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Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks news item lisan atau tulis dari
koran/radio/tv sesuai dengan konteks
News item is a text which informs readers about
events of the day. The events are considered
newsworthy or important. It means if there is an
important event that should be known by many

Social Function: To inform the readers, listeners, or

viewers about events of the day that are considered
newsworthy or important.
North Sumatra TikToker arrested for blasphemy against Christianity

City Police have arrested a TikTok user in Deli Serdang regency, North Sumatra, for
alleged blasphemy against the Christian faith by posting videos making fun of the
religion in videos that went viral on the short video social media platform.

“We arrested the TikTok user Fikri as he is suspected to have committed blasphemy
against Christianity,” Medan City Police criminal investigation department head Comr.
Teuku Fathir Mustafa said on Monday.

The suspect, identified as Fikri Murtadha, 28, has been detained at the Medan City
Police headquarters for investigation after being arrested at his home on Jl.
Pengabdian, Bandar Klippa village, Percut Sei Tuan district, Deli Serdang on Saturday.
Fathir said Fikri had offended the Christian faith by making jokes about the Christian
cross in one of his videos, saying that Christians must return a cross to the state
electricity firm PLN to be reused as an electricity pole once they had “repented.”

The video on Fikri’s TikTok account BangMorteza went viral.

In another one of his social media posts, Fikri said he would visit a church carrying a
Bluetooth speaker and play the opening soundtrack of the popular British animation
Shaun the Sheep.

According to the police, Fikri had apologized for his social media content saying that
they were jokes.

The police plan to charge Fikri for inciting hatred under the Electronic Information and
Transactions (ITE) Law and the Criminal Code, which carry a sentence of up to six years
in prison.

It elaborates on what It contains

It tells the main happened or explains detailed comments which
event which is information on what caused can be from the
considered the incident. It can include participant,
newsworthy in the background, participants, witness, official
summary form. time, and place. Usually authorities, or
answer 5W 1H expert in the event

Saying verbs such as; Said, According to,

Action verbs such as; Kill, Hit, Attack
Passive sentences such as; three people have
been killed in this accident.
Past Tense such as; the crash showed…
Adverbs such as; heavily, quickly, badly

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