula F focal length (rn) object distance (mm) Ws: image distance (rn) Ultrasound _ le range (above 20 kHz) Echoes speed of sound = 330 ma™ 4 1 reflecting surface (m) distance between sound source and time taken for echo to return (3) _ | Law of electrostatics Like charges repel: Unlike charges attract Electrie field Region in which an electrical charge experiences Force Current Rate of fow of electrie char: T=Q Tieurrent (A) + Q: charge (c) $time (8) Current in series [f:heh-hs Current in parallel Teh+heh+ Electromotive force (EMF) Work done by a source in driving a unit charg rand a complete crea a ° 1 Potential difference (pd) Work done to drive @ unit charge through a circuit component EorVeW Eor V: electrometive force or potential Q difference (V) W: work done (Z) Qi charge (6) Palin series Vive we Pa in parallel VEWeV= We 4 ‘Ohm's Law The current through a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference {~~ between ts ends, provided that temperature and ether physical conditions are constant | Resistonce Ratio of potential difference across a component to current through it — - Rev Riresistance (2) + r potential difference (V) - Ticurrent (A) Real Riresistance (A) resistivity (Atm) length of conductor (m) ‘cross-sectional area of conductor (m*) radius (mm): _d: diameter (rm) Resistance in series resistance (0) Resistance in parallel Potential divider (Potentiometer) "| Two resistors Ri and Rin serves with voltage. source Vr Vi Potential difference across resistor Ri Ve Potential difference across resistor Re_ resistance (A) Electrical energy or Work done + E or W: energy (J) V: potential difference (V) Q charge (C) Ts eurrent (A) Riresistance ((2) time (2) Piast Frmuoe 4 Oefirone. page Sof 4 Rate ot which energy is comerted from eiecircal info other forms PrVrsTR=v power (W) R potential difference (V) current (A) resistance (2) Electrical energy energy (2) power (W) time (5) energy (kWh) power (kW) time (h) Gay Cost of electricity, power (KW) Total cost = Prx cost per unit zl ime (h) | Appliance rated 240 V 400 W_ Apple warn at 6 Vai Wendy ao en TOOT Live wire At high potential (£240 ¥) Carries current to or from mains supply; Current T = V/R ‘Switches and fuses in lve wire to disconnect appliance from high voltage so that appliance is not ve! ‘At earth 7 zero potential (OV); Completes the circuit; Earthed at power station Neutral wire Normally carries same current as the live wire Earth wire ‘At earth / zero potential (0 V); Earthed x Normally ne current Protects user from electric shack should the metal casing of an appliance become live’ by providing a path of low resistance to earth Fuse Protects circuit from overloading by melting and breaking the circuit when current exceeds fuse rating Gircuit breaker Protects circuit from overloading / Detects feultsin a cireult by breaking the circuit when ‘current exceeds rating or when there isa current leak Double insulation Electrical cable is insulated from internal metal parts which are also insulated from external ‘metals parts of an eppliance. Ensures outer casing of appliance is not ‘lve’ even if internal insulation is damaged. Henee no earth wire required Law of magnetism Like poles repel: Unlike poles attract, [ Magnetic field “The region where @ magnetic substance experiences a force Electromagnet ‘Magnet produced by a current in a solenoid witha soft iron core ‘Split ring commutator Reverses direction of current flow in the coil every half rotation go that the coils able Yo rotate continuously in one direction Electromagnetic induction Production of an induced emf or induced valtage in a conductor due to changing magnetic Flux linkage. Provides electrical connection so that the altervating current induced in the rotating coil i= Slip ings transmitted to the external circuit Fo former ‘Steps up or steps down voltage , Turns ratio Ny irumber of Turns on The secondary cal N Nf snumber of turns on the primary coll . Ny V, potential difference across secondary ceil (WV) . + potential difference acress primary col __|w For ideal wransformer Vp potentiol difference across primary cal Power input = Power output 0 Volp = Vals Vs: potential difference across secondary il (V) Jp: current in primary coil Ts current in secondary coil Page sot 5058 (Physics) case \y’ Ghapter Di (Measurements) Base Si Description ys Unit kg | mass Kilogram m length Metre s time | Second ja | current | Ampere K | temperature Kelvin mol | amount of substance _| Molar Prefix | Description n(i0®) | Nano ud) | Micro mo) | Mill i fece) — Cent | Jaco) | Deci G0) | Kilo Mio) __| Mega | IEA ene eres [ Chapter 02: Kinematics 1 ‘Average speed Aversoe Speed, § (mis| Total distar Total distance | Fat itance my Total time | Total time [s] | Rverage velocity | Average velocity, v | _Total displacement] {mis] | Total time | Total displacement [m] | Total times} j | a: acceleration {mis}} | vou | ve final velocity [rvs] ar u: initial velocity [m/s] t time [s] | | F Resultant force IN] m:mass (kg) a: acceleration (mis"] Chapter 04 (Mass, Weight, Density) | WE weight [N] We m: mass {kg} V = mg | g gravitational field strength [N/kg | or ms‘) | | 22 | pt density [kg/m? or g/cm?) | Py mace ga al | | Vevolume [m* or cm*] Chapter 05 (Turning Effect of Forces) Mi moment [Nm | F:torce IN] | & perpendicular | distance [m | 2 Anticlockwise Principle of Moments for | amen cg body in equilirium =| oment oT pressure [Pej force [N] area [m'] P pressure [Pa] | A: height of quid column {mj 2: density of quid column F P F A Pehpg Kolm | ‘5 | hegravitational field strength | | INikg] OR | | acceleration due to gravity | mis" i | Chapter 07 (Energy, Work & Power) [4 ] Ex Kinetic eneray ul | Eg = bmw? | om: mass [kg] ' 2 v. speed [mis] Ep potential energy [i] im: mass [kg] mgh g- atevitational fila | strength INikg or mis} th: height Enjoe Total energy before | Total energy after | W. work done [J] | F:force [N] We-Fxd d. distance in the direction Ld ofthe force [m] [p.™ > power | | 7 | Wework done [J] i i AE: energy change (J) pa de | etme | 1 . eee Nen eee Mal ee) Chapter 8 (Kinetic Model of Matter) ] “Fora fixed mass of985., |p. proscue | PV | V: Volume | = constant | +'Temperature | When P is constant, VA TH or TY | | When V is constant, Pa T@ or PY TY | When T is constant, Pas VW or PHVA | Chapter 10 (Temperature) i ae i 9 = Xa Xo. 5.1 09°C | ! Xs ~ Xo i 6 unknown temperature | |x, property of material at unknown | temperature (may be length, | resistance, etc) | X, Xp, Property of material atice and | 10° _ steam point respectively | Chapter 11 (Thermal Properties of Matter) ]E Thermal Energy | m: mass of material | | E=mc@ | c: specific heat capacity ! | |_A@ : change in temperature E: Thermal Energy im: mass of material | I:latent heat of vaporization | | i: latent heat of fusion | T- period {s} 1 f frequency {Hz} p ¥ speed of wave [mvs] 5 f frequency [H2} | or(v-= |X: wavelength [m} T T: period [s] _ | Chapter 13 (Light) i 1 refractive index |. & © Speed of light in air or vacuum mel | ms] ' | v. speed of light in medium [m/s] pe 1 | Piteftactive index | ee | | a SRB, | rotate index | Sind, | 8+ angle in LESS dense medium] | | 82: angle in DENSER medium(*] | "Sing | cetitical angle P} | Chapter 15 (Sound) Echo | ve speed [mis} es | atstance im} or | Fame fe | noe Gee Me nee) | @ charge {C] Q-i | f current (A) | | t time fs} Ww E: electromotive force [V] i i | We work done {J} e 2 a charge (6 Chapter 17 (Gurrent of Electricity) T | R resistance [2] | V; potential difference [| current {A} R: resistance [92] p: resistivity (2m) F:tength ir , A: cross-sectional area m'] Chapter 18 (D.C. Circuits) _— en i | Vi potential difference (V] Chapter 16 (Static Electricity) | | Resistance - j | Series |Current Z | i | Voltage = tbe | | | Parallel | Potential Divider Chapter 19 (Practical Electricity) ap, Vi, energy (J) | E=IVt=PRt=—t | P: power (W] | R | R:fesistance [2} | | V: potential difference [V] | P=1V “bs current [A time fs) E=energy = {kWh} | E=Pxt wy | th Chapter 21 Electromagnetism) ‘Currentin wire | Current in Coil Current in wire | within magnetic fekd i Force Magnetic Field curent Chapter 22 (Electromagnetic Induction) | ‘Current in wire within | Transformer 1 | magnetic fed Magnetic | Bel V: voltage, I: Current N: number of tums in coil pis: primary/secondary Physics (5058) Glossary (1 of -[Unit: kmih or mis. chp} .Term So, Explanation 0 Chp|.. Term - | igs... Explanation [Physical quantities that _have| ; | [The process by which thermal + | Scalar |magnituse “only Eg. mass] | & | Conduction Jeneray is transmited through 3) | ' | quantities temperature time, speed ancl | megium from one aarticle to anatner i distance [ The process by which thermal Physical quantities that _have| «© | convection eMe*9Y is transmitted from one place 4 | Vector magnitude “and direction, E.g, . lto another by the movement off quantities displacement, weight, acceleration} lheated particles of a gas or liquid jand force. ] The transfer of energy — by [The distance moved by an object lelectromagnetic waves. The rate of 2 | speea [Perunittime. E.g. ine speed of wave lenergy transfer oy radiation] lis the distance moved by the wave in| @ | Radiation [increases with surface temperature| lone second | Hon Jand is dependent on color (eg | 1 he rate of change of displacement | flack or white} and texture {emeoth] lcan be found trom gradient of Jor fough) of the surface and the| 2 Velocity |distance-time graph, velocity feurface area. Jdisplacement / time taken 70] lcs Pom [Temperature of pure meting ice at [standard atmospheric pressure ‘Acceleration [The rate of change of velocity [Velocity increasing at @ constant Uniform rate, 2 | acceleration fin a velocity-time graph, the gradient] ld be constant a | mass A measure of the amount of lsubstance in an object Reluctance of the mass of an object! to change either its state of rest or| Imotion. (Consistent with Newton's 4 | inertia |1* Law. a body continues in its state lof rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled by a force to ldo otherwise) 10 | Steam Peint | Temperature at which bolling water Ichanges into steam at standard| lstmospheric pressure : [Combination of total kinetic energy] |(due tc motion) and potential eneray| kddue to intermolecular foces) of the| |molecules of a body [The energy needed to melt or] Ichange a substance from solid to] liquid without a change inj temperature [The amount of thermal energy] Jequired to raise the temperature of la body by 1 Kort °C [Gravitational A fegon in. which a_mass| 4 eid experiences a force due to lgravitational attraction Gravitational 4 Thield strengin {C'@vitational force per unit mass 5 | Centre of [The point at which the entire weight gravity (c.g,) fof an object appears to act. ‘Moment of [Force x perpendicular distance from 5 | aforce tne line of action of the force to the| i (torque) _|pivot ty | Interna energy yy | Latent heat . of fusion Heat 1 | capacity Latent heat “| vaporzation Ihe energy needed to change al Jsubstance from liquid to gas without} la change in temperature. E.g. the| latent heat of vaporization of water is ithe heat gained without any rise in| temperature when water changes tol [steam at the boiling point. Specific heat capacily [The amount of thermal energy! required to raise the temperature off lunit mass of a material by 1 K or Fc IWnhen an object is in equilibrium, the Principle of |sum of anticlockwise moments abour| moments any point = the sum of clockwise| moments about the same point [The amount of energy required to] ichange unit mass of @ substance| irom solid to liquid without a change| in temperature 6 | Pressure [Force per unit area Principle of [States that energy cannot _be| conservation created or destroyed but only’ ‘of energy _|changes from one form to another [Force x distance moved in the| |direction of the force 7 [Power — |Work done per unit time [States that all matler is made of a 7 | Work done Kinetic a | theory of [@™9* number of tiny atoms. of ‘matter [Molecules which are in continuous Imotion Specific 11 flatent heat of [The amount of energy required to Ichange unit mass of 2 substance| Itfom liquid to gas without 2 change| vaporization ji temperature: ogo [The maximum dlplacement of 9 ied core Ipoint on a wave from rest position "mauonay off THe numberof crests or roughs a 12 |Freauencr ot passes a pont per second. The unt lof frequency is the hertz (Hz) Fine time taken to generate one 12 | Period [eompete wave. The unt of period i [second (s) ‘Analg Chinese Schnal (Rarker Road) Physics {5058} Giossary (Z of 2} Term. Explanation 9. Chp|: Term. fuss: Explanation — ; f asi Fo eee" lparaliel to the direction of vibrations: | charges _|charges attract | Waves which travel in a direction| current ee ete ocr | waves errs) jaround a complete circuit Unit V_} wave (oa) fhrough the component Unit: Vv 12 | Wavelength [entical points on 2 wave, eg 17 | Resistance |across a conductor to the current| |a wave to the following crest — ie il ape lconductor is directly proportional to| 413 | Converging [of light passing through it to focus at L ie potential difference across the| lens la point. It is thicker in the middle| Onm's Law lenge of the conductor provided that} Ithan at the edges line physical condition and 13 ores "9 light to diverge. it is thicker at the| f [ro cause charges to flow when the| Jedges than at the centre. / lpotential of the live wire varies| 43 | Refractive |Ratio of speed of light in vacuum] lbetween +240 V and . Index. [and in the medium [-240 V. 1S Jortical angle lie angle of refraction in the jess, | icasing, the earth wire draws a large| JOccurs when BOTH conditions met:- i lbreathe circuit, and isolate the| critical angle IMateriais which is harder to} | liens o | meni [Magnetic material. An example | Hthe incident ray, retracted ray and steel and these are used in making} Laws of | no'mal all lie in the same piane at! lpermanent magnets 13 | ehiection |. the Point of incidence Materials which is easier to] | [i the incident ray, refracted ray and materials fraveria a Maree jeReo and | normal al ie in the same plane a jese are used in making temporary 43 | Lawsof | the point of incidence. Imagnets refraction 2. The ratio sin i / sin r is constat Faraday's States that the magnitude of thel | where i = angle of incidence and 1| aia ail linduced e.m-f. is proportional to the| [an Image formed by a lens that can| clectiomagn linked with the circuit r the rate all 13 | Real image ge y ” / ea |which the magnetic flux are cut. lbe captured on a screen ag 13 |Virtual image a screen. No light rays pass through| 22 | Lena'slew firnduced ert. is in a direction that Im |_| steweves | fASOUNC oper hearing limit of 20 kHz 16 | Electric field iA re age ‘Anglo Chinese School (Barker Road)

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