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The chart shows the overall flow and pages/screens in the application - Library Management System
Maintenance module is mandatory to be developed to create the reports and transactions modules
Basic formatting on screen is acceptable
Chart link is on all pages to help navigate the user to the chart. It is not required in the working application.
Radio buttons - only one can be selected
Checkbox - checked implies yes and unchecked implies no.
passwords need to be hidden when typed on the login pages in the working application.
Admin can access maintenance, reports and transactions.
User cannot access maintenance. However user has access to reports and transactions.
Validations on forms
Book Available
One of the text box or drop down to be filled in before submitting the form.
If none selected - user must get a message on the same page to make a valid selection
Search Results
Against the available books, in the row, the last column will have a radio button that is selectable.
Book Issue
Name of book required
Name of author will get automatically populated and is non editable.
Issue Date - cannot be lesser than today.
Return Date - automatically populated with a date 15 days ahead. It can be edited to a date earlier than that. But not greate
Remarks is non-mandatory.
If the form is submitted without these details, an error is displayed on the page , to make a valid selection of the feature.
Return Book
Name of Book - required
Author name - automically populated and non editable.
Serial No of the book is a mandatory field
Issue Date - is automatically populated - and non editable
Return Date - is automatically populated to the date selected while issuing the book. It can be edited to a date earlier or late
If the form is submitted without these details, an error is displayed on the page, to make a valid selection of the feature.
With the confirm option used the user is taken to the Pay Fine page, irrespective of whether fine is there or not.
Fine Pay
All the fields are populated except - Fine Paid and Remarks
If there is no calculated fine, then the user can press confirm and the transaction will be successfully completed.
For a pending fine, the paid fine check box needs to be selected before the user can complete the return book transaction.
If the form is submitted without these details, an error is displayed on the page, to make a valid selection of the feature. An
Add Membership
All fields mandatory and the user needs to select one option - 6 months or 1 year or 2 years . By default - 6 months is selecte
Update Membership
Membership Number is mandatory, based on which the rest of the fields are populated. User can extend their membership
By default - six months extension of membership selected.
Add Book
One of the options movie or book to be selected. By default - book.
All fields mandatory.
An error message to be thrown on the page if user does not enter all details and confirms the form.
Update Book
One of the options movie or book to be selected. By default - book.
All fields mandatory.
An error message to be thrown on the page if user does not enter all details and confirms the form.
User Management
One of the options new user or existing to be selected. By default - new.
Name is mandatory
Incase of any assumptions please highlight
If not clear - please clarify

Login Screen
into the Library

Categorory of

Maintanence Menu Reports Menu Tran

( Admin access only) (user and (user and
admin access)

Active Issues
Add/Update Check bo
Add/Update Books
Users Management

Master list of

Master list of

Master list of
Add Book/Movie


Pending issues
Add User
Pending issues
Add User

Update User
2 types of login
User - user login and user homepage
Admin - admin login and admin homepage

The chart shows login and homepage links for the admin user.
The normal user can login to the application, with access to the Reports and Transactions

(user and admin access)

Check book availability. Issue a book Return a book.

Fine Payment
Chart Back

Library Management System

User ID adm

Password adm

Cancel Login Login

Chart Back

Library Management System

User ID user

Password user

Cancel Login Login

Chart Admin Home Page Back
Maintenance Reports Transactions
Product Details
Code No From Code No To Category
SC(B/M)000001 SC(B/M)000004Science
EC(B/M)000001 EC(B/M)000004Economics
FC(B/M)000001 FC(B/M)000004 Fiction
CH(B/M)000001 CH(B/M)000004Children
PD(B/M)000001 PD(B/M)000004Personal Development

Log Out
Chart Home Page Back
Reports Transactions
Product Details
Code No From Code No To Category
SC(B/M)000001 SC(B/M)000004Science
EC(B/M)000001 EC(B/M)000004Economics
FC(B/M)000001 FC(B/M)000004 Fiction
CH(B/M)000001 CH(B/M)000004Children
PD(B/M)000001 PD(B/M)000004Personal Development

Log Out
Chart Transactions Home
Is book available?
Issue book?
Return book?
Pay Fine? Log Out
Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Transactions Home
Is book available? Book Availability
Issue book? Enter Book Name Drop Down Note: If logged in as Admin
Return book? Enter Author Drop Down If logged in as user - home
Pay Fine?

Back Search
Log Out
te: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
ogged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Transactions
Is book available? Book Availability
Issue book? Book Name Author Name Serial Number
Return book? A Author Name Serial Number
Pay Fine? A Author Name
A Author Name
A Author Name

Search Cancel

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

Available Select to issue the book

Y radio button
Y radio button
Y radio button

Log Out

will take to Admin Home Page

e to User Home Page
Chart Transactions Home
Is book available? Book Issue
Issue book? Enter Book Name Drop Down
Return book? Enter Author Text box
Pay Fine? Issue Date Calendar
Return Date Calendar
Remarks Text area/Text Non Mandatory

Cancel Confirm
Log Out
Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Transactions Home
Is book available? Return Book
Issue book? Enter Book Name Drop Down
Return book? Enter Author Text Area
Pay Fine? Serial No Drop Down Mandatory
Issue Date Text Box
Return Date Calendar

Remarks Text Box/area Non Mandatory

Cancel Confirm
Log Out
Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Transactions Home
Is book available? Pay Fine
Issue book? Enter Book Name Text Box
Return book? Enter Author Text Box
Pay Fine? Serial No Text Box
Issue Date Calendar
Return Date Calendar
Actual Return Date Calendar
Fine Calculated Text Box by default zero
Fine Paid Checkbox by default unchecked
Remarks text area Non Mandatory

Cancel Confirm
Log Out
Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Home
Available Reports
Master List of Books Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Hom
Master List of Movies If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Master List of Memberships
Active Issues
Overdue returns
Pending Issue Requests Log Out
e will take to Admin Home Page
ke to User Home Page
Chart Reports
Master List of Books Master List of Bo
Master List of Movies Serial No Name of Book Author Name

Master List of Memberships

Active Issues

Overdue returns

Issue Requests


Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

Master List of Books
Category Status Cost Procurement

Log Out
Chart Reports
Master List of Books Master List of Mo
Serial No Name of Movie Author Name
Master List of Movies

Master List of Memberships

Active Issues

Overdue returns

Issue Requests


Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

Master List of Movies
Category Status Cost Procurement

Log Out
Master List of Books List of Active Memb
Membership Id Name of Contact Contact Aadhar
Master List of Movies Member Number Address Card No
Master List of Memberships
Active Issues
Overdue returns
Issue Requests

Back Confirm

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
List of Active Memberships
Start Date of End Date of Status Amount Pending(Fine)
Membership Membership (Active/Inactive)

Log Out
Chart Reports
Master List of Books Active Issues
Serial No Book/Movie Name of Membership Id
Master List of Movies Book/Movie

Master List of Memberships

Active Issues

Overdue returns

Issue Requests


Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

Active Issues
Date of Issue Date of return

Log Out
Chart Reports
Master List of Books Overdue Returns
Serial No Book Name of Book Membership Id
Master List of Movies

Master List of Memberships

Active Issues

Overdue returns

Issue Requests


verdue Returns
Date of Issue Date of return Fine

Log out
Chart Reports
Master List of Books Issue Requests
Membership Id Name of
Master List of Movies Book/Movie

Master List of Memberships

Active Issues

Overdue returns

Issue Requests


Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
ue Requests
Requested Date Request Fulfilled

Log out
Chart Home
Membership Add
Books/Movies Add
User Management Add
Log Out
Chart Home
Membership Add Add Membership
Update First Name Text Box
Books/Movies Add Last Name Text Box
Update Contact Name Text Box
User Management Add Contact Address Text Box
Update Adadhar Card No Text Box
Start Date Calendar
End Date Calendar
Membership Radio Button - six months
Radio Button - One Year
Radio Button -Two Years
Cancel Confirm
Log Out
Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page
If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

Only one radio button to be selected for membership - six months or one year or two years
All fields required
or two years
Membership Add Update Membership
Update Membership Number Text Box
Books/Movies Add Start Date Calendar
Update End Date Calendar
User Management Add Membership Extn: Radio Button - six months
Update Radio Button - One Year
Radio Button -Two Years
Membership Remove Radio Button

Cancel Confirm

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page

dio Button - six months

dio Button - One Year only one Radio button to be selected. Either movie or book.
dio Button -Two Years All fields required

Log Out
Membership Add Add Book/Movie
Update Radio Button - Book
Books/Movies Add Book/Movie Name
Update Date of Procurement
User Management Add Quantity/Copies

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Add Book/Movie
Radio Button - Movie All fields required to submit the form.
Text Box
Text Box( by default - 1)

Log Out

Home Page
Chart Home Home
Membership Add Update Book/Movie
Update Radio Button - Book Radio Button - Movie
Books/Movies Add Book/Movie Name Text Box/Drop Down
Update Serial No Text Box
UserManagement Add Status Drop Down
Update Date Calendar
Cancel Confirm
Log Out

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
All fields required to submit the form.
Membership Add User Management
Update New User - Radio Button
Books/Movies Add Name -
Update Status
User Management Add Admin

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
User Management
Existing User - Radio Button All fields required to submit the form.
Text Box unselection of the checkbox implies - inactive and not an admin.
Checkbox - Active
Checkbox - Admin

Log Out

Home Page
es - inactive and not an admin.
Chart Home

Transaction cancelled

Log Out

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Home

Transaction completeld successfully.

Log Out

Note: If logged in as Admin - home will take to Admin Home Page

If logged in as user - home will take to User Home Page
Chart Login

You have successfully logged out.

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