Bridge Checklist

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(To be filled in at first occurrence of restricted visibility. Thereafter noted in logbook.)

1. Has the following equipment been brought in to operation?

a. Radar, ARPA or other plotting facilities
b. Manual steering
c. VHF
d. Fog signaling apparatus
e. Echosounder, if in sounding depths
f. Watertight doors as appropriate
2. Have lookout(s) been posted?
3. Have the Master and Engine room been informed?
4. Are the COLREGS being complied with, particularly with regard to proceeding at a safe speed?
5. Has planning allowed for the provision of additional bridge team personnel, if required?
6. Is the ship ready to reduce speed, stop or turn away from danger?
7. If the ship’s position is in doubt, have the following been considered:
a. Reversing course to seaward
b. Stopping and taking all way off the ship till position is ascertained
c. Appropriate manning levels as per bridge procedure established
d. Possibility of anchoring (when in depth) been considered.

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master
When a vessel is in enclosed water with restricted visibility and is required to depart from berth or move
from an anchorage, the possibility of remaining at anchor is to be considered based on a risk assessment
taking into the account the proximity of navigation hazards and the extent of visibility. This means the
vessel stops or remains at anchor/alongside (as applicable) should the visibility be such that vessel is
unable to stop (& take all way off) in a distance equal to half the visibility distance.


(This check to be carried out prior keeping in dependent bridge watch)

1. Has the operation of the following equipment been carefully studied and fully understood?

a. Alarms including general and fire alarm signaling arrangement ____

b. Bridge lighting, including controls for deck and over side illumination ____
c. Communication facilities-internal, external and portable ____
d. Echo Sounder ____
e. Electronic navigational position fixing aids, e.g. GPS ____
f. Emergency arrangements in the event of main power failure ____
g. Hazard monitoring equipment ____
h. Gyrocompass, Autopilot, Compass repeaters & off course alarm ____
i. Magnetic compass ____
j. Navigation lights, including Backup lights, not under Command and other signal
lights and shapes
k. Radars, ARPA and associated plotting aids, ECDIS, Chart Plotter ____
l. Speed/distance recorder ____
m. Steering gear, including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover
n. Telegraph, including control of main engines/ CPP controls if applicable ____
o. Fire alarm panel ____
p. Cargo monitoring systems ____
q. Sound signaling apparatus i.e. Whistles, fog bell and gong ____
r. AIS ____
s. SSAS ____
t. Searchlights, Signaling lamp and Morse light ____
u. VDR or S-VDR equipment ____
v. Thruster controls (as applicable) ____
w. BNWAS ____

2. Are you aware of the location and operation of ancillary bridge equipment (e.g. binoculars, signaling
flags, meteorological equipment?
3. Are you familiar with the stowage of charts and hydrographic publications?
4. Are you familiar with the location and the use of Safety equipment, including:
a. LSA equipment including pyrotechnics, EPIRB & SART
b. Bridge fire detection panel
c. Emergency pump control and ventilation controls (emergency stops)
5. Are you familiar with the use of GMDSS equipment, Including VHF, DSC and radio telex (as

____________________ ____________________
Joining Officer Verified by Master


(TO BE CARRIED OUT AT NOON DAILY WHEN AT SEA. An entry to this effect is to be recorded in the Deck

Has the following equipment been tested/checked?

a. Bridge telephones

b. GMDSS Dailytest

c. Clocks and chronometer

d. General emergency alarm signal

e. Ship’s whistle (but not in poor visibility or when other vessels are nearby)

f. Steering gear change over procedure

(auto-pilot to hand mode and change of steering motors/telemotors as applicable)

g. All indicator panels

(check for fused pilot bulbs and proper functioning)

h. Inmarsat C Terminal Logged onto the ocean region

i. Confirm “NO” Alarms on relevant equipments (AIS, SVDR, etc.)

j. Navtex setting checked and Naxtex set for the current areas

k. Navigation lights checked

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master


(To be covered out prior departure from port)

1. Has a passage plan for the intended voyage been prepared taking into consideration the factors
listed in Checklist 7 has the Bridge team met and discussed the plan?
2. Are charts for the intended voyage and other nautical publications corrected up to date and
courses laid off? Navtex, Navigational warnings checked? T&P Notices checked?
Minimum UKC areas identified and marked on charts.
3. Has the following equipment been checked and found ready for use?

a. Anchors, including clearing away

b. Ancillary Bridge equipment (e.g. binoculars, azimuth mirrors, etc.)

c. Bridge movement books

d. Course and Engine movement recorder

e. Deck power

f. Speed/distance recorder

g. Echosounder

h. Electronic navigational position fixing aids

i. Gyrocompass and repeaters

j. Pilot embarkation/disembarkation arrangements

k. Radar and associated plotting aids

l. AIS (enter voyage detail, power setting, etc.)

m. Visual checks of EPRIRB, SSAS

4. Has the following equipment been tested and found ready for use?

a. Bridge and E/R telegraphs, including RPM indicators.

b. Communications facilities-internal, external and portable.

c. Navigation lights/shapes, including emergency navigation lights and lights/shapes for “N.U.C.”
and at anchor.

d. Ship’s whistle.

e. Signaling lamps. All required flags onboard.

f. Steering gear, including manual, autopilot and emergency change over arrangements and

rudder indicators.

g. Window wipers/ clearview screens.

5. Have Main Engines been tried out for ahead and astern movement? CPP controls if applicable

(Master must clearly specify when M/E is to tried out … viz.: after pilot on board, loading arms

Disconnected, ramps, derricks, cranes housed, tugs fast, etc.)

6. Have the ship’s clocks been synchronized?

7. Are all crew on board and ready for departure stations?

8. Have all watertight openings been secured? (Sidedoors, ramps)

9. Are the latest weather reports and routeing advice (if applicable) on board?

10. Are necessary personnel sufficiently rested?

11. Prior Departure-Has the E-NOD been submitted to NVMC without ____

12. Have the Predeparture checks on GMDSS equipment carried out in the GMDSS log

13. If applicable, has the bow thrusters been tried out and is it ready for maneuver?

14. Is the BNWAS switched on?

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Maste


1. Have the following been advised of the ETA/ETD?

1. Have the following been advised of the ETA/ETD?

a. The Master
b. The Engine Room
c. The Pilot Station

2. Has it been agreed which side the pilot will embark/disembark? ____

3. Has the mode of transfer and the boarding time and position been verified from
the pilot station?

4. Has the Engine Room been advised of the time of stand-by? ____

5. Has the Pilotcard been completed? ____

6. Have the pilot embarkation/disembarkation arrangements been checked and

found ready for use?

7. Has a deck officer been monitored to meet the Pilot and conduct him to/from the

(N.B. Where embarkation/disembarkation involves the use of a helicopter, the guidance in the ICS Guide
to Helicopter/Ship Operations on marine pilot transfer, communications and ship operating procedures
to be followed.)

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master


1. Has a completed pilot card been handed to the Pilot? (make entry in logbook) ____

2. Has the Pilot been informed of the location of life saving appliances provided for
his use?

3. Have details of the proposed passage plan been discussed with the pilot and
agreed with the Master, including: ____

a. Radiocommunications and reporting requirements ____

b. Bridge watch and crew stand-by arrangements ____
c. Deployment and use of tugs ____
d. Berthing/anchoring arrangements ____
e. Expected traffic during transit ____
f. Pilot change-over arrangements, if any ____
g. Fender requirements ____
h. UKC for Transit ____

4. Has the Pilot been referred to the Wheelhouse poster? (Maneuvering & Steering

5. Have the responsibilities within the bridge team for the pilotage been defined and
are they clearly understood?

6. Has the language to be used on the bridge between the ship, pilot and the Shore
been agreed?

7. The progress of the ship and the execution of order must be monitored by the
Master and Officer of the watch at all times.

8. The Progress of the ship during the pilotage should be communicated to the engine
room and the ship’s crew

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Duty Officer Pilot Verified by Master


1. Have the following factors been taken into account?


a. Advice/recommendation in sailing directions ____

b. Ship’s draught ____
c. Effect of “squat” on under keel clearance on shallow water ____
d. Tides and currents ____
e. Weather, particularly in areas renowned for poor visibility ____
f. Available navigational aids and their accuracy ____
g. Position-fixing methods to be used ____
h. Daylight/night-time passing of danger points ____
i. Traffic likely to be encountered-flow, type, volume ____
j. Any requirements for traffic separation/routing schemes and avoidance areas
with heavy traffic density (if possible)

2. Are Navarea warning broadcasts being monitored? ____

3. Have area reporting system (e.g. AMVER, MASTREP, JASREP, etc.) ____

4. Is the ship’s position being fixed at regular intervals and at least twice each watch? ____

5. Are the errors of gyro/magnetic compasses being checked once a watch? ____

6. Ship’s position & data are correctly displayed on the AIS? ____

7. Is checklist No. 2 (At Sea-Daily tests and checks at Noon) being complied with? ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Mas


1. Has the Engine Room been informed about vessel’s plan of passage through these ____
2. Have the following factors been taken into consideration in preparing the passage
a. Advice/recommendation in sailing directions ____
b. Ship’s draught in relation to available water depths ____
c. Effect of “squat” on under keel clearance on shallow water ____
d. Tides and currents ____
e. Weather, particularly in areas renowned for poor visibility: FOG/RAIN ____
f. Available navigational aids and their accuracy ____
g. Position-fixing methods to be used ____
h. Daylight/night-time passing of danger points ____
i. Traffic likely to be encountered-flow, type, volume ____
j. Any requirements for traffic separation/routing schemes ____
k. Geographic-area specific traffic situations, e.g. presence of large fishing fleets
in coastal and deep-sea fishing grounds, and plans to avoid passing within ____
close proximity.
l. Ship security considerations regarding piracy or armed attacks ____
3. Are local/coastal warning broadcasts being monitored? ____
4. Is bridge manning level and engine room manning level requirements, in current
5. Are local regulation regarding reporting systems, including VTS being complied
6. Have courses been laid off well clear of obstructions? ____
7. Is the ship’s position being fixed at regular intervals? ____
8. Are the errors of gyro/magnetic compasses being checked regularly? ____
9. Have all light and sound signaling apparatus been tested and kept ready? ____
10. Are N.U.C. lights and shapes readily available? ____
11. Are relevant VHF channels being monitored? ____
12. If constrained by draft, has information been passed to other vessels and local
13. Are both steering motors in use? (Or second unit ready for immediate use) ____
14. Marpol V regulations-has ship staff been informed? (E/R+Galley+Deck) ____
15. Required Manning levels as per Bridge procedure complied with. ____
16. Has the Master evaluated the situation personally, and continues to do so at
regular intervals? (Master to remain fully informed about situation, even if not ____
physically taking form OOW.)
17. Has Master ensured that Safety of Navigation has priority overall other functions
(e.g. commercial matters) that may prove distracting to bridge team?
18. Is the OOW prepared to use the engines and call a look-out or a helmsman to the
19. When vessel is transiting enclosed waters, is the forecastle manned with sufficient
personnel (1 or 2 persons) with walkie talkie?

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master


An entry to this effect is to recorded in the Deck Logbook

(N.B. Change over should be postponed when the ship is, or is about to be engaged in a collision
avoidance maneuver or a navigational alteration of course)

1. Has the Engine Room been informed about vessel’s plan of passage through these ____

a. Any night or supplementary orders issued by the master ____

b. Weather routeing advice ____
c. Navigational warning and weather reports ____

2. Are all members of the relieving watch capable of carrying out their duties? ____
3. Has the relieving officer of the watch capable of carrying out their duties? ____

a. Position, course, speed and draught of the ship ____

b. Course plotted on chart, minimum UKC on course ____
c. Prevailing/predicted tides, currents, weather and visibility and the effect of
these factors upon course and speed
d. Operational condition of all navigational and communication equipment ____
e. Gyro/magnetic compass errors ____
f. Movement of vessels in the vicinity and effect on own ship ____
g. Identification offshore lights, buoys, etc. ____
h. Conditions/hazards likely to been encountered on watch ____
i. Possible effect of any heel, trim, “squat”, etc. on Under keel Clearance ____
j. Status of Navigational Lights & Equipment ____

4. Procedures for the use of main engine to maneuver when the main engines are on
Bridge control, and the status of the watchkeeping arrangements on the engine room
5. Ship security status ____
6. Any special deck work in progress ____
7. Is the vision of the relieving officer adjusted to the prevailing conditions? ____
8. Fire Alarm Panel: Have any loops been temporarily disconnected? If so, reason why ____
9. For Tankers, radar performance test done and result logged (actual distance of
10. Is the BNWAS switched on? ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master


1. In preparing the passage plan for arrival in port, have the following factors been
taken into consideration?

a. Available port information ____

b. Advice/recommendations in sailing directions ____
c. Latest weather reports ____
d. Tides and currents for port/adjacent areas ____
e. Calculated/known minimum and maximum depths of water in port
approaches, channels and at berth
f. Any restrictions on draught, trim, speed, entry times, etc. ____
g. UKC calculated for all legs of the planned route ____
h. Location of safe areas to await Pilot (and their proximity to navigational

2. Has engine room been given adequate notice? ____

3. Are anchors cleared & ready for use? ____
4. Has the Emergency Contingency plan been prepared and discussed? ____
5. Is it necessary to rearrange cargo/ballast. Draughts been calculated and checked? ____
6. Are all relevant charts and nautical publications corrected up to date and course
laid off?
7. Have the latest navigational messages for the area been received? ____
8. Has ETA been sent with all relevant information required by local regulations (e.g.
details of dangers/hazardous goods carried)
9. Has the-NOA and e-NOA Updates (as applicable) been submitted to NVMC, QI &
10. Have all navigational equipment including steering gear been tested as per
USCFR33164.25 and results entered in the logbook?
11. Have Main Engines been tried out for ahead and astern movement? ____
12. Have the following equipment been checked? ____

a. Course and engine movement recorder ____

b. Synchronization of clocks ____
c. Internal communications equipment ____
d. Signaling equipment, including flags/lights ____
e. Deck lighting ____
f. Mooring winches ____
g. Mooring lines/wires/heaving lines ____
h. Pressure on firemain ____
i. Whistle ____
j. Cranes power on, and in readiness
k. ICCP (impressed current) OFF if so required ____

13. If appropriate, have the checks in Checklist 4 been carried out and a pilot card
14. Has manual steering been engaged insufficient time for the helms man to
become accustomed before maneuvering commences? Are both steering motors ____
15. Have the crew been advised of the time of stand-by for entering port and has
“End of Passage (EOP)” been rung well in time for vessel’s arrival, allowing gradual ____
slow down?
16. Is bridge manning level as per requirements, suitable for current situation? ____
17. Have VHF channels for the various services (e.g. VTS, pilot tugs, berthing
instructions) been noted and a radio check carried out?
18. Fire Alarm Panel: Have any loops been temporarily disconnected? If so, reason

a. Whether anchoring/berthing alongside ____

b. Which side to jetty ____
c. Whether ship accommodation ladder/gangway or shore gang way will be
d. Size/number of shore connections ____
e. Derricks required ____
f. Mooring boats/ lines ____
g. Loading rate ____

19. Have issues related to Port Security been addressed (gangway watch, stowaway
precautions, security searches, posting of contract details as per Vessel Security Plan, ____
20. If applicable, has the bow thrusters been tried out and is it ready for use? ____

____________________ ____________________

Duty Officer Verified by Master



(One check is to be filled in. Thereafter compliance to be noted in deck logbook every watch while at

1. Has an Anchoring plan been prepared taking into ____

a. Account? Speed reduction in ample time ____

b. Present direction/strength of wind current ____
c. Tidal stream when maneuvering at low speeds ____
d. Need for adequate sea room particularly to sea ward ____
e. Expected weather conditions and holding ground ____
f. Appropriate anchoring position is approved ad agreed by port authorities ____
g. Depth of water, type of seabed and scope of the anchor cable required ____

2. Have the Master, the Engine room and the anchor party been informed of the time
of “stand-by” for anchoring?
3. Is the following ready for use? ____
a. Anchor(s) and windlass ____
b. Lights/shapes, flags and Sound signaling apparatus ____
c. Communication equipment ____
4. Has the Main Engine been tried out for astern movement? ____
5. After anchoring: ____
a. Is the vessel holding ground? ____
b. Have the anchoring position and anchor bearings been logged? ____
c. Has an anchor watch been established? ____
d. Has the vessel’s swing circle been marked on the chart and found safe? ____
e. Have all the concerned parties been informed? (port control, agents, etc.) ____
12. While at Anchor, the OOW should: ____

a. Determine and plot the ships position on the appropriate chart at frequent
b. Ensure that status of main engines and other machinery is in accordance with
master’s instructions
c. Regularly check that vessel is safely at anchor by all available means ____
d. Maintain listening watch on designated VHF channels ____
e. Ensuring that a proper lookout is maintained ____
f. Ensuring that inspection rounds of the ship are made periodically ____
g. Ensuring that vessels control measures are maintained in respect of vessel
h. Observe meteorological and tidal condition and the state of sea ____
i. Notify the Master and E/R & undertake all safety measures if the ship drags
j. Notify the Master and the engine room if weather deteriorates
k. Notify the Master if visibility deteriorates ____
l. Ensure that the ship exhibits the appropriate lights and shapes

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master

(To be filled in at first occurrence of restricted visibility. Thereafter noted in logbook)

1. Has the following equipment been brought in to operation? ____

a. Radar, ARPA or other plotting facilities ____

b. Manual steering ____
c. VHF ____
d. Fog signaling apparatus ____
e. Navigation lights ____
f. Echosounder, if in sounding depths ____
g. Watertight doors, as appropriate ____

2. Have lookout(s) been posted? ____

3. Have the Master and Engine room been informed? ____
4. Are the COLREGS being complied with, particularly with regard to proceeding at a
safe speed?
5. Has planning allowed for the provision of additional bridge team personnel if
6. Is the ship ready to reduce speed, stop or turn away from danger?
5. After anchoring: ____
a. Reversing course to seaward ____
b. Stopping and taking all way off the ship till position is ascertained ____
c. Appropriate manning levels as per bridge procedure established ____
d. Possibility of anchoring (when in depth) been considered ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master

When vessel is in enclosed water with restricted visibility and is required to depart form berth or move
from an anchorage, the possibility of remaining at anchor is to be considered based on a risk assessment
taking into the account the proximity of navigation hazards and the extent of visibility. This means the
vessel stops or remains at anchor/alongside (as applicable) should the visibility be such that vessel is
unable to stop (& take all way off) in a distance equal to half the visibility distance.
(To be filled in on every occasion of heavy weather)

1. Have the following been informed? ____

a. The Master ____

b. The Engine Room ____
c. The Crew ____
2. Have all moveable objects been secured at the following locations? ____
a. On deck (additional securing for anchors, gangways, etc.) ____
b. Below deck (E/R, galley, pantries, cabins) ____

3. Have all precautions been taken to make chain lockers and forepeak stores
4. Have speed and course been adjusted as necessary? ____
5. Has the crew been warned to avoid upper deck areas made dangerous by the
6. Have safety lines/ hand ropes been rigged where necessary?
7. Have instructions been issued on the following matters? ____
a. Monitoring weather report (to log down hourly) ____
b. Transmitting weather reports, and in the case of tropical storms, danger
messages in accordance with SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 5
8. Is Vessel complying with Class Heavy Weather Requirements (if applicable)? ____
9. Has the vessel’s watertight integrity been checked? (watertight doors, ports,
deadlights, etc.)

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master
1. Is the following berthing information available and discussed with the pilot before
approaching the berth?

a. Which side to jetty ____

b. Mooring plan ____
c. Berthing and approach speeds ____
d. Off shore anchor ready for use and forecastle staff aware of amount to be
paid to hold vessel
e. The position of tugs & lines to be used (ship or tugs) ____
f. Tug deployment procedures ____
g. Berthing maneuver and role of tugs ____
h. Total power (bollard pull) of the tug and its effect on the maneuvers ____
i. Any critical areas or location of the hull where tug force should be avoided ____
j. Whether ship accommodation ladder/gangway will be used ____
k. Cranes required ____
l. Mooring boats/ and no of lines they can take at one time ____
m. Flags/Signals/Lights to be displayed ____
2. Have the following equipment been checked? ____
a. Deck lighting working ____
b. Mooring winches working Satisfactory ____
c. Mooring lines/wires/heaving lines in readiness ____
d. Cranes power on, and in readiness ____
e. Deck air for Equipment & Ships whistle on ____
f. Over side projections taken in, if applicable ____

3. Have the following points been considered before approaching the berth? ____
a. Wind and the effect of windage ____
b. Current direction and strength – its effect when UKC is small ____
c. Adequate tugs considering the winds and current condition ____
d. Wave and swell height and its effect on maneuvering ____
e. The depth available at the jetty and the range of tide ____
f. Any other Vessel’s movement nearby ____
4. Has the above information been passed on the officers? ____
5. Are there adequate crew members available for mooring stations? ____
6. Toolbox meeting carried out at individual stations and non-deck crew briefed on
the limits of there are of operation
7. Both office at telegraph and engine room staff aware of “Double ring full astern”
procedure (Emergency Full Astern, i.e. maximum RPM given quickly)

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master


Have the following actions been carried out? ____

a. Master informed ____

b. Rudder and bow thruster used to best navigational advantage ____
c. Preparations for anchoring if in shallow water ____
d. “Not Under Command” shapes or lights exhibited ____
e. Warnings broadcast ____
f. If in close proximity to land or danger, vessel steered to seaward ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master
Have the following actions been carried out? ____

a. Engine Room informed and alternative/emergency steering engaged ____

b. Master informed ____
c. “Not Under Command” shapes or lights exhibited ____
d. Appropriate sound signal mode ____
e. If necessary, way taken off ship ____
f. Warnings broadcast ____
g. ME on maneuvering speed ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master
Have the following actions been carried out? ____

a. Steering changed to hand ____

b. Magnetic compass or any other alternative means used as heading ____
c. Radar switched to head up presentation ____
d. Master informed ____
e. Person responsible for gyro maintenance informed ____
f. Engine Room informed ____
g. Effect of failure on other navigational aids considered ____
h. Effect of failure on SATCOM considered ____

____________________ ____________________
Duty Officer Verified by Master

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